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By jimjam
It should be clear, by now, who is in charge. Trump claimed that "tariff wars are easy to win" but there is no sign that China has capitulated on IP theft. In response to Trump's tariff war, China made secular changes to their purchase of soy investing large amounts of $$ in Brazil to create permanent alternatives to American farmers.
China expedited the completion of the C919 single aisle airplane to reduce their dependence on Boeing. Wherever you look, China rose to Trump's challenge with decisive action & organization.
In marked contrast, all we got from Trump was bluster and 3am Tweets. He failed miserably to prepare farmers and their $80 billion loss. He failed miserably to bring back manufacturing jobs to his base which fell for the lies that he could turn back time.
Trump squandered our long standing relationships with our allies and weakened our negotiating stance with China.
He failed to bootstrap America's R & D which is how JFK won the technology war presented by Sputnik.
Trump has repeatedly demonstrated his incapability as president and with Climate Change exacerbating an ever increasing threat to human existence, it is insane to wait for 2020 to remove a man who advocates fossil fuel and is destroying our democracy.
The people of Hong Kong are showing the way. Are we up to the task?
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Are you calling for a civil war?

half of the country support trump they wont stand by if you dems will try to take arms against the president elect

jimjam wrote:

Correct. It will be so much fun to watch Fatso and his constituents down at The Club take a bath. Unfortunately all the suckers who voted him in will also be taking baths , unlike Donald's Billionaire Best Friends Forever who will have a few billion left after dropping a few billion.

I'm looking further ahead, as is he. He was hired to be the front man for a faction of the Capitalist Elites, generally Military-Industrial and ''Brick Store and Factory Businesses'' Capitalism, for them to save Capitalism and America from the cascading crises that are and will be happening in the future.

In order to do this, the consequences will not be very nice for some people.
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By jimjam
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Are you calling for a civil war?

half of the country support trump they wont stand by if you dems will try to take arms against the president elect

Dumb shit. It's gonna be a long 14 months.
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By jimjam
One thing that can cause a recession is a long economic expansion. During the expansion, too many people build credit card and other debt, such as new vehicles.

At some point, they have trouble making the payments and that causes them to cut back on spending. There is a tipping point where so many have to cut back on spending that demand is reduced to the point people begin to be laid off.

That reduces spending even more.

When this happens, government should step in and cut taxes and borrow money to stimulate the economy. The fact is, Republicans and Trump did that when the economy was roaring back in December 2017. That increased the deficits and National Debt.

Back then, just one and a half years ago, they should have been reducing the deficits so they could stimulate the economy when the recession came. They did things the exact opposite of what should have been done.
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By Godstud
@BigSteve You've presented not one pertinent fact during this entire conversation, and it always comes back to how you feel about me. Try making an argument, for a change, instead of name-calling, and using ad hominems towards anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion, which is all it is.

I don't give a fuck what American [insult deleted - rule 2. Prosthetic Conscience] think of me. There's far better people in this world I need to worry about.

Godstud wrote:Hey @HindsiteEven your Faux News is reporting it so maybe take your head out the sand, and face reality. Most of the things you call fake news are real, and you're just covering for your god, Trump.

Dow plummets 800 points on worsening global recession fears ... ug-14-2019

The DOW was 25,579.39 as of August 15, 2019. Trump still has a large cushion before the Dow’s post election gains disappear. The Dow closed at 18,332.74 on Nov. 8, 2016, Election Day. So the Dow could go down another 6,000 and we would still be 1,000 ahead.
Trump and his crony capitalists are going to do a fire sale on American economic assets. He will turn over anything that is worth something that the government now controls over to foreign investors willing to buy it and give him some kind of favors. It will all make the economy plummet. I think the Americans deserve it for being so gullible and angry at the wrong time in history. It is their problem. Live with the coming nightmare of recessions and depression.

Suck it up. And realize the dark people are going to be the only ones willing to work in the dire straits. It is over. The white supremacist version of America will fail miserably and the white racists and gun toting nationalistic dumbells are going to have to have their stuff repossessed and their jobs will continue to dry up.

Since they define their entire lives according to home much money and bulky possessions they have? They have nothing to fall back on but their own stupidity.
jimjam wrote:Dumb shit. It's gonna be a long 14 months.

Even longer for some people apparently, because the assumption some make, i'm going to stand them on their ears; Trump actually wants an economy in crisis. Why would anyone want that? Because it will make his supporters circle the wagons, and support solutions which they wouldn't consciously support in more stable times. He is thinking very long term.

