It is time for Biden to step aside - Page 25 - Politics | PoFo

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Drlee wrote:Probably bank fraud by overstating his earnings to obtain loans. Just a guess.

No wait. Did you just say that Biden was far on the left? :lol:

Seriously dude. Do you know what that means? Biden is slightly right of center. Probably further right than Trump. You know. The same Biden who opposed school busing to achieve integration of the schools? Middle Class Joe? War Hawk Joe?

Or the party platform. Individual rights. Balanced budget. Infrastructure work. Tough on immigration? Tough on Russia?

Good grief.

You are right!

Other than Biden you guys are a bunch of lefties.

My bad! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I will never understand the effectiveness of the republican meme referring to democrats as the left. By European standards even AOC is pretty moderate. We really have no left party in the US.
Well, @Drlee, you have to remember the mentality of people who are calling Bernie Sanders a Communist. They're too stupid and uneducated to know anything but what they're told by the right-wing pundits, who aren't any smarter than they are.
Godstud wrote:Well, @Drlee, you have to remember the mentality of people who are calling Bernie Sanders a Communist. They're too stupid and uneducated to know anything but what they're told by the right-wing pundits, who aren't any smarter than they are.

The left-wing Democrats are too stupid and uneducated to know anything but what they're told by the left-wing pundits on CNN and MSNBC, who aren't any smarter than they are. :lol:
The left-wing Democrats are too stupid and uneducated to know anything but what they're told by the left-wing pundits on CNN and MSNBC, who aren't any smarter than they are.

Best you can do?

Sad. Very sad.
Tainari88 wrote:Relampaguito hombre, do you have any idea how many old little Mexican abuelitas are not praying good things for Trump and are not happy with that man insulting their culture and their nation? Millions are hating that man literally. That creates vibrations and they are not good. He is unraveling a lot. And the amount of people not praying good things is a mass group of people.

That's a lot of hate. I'd rather spend my time doing something besides praying for bad things to happen to the POTUS.

Tainari88 wrote:Pinatas getting popped, tens of millions of Mexican from all the political spectrum really hate that man Relampaguito. They feel insulted, offended and they want him to suffer the fires of hell. Very rarely have I see someone so universally hated in a nation than the present president of the USA, especially by Mexicans. They don't hate the American people at all. But they do hate the Donald Trump government and his administration.

Yeah. We've dealt that sort of cult of the Democratic party thing for a long time. It's really nothing new to us.

Tainari88 wrote:Trump is a threat to the human race.

This is what we have to look forward to for the next 6 months? Trump hasn't even started any wars. Obama and Bush were legendary for that sort of thing. Don't they seem a little more dangerous given their actual track record?

Tainari88 wrote:He is in fact a failed businessman but he has zero ethics.

Well, he's doing a little better than you are, don't you think?
I will never understand the effectiveness of the republican meme referring to democrats as the left.

There's a reason for that lack of understanding. It's the same as Liberals calling Conservatives ''Fascists'' or ''Nazis'' or ''White Supremacists''. It is an attempt at narrative shaping.

By European standards even AOC is pretty moderate. We really have no left party in the US.

A real Left doesn't exist anywhere in the world for the most part. What you have now are fake ''Left'' parties selling free-shit-for-life Welfarism and immoral Bourgeoisie decadence for all instead of genuine Socialism.
annatar1914 wrote:A real Left doesn't exist anywhere in the world for the most part. What you have now are fake ''Left'' parties selling free-shit-for-life Welfarism and immoral Bourgeoisie decadence for all instead of genuine Socialism.

Shitty ice cold nazbol take is shitty and ice cold.
blackjack21 wrote:That's a lot of hate. I'd rather spend my time doing something besides praying for bad things to happen to the POTUS.

Yeah. We've dealt that sort of cult of the Democratic party thing for a long time. It's really nothing new to us.

This is what we have to look forward to for the next 6 months? Trump hasn't even started any wars. Obama and Bush were legendary for that sort of thing. Don't they seem a little more dangerous given their actual track record?

Well, he's doing a little better than you are, don't you think?

1)You think you are the man with some corazon and love in his heart? You got a long way to go Relampaguito, to understand what being loving is. Trump is a loving man? The man is a selfish sociopath that will cost the USA a lot of lives due to his lack of ethics and irresponsibility. And if he is elected another four years due to fanatically cultish Trump people voting? He will come up with a war. He is an unmitigated disaster. You refuse to put yourself in another ethnic group's shoes or class. You refuse to empathize at all. Do you think I don't know that about you Relampaguito? If some crazy powerful as hell dictator that had ten times the nukes that the USA had was blowing some hot air about Americans are vermin, they are rapists, criminals, animals, less than humans, and so on for YEARS? would you be happy about it? Probably not. But you don't seem to see anyone not from your group with some empathy and respect. You don't. I am not fooled by your value system BJ. It is very self-centered. And callous and cold and feo. It is plain feo as hell.

