Hitler Speeches You May Not Have Heard Yet - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Our social welfare system is so much more than just charity. Because we do not say to the rich people: Please, give something to the poor. Instead we say: German people, help yourself! Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor! Everyone mut have the belief that there's always someone in a much worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as a comrade.

Adolf Hitler

Something I came across on LiveLeak that perfectly illustrates the fascist heart of National Socialism that some here are willing to deny, and more than that, makes it easy for Anglophone readers to see how a man captured the hearts of millions of his fellow countrymen, and inspired them into action greater than themselves. The tragedy of national socialist ideology is how something rooted in ideals which are, if not universal close to it, came to serve the horrific evil of genocide and Aryan occultism.
Those Hitler's nice speeches are so similar to the ones I hear Chavez doing every day in Venezuela.
An ignorant population is the only thing these dictators need to accomplish everything they want: "universal ideals" like killing all the opposition, like he says at the minute 5:40 in the video.
This is tragic. I can only look in awe at the vigour that he aroused in his people and weep at the way he used it. Everything is so perfect except the 10% lunacy that ruins the remaining 90%. It's like watching Shakespeare peeing on his own manuscripts.
He sure as hell dont sound like Ayn Rand, it is not exactly radical individualism he advocates. If only people would actually listen to Hitler's speeches or read the things he wrote then they would find that he is eerily similar to modern day politicians (if you ignore the anti-semitism) and has virtually nothing in common with libertarians and yet people still love to insinuate that libertarianism is connected with Nazism.
Kman wrote:He sure as hell dont sound like Ayn Rand, it is not exactly radical individualism he advocates.

I actually mean that listening to him is physically offensive, my ears can't stand it. I prefer Mussolini to Hitler. Both of them were hams, but the Duce was somewhat funny, and his voice and tone weren't so much irritating.

Libertarians are not the same as Nazis of course, but your so called two and a half years struggle against stupidity on PoFo reminded me of the original title of Hitler's Mein Kampf.
There's a hint of fascism in libertarianism, but it rarely springs forth. I certainly sympathize more with libertarians and classical liberals than social liberals.

Soulflytribe wrote:An ignorant population is the only thing these dictators need to accomplish everything they want: "universal ideals" like killing all the opposition, like he says at the minute 5:40 in the video.

Fascism embodies such universal ideals as love for your fatherland and constant struggle, which most definitely prevailed throughout humankind's history. And a population that isn't "ignorant" doesn't necessarily make it a smart population. If Germany went with popular democracy in the late years of Weimar, it could have kissed its opportunity to once again feel proud among the European powers goodbye, and Germans would have had a longer historical period of self-loathing than they do now.
Hitler wasn't all terrible. He invested a massive amount into youth for example, and their education. Germany also had the best veteran care post-war out of all of Europe, something Hitler continued to respect. There is no reason to pretend he didn't have his good ideas, or odd moments of brilliance, just as long as we don't forget the man himself was a tyrant and the worst kind of human. Fascism is a mix of ideologies backed by particular principles rmember, so you will always pick up something you agree with within it somewhere.
Kman wrote:Hitler also liked dogs, does this mean all dog owners are Hitler?

No it doesn't, but similarly just because Stalin had a central bank doesn't mean that central banking leads to the Gulag. Your assertion (in another thread) that central banking was a Marxist plot still has some chronological technicalities to overcome before it can be fully accepted by the main stream. I haven't got round to researching you other claim that public education was a Marxist plot, but don't worry, I'll be back.
Rich wrote:No it doesn't, but similarly just because Stalin had a central bank doesn't mean that central banking leads to the Gulag. Your assertion (in another thread) that central banking was a Marxist plot still has some chronological technicalities to overcome before it can be fully accepted by the main stream. I haven't got round to researching you other claim that public education was a Marxist plot, but don't worry, I'll be back.

I didnt say central banking or public education was solely marxist plots, I simply said that they were marxist religious values and if you will bother to read the communist manifesto you will find that that is true.
Fasces wrote:http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=131_1330431557

Our social welfare system is so much more than just charity. Because we do not say to the rich people: Please, give something to the poor. Instead we say: German people, help yourself! Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor! Everyone mut have the belief that there's always someone in a much worse situation than I am, and this person I want to help as a comrade.

