Am I Really a Fascist Now ? - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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According to this quiz I took recently , I am 64% Fascist . I quote , " Well now. While very few people in modern Western democracies would call themselves fascists (and most of the people who are pejoratively called fascists are actually not), it would appear that you are nevertheless a true fascist. Now, whether you actually call yourself that or not we are unable to say, but the fact is that your political opinions are verifiably closer to the doctrines of fascism than they are to those of communism, socialism, conservatism, or liberalism. Among your answers, there is an unmistakable predilection for authoritative and state-centric political initiatives of which variants (or even carbon copies) may be found in the political manifestos of actual fascists. Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist. Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide. " I am not sure if any of the Fascists on this site would agree though . :hmm: I am starting to identify with the historic political tradition of German National Bolshevism , but I am not sure if this would be a variation of fascism , or simply a sort of socialism . :?:
The German left has roots in the "anti racist national socialism" elite. You are one of the few that admit it. Where do you stand on issues like Third World mass immgration to Germany? Some Nazi elements used to supported the anti colonial movements and thus saw themselves as "anti racists".
Deutschmania wrote:According to this quiz I took recently

I am 64% Fascist.
And 100% consciousness having a human experience.

Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist.
You got the fascist gene, huh? :p Sounds more like you've been playing ding-dong dialectics and now you're having trouble getting out of character.

Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide.
Ah, so that's how you operate. You actually want to be something other than your true SELF.

Every man is born an original, but sadly, most men die copies.

I am not sure if any of the Fascists on this site would agree though. :hmm: I am starting to identify with the historic political tradition of German National Bolshevism , but I am not sure if this would be a variation of fascism , or simply a sort of socialism . :?:
Oh no, another human thinking therefore believing in human myths. :roll: Gotta retrieve the past and project the future, because THE present moment is unbearable. Gotta do something other than accept this moment for what it is... Why would you want to identify with all our mistakes (too judgmental) illusions?

The German left has roots in the "anti racist national socialism" elite. You are one of the few that admit it. Where do you stand on issues like Third World mass immgration to Germany? Some Nazi elements used to supported the anti colonial movements and thus saw themselves as "anti racists".
Stop perpetuating perceptual errors. And consciousness has roots in everything around you. I'm one of the few that admit it. "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

“Individual thought is mostly the result of collective thought and of interaction with other people. The language is entirely collective, and most of the thoughts in it are. Everybody does his own thing to those thoughts – he makes a contribution. But very few change them very much.”

“A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely
rearranging their prejudices.”

"Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally."

Are these thoughts in the right area of the forum? Should they be tucked away somewhere else because thought-full tyrants think therefore believe in thoughts they think they create? Would it be easier for you to become a human myth if we compartmentalize thinking and made neat thought categories for you to fit in? :lol:
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 08 Mar 2018 22:55, edited 1 time in total.
While your political outlook may share a few (or even quite a few) of fascism's fundamental doctrines, it is overall safe to say that your political orientation is *not* a fascist one. Now, you may find this result unsurprising, but in reality, most people have at least some points of agreement with fascism since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in. Hence, adjusting for these factors, even though your fascism percentage might seem quite high, there is really nothing surprising about these agreements, when viewed in their proper historical context, so rest assured: Your political beliefs are definitely not fascist.

Oh please, did a child make this test?
mikema63 wrote:Oh please, did a child make this test?
LIKE OMG, I waz thinking the same thing, dude. Let's get worked up over this illusion and start name calling! That's one of my many passions. I personally think a child made that test because it conflated some really important human myths. We should offer this dude a tried and true adult (XXX, hardcore polisci) test! He should post his results after he completes the test so we can scrutinize his opinions and belittle his ego. Like what a noob, am I right? Anyway, see yall at political scam camp this summer, should be a great selection season! Oh did I mention... I'm canvassing racially diverse neighborhoods! :excited: I'll convince em, you just wait and see, they'll know what's up after I get through with em. Human myths 4LIFE!
noir wrote:The German left has roots in the "anti racist national socialism" elite. You are one of the few that admit it. Where do you stand on issues like Third World mass immgration to Germany? Some Nazi elements used to supported the anti colonial movements and thus saw themselves as "anti racists".

