Hitler Speeches You May Not Have Heard Yet - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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So, Hitler literally saying he wants to exterminate all of the Russians means nothing to you because you haven't heard of a military operation called "exterminate all of the Russians"?

Source, please.

Hitler thought the Slavs were inferior, and didn't belong on land that should be rightfully German? Yes. That they shouldn't exist at all? Never. He was outright allied with Slavs in Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania against Russia. Hell, Hitler didn't want to exterminate anyone - he just wanted them out of German territory, and extermination was simply the most convenient method! Let's not forget the Madagascar Plan, Wolfman.
Fasces wrote:He was outright allied with Slavs in Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania against Russia.

Romania is Latin.

As for exterminating the Russians, I believe it's a long shot. Hitler intended to seal off the Asian-Europe frontier with his Wehrbauer program, essentially making the Urals an armed border between Germanic Europe and Russian Asia, intending to only carry out guerrilla attacks against a shrunken Soviet Russia in an attempt to prevent further Russian mobilization against Europe.
Source, please.

Happily. One, and two.

Hitler thought the Slavs were inferior, and didn't belong on land that should be rightfully German? Yes. That they shouldn't exist at all? Never. He was outright allied with Slavs in Croatia, Bulgaria, and Romania against Russia.

He allied with them heavily after he started to lose a lot of troops in '43. Desperation doesn't mean respect. Allied forces reported fighting Poles in SS uniforms, afterall.
He allied with them heavily after he started to lose a lot of troops in '43. Desperation doesn't mean respect. Allied forces reported fighting Poles in SS uniforms, afterall.

Define heavily. Romania had already lent two armies in the June 22 offensive and another two in Stalingrad, and Hungary and Italy had lent one army each in Barbarossa and Stalingrad respectively. Cooperation between the allies seemed pretty constant throughout.
Happily. One, and two.

Neither of your sources illustrate a desire on the part of Hitler to exterminate or wipe out the Russian people so as to make them extinct. They claim exactly what we claim - that Hitler wanted them removed from what he considered rightfully German territory, and that is it.

The [eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe, it must be Europeanized!

From your second source, and the mouth of Hitler himself - illustrating quite explicitly that his plans for the removal of the Russian people stopped at the Urals. More explicitly in your first source:

Whatever happened, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were to be deprived of their statehood, while their territories were to be included in the eastern area of German settlement. This meant that Latvia and especially Lithuania would be covered by the deportation plans, though in a somewhat milder form than the Slav - "voluntary" emigration to western Siberia.


Under Generalplan Ost, all Slavs unfit for Germanization were to be expelled from the areas marked out for German settlement. In considering the fate of the individual nations, the architects of the Plan decided that it would be possible to Germanize about 50 per cent of the Czechs, 35 per cent of the Ukrainians and 25 per cent of the Byelorussians. The remainder would have to be deported to western Siberia.

Western Siberia, the area past the Urals, was clearly seen as a new Slavic homeland by Hitler, and as a destination for the Slavic peoples displaced by German settlement.

Did you even read your own sources?

Allied forces reported fighting Poles in SS uniforms

The Generalplan Ost allowed for population mixture between some local citizens and German settlers. There is no inconsistency in Hitler's words or visions, except with the fantasy of Hitler's plans which you have fabricated and which have absolutely no basis in historical fact.

From your first source:

At first glance this seems somewhat puzzling, since, in Wetzel's opinion, the Polish and Russian nations possessed many of the Nordic characteristics, proper to the German nation. It is only from his later remarks that it transpires that both the leading circles of the NSDAP and the Reich Security Main Office held the view that, though the Polish nation lent itself to Germanization as far as racial characteristics were concerned, political considerations made it necessary to abandon any plans for full-scale Germanization.

They had no problems whatsoever consenting with Polish collaboration, and indeed it was the perceived (and likely factual) lack of desire on the part of the Polish to become Germanized that sealed their fate - not Nazi racial theories.
Fasces wrote:They can be countered rather easily by similar quotes of Hitler extolling Slavic superiority.

Hitler's policy on the Slavs was malleable and complex.

The Nazi plan for the East is well-documented.


It consisted in colonization of Eastern Europe by ethnic Germans. The original plan was to deport the majority of Slavs to Western Siberia, and Germanize those who were "worthy", while enslaving a percentage as well.

To the most extreme segments of the Nazi regime, extermination of the native population was preferable to resettlement, since the latter would cost resources.

Hence the brutality and mass killings by the Germans on the Eastern Front.

A testimony from Klaus Nikolai, a former SS soldier:

I was educated in Germany in the 1930's under National Socialism. Because I seemed promising, I was set to a 'Napola School', that is a political school controlled by the party. I eventually joined the Waffen SS, and in 1941, found myself as a junior officer, fighting on the Eastern Front….

Up til then, I believed the official ideology. It wasn't always said but we were told in the 1930's the Russian peoples, the Slavs in general, were 'subhuman'. We Germans were the Nordic Aryans, the master people. I never thought too deeply about it until I went into the Soviet Union. There was also a lot of war propaganda about the evils of communism, and much of it was true as we know, and we were told we were ridding the world of an evil system….