There's no possibility of Trump losing the 2020 election, none, and the Democratic Party establishment has no real desire to win this time around, either. They figure by 2024, they'll have a Liberal ''Donald Trump'' who can replicate his political successes in the manner in which he has, and will, without the NLP methodology that works on GOP voters. 100% chance that they're grooming the 2024 candidate now, who may or may not be running in 2020, and may even be the party nominee in 2020's race.
Tainari88 wrote:Trump and his crony capitalists are going to do a fire sale on American economic assets. He will turn over anything that is worth something that the government now controls over to foreign investors willing to buy it and give him some kind of favors. It will all make the economy plummet. I think the Americans deserve it for being so gullible and angry at the wrong time in history. It is their problem. Live with the coming nightmare of recessions and depression.

Suck it up. And realize the dark people are going to be the only ones willing to work in the dire straits. It is over. The white supremacist version of America will fail miserably and the white racists and gun toting nationalistic dumbells are going to have to have their stuff repossessed and their jobs will continue to dry up.

Since they define their entire lives according to home much money and bulky possessions they have? They have nothing to fall back on but their own stupidity.

Under Trump the economy has gotten so much better than the dumb Democrats had ever dreamed. You are in never-never land if you think the Democrats are ever going to be able to repossess our guns. The jobs that are going to dry up are those for illegal immigrants as long as Trump is President. Trump has built some new wall as the Democrats cry. There is no way we are going back to Obama days.
Hindsite wrote:Under Trump the economy has gotten so much better than the dumb Democrats had ever dreamed. You are in never-never land if you think the Democrats are ever going to be able to repossess our guns. The jobs that are going to dry up are those for illegal immigrants as long as Trump is President. Trump has built some new wall as the Democrats cry. There is no way we are going back to Obama days.

Lol. Hindsite Trump has nothing of Christian values. You might think he does. But he doesn't. And he will be instrumental in selling out the USA. It is a good thing. People who believe his lies need to lose it all. It is the only way things get better. Lol.

Trump is the result of Devil Worship. Accept it. Hee hee hee. :lol: ;)

You love Satan I know.
Trump: 3 marriages. He cheated on his wives in all of them. That's Christian values for you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a commandment, isn't it? THOU SHALT CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE!!


Tainari88 wrote:You love Satan I know.
Hey, don't knock the Devil! He's done nothing wrong! :muha2:
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By jimjam
Tainari88 wrote:Since they define their entire lives according to home much money and bulky possessions they have? They have nothing to fall back on but their own stupidity.

I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and was struck by how much the junk on the shelves resembled what I see in garages down in Florida when their doors are open. Stupid people, it seems, just keep buying the useless crap that Wal-Mart sells them (much of it large plastic Mickey Mouse type shit and maybe a giant outdoor grill they can cook a hot dog on.) and, when their living space is full, they fill up the garage and take out predatory loans to pay their mortgages :?: .

Tainari88 wrote:Lol. Hindsite Trump has nothing of Christian values

I give Obese Donald an A+ as a con artist. Early in the game he saw how "Christians" move as a tight knit flock of lemmings and ……. they control a lot of votes. He immediately started talking about "God" and threw them some scraps from the table that cost him and his real constituents down at The Club little or no of what he really worships …… money and power.
Godstud wrote:Trump: 3 marriages. He cheated on his wives in all of them. That's Christian values for you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a commandment, isn't it? THOU SHALT CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE!!


Hey, don't knock the Devil! He's done nothing wrong! :muha2:

I couldn't give a shit what someone's religion is, or what religion they claim to adhere to...
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By jimjam
So what kind of contingency planning is the administration engaged in? What are officials considering doing if the economy does weaken substantially?

The answer, reportedly, is that there is no policy discussion at all, which isn’t surprising when you bear in mind the fact that basically everyone who knows anything about economics left the Trump administration months or years ago. The advisers who remain are busy with high-priority tasks like accusing The Wall Street Journal editorial page of being pro-Chinese.

No, the administration’s only plan if things go wrong seems to be to blame the Fed.

Discussing how to deal with a recession—like how to deal with climate change—requires first accepting the possibility these things could happen. And Trump denies both possibilities, so no admin official who wants to keep his/her job dares raise the subject. It is a truly bizarre situation we’re in.
jimjam wrote:No, the administration’s only plan if things go wrong seems to be to blame the Fed.

Well, they should be blamed if they don't lower the interests rates. Our Fed was the only one of the countries to have been raising their interest 6 quarters in a row until this last 1/4 point lowering. Our Fed is full of stupid people and President Trump should call them out on it just like he called others out on stupid trade policies.
Excellent article. Good to see that American journalism is alive and kicking.

Donald Trump is terrified, and he wants you to be, too

By Paul Waldman
Opinion writer
August 16 at 10:11 AM

President Trump is gripped by fear.

