What open borders have done to France... - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The OP's video was taken just after the evacuation of refugees from Paris streets by French authorities and street sweepers should have cleaned it up already. France needs a new leadership and Hollande's liberal approach towards migrants clearly didn't work.


French police on Friday evacuated several thousand migrants from a makeshift camp in northeastern Paris, just over one week after thousands were moved from a larger camp in Calais.

Officers backed by riot police converged early Friday on the streets around the Stalingrad subway station, where migrants and refugees had been living rough.

A total of 82 buses were used to transport them to 80 different temporary shelters around the French capital.

A Paris official said the operation was completed shortly after midday and that 3,852 migrants had been moved out.

http://www.france24.com/en/20161104-liv ... p-refugees
Tewodros III wrote:As long as those "savages" have the right to settle in France.

:) They won't. Not under Fillon, and certainly not under Le Pen.
Tewodros III wrote:Then they have no right to tell us savages what to do in our own land, you're enslaving them. Decky was right, I knew your German genes would get you to expose yourself.

Enslaving? Which African or Middle Eastern country is France enslaving? Algeria has been independent since the 1960s.

France has done nothing wrong. Viva la France.
Tewodros III wrote:Then they have no right to tell us savages what to do in our own land, you're enslaving them. Decky was right, I knew your German genes would get you to expose yourself.

The black racist calling me a Nazi. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Personally i welcome the western European colonizers to north Africa and the mideast.
Better them coming to the slaughter house than the slaughter house going to them.

The Ottoman and Persian empires which kept the many demons of these regions leached, chained and hidden doesn't exist any more and they are growing very fast.
More blood is better for them. and European blood brings more wealth.
anasawad wrote:The Ottoman and Persian empires which kept the many demons of these regions leached, chained and hidden doesn't exist any more and they are growing very fast.
More blood is better for them. and European blood brings more wealth.

Which demons? You mean the British who helped the Ottoman Empire survive rather than let Russia just liberate the Balkans?

Or do you mean the poor Slavic peasants who were subject to brutal Ottoman rule? Thank God that Russia liberated them from the Ottoman yoke.

Its just a pity they didn't make it to Constantinople.
@Political Interest
The ones countries like the US tries to bargain and deal with, yet always fails and ends up being taken advantage by them.
The mideast is a center for many groups and far more complex in structure than most realize.
Political Interest wrote:Its just a pity they didn't make it to Constantinople.

They did make it, Constantinople was occupied in WW1. Greece had stationed around 200,000 troops outside the city which were not permitted to walk in by the allies. A few years earlier Russia had threatened to attack Bulgaria if it succeeded to occupy Constantinople.
@Political Interest

Too many groups.
Al-Saud and the Wahabis are sure one of them but mostly one of the lighter types.
(remove US protection and leave it to "nature" to balance it out, and you'll see the Sauds and the Wahabis crussified on the doors of Mecca in matter of months.)
Within Saudi Arabia for example you have Al-Saud, then you have the Wahabis, then you have the Hijazis, And the native Najdi tribes along with a dozen other players.
All grow but The Sauds grew stronger under US support. Bring an invading force and remove the Sauds from the top, and watch the blood bath when everyone else starts moving. With notice that it'll be headed against everyone with the given invading force taken the larger hit.

Bring an invading force to Iran and remove the current regime which is not ruling over everyone rather bargaining with everyone to balance the powers.
And you'll have the Azaris, the Hazzaris, Roujamis, Hashmiris, Balochis, different factions of kurds, the Persian jews, the Khorasanis, and half a dozen other groups all of which currently have their own sub-regimes and armies under the current government all going to make their own states considering that they already rule them selves and have the structure then thats a given. But in the same time you'll see how all of them will start going in rapid expansion phase where even neighboring countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern India, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, and even all the way to Syria Lebanon and Israel simuntaniosly drown in war and conflicts.