We entered an area where some Ukrainian peasants had arrested the communist officials and had proclaimed some sort of local government. An order came to my unit arrest them. It wasn't an unusual order and seemed sensible while we sorted things out. Later we were told to execute them, over fifty of them. I questioned the order. After all, they were Ukrainians and I thought we were 'using' them against Stalin; they didn't dislike us and had nominated all the communists to us and turned their prisoners over to us too. The order was confirmed at regiment level. I took it further and at that point I was told that the execution order had come from the other wing of the SS and had to be obeyed. I knew the penalty for disobeying an order. We shot them. And then you wonder why we lost that bloody war?!"

Nikolai said that this Eastern Policy of the Nazis had nothing to do with fighting communism or anything else logical. It was "madness", "colonialism" against "part of the white race". He went on:

"There are these American groups, you know with swastikas and things; they say they are 'National Socialists'. They say we were out to save the white race and to fight communism and they admire us. Don't ever believe their rubbish about what that war was about…."

As I said, this was the official plan. What would happen almost certaintly is a coordinated effort to starve out the Slavic population of Eastern Europe. This is also well-documented.

In spring 1941 the Reich Food Ministry and the Armed Forces High Command (OKW) developed what Rolf-Dieter Müller has termed a “hunger strategy” devised to deprive millions of Soviet citizens of food in order to provide surpluses which would feed the German army in Russia as well as allow foodstuffs to be sent back to the Reich from the occupied territories in the East. This hunger strategy, as Müller has convincingly demonstrated, was not an unintended or unavoidable outcome of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union but was deliberately planned in advance and must be regarded as a “consciously implemented policy of extermination.”
Plans for the economic exploitation of the occupied territories had been considered in some detail by German civilian and military experts in advance of the invasion. A statement of goals for the upcoming campaign from early May 1941 succinctly noted: “1. The war can only be continued if all armed forces are fed by Russia in the third year of war. 2. There is no doubt that as a result many millions of people will be starved to death if we take out of the country the things necessary for us.” A much more detailed document prepared by the ‘Economic Staff East, Agricultural Group’ on 23 May 1941, painted an even grimmer picture of the mass starvation and deindustrialization planned for some Soviet regions. The planners commented dispassionately that “the population of these areas, in particular the urban population, will have to face most serious distress from famine.” The document went on to state with brutal frankness that the policy being enunciated would result in mass death for the population of the occupied regions:

It follows from all that has been said that the German administration in these territories may well attempt to mitigate the consequences of the famine which undoubtedly will take place, and to accelerate the return to primitive agricultural conditions. An attempt might be made to intensify cultivation in these areas by expanding the acreage under potatoes or other important food crops giving a high yield. However, these measures will not avert famine. Many tens of millions of people in this area will become redundant and will either die or have to emigrate to Siberia. Any attempt to save the population there from death by starvation by importing surpluses from the black soil zone would be at the expense of supplies to Europe. It would reduce Germany’s and Europe’s power to resist the blockade. This must be clearly and absolutely understood.

Within the context of the racial ideology of Nazism, which posited the supremacy of the Ayran master race over the inferior Slavs and Jews, the murder of “many tens of millions of people” by means of deliberate starvation was accepted as perfectly legitimate and indeed desirable. The utter disregard of humane values by the German planners provides very striking evidence of what Hans Mommsen has referred to as the “deformation of public and private morality” during the Third Reich. The hunger strategy which the economic experts in the Wehrmacht and the state ministries formulated was a clear violation of international law which required that occupying forces insure an adequate food supply for the indigenous population. The economic planners cynically choose to ignore their obligations under international law and endorsed a policy guaranteed to condemn millions to starvation. In comments made on the eve of the invasion of the Soviet Union, Alfred Rosenberg explicitly rejected the notion that Germany had any obligation toward the peoples it was about to subjugate; German interests alone were paramount: “the job of feeding the German people stands, this year, without a doubt, at the top of the list of Germany’s claims on the East…We see absolutely no reason for any obligation on our part to feed also the Russian people with the products of that surplus-territory. We know that this is a harsh necessity, bare of any feelings.”

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q= ... 4mpkriwZ-g
Agreed; that's why, if I was a German, I'd have supported the Third Reich (but likely oppose its colonialism; many Russians and Ukranians welcomed the Germans as liberators, come to save them from Communism, until soon realizing that that wasn't the case. In the final analysis, colonialist attitudes by the Third Reich in the east cost them the war, since partisan resistance and Soviet morale would not have been nearly as strong if they actually were liberators, and, say, established some kind of pro-orthodox, neo-tsarist state in the former USSR, under total German domination of course.)
Andropov wrote: In the final analysis, colonialist attitudes by the Third Reich in the east cost them the war, since partisan resistance and Soviet morale would not have been nearly as strong if they actually were liberators, and, say, established some kind of pro-orthodox, neo-tsarist state in the former USSR, under total German domination of course.)

Stalinist industrialization and militarization were the key factors. Soviet partisans never amounted to much; even second or third rate security troops were usually a match for them. I also think the communists enjoyed more support than the old traditionalists, which is why they supplanted them.

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