2)Take responsibility for the horror of the Republican Party BJ. They are neoliberal backstabbing spineless corrupt people. Sellouts. And Donald Trump Mr. Racist is obsessed with Obama making fun of him. He is obsessed with him. He wants to unravel all that Obama 'accomplished' with his liberalistic corporate agenda. And that birther movement that Trump insisted on for YEARS? Was racist as hell. Somehow a black father from Kenya and being born in Hawaii made his 'citizenship' suspicious. Why? Because for that racist pig president 45? Any African father immigrant is not a 'real' American. The man is a horrific hypocrite that you never point out Relampaguito. He had a Scottish mother who arrived in the USA without legal permission to be here or to work. She got her papers after marrying her husband. Of German background who mostly got some money building cheap ass housing for the state of New York. And he got that money from his father who was from the Pacific Northwest selling sexual services and living off of women's private parts for profit to lumberjacks living in the lonely boonies and desperate, in the distant hills of the Northwest. Lol. A bunch of low life people who are not the moral standard at all. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all the dirt and betrayal and lack of ethics or you will be letting a damn SOCIOPATH get another four years and he will be pulling the war lever to survive politically. He doesn't give a shit about dead soldiers. He had bone spurs and got out of the draft. The upstanding piece of cowardly jelly shit that he is. Next. Toma responsabilidad Blackjack21. You better acknowledge that your point of view is not other people's. You lack empathy big time. Same as that 45. Better look into it. It ain't good.

3) As for doing better than me? At what? You think having some dirty money and incesting a daughter and having three marriages and being sued 24 times and eating KFC and being paranoid with a bad orange tan and being some racist asshole with shit for brains tweeting at 3am is something I have ever aspired to be in this life? I never aspired to money and power of that sort BJ. Maybe you have? Yeah, me? I will never share a value system, political philosophy or aspirations to greed and power grabbing as that piece of human garbage Donald Trump. EVER. I sleep well at night. My conscience and paranoia don't keep me awake tweeting about some old Liberal conservative Catholic vieja's dentures. He is a total superficial insecure piece of trash. Ave Maria.

You should be happy for the blessings you have now. A job that is secure, a home that is large and comfortable and a relatively healthy self. While your fellow Americans are scrambling for hours, jobs and wonder how they will survive without employment for months on pittances from the government while the elite in your nation get trillions of dollars in tax cuts.

Selfishness is not success Relampaguito.

Don't you ever compare me to that sociopathic piece of lying trash immorality ever again! Or I will go over there and slap you for real! And examine just how good you are at cooking you sin verguenza MAN!

You need to stop getting upset defending that loser because it is pound the loser Trump til the end of this year for sure! :D ;)
Tainari88 wrote:You need to stop getting upset defending that loser because it is pound the loser Trump til the end of this year for sure!

Your hatred is showing loud and clear in your recent posts. Blackjack21 and I had nothing to do with what happened to your ancestors. Calling us racists will not fix the past or the present. And your Trump Derangement Syndrome may even be bad for your health. I suggest you take a deep breath and pray for forgiveness. As for Trump being a loser, I don't see it yet. The election is still over 5 months away.
Hindsite wrote:Your hatred is showing loud and clear in your recent posts. Blackjack21 and I had nothing to do with what happened to your ancestors. Calling us racists will not fix the past or the present. And your Trump Derangement Syndrome may even be bad for your health. I suggest you take a deep breath and pray for forgiveness. As for Trump being a loser, I don't see it yet. The election is still over 5 months away.

Hindsite you are so far from being able to decipher how you even think that trying to point obvious things to you is an exercise in futility.

No, Hindsite, the only one who needs to learn some humility and stop defending someone who is not very close to El Cristo in any way is you.

You know I don't often agree with @JohnRawls but he is right. When that buffoon winds up losing power? Leaving behind a ruined nation? I really think you guys are going to be crying.

I don't think Relampaguito will. He is a cynical in his disdain for the Republicans.

But you? You got problems.

Hiney i am used to not winning in USA politics and in other places. My party hardly ever wins elections. That often happens in parties with less members. I am used to that. I don't vote thinking of winning if it means losing your principles in the process.

It is better to have principles and not win than win and have total trash and immorality as what you leave behind.

I think Jimmy Swaggart is your future....

You kind of look like him too...but your eyes are bigger. Lol.

Tainari88 wrote:Hindsite you are so far from being able to decipher how you even think that trying to point obvious things to you is an exercise in futility.

