The Bicycle Diaries - Politics | PoFo

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By Abood

On our second round of bicycle-shopping last Friday (19 October), Qatz and I went to Canadian Tire, and I saw several cool bikes; but there was one bike that really stood out. It was my perfect size, had an awesome colour, and very good handling. It also had a decent price. I pulled it out and Qatz asked an employee to fill up the tires, but the guy said something like someone from the sports department needs to help you (I had no idea what they were saying, since they were parle-ing francais).

Of course, with the crap service Canadian Tire has, it took the guy ages to come. He got a pump and filled up the tire, and we were ready to go. Went to the cashier, paid, and the woman gave me change in Canadian Tire Dollars. I just looked at them like, "What the fuck?" and put them in my wallet.

We then went looking for locks for the bike, 'cause Canadian Tire didn't have any good ones. In the second shop we entered, we found the perfect locks. So I got them... Then we headed off for dinner, and Qatz took me to an awesome Lebanese restaurant called Basha. So we ordered: Qatz fish, me falafel (awesome falafel, by the way!) and sat down. We ate kinda quickly and then hurried to McGill for Amy Goodman's conference. Of course, the heavy rain did not help at all.

I locked my bike, and before Amy Goodman arrived, Qatz suggested that he'll take my bike home with him to get the lock-pad thingy set up on my bike so that I have a place to put the lock while I'm riding. I said okay and give him my spare key.

After the conference, we parted our ways.

On Saturday, after the Gulu Walk and lunch at a vegetarian restaurant with a bunch of friends, not knowing when Qatz starts his job, I decided to call Qatz and see if I can pick up my bike. No answer. I called several times, no answer. Then I decided to go to the St. Laurent metro station (which is near Qatz's home) and call when I get there. I called several times, but always no answer. In the end, I decided to leave a voice message and head back home.

A couple of hours later, Qatz calls and tells me he was at work. He also asks me if I can pick up my bike, and we can go for a ride. Sure.

So I take the bus, then the metro, and arrive at Qatz's station. I give him a call, and he says he'll be there in two minutes. I wait two minutes inside the station, then decide to walk out. While walking along the station, I hear someone shouting, "Abood!" So I look, and it's Qatz. We walk to his home (which is really cool, by the way!), he gives me a tour, then we decide to head out.

We rode about 9 km, from his place to mine. The feeling was very different than when riding in a car. I was able to feel the city alive, and wasn't stuck in my world. We were also able to communicate with people, and a bunch of girls asked us for directions. It was a great feeling.

When we got to my residence, I locked away my bike, we said bye to each other, and I headed up.

On Monday, I decided to try riding my bike to my class downtown. About 7 km, with a bike path going most of the way. The weather was awesome, and so was the scenery. I arrived at the downtown campus, looked for a place to lock my bike, locked it away, and find out that I'm 20 minutes early to class. Awesome. So I go to Java U, get a vegan cookie and a Snapple, and head to class.

After class, I take the same trip back home, but it felt shorter.

Today, I am riding my bike to the downtown campus again. The weather seems nice and sunny with a little breeze, so it should be a good ride.
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By Noelnada
I oppose bycicling .

Production of bycicle cause global warming and fight for ressources between world powers.

If God gave you two legs that's not for bycicling ffs!
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By Oxymoron
The SUV diares: today I saw this ass on a bike riding around town slowing down traffick so I kind of nudged him into a parked car, hope the car didnt suffer great damage.
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By hannu

I hope you always carry a puncture repair outfit with you.

I didn't understand what you meant by "very good handling". In what respect does your bicycle handle very well?
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By Abood
Oxymoron, as I said, there's a bike path most of the way. And even if I had to ride on the street, I rode on the side, right next to the parked cars. I didn't slow anyone down.

Hannu, by "very good handling" I meant the handle-bar is neither too high nor too low. I tried a bike that had a low handle-bar and riding it was weird. Also, the gear-changer thingy on the handle-bar was designed in such a way that you don't have to take your hands off the handle to change the gear. Basically, it's made as part of the handle, and you rotate the end of the handle to change the gear. You can see it in the photo.
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By Oxymoron
I hate bicycilist who feel they deserve to share the road with cars. Bikes are for recreational riding in the park damn it. If you want to save the planet why dont you just fucking walk or roller blade.
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By hannu
Oxymoron wrote:
I hate bicycilist who feel they deserve to share the road with cars. Bikes are for recreational riding in the park damn it. If you want to save the planet why dont you just fucking walk or roller blade.

You've got that wrong I'm afraid.

Roads are for cyclists & gravel tracks are for cars..................It's the future.

My limited research tells me that if we depave sealed roads, journey times will actually decrease for the competent motorist.

It will be more fun as well, especially in a rear wheel drive car with 250bhp & a decent slipper.
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By Oxymoron
Hannu whats with you and your inhuman obsession with rear wheel drive???
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By hannu
Hannu whats with you and your inhuman obsession with rear wheel drive???

It's just a way of life.

How can you drift a tugger?
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By Abood
I hate bicycilist who feel they deserve to share the road with cars. Bikes are for recreational riding in the park damn it.
Cars don't own the road. Hell, roads weren't even invented for cars. They certainly have no monopoly over it.

