500 legal scholars agree, dump the chump.. - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Drlee wrote:The IG report is out today and it is not favorable to Trump at all. Not even a little. It won't matter to the republicans but it actually confirmed that Obama did not tap Trump's phone (he will continue to claim they did) and it referred to the Russian attempts as "an attempt to overthrow the government".

Like I said. The republicans will ignore the report and Putin, et al, will go on about their business.

Drlee wrote:You need to do two things BS.

You need to actually read my posts and stop arguing for no reason at all.

And you need to get control of your anger issues. They are making you sound like you are unhinged.

Pot calling the kettle black when this is your only critical analysis of the IG report.

The IG report confirms what Nunes says in the house Republican report and does nothing to argue against the 8 criminal referrals in that report. Every American should be disturbed by this. Apparently Trump is so far inside the heads of some logic escapes them. Your comments are a classic example of anger.
Finfinder wrote:
The IG report confirms what Nunes says in the house Republican report and does nothing to argue against the 8 criminal referrals in that report. Every American should be disturbed by this. Apparently Trump is so far inside the heads of some logic escapes them. Your comments are a classic example of anger.

The IG found almost nothing. Trunp was saying this was going to be huge for over a year, a bombshell. What he got was a fart.

But I do love the smell of desperation in the morning. Give us a *rational* fact based argument that supports your wonderful fantasy.
Your comments are a classic example of anger.

Anger? I am not angry. I find this whole mess funny. Talk to Blackjack about that. All of this is happening at a level of comprehension so far above that of the everyday voter that, for those who see it, it is really comical.
Sometimes groan comical rather than laugh comical but my comments about BS refer to his constant angry responses. He is the master of pole vaulting over mouse turds and, if I may mix metaphors for a moment, swimming in the shallow end of the pool.
Drlee wrote:You need to do two things BS.

You need to actually read my posts and stop arguing for no reason at all.

I'm merely stating my opinion. That, I believe, is still permissible here...

And you need to get control of your anger issues. They are making you sound like you are unhinged.

What anger issues? I express my opinion that the Republicans should do to the democrats what the democrats tried to do to the Republicans and that's an anger issue?

I'd never imagined your psyche was so fragile...
Drlee wrote:Anger? I am not angry. I find this whole mess funny. Talk to Blackjack about that. All of this is happening at a level of comprehension so far above that of the everyday voter that, for those who see it, it is really comical.
Sometimes groan comical rather than laugh comical but my comments about BS refer to his constant angry responses. He is the master of pole vaulting over mouse turds and, if I may mix metaphors for a moment, swimming in the shallow end of the pool.

Oh, fucking please.

You take any level of disagreement as anger. Well, that's your problem, not mine. If you can't handle that, maybe you should try board games instead of the internet.

Now, am I angry about what the Democrats have spent the last three years trying to do? Yeah, I am. They've pissed away untold millions on investigations which had produced next to nothing. They've spent three years whining about impeaching Trump with "overwhelming evidence" which was never presented.

Now it's time for their comeuppance. That's not anger, that's fairness.

And everyone here knows you have exactly zero interest in that...
Drlee wrote:Anger? I am not angry. I find this whole mess funny. Talk to Blackjack about that. All of this is happening at a level of comprehension so far above that of the everyday voter that, for those who see it, it is really comical.
Sometimes groan comical rather than laugh comical but my comments about BS refer to his constant angry responses. He is the master of pole vaulting over mouse turds and, if I may mix metaphors for a moment, swimming in the shallow end of the pool.

I get it I'm just surprised at the many comments that the IG report was nothing. It is really bad actually. I'd like to believe if I was on the other side of this argument I would at least still show contempt for the abuses of the FISA court. I get the jousting but what the fuck is going on, this is going to happen to the Democrats some day. If Trump is re-elected he will systematically purge the bureaucracy of left leaning unelected bureaucrats and install his own and in 10 to 20 years we are going to be right back where we started.

late wrote:The IG found almost nothing. Trunp was saying this was going to be huge for over a year, a bombshell. What he got was a fart.
But I do love the smell of desperation in the morning. Give us a *rational* fact based argument that supports your wonderful fantasy.

If that was the case then why did John Durham, you know the guy person who actually has sharp teeth in this process the guy who can indict people, come out with a statement agaisnt the IG report findings. The only desperate person is you because if your critical analysis of the IG report is that it is nothing than we can confirm the lack of intellectual honesty you possess.

“Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened,” U.S. Attorney John Durham said in a statement.

late wrote:The IG found almost nothing. Trunp was saying this was going to be huge for over a year, a bombshell. What he got was a fart.

But I do love the smell of desperation in the morning. Give us a *rational* fact based argument that supports your wonderful fantasy.

You demand a rational fact based argument when you currently have about 15 active threads which lack anything that remotely would be described that way. You continually run and hide like a Palestinian rock chucker when anybody pushed back with facts.

So my answer to you is start with the House Republican report on Russian collusion, also look at the 8 criminal referrals and tell me exactly how the IG report is nothing, FISA abuse is nothing? I can't find the quote but you called anybody that supported Trump something derogatory , that is 62 million people. The funny part is you post here thinking you have some sense of credibility its cute that you really believe that.
Finfinder wrote:

If that was the case then why did John Durham, you know the guy person who actually has sharp teeth in this process the guy who can indict people, e come out with a statement that he basically doesn't agree with many of the findings. The only desperate person is you because if your critical analysis of the IG report is that its nothing than we can confirm the lack of intellectual honesty you poses.

That's actually a very good question. The only time you go public (when sanity prevails) is when there are significant national security issues that the public has to know right now.

That's not the case here. In fact, the timing, shortly after Barr whined about the IG report is a big, badass hint. It's political.

You guys have been promising drama for over a year. And so far, all we've seen is a fart.

It's all we're going to see.

Batshit crazy territory..
Finfinder wrote:You demand a rational fact based argument when you currently have about 15 active threads which lack anything that remotely would be described that way. You continually run and hide like a Palestinian rock chucker when anybody pushed back with facts.

That what he does.

Every fucking time...

The funny part is you post here thinking you have some sense of credibility its cute that you really believe that.

It's cute, in an ignorant sort of way...
late wrote:Wake me up when you stop trying to bury us in BS.

Hey, you're the one who seems to think it's newsworthy that lawmakers would be within their rights to vote to remove Trump. I guess you were unaware that they had that right. Everyone else, though, seems to already know that lawmakers have that right.

Now, should they do it? Well, see, there's where your thread title is more than a tad dishonest. Your thread title essentially says that 500 legal scholars agree that Trump should be removed from office. Yet, the very information you provided shows that to not be the case. They never said that lawmakers should do anything.

You, however, don't enjoy even a passing relationship with honesty, so it's unsurprising that you've done this...
late wrote:That's actually a very good question. The only time you go public (when sanity prevails) is when there are significant national security issues that the public has to know right now.

That's not the case here. In fact, the timing, shortly after Barr whined about the IG report is a big, badass hint. It's political.

You guys have been promising drama for over a year. And so far, all we've seen is a fart.

It's all we're going to see.

Batshit crazy territory..

No the talking heads on FOX news have , your friends the media extension of the DNC, haven't reported on any of this . I suspect the real hold up is the actually more the Republicans because the swamp is expansive they are not immune any of this in the end either. Jeff Sessions is a disgrace. So far though, Trump is on schedule at ending the Democrats. With 170 life time judge appointments and if re elected he will systematically get rid of the unelected life long partisan government bureaucrats.
late wrote:You guys have been promising drama for over a year.

Which pales in comparison to the hysteria-driven hissy fits the left has been having for the last three years.

Where's all that evidence Schiff said he had?
BigSteve wrote:
Which pales in comparison to the hysteria-driven hissy fits the left has been having for the last three years.

Where's all that evidence Schiff said he had?

It's in his report, the Mueller report, and more is coming.
late wrote:It's in his report, the Mueller report, and more is coming.


See, because the Mueller report was a whole bunch of nothin'. In fact, it was so impactful that Mueller, despite having signed his name to it, didn't know what was in it...
BigSteve wrote:
See, because the Mueller report was a whole bunch of nothin'.

You say that about everything related to Trump's criminality.

It's not especially persuasive.

Former Watergate prosecutors said it was enough, and you know for what.

But then, they do know what they are talking about, now don't they.
late wrote:You say that about everything related to Trump's criminality.

Only when Mueller's report is brought up as some magic bullet regarding Trump's guilt of something...

It's not especially persuasive.

Neither is Mueller's report...

Former Watergate prosecutors said it was enough, and you know for what.

But then, they do know what they are talking about, now don't they.

Were they privy to all of the information considered?

I don't believe they were...
BigSteve wrote:

Were they privy to all of the information considered?

In their considered opinion, there was enough to impeach Trump a year ago.

And they've done it before.

That's the funny thing about knowing what you're talking about. You don't need to babble...

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