The lost socialism part - Politics | PoFo

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As either the transitional stage to communism or legitimate socio-economic ends in its own right.
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"I put this text in another tread, but possibly the rigth place is here. I would like to know more about your oponion about".

Governing in Europe is based on a mixture of Socialism, Liberalism and democracy which all together make a dynamic equilibrium
by parlemantari system. At least 200 hundred years history back and enrich this system.
In US the development of Modern systems has gone a different way. Two main reason exist for that:
1. American has usually more resources and facilities in their hand, so they were more interested in Liberalism , as a way to develope more,
peculiarily the Anglo Saxon Philosphies support it more and more. This makes the the essence of American dream.
2. There is a "socialism phobia" in american culture mainly because US was leader of cold war.
Some times they know any type of socialism or intervention of government in affaires as Communism.(Didnt many american know europian Communist?)

So, the Socialism part in American structure of goverment is much weaker than Europian as all knows, and in the new situation it is somehow a lost part.

But now, American dream is not in hand, little by little seems sources and world is not as big as they thougth before and China possessed a big share of it, it is twenty years that cold war is finished and generation is changed, the situation of American people are going to be more similar to their European cousins, so there is a big tendency going toward the similar system as of European.
It is certain that the old system resist, it has a large inertia. He tries his old tricks, for example war and semi-facist ideas instead of a little more Socialism.
"The world is going to be smaller and smaller, ok, we make it bigger. By war we destroy some parts of it and we try to rebuild it again,
we will save the cycles of economy, we have too much experience how to afford it and this time all benefits are not only for 1%". ".
(The tactic which we see some European countries follow it also).
So, they will do that, some wars, experiencing some old ways, but at last they will be forced to accept a "Europinazation".
The question which remains is:
Who will pay for this changing more? People of US, Some sacrificed and hunted countries,.....
Is there any short cut?
Not sure socialism comes into this much. Europe and America are both capitalist. There isn't that much difference. Europe had more nationalisation but the EU in fact was set up to reverse that, and also to attack ('reform') the welfare state. Europe drifted in the direction of America.

Americans are phobic about socialism, but not as much as you might think. Only 53% of Americans support capitalism, and as many under 30s support socialism as do capitalism.
The lost socialistic part

You are rigth, seemingly Europe follows the way of US. But what did I suggest is: The things will be changed.
The world will go to be a little more localized, and a little more socialistic, but not in a one step.
Salam Farzad,
You seem to be confusing some small welfare measures implemented in some European countries as representing Socialism. You're welcome to read in the Socialism and Communism forums in order to educate yourself on the tenets of Socialism :)
I am not interested in topics and courses which I have passed long time ago.
I know these collections of relevant and irrelevant subjects .
There is a historical fact, finally the socialism which the socialists in germany has proposed win the game. In countries in north of Europe we can see the result.
I said "finally", in fact the problem is more complex which I said(Too many other parameters is existed), but in general I defend the above assertion. The fact is Communism is a mumy rigth now, but not Socialism.
Only an US american can claim with a straight face that todays europe would be "socialist". :roll:

Europe overall has a bit a better social state than the USA has, but a social state is an integral and unavoidable part of any modern democracy, of any country that supports human rights.

There is no fundamental difference between the USA and Europe, thus they have the exact same system.

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