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Godstud wrote:No. I don't listen to your words. I dismiss them for the foolishness that they are.

You don't dismiss my words. You are very interested and respond to my words.

Godstud wrote: No. I don't lie about that. Should I?

You shouldn't lie about anything. That is your problem. Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation

Godstud wrote: :eh: How are those 2 things even connected? Explain.

There are different freedoms, like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or freedom to work. You liberals believe in the freedom to kill a baby in the mothers womb (you call it abortion so it doesn't sound so bad.)
Godstud wrote: That's not a liberal thing.

Income equality is a left-wing liberal thing. Look it up.

Godstud wrote: Again. Not a liberal thing.

Yeah, I know because it is a conservative thing. I mentioned it as a contrast.

Godstud wrote: Jesus did not say help then when you "wish", but whenever you can. He did so even to the point of telling people to give them the shirt off your back.

Jesus never said anything about not helping lazy people, and the people not wishing to endanger themselves and risk catching a disease are not "lazy". You are judging them based on a foolish idea.

You are confused and mixing up things. Maybe that is why you are an unbeliever and don't believe in God, because you don't even understand what the Bible is saying.
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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:You liberals believe in the freedom to kill a baby in the mothers womb (you call it abortion so it doesn't sound so bad.)
False. Liberals believe that it's the woman's right to choose. In other words, a person's freedom to the liberty of their own body. That is not PRO-Abortion, however, but birthers only see black and white.

Hindsite wrote:Income equality is a left-wing liberal thing. Look it up.
:lol: Do you mean Income INequality and the problems it causes? YOU look it up! You can't even correctly use the name, let alone explain what it is.

Hindsite wrote:Yeah, I know because it is a conservative thing. I mentioned it as a contrast.
You did nothing of the kind, as the two are not opposites and people earning a decent living and becoming successful is very much a liberal thing.

Hindsite wrote:Maybe that is why you are an unbeliever and don't believe in God, because you don't even understand what the Bible is saying.
Understanding and believing are two entirely different things. I understand it. I simply don't believe the fables, stories, and tales. You, Sir, don't even understand the very things you claim to believe in.

You believing in the Bible doesn't make you right or correct on anything, however. Your religious persuasion is IRRELEVANT to the discussion.
Godstud wrote:False. Liberals believe that it's the woman's right to choose.

It is true that left-wing liberals, like you believe a woman has a right to kill her own unborn baby before it is born. As a conservative Christian, I that is not a right, but murder.

Godstud wrote: :lol: Do you mean Income INequality and the problems it causes? YOU look it up! You can't even correctly use the name, let alone explain what it is.

Yeah, you left-wing liberals say Income inequality is bad, so obviously you think Income equality is good.

Godstud wrote:You did nothing of the kind, as the two are not opposites and people earning a decent living and becoming successful is very much a liberal thing.

I wish that were the truth, but it is obviously false, since the left-wing liberals are always complaining about successful business owners and want to tax the shit out of them. During this covid-19 the Democrat governors are showing their true colors by trying to prevent many small business from reopening to make a living and be successful, while the governors are still getting their big government salaries and added benefits. The left-wing liberals don't really give a shit about the people and their businesses.

Godstud wrote:Understanding and believing are two entirely different things. I understand it.

At least, I was able to get that point across to you. Praise the Lord.

Godstud wrote:I simply don't believe the fables, stories, and tales. You, Sir, don't even understand the very things you claim to believe in.

It is you that don't understand that the history written in the Bible is not just fables, stories, and tales.

[quote="Godstud"You believing in the Bible doesn't make you right or correct on anything, however. Your religious persuasion is IRRELEVANT to the discussion.[/quote]
It is very RELEVANT when you attack someone's religious belief.
By late
Hindsite wrote:
Yeah, you left-wing liberals say Income inequality is bad, so obviously you think Income equality is good.