That is the message coming through from his public statements, his recent policy decisions, and reporting from inside the White House that paints a picture of a president increasingly rattled and irrational, striking out wildly as he searches for an argument that will frighten Americans enough to reelect him.

Let’s take a tour around the news today:

Trump told his fervid supporters at a rally Thursday that if he is not reelected, the economy will crash. “You have no choice but to vote for me because your 401(k)’s down the tubes. Everything is going to be down the tubes. So whether you love me or hate me, you’ve got to vote for me.”

Amid growing signs of a coming economic downturn, he is reportedly experiencing a combination of denial and rage. “Trump has a somewhat conspiratorial view, telling some confidants that he distrusts statistics he sees reported in the news media and that he suspects many economists and other forecasters are presenting biased data to thwart his reelection,” The Post reports. But he has also “told aides and allies that [Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell] would be a scapegoat if the economy goes south.”

Trump is increasingly using the powers of the presidency against his perceived enemies: “The president has grounded a military jet set for use by the Democratic House speaker, yanked a security clearance from a former CIA director critical of him, threatened to withhold disaster aid from states led by Democrats, pushed to reopen a criminal investigation targeting Hillary Clinton and publicly called for federal action to punish technology and media companies he views as biased against him.”

When he learned that Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) were planning a visit to Israel, Trump pressured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bar them from the country — yes, a U.S. president pushing a foreign government to refuse entry to U.S. public officials. Netanyahu initially relented, then after near-universal international condemnation, announced that Tlaib would be allowed to visit her elderly grandmother on the West Bank.

In the most bizarre bit of news, Trump reportedly has expressed interest in buying Greenland, a suggestion that should make us wonder whether he has gone completely off the deep end. His own staff seems to be wondering too: “The presidential request has bewildered aides, some of whom continue to believe it isn’t serious, but Trump has mentioned it for weeks.” Perhaps if they stall him for a while, he won’t order them to blow up the moon and build him a time machine.

In all this, it’s the economic news that really has Trump sweating. As any sensible observer understands, presidents get more credit than they deserve when the economy does well and more blame than they deserve when it does poorly, because most of what happens in a country with about 330 million people and more than $20 trillion of economic activity is out of their control.

Trump was given an economy in the midst of a steady recovery, which since then has continued on pretty much the same trajectory it was on (though job creation was somewhat better under President Barack Obama). Yet more than any other president in history, he has insisted that he deserves personal credit for every positive economic development, which could only be the result of his unique genius. He has a particular habit of visiting a factory that was approved or began construction when Obama was president and saying it was all because of him. “It was the Trump administration that made it possible. No one else,” he said this week outside a Shell plastics plant that had been planned since 2012 and which the company formally announced in 2016. “Without us, you would never have been able to do this.”

Meanwhile, whenever he creates a new controversy with some racist outburst, distressing public performance or new revelation of corruption on the part of himself and his appointees, Republicans everywhere offer the same argument: Okay, so that stuff isn’t exactly optimal, and yeah, I wish he’d tone down the bigotry and stop tweeting. But the economy is doing well, right?

You don’t need a PhD in political science to understand the threat this poses. If the economy does falter — even a slight slowdown, let alone a full-on recession — it could become almost impossible for Trump to win reelection. If he can’t argue that he has delivered prosperity, all that remains is the single most repugnant human being to ever sit in the Oval Office, befouling everything he touches.

Trump knows this as well as anyone. In his growing fear of that eventuality, he wants us all to be as afraid as he is: afraid of immigrants, afraid of socialism, afraid of dissenting voices, afraid of a changing society, afraid of the future.

As a political strategy, it’s certainly morally abhorrent, but it still might work. After all, if Trump didn’t have such skill at finding and stimulating what is worst in people, he wouldn’t have become president in the first place. And by this time next year, fear could be all he has left.
Hindsite wrote:Well, they should be blamed if they don't lower the interests rates. Our Fed was the only one of the countries to have been raising their interest 6 quarters in a row until this last 1/4 point lowering. Our Fed is full of stupid people and President Trump should call them out on it just like he called others out on stupid trade policies.

that's very nice but has Obese Donald ever taken responsibility for something that didn't work out right :?: .


Maybe he could find Democrat Truman's desk sign up in the Whitehouse attic and start acting like a real leader and not just a front man for billionaires.

Trump has not delivered on any of his economically populist promises. Any President can spend a trillion dollars to goose an economy - as Trump did with those tax cuts that weren't needed by the fat cats and corporations who received them. But he has done little-to-nothing to improve the lives of the ordinary voters who elevated him to the Presidency. So there's no reason for Trumpism to ever return - except for the fact that promoting the paranoia and emotional barbarism at the heart of Trumpism is extremely profitable for Fox, Infowars, Rush, and the rest of radical right media team.
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