smaller examples ? sure, Invade and try to colonize Jordan. And good luck dealing with Bane Sakher, Bane Hassan, Abadi, Edwan, and Al-Ghazawi tribes whom the smallest one has atleast 1 million member. All of them has royalties in them as when a leader dies you'll see them called Prince on the papers.
All of them are armed and even have treasuries of their own. And the king of Jodan, who is literally called a king, has to consult with their leaders before doing anything because they can turn the country into a living hell on his head if he went against them.
BTW. ISIS is mainly composed of Bane Sakher tribe. And Al-Nusra front along with Al-Qaeda in Iraq is mainly composed of Bane Hassan tribe. Both of those groups being just a tiny fraction of the tribe with only few thousand members of these tribes forming these groups.
Noting that the rest of the tribe occassionally showed a level of brutality that would make ISIS looks like kids play.

In case of Jordan, each has different origins, culture, heritage, and goals. Only staying quite because the government of Jordan along with the government of Egypt and partly Saudi Arabia are appeassing them into silence. (far north Saudi Arabia) While they roam freely in Iraq and control their own areas.

In case of Saudi Arabia you don't hear any news because the players are much bigger which is one of the reasons why the UK before and now the US have military forces there to keep the balance of powers.

And in case of Iran because the government is balancing the power between all and giving them autonomus rule over them selves.

And those are just some examples.
If you watched Libya recently you'd know how many groups are there, and how much damage they can do even with the fact that the former Libyan government literally crushed them militarly and stripped them of everything during its reign and they still have this much capabilities.
What do you think is going to happen when you try to colonize or invade the places where there is a balance of power rather than suppression of different factions. All while all factions are actively growing stronger over time, and even better, in peace with no one annoying them.
anasawad wrote:Too many groups.
Al-Saud and the Wahabis are sure one of them but mostly one of the lighter types.
(remove US protection and leave it to "nature" to balance it out, and you'll see the Sauds and the Wahabis crussified on the doors of Mecca in matter of months.)
Within Saudi Arabia for example you have Al-Saud, then you have the Wahabis, then you have the Hijazis, And the native Najdi tribes along with a dozen other players.
All grow but The Sauds grew stronger under US support. Bring an invading force and remove the Sauds from the top, and watch the blood bath when everyone else starts moving. With notice that it'll be headed against everyone with the given invading force taken the larger hit.

Don't you think Iran would like to see the Saudi government removed?

anasawad wrote:Bring an invading force to Iran and remove the current regime which is not ruling over everyone rather bargaining with everyone to balance the powers.
And you'll have the Azaris, the Hazzaris, Roujamis, Hashmiris, Balochis, different factions of kurds, the Persian jews, the Khorasanis, and half a dozen other groups all of which currently have their own sub-regimes and armies under the current government all going to make their own states considering that they already rule them selves and have the structure then thats a given. But in the same time you'll see how all of them will start going in rapid expansion phase where even neighboring countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern India, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, and even all the way to Syria Lebanon and Israel simuntaniosly drown in war and conflicts.

Look, any Westerner who is talking about invading Iran does not understand. Most of them have absolutely no idea what the consequences of such a war would be. Invading Iran is simply not possible or desirable. Iran is not even a frightening power because it is not ruled by crazy people. Tehran has its interests but they do not have a desire or ability to conquer the world. Groups like IS are very dangerous and Iran is the only power in the Middle East that can get rid of them.

anasawad wrote:In case of Saudi Arabia you don't hear any news because the players are much bigger which is one of the reasons why the UK before and now the US have military forces there to keep the balance of powers.

But that is not the only reason the US and UK are there, surely?

anasawad wrote:And in case of Iran because the government is balancing the power between all and giving them autonomus rule over them selves.
If you watched Libya recently you'd know how many groups are there, and how much damage they can do even with the fact that the former Libyan government literally crushed them militarly and stripped them of everything during its reign and they still have this much capabilities.
What do you think is going to happen when you try to colonize or invade the places where there is a balance of power rather than suppression of different factions. All while all factions are actively growing stronger over time, and even better, in peace with no one annoying them.

Intervention in Libya was stupidity.

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