About the Free Learning Resources forum - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Found a great free learning resource? Share it here.
Forum rules: See here for guidelines on the use of the Free Learning Resources forum.
This forum is intended to assist users who are looking for free learning resources online.

If you are aware of resources available for free online such as e-books, lectures, podcasts, videos then please post them in this forum.


  • To aid with the searchability of this forum:
    1. Please create a new topic if your resources are unrelated to ones already posted. Don't let threads drift off-topic.
    2. Please provide an accurate detailed description of your resource. Don't just post a link. What topic(s) are covered by the resource?
  • Of course, you are also free to start threads requesting resources if you cannot find them.

  • Topics do not have to be restricted to humanities, but should have some academic credibility to maintain the usefulness of this forum as a resource in itself.

  • It should go without saying not to violate the forum rules, but as a reminder: Resources posted must be legal. Not torrent links to copyrighted books etc.

Assuming the poll is accurate, it's sad that it's[…]

Actually Negotiator, the reason why Trump is so p[…]

Musk can suck on a big black rubber dick. Serious[…]

Because when you go to the DMV to get an adult […]