How has the image of America been affected since the 2016 election? - Politics | PoFo

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Hey guys I am currently working on a survey for my final project in my political science class. If you could, please help me out by answering these questions, that would be great.
1. What is your political affiliation?
2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after President-elect Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election?
3. In which ways do you think the image of America will change after inauguration day, on January 20th?
4. How do you think the rest of the world will react if Trump restores positive relations with Russia, since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?
5. Overall, has the image of America been affected positively or negatively?

Thanks so much. Emma
since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?

No thanks. Your questions reveal a bias to direct answers to your preconceived opinion. For example; why did you feel it necessary to add the above comment?
Well. 'm not an American so i can tell you how the outside image was effected.
You saw when Bill Maher said that America is a stupid country and then started mentioning the stats about it.
Yea, well, turns out he's right.

Specially liked it when he commented on the Iowan people and Trump saying how stupid are the people of Iowa then they voted for hem.
Thats how stupid they are.
1. What is your political affiliation?


2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after President-elect Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election?

Negatively, American image has been defined for more than a entire century by Wilson's 14 points, which was the point that the US started taking over the global reins. That image is now under a serious threat.

3. In which ways do you think the image of America will change after inauguration day, on January 20th?

US image still has a lot going for it due to the reach of its movies, music and pop culture but politically many countries are starting to look more independent, the EU is already working towards that effect.

4. How do you think the rest of the world will react if Trump restores positive relations with Russia, since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?

That is not exactly true, the Europeans have always taken a more cautious stance against Russia than the Americans and it is mainly because of US policy that Europeans have criticised Russia. In most of Europe it would be welcomed.

5. Overall, has the image of America been affected positively or negatively?

1. What is your political affiliation?


2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after President-elect Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election?

Negatively, in the short, but in a larger context as part of a general global movement to the right following Britain, Australia, and others.

3. In which ways do you think the image of America will change after inauguration day, on January 20th?

Initially negatively; I suspect the election in France, actually, will have a big impact as to if the US is seen as a weird outlier or part of a broader First World movement.

4. How do you think the rest of the world will react if Trump restores positive relations with Russia, since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?

I doubt anybody in central Africa or South America will give a fuck; I suspect it depends on who you ask in the Middle East; Europe will probably view it suspiciously (as US and Russian powerplays often are and should be) outside the Russian sphere of influence. In short, this is far too big a question to ask.

5. Overall, has the image of America been affected positively or negatively?

Mod Notes: This area is specifically dedicated for people to ask these questions and request forum input for their academic surveys and works.

Does this require we not point out flaws in their academic approach?
1. What is your political affiliation?


2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after President-elect Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election?

Seen as more pessimistic, impulsive, isolationist, motivated by dislike of others, and divided. Above all, gullible.

3. In which ways do you think the image of America will change after inauguration day, on January 20th?

No different from 2, since I can't tell the future.

4. How do you think the rest of the world will react if Trump restores positive relations with Russia, since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?

Europe, especially Eastern, is concerned Russia will gain influence over them, and arguments in NATO will leave them undefended. Rather than developing conventional military defence, they may try to hurt Russia using the internet. China will paint the USA and Russia as aggressive countries whose economies are failing (see, for instance, Xi's speech at Davos yesterday), and put itself forward as the serious, trustworthy superpower. Iran will try to get Putin to get Trump to be less aggressive against it. Iraq will align more closely with Iran. Rich people in Arab monarchies will sponsor more terrorism.

5. Overall, has the image of America been affected positively or negatively?

Oh all right, I will give an abbreviated version.

1. What is your political affiliation?

Mostly liberal with some hints of conservatism and libertarianism

2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after President-elect Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election?

Even more negative than we were already since we are viewed as the antagonists and instigators of the War in Iraq. The world has always seen the US as the ones who charge in like cowboys and trying to take what we can get. Now we look even more stupid and ever more wild and troublesome.

3. In which ways do you think the image of America will change after inauguration day, on January 20th?

America's image will look worse than it already does look to foreign countries.
EPA will be less considerate of the environment, the education system will be getting a facelift and not for the better, healthcare will be worse for so many Americans, and I sure hope they run out of time to do all the damages ermmm changes that they want to force through.

4. How do you think the rest of the world will react if Trump restores positive relations with Russia, since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?

I have no idea. I do not know what they can do when that happens. No one has been able to stop the US from doing what it wants.

5. Overall, has the image of America been affected positively or negatively?

Negatively, as my above answers state.
1. What is your political affiliation?

Tyrannosaurus Rex

2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after President-elect Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election?


3. In which ways do you think the image of America will change after inauguration day, on January 20th?


4. How do you think the rest of the world will react if Trump restores positive relations with Russia, since most of our allies are against Russia's involvement in the middle east?

Positively. The populations residing in those allies love Putin and Trump. Their governments will be Trumped too in upcoming elections, soon.

5. Overall, has the image of America been affected positively or negatively?

Positively, but at the same time the election has shown how fragile and polarized US establishment is internally. The media, intelligence, sitting reps are basically majority anti-trump, while the people adore their new dear leader. It has also shown how corrupt voting is in the country, with millions of illegals allowed to vote for the democrat candidate. But Trump will fix all this by deporting illegals, building the wall and neutering swathes of the media and political establishment. The evisceration of the media has already begun.
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