Adolf Hitler

Something I came across on LiveLeak that perfectly illustrates the fascist heart of National Socialism that some here are willing to deny, and more than that, makes it easy for Anglophone readers to see how a man captured the hearts of millions of his fellow countrymen, and inspired them into action greater than themselves. The tragedy of national socialist ideology is how something rooted in ideals which are, if not universal close to it, came to serve the horrific evil of genocide and Aryan occultism.

This video was real eye-opener for me in that it exposed how rusty my German is. I guess the message of "Hope and Change" is great in any language.

Hitler was a great orator. One can only imagine how much better he would have been had he used a teleprompter.
Magnificent collection, although I've heard well more than all of these.

Our national father, despite all the shame and humilation successive governments have brought to our people. I'm proud to have family and close relatives shed blood for the defense of Germany and Europe against the tide of materialist degeneracy which proliferated throughout the world following the defeat of the righteous Fascist and wholist revolutionaries in Germany, Italy, Japan, Romania, and Hungary.

he is eerily similar to modern day politicians

This couldn't be further from the truth. Der Führer und Reichkanzler was definitively a man before his time and a man against time.

We will never forget or forgive the traitors which left and betrayed the German nation in her hour of need, 1918 and 1945. The greatest lie is to believe the media invention of the post-war era that the modern German has entirely rejected NS doctrine and the great ideals of our forefathers which paved the way for its foundation and realization. Denazification was a brainwashing process which may serve to mask an eternal truth for a few years, but the actual land and people will never change. I often hear quite enthusiastically of the eventual return to our tradition from the cousins upon return.

“I begin with the young. We older ones are used up but my magnificent youngsters! Are there finer ones anywhere in the world? Look at all these men and boys! What material! With you and I, we can make a new world.” - AH.

I look to the future generations as the current state is every bit as inflammatory and spirit-crushing as Weimar or the height of Bayerische Räterepublik of the false intellectuals.
I don't understand why anyone likes Hitler. It's not like he did anything in the better interest of Germany. Sure, some good stuff happened, but some good stuff happened under the Soviets. And really, the like 2 good things that happened under the Nazis (or "Retards" if you prefer) were started elsewhere, and largely before the Retards even took control. Really, look at what the Retards did: destroy the German economy, get the German military wrapped up in a bunch of worthless locations for reasons only the Retards could understand, pick a fight with a country that any idiot could have known was going to grind them into a fine powder (and thus, modern Retards hate Communism), and then managed to have Germany split into a bunch of little chunks, which prospered because they rejected completely what the Retards wanted. And you have to wonder about those mindless little children who fought for the Retards: how stupid where they to think that they were doing something worthwhile? Did they honestly think that they were defending Germany? If anything, they were delaying the eventual success of Germany from the 1950s on. And those allies the Retards had? Good grief. I guess Japan might not have been a complete bag of dicks. Italy might have been trying to be productive, but good lord did they fail at that. Spain, Hungry, Romania: Holy fucking shit did they rape their own counties.

Really, the best Germany produced were probably the Germans who tried to kill that stupid piece of shit, or just left.

It's like I told my friends, the Liberals for Democracy, Decay, Materialism, and the Death of Germany (or, as we like to call ourselves, 'Das Juden'), the single greatest thing that could have happened for us, was that little Austrian, Adolf Hitler. Really, the only thing Pvt Down Syndrome did that was close to being in Germany's interests were killing himself in '45. And even then, that wasn't the best thing Pvt Down Syndrome could have done was to walk out of his bunker and shout loudly "I'm an incompetent idiot, and you stupid bastards never should have elected me to anything higher then assistant secretary to the third commander of trash disposal for Berlin. I am a walking example of what is wrong with Democracy, but to a greater degree, what is wrong with not having Democracy. I intentionally destroyed your country in every way I could think of, because Death to Germany. Why Death to Germany? Because fuck you, that's why. And now, I want as many of you as can fit, to go into my bunker, where you might be save from the oncoming Russians that are coming because I'm Pvt Down Syndrome and decided to pick a fight with a much better military then my own, which I intentionally led very poorly. And now, I'm going to do the only good thing for Germany, I'm going to call the Americans, and surrender to them. If you're lucky, they'll stand up to the Soviets, and you wont be purged by Stalin. And if Germany had any sense of self interest, it would have beaten me to death in front of my parents in September 1934, and then killed my parents. That is all"
It's not like he did anything in the better interest of Germany.