As I alluded to in the thread about land re-appropriation in South Africa , I support national liberation struggles against the "gold international" of western imperialism , with its exploitive English capitalism . As to immigration to Germany , I would say that considering that Germany is not an ethnic nationalist state , such things are to be expected . And if Germany ever were to define citizenship in such a volkisch fashion , such as by declaring it to be limited to those of German ethnic extraction , and issuing a right of return to the descendants of the Palatine diaspora , such as myself , I would imagine that certain people , especially Israel , would respond by claiming that Germany is returning to its Nazi Era roots , and would therefore act alarmed by this development . Even though , as I understand it , that's exactly what Israel does , in respects to their Jewish state. :lol: Plus , because of globalization , immigration is an inevitable consequence . Like the only country I know of that is homogeneous to any extent is Japan . And even they have seen fit to invite , and admit resident aliens to work in their economy . Though even such foreigners living in Japan do not necessarily seek to become Japanese citizens , as these two examples explain why here .
Westerners today are so liberal and individualistic that anyone with any type of collectivism and ethnic conception of identity is essentially a fascist. It's no wonder we score highly on these tests because we believe in collective traditional values and the idea of a national community. But, unlike fascists I doubt we support violent expansionism or racism. But, we have a mentality that is more akin to that which existed among the war era generation. I find Westerners of today very, very individualistic, almost to the point where they cannot conceive of a collective identity. If you're even slightly right wing you're basically labeled far right now days. In essence, society is so liberal and atomised that anyone with genuine conservative or patriotic values will look like a fascist, even if they're not. I also think that a lot of the far right and 'fascists' of today would not be accepted or regarded as such by fascists of the mid 20th century. Most of the fascists of today do not have the menality or values to live or think in such a way as the old fascists did. It's basically impossible in this day and age. You cannot, in 2018, accuse a conservative of being a fascist, when he would be considered liberal by the standards of 70 years ago, certainly not very conservative, let alone part of the far right. It just goes to show how the culture has shifted that a normal conservative can be called far right.
Political Interest wrote:Westerners today are so liberal and individualistic that anyone with any type of collectivism and ethnic conception of identity is essentially a fascist. It's no wonder we score highly on these tests because we believe in collective traditional values and the idea of a national community. But, unlike fascists I doubt we support violent expansionism or racism. But, we have a mentality that is more akin to that which existed among the war era generation. I find Westerners of today very, very individualistic, almost to the point where they cannot conceive of a collective identity. If you're even slightly right wing you're basically labeled far right now days. In essence, society is so liberal and atomised that anyone with genuine conservative or patriotic values will look like a fascist, even if they're not. I also think that a lot of the far right and 'fascists' of today would not be accepted or regarded as such by fascists of the mid 20th century. Most of the fascists of today do not have the menality or values to live or think in such a way as the old fascists did. It's basically impossible in this day and age. You cannot, in 2018, accuse a conservative of being a fascist, when he would be considered liberal by the standards of 70 years ago, certainly not very conservative, let alone part of the far right. It just goes to show how the culture has shifted that a normal conservative can be called far right

I would like to think I may be an exception to this, purely on the grounds of how I applied my views to my lifestyle choices.

Either way, you are absolutely right. Well said.
Oxymandias wrote:@Thomasmariel

Is reality really unfair or is that merely our fascist perception of it?

If people are part of X, it's a problem if people can understand X if X is a mystery; the solution is if people are understanding, as opposed to possessing understanding
Thomasmariel wrote:No, but it does suggest that fascism is the embodiment of reality
Right, only if you think therefore believe it to be the embodiment of reality. :lol: Reality happens before fascism, before human thought can impregnate the material world or before the material world can impregnate human thought.

Is reality really unfair
Are you qualified to make that value judgment? Perhaps one should ask- How can reality not play by the rules?


Next, let’s define People:




2 is the response to your statement.


You simply do not understand the knowledge of Mystic Gnosis.
Oxymandias wrote:You simply do not understand the knowledge of Mystic Gnosis.

Yes, consciousness is an infinite jest. :roll:
Oxymandias wrote:@RhetoricThug

To cure yourself of ignorance, the original sin, read Shams al-Ma'arif otherwise known as The Book of The Sun of Gnosis and the Subtleties of Elevated Things. May Hermetica be within you.
Thank you for the suggestion. However, that book is in my library. Are you not familiar with RT's sword?

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