No, Hindsite, the only one who needs to learn some humility and stop defending someone who is not very close to El Cristo in any way is you.

You know I don't often agree with @JohnRawls but he is right. When that buffoon winds up losing power? Leaving behind a ruined nation? I really think you guys are going to be crying.

I don't think Relampaguito will. He is a cynical in his disdain for the Republicans.

But you? You got problems.

My problems should all go away when I get shingles because i already had chicken pox. :lol:
Last edited by Hindsite on 27 May 2020 06:25, edited 1 time in total.
JohnRawls wrote:The levels of salt when Biden wins are going to be astronomical.

If there are bitter Trump supporting losers dying from despair by then I would say good riddance. As much as I appreciate how Trump exposed China's evilness, some of his supporters are intellectually and morally equal to Beijing supporters, and the worst kind of both of them dying would be a favour to the rest of us.
Last edited by Patrickov on 27 May 2020 06:58, edited 1 time in total.
Tainari88 wrote:1)You think you are the man with some corazon and love in his heart? You got a long way to go Relampaguito, to understand what being loving is. Trump is a loving man?

Sometimes it's better to take politics with a grain of salt. If you really find yourself on your hands and knees praying for bad things to happen to a political leader who for all practical purposes has done nothing to you, it's time to rethink your priorities. I never said Trump was a wonderful guy with a big heart. I just think it is bizarre that millions of Mexican grandmothers are praying daily for bad things to happen to Trump.

Tainari88 wrote:The man is a selfish sociopath that will cost the USA a lot of lives due to his lack of ethics and irresponsibility.

People die during every presidency. Sometimes the president is directly or indirectly responsible, and oftentimes it's not his fault. You are projecting into the future here. Do you blame Trump for lives already lost, and whose lives?

Tainari88 wrote:And if he is elected another four years due to fanatically cultish Trump people voting? He will come up with a war.

Why? What would motivate him to come up with a war? He's had four years to start one. Both Bush and Obama started wars, because they were both tied to the neoliberal/neoconservative Janus. Trump is not. If anything, the Washington establishment is upset that he hasn't started a war. If Biden is elected, you can count on some military action because that's the faction he serves.

Tainari88 wrote:He is an unmitigated disaster.

In what way, and for whom?

Tainari88 wrote:You refuse to put yourself in another ethnic group's shoes or class.

You mean in a lower class person's shoes, right? Why would I oppose riches? I probably would avoid fame, however.

Tainari88 wrote:Take responsibility for the horror of the Republican Party BJ. They are neoliberal backstabbing spineless corrupt people.

Yes, they are. That's why putting Trump in there messes up their game. Do you think they want tariffs on Chinese goods and peace in the Middle East?

Tainari88 wrote:And Donald Trump Mr. Racist is obsessed with Obama making fun of him.

I think Trump has more substantive concerns, like Obama weaponizing the intelligence services for political purposes and criminalizing policy differences.

Tainari88 wrote:He wants to unravel all that Obama 'accomplished' with his liberalistic corporate agenda.

He essentially has already done that.

Tainari88 wrote:And that birther movement that Trump insisted on for YEARS? Was racist as hell. Somehow a black father from Kenya and being born in Hawaii made his 'citizenship' suspicious. Why? Because for that racist pig president 45? Any African father immigrant is not a 'real' American.

Trump was just ruffling Obama's feathers. He knew there was nothing to that. Obama's mother was a US citizen. So Obama's citizenship and thereby eligibility for the presidency was never seriously in question.

Tainari88 wrote: The man is a horrific hypocrite that you never point out Relampaguito. He had a Scottish mother who arrived in the USA without legal permission to be here or to work. She got her papers after marrying her husband.

Some people assert the same thing about his wife. It's fine to point it out, but it's also pointless because the assertion is that Trump somehow hates immigrants when clearly that isn't the case.

Tainari88 wrote:And he got that money from his father who was from the Pacific Northwest selling sexual services and living off of women's private parts for profit to lumberjacks living in the lonely boonies and desperate, in the distant hills of the Northwest.

I have virtually no idea what you are talking about.

Tainari88 wrote:TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for all the dirt and betrayal and lack of ethics or you will be letting a damn SOCIOPATH get another four years and he will be pulling the war lever to survive politically. He doesn't give a shit about dead soldiers.

If Biden gets elected, we will most certainly see military action. How does this escape your attention? You do know who Biden serves, right? Trump will not start a war. That's one reason among many why the establishment hates him so much.

Tainari88 wrote:You should be happy for the blessings you have now. A job that is secure, a home that is large and comfortable and a relatively healthy self.

I'm very grateful.

Tainari88 wrote:You know I don't often agree with @JohnRawls but he is right. When that buffoon winds up losing power? Leaving behind a ruined nation? I really think you guys are going to be crying.