One need only read this nonsense and know the rest of your rant will be utter bullshit.

Using the final outcome of the war, as so many do, to argue he did "nothing in the interest of Germany" is nonsense to anyone with a modicum of historical insight. Stalin and Churchill would essentially laugh such a claim out the door. Do you know anyone now living who was alive and of age at the time? It's interesting many of their views contradict your own.

Our only mistake was in losing and otherwise, the German people have absolutely nothing to regret.
What a pathetic rant. :lol:

Publius wrote:Spain, Hungry, Romania: Holy fucking shit did they rape their own counties.

What the fuck are you on about? Spain not only enjoyed economic prosperity in the late years of the Franco regime, but it was the only country with an authentic authoritarian nationalist government in Europe as opposed to the phony nationalists of Eastern Europe. And Romania got "fucked?" Well, it did get fucked real hard with the coming Stalinism for reasons well-known. You could hardly say the same about Antonescu's regime which smashed the previous decadent democracy that had been executing nationalists willy-nilly and donned traditionalism as a primary ideal of the country. The real plague raping countries is the primitive democracy you keep defending. About every country infected by liberalism and ballot-worship is now raped almost beyond repair, which is why we need new Fascists to take power and clean these places up.

Publius wrote:I don't understand why anyone likes Hitler.

Personally, I have several reasons to admire him and Nazism. While the Iron Guard and various other nationalists in the East were fighting communists on the streets, Hitler decided to attack the heart of the Red Beast and sponsored an assortment of nationalist regimes throughout Europe. It was the only time in the history of Europe that patriotism dominated this continent. I'd have supported him simply for attempting to invade the USSR and eliminate the influence of its mass-murdering f*cktard and perverted ideology, returning Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to my country in the process. For the record, I have no Russophobia going on; it just so happens that Russia turned from a traditionalist Tsarist regime to a Bolshevik class-hating tyranny overnight which sought to spread its claws over Europe. I suppose that due to my Germanophilia I also support Hitler because seeing Germany bow down to a gang of liberal blackmailers post-1918 without standing up to them one more time would have been a shame.

Publius wrote:where you might be save from the oncoming Russians that are coming because I'm Pvt Down Syndrome and decided to pick a fight with a much better military then my own

By '41, the Soviet forces were nowhere near ready for a fight with a superior Wehrmacht. I expect you to know this. They'd been barely upgraded and their tactics were retarded to the core--digging in made them a perfect target for the Blitzkrieg. By the way the USSR looked at that time, with a lot of good Generals purged by That Maniac, just coming out of the Holodomor and losing to Finland, even a smaller East-European country would have had the balls to charge into it and grab some land. It was a perfect opportunity to smash communism in its crib.

So, Publius/Wolfman, before you go out of your way to somehow prove that Hitler isn't worth admiring, I suggest you look at your own ideological preferences--aka Democracy--and ask yourself the same question you asked us. Why do you support such nation-destroying filth?
Preston Cole wrote: I'd have supported him simply for attempting to invade the USSR

Terrible mistake that ultimately played into the hands of the soviets.

Russia turned from a traditionalist Tsarist regime to a Bolshevik class-hating tyranny overnight which sought to spread its claws over Europe.

The traditionalist, divine right monarchy was an anachronism if ever there was one. I oppose communism for its equalitarianism in theory but at least it was secular and anti-christian.

By '41, the Soviet forces were nowhere near ready for a fight with a superior Wehrmacht.

They were ready enough--look who won. ;) Part of the problem in '41 was that the USSR mistakenly kept some of its best units in the far east; it took a little while and Sorge's spying, to realize they could/should be sent back west.

the way the USSR looked at that time, with a lot of good Generals purged by That Maniac, just coming out of the Holodomor and losing to Finland, even a smaller East-European country would have had the balls to charge into it and grab some land.

Tell that to the Japs at Khalkin Gol. Even c 1920, when Poland tried, it lost.

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