Every day, in every way, you prove you really don't know what you're talking about.
late wrote:Every day, in every way, you prove you really don't know what you're talking about.

Oregon Judge Scraps Gov. Kate Brown’s Stay-at-Home Order

Stay-at-home orders continue to fall one by one as the American people stand up and say that enough is enough.

Governors who maintain their insistence upon extending their orders are facing massive protests and increasing numbers of lawsuits. Americans are done having our rights infringed upon. For months, everyone has been told that staying home is designed to flatten the curve of coronavirus.

The curve has flattened. It is time to reopen America. Elected officials who don’t understand that will have to learn the hard way, as Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) did yesterday, reports sources.

Due to the Oregon governor’s failure to get legislative approval for her COVID-19 stay-at-home order, Judge Matthew Shirtcliff declared her order “null and void” on Monday.

Much to the chagrin of the governor, Oregonians are now permitted to leave their homes and engage in activities, even if these activities are deemed “non-essential” by the government.

Yesterday’s ruling in Oregon is a significant victory for Americans who have been fighting to get America reopened for business. Governors cannot be allowed to endlessly extend shutdowns as Americans suffer.

The original goals of flattening the COVID-19 infection curve and not overwhelming hospitals have been met; as a matter of fact, the coronavirus curve is so flat that hospitals are laying off healthcare people because there isn’t enough work for them.

The defeat of Gov. Kate Brown’s stay-at-home order should be a lesson to her counterparts in other states that are considering extending their own lockdowns.

Georgia Governor Confirms Decline of COVID-19 Hospitalizations

Last month, when Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) announced his decision to reopen the state, Democrats went wild. Leftist media immediately pounced on this move, claiming that the science and data didn’t support the Georgia governor’s decision. Likewise, left-wingers claimed that reopening the state would cause surges in coronavirus infections and deaths.

Once again, however, the left-wing mob as been exposed as the liars that they are. Since reopening, Georgia has not seen any spikes in COVID-19 infections or deaths. As a matter of fact, hospitalizations have reached an all-time low, as the use of ventilators in the state also goes down.

Just yesterday, Gov. Kemp announced that the latest update of COVID-19-positive individuals in hospitals dropped to 986. That’s down 34% since May 1st. ... lizations/
late wrote:Thank you for proving my point so promptly.

I have proof for my points. All you have is bullshit.
Hindsite wrote:You are no better than the ones you call "greedy" when you liberals act with "envy" or jealousy.

Envy can be defined as an extreme desire for the belongings or success of another. Envy is quite similar to jealousy as both highlight a sense of resentment of another’s possessions, however, unlike jealousy, envy takes it a step further with an intense desire for another’s belongings.

When an individual is forever envious of the success of another, the possessions of another or even of the appearance and traits of another, this leads the individual to lead a life of resentment and discontentment. This is as a result of the comparisons that a person would engage in at all times in his or her life. This creates a condition where the person suffers from some flaw or the other in comparison to others. In this sense, envy can be a very negative emotion, which harms the individual. ... d-vs-envy/

One word …. DUMB. Many years ago I set a goal for myself ……. get to a point in life where I don't have to worry about money. I reached that goal about 20 years ago. My over all goal in life is simple: peace of mind not " an intense desire for another’s belongings." As I said : "DUMB!" I have no idea where you got that idea about me …… maybe it's an issue with you.
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By Godstud
@jimjam, insecure people are envious and jealous of others. They then also assume, very incorrectly, that these are the same emotions that drive others. They aren't.

@Hindsite You cherry-picked things out of what I said, so that you could take things out of context. I won't respond to such tomfoolerly and dishonesty. You are wrong and have no idea what a left or liberal is, let alone what they think.
jimjam wrote:One word …. DUMB. Many years ago I set a goal for myself ……. get to a point in life where I don't have to worry about money. I reached that goal about 20 years ago. My over all goal in life is simple: peace of mind not " an intense desire for another’s belongings." As I said : "DUMB!" I have no idea where you got that idea about me …… maybe it's an issue with you.

