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^Ultra collectivist who used revolution in a attempt to create a weird free sex proto socialist society in Sassanid Iran

Something i unfortunately came across through ANcient Aliens but that show cries ET in every situation, so i just occasionally watch it as a branching off point to do actual research into the areas discussed.

ps: Could it be....
it seems so at first glance doesn't it? I still think its bat shit. Anybody actually research it though? The research was conducted by prominent mathematicians and academics and sane people like Kasparov actually buy into it.
Travesty wrote:sane people like Kasparov actually buy into it.

Social_Critic wrote:kurgan culture is from southern Russia.

It's from what later became southern Russia. Saying that all Indo-Europeans are descended from Russians is like saying that all humans are descended from Afrikaans-speaking South Africans.
What?! the motherfucker's a chess grandmaster!

So? What's your point? I've got a PhD from Edinburgh University and I believe that Joseph Stalin was one of the greatest statesmen who ever lived. When are you converting to Stalinism then?
My point is that highly intelligent people often believe apparently crazy things, and have intelligent reasons for doing so. This is why it's very important not to try to talk them out of it; the chances are they'll end up talking you into it. Give me half an hour with the average person, and I could probably convince them that Joseph Stalin was the saviour of humanity. This fact doesn't prove that I'm right about Stalin (though I believe that I am); it merely shows that I'm smarter than the average bear.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you enough clairvoyance to find the rebels' hidden fortress... <Gack>
Returning to the OP, evidently today's Russians are not exactly the descendants of Kurganians . But I got Russian friends who say it was the land. It must be radioactive, it makes them smarter in some areas.

This makes Russians really weird people. When I lived there they spent their time chasing UFO s, talking about conspiracies and taking really cold baths. They were a bit tundra, I guess.

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