And who said bikes are only for recreation? Is it written in the Bike Bible?
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By Unperson-S
Yesterday I was walking around in my incredibly uncomfortable trainers (uncomfortable because I didnt tie my shoe on, on my right foot properly). And so today I have the biggest blister I have ever seen - I would take a picture, but I am at my dads and I cant find a camera. I hope it will not be a bitch and go down before I take a picture tommorow ( when I go to my mums).

Anyway, I was at my mums last night, looking after my cat. So then I had to cycle to my dads (about 7 miles away) to look after my brother, because my dad was going to N. Wales. So I try to put my shoe on, and the blister is too big for me to get half my foot in the shoe. So I have to wear 4 sports socks - it was a bit chilly - on my right foot, and a shoe on the other. I also got to try out my new gloves that I bought in cambridge the other day, because cycling to college in the morning is fecking freezing before you get into Bedford, and spent most of the journey resting my palms on the handle bars whilst pulsating my hands to keep a bit of warmth in them.

Anyway, I do not suggest cycling with one shoe on, and 4 socks on the other foot, as you get a bit of un-steady pedaling (slightly) unless you have one leg longer than the other. And when you go over bumps, and your foot vibrates against the pedal you foot slips off and you look a bit stupid. Also there is the risk of glass on the floor, although Im more worried about my new tyres than my foot for that matter - I bought those tyres instead of new shoes, which I desperately need, I will post photos of them tommorow along with my blister. And so I dont want my 40 pound investment being ruined by some glass ripping my tyres, although they have two protective linings in them, a kevlar one and another one which I cant remember what its made of.

But Im not sure how good those tyres will be when it gets really cold, notably when it gets icy. As they have a minimal grip on them (as racing tyres tend to have), and so I may have to either:

Avoid cycling
Avoid cycling in the countryside - IE not living at my mums in a village
Learn to drive
Or just get the bus, which I bloody hate.

Avoiding cycling in the countryside is the most likely, but that will annoy my mum.
Avoiding cycling altoghethor is ultimately pointless as its only the mornings that there is a problem.
And learning to drive is pointless, as it takes so long.

So I am stuck with bus', or avoiding cycling in the countryside (in the mornings) or a mix of the two. But that will gravely irritate the bus drivers, putting my bike into the bus (coach) and taking it out at non major stops. Damn.

Oh but Im forgetting the most obvious - new tyres, and I can change back to my nice slick ones when it gets warmer again, or I could cycle my mountain bike, but that needs some major fixing being done to it. (the pedals pedal bent, and they wobble around horridly).

But thats just a case of taking it off and fitting it properly, unlike the peoples whos job it was to. But either that will take a long time, or I will be forced to ask for a favour off of one of my 'freinds', who is incidentally a complete and utter prick, but used to work in a bike shop.

But I really really dont want to do that as he is a complete arsehole whos only role in life is to destroy other peoples [lives].
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By Eauz
Good to hear you're having an enjoyable time. Probably best that you have someone like Qatz to show you around and help you integrate into Canada.

Just don't hate public/mass transit like Qatz. ;)
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By QatzelOk
I don't hate mass transit, Eauz, I just prefer to bike if I can.

There are at least a dozen times each year when I am forced to take transit, and it isn't hell or anything.

It's just that riding a bike, you are still outside, you are relating to nature, and also to other people.

On transit, like in a car, you are cut off from nature, and from the act of moving through it. There is a machine that does everything for you. All you do is lower your foot slightly.

Yawn. Feeling like you are a weak part of a large machine is very depressing, whether that larger machine is an SUV or a faceless nation state.


Bicycles will soon rule our roads.

Get used to it - it's fun.
Last edited by QatzelOk on 25 Oct 2007 07:18, edited 2 times in total.
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By Grunch
I would recommend a Bianchi Pista. Fixed-gear eliminates a lot of potential problems. Convert!
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By Eauz
Well, Qatz, I'm not going to get too deep into the issue, since this is the wrong thread. My only problem with that other thread about bicycle paths, was that there wasn't more funding being put into mass transit of some sort. I think a combination of paths as well as an extensive transit system would be most useful for the majority of people in society.

We've both had excellent experiences with our preferred mode of transportation, but we can both agree that either one is much better than a road full of individual vehicles.
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By Thunderhawk
@ Qatz/Abood:
Is it mandatory to have a bell in Montréal?
In Toronto (Ontario?) no bell/horn = ~$105 fine.

Abood wrote:the gear-changer thingy on the handle-bar was designed in such a way that you don't have to take your hands off the handle to change the gear

I've used that type, it is a bit annoying when you try to shift gears while peddling hard (like uphill).

I have, and perfer:
(you pump the bottom lever with your thumb, or depress the top part with your index finger to drop a level. Image version has an integrated break handle too)
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By Grunch
How can you ride such a thing?

Commuting on mountain bikes sounds like a chore.
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By hannu
Simsydav wrote: But Im not sure how good those tyres will be when it gets really cold, notably when it gets icy. As they have a minimal grip on them (as racing tyres tend to have), and so I may have to either:

That's a very good point.

As far as I know most tyres are made out of synthetic rubber which don't perform below about 4deg C.

The synthetic rubber actually "freezes" & as a result this affects the contact patch with the ground.
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By Unperson-S
Goddamn it!

I better buy some grippier tyres and use them when it gets colder. Luckily I now have a job. At.....

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