I was speaking generally about the left-wing based on their constant complaints about the 1% that they say make the most money and they want to put high taxes on them. I got the idea you were one of them because you are always speaking just like them.

I also have plenty of income coming in with all my retirements so I don't envy the success of others, like many of the left-wing radicals do. As for the Democrat politician that are also rich, they are playing to that jealousy and envy of some of the poor to get votes. I am free to vote for Trump because I have no jealousy or envy of his success in life. I am hoping he can bring some of that success to the rest of America by making America great again and keeping it great.

I certainly will not vote for sleepy Joe Biden in the hope he could help our economy return after covid-19. Trump has done it once and is my best bet to be able to do it again.
Since Nixon’s presidency, America’s economy has changed drastically, from an industrial powerhouse making early, tentative steps to transition into a service based economy... to what we have now: the husk of past successes overtaken by a global finance sector grown to monstrous proportions, subsuming everything in its path, and completing its transition to a money-manipulation casino economy that makes very little, leaving not much room for the superannuated holdovers from the past. The result is millions of disgruntled, angry, now-worthless Americans tossed on the ash heap of history... a cost of living few can afford... and a level of inequality not seen since the age of the robber barons, if then.
Since the election of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the United States has had 11 recessions, counting this year's. 10 of them were under Republican presidents. The only Democrat to see a recession was Jimmy Carter during the Oil Crisis of 2000, and that was the shortest one - only 6 months.

Kennedy, LBJ, Clinton & Obama did not have recessions. All Republican presidents have seen from 1 to 3 recessions during their terms. GDP rose about twice as fast under postwar Democratic administrations as it did under Republicans. Job creation was much higher and deficits continuously declined, only to go back up when Republicans were elected. And people STILL believe that Republican governance is good for business. Shows how powerful a myth is if you repeat it often enough.
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By jimjam
Oxymoron wrote:Trumps economy is back even after Covid and the dumb riots.... aint nuffin can stop this train.... so get out the way get out the way

I've always been fascinated by abject stupidity ……………… give this man a little red beanie ….. he's earned it :|
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By jimjam
Steve_American wrote:@jimjam,
You wrote, "... Jimmy Carter during the Oil Crisis of 2000, ..."
That would be in 1977 or so.

whoops .........… bad one
Oxymoron wrote:Trumps economy is back even after Covid and the dumb riots.... aint nuffin can stop this train.... so get out the way get out the way :excited:

WOW. You fall for this crap. The economy is not the stock market.

The stock market is a massive bubble right now. You got trillions of dollars from the fed buying shit assets which drives the price up. Then you have "traders" which are basically high-stake gamblers betting that the fed will continue to do this and buying more bullshit themselves. The economy cannot possibly be "back" when most everything was closed for 3 months, most businesses are cutting down on the workforce, most businesses that do open are at reduced capacity, and most cities, which are the economical power-house of the country, are in protest.
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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:Since the election of Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the United States has had 11 recessions, counting this year's. 10 of them were under Republican presidents. The only Democrat to see a recession was Jimmy Carter during the Oil Crisis of 2000, and that was the shortest one - only 6 months.

Kennedy, LBJ, Clinton & Obama did not have recessions. All Republican presidents have seen from 1 to 3 recessions during their terms. GDP rose about twice as fast under postwar Democratic administrations as it did under Republicans. Job creation was much higher and deficits continuously declined, only to go back up when Republicans were elected. And people STILL believe that Republican governance is good for business. Shows how powerful a myth is if you repeat it often enough.

These people are deluded. Always blaming the Democrats :lol: ...
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By jimjam
During the 2016 campaign, trump made an aggressive promise on federal finances: He would eliminate the budget deficit within eight years. Now, three years into his presidency, the deficit is 68 percent higher than when he started.

trump's estimated deficit this FY: $4,000,000,000,000
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