I don't think Relampaguito will. He is a cynical in his disdain for the Republicans.

I'll probably be shorting some stocks and getting long on defense stocks. Textron is getting cheap. I'll bet it would do well when Biden cranks up the war machine again.
blackjack21 wrote:Sometimes it's better to take politics with a grain of salt. If you really find yourself on your hands and knees praying for bad things to happen to a political leader who for all practical purposes has done nothing to you, it's time to rethink your priorities. I never said Trump was a wonderful guy with a big heart. I just think it is bizarre that millions of Mexican grandmothers are praying daily for bad things to happen to Trump.

Has done nothing to you? You really don't understand Latin culture at all BJ. Latin Americans are all about pride and image. They are some of the most social creatures in the world. If you have someone bad mouthing your nation, your culture, your history and calling your sons and daughters who are Mexicans? Rapists, vermin, criminals and so on? I live here BJ. A vast majority of the 130 million Mexicans are hard-working, law-abiding, good people. The USA is one of the top nations in the world that speak Spanish all day long. The amount of millions of Mexican Americans and their progeny who inhabit the USA is vast. Especially your state of California. For the president of the USA to call in general terms and in blanket terms rapists, criminials, vermin and then talk about building a wall and a 'zoo' to keep them out. To see small children being put in cages that are Latino kids because he wants to teach the illegals a lesson? Doesn't go over well. They get up in the morning to work and make $2 an hour. They want better for their family members and the vast majority are not M13 or some drug dealers. Contrary to popular myth on TV most Latin Americans are not drug dealers, pimps, gang bangers and killers. The USA has white drug dealers, gang bangers and killers. A lot of the serial killers like Ted Bundy even had Republican voting parents. Do we hold those few white killers as the representatives for you and others who are living in the USA and happen to be white and have some figurehead leader of nationalism which the president is that? And allow that man to say--the Ted Bundy serial killer that is white represents all the white people, every time you think of them? That is who they are? Do you know how tiring and dangerous it was for me to step out of my house and have some asshole tell me to shut up and speak English only because the ignorance was rampant and they assumed I was Mexican and assumed I was some 'wetback' they could verbally abuse with impunity because the asshole in the White House gave them permission with his racist rhetoric? You think they don't take offense? What a callous, insensitive man you are. And again I dare you to come to this city and sit down with these people and tell them what that asshole president calls the Mexican people to their faces. Some hard working granny with a family to feed and who works all day long, and tell her, "Drug dealer, gang banger....rapist. And your son is one too." A real politician understands how false all that SHIT is BJ. You see it as permissible. It is not. It creates problems big time.

People die during every presidency. Sometimes the president is directly or indirectly responsible, and oftentimes it's not his fault. You are projecting into the future here. Do you blame Trump for lives already lost, and whose lives?

I am looking at patterns of behavior BJ. He has a distinct pattern. He was told about the CoronaVirus in time. The reality is he is always self centered. Always. And self centered to the extreme is deadly. He is deadly. How? He has not replaced Obamacare with something that covers all people. He doesn't do the testing and the tracing necessary or follow South Korea's lead. He doesn't do what needs to happen to keep people safe. He dismissed the 200 million dollar Pandemic team that was in place. His people when briefed about pandemics? Were dozing off and not paying attention like the unprofessional and crony ridden fools that they are. I can go on for another 20 paragraphs with all the bad moves that fool of a prez has made. But what for? You defend him because your goal is to eliminate the establishment and replace it with some Nationalism that you think will save the day. It won't be able to save [highlight=yellow]the shambles that the incompetent narcissist will leave behind. He will make government so terribly disorganized and so horrifically bankrupt that it will take decades to right it again. And that is your fault too. For backing such a horror of a man.

Why? What would motivate him to come up with a war? He's had four years to start one. Both Bush and Obama started wars, because they were both tied to the neoliberal/neoconservative Janus. Trump is not. If anything, the Washington establishment is upset that he hasn't started a war. If Biden is elected, you can count on some military action because that's the faction he serves.

Relampaguito, have you listened to some of his speeches over the years? He has been wanting to get into politics since the 1980's and he talks about war over and over again. He has poured billions into the military and boosted its budget greatly. Why would he do that if it was all for show? Einstein said about military buildup? If humanity keeps spending a lot of money, time and preparation for war? Don't you think it will be used eventually? One doesn't spend a lot of money, efforts, time and planning to never do something. It is true that each nation should be able to defend itself. But there are nations that don't even have standing armies and are doing well. Like Costa Rica. You don't need an army to live in many ordinary nations. Japan had to stop spending enormous amounts on the military. And it helped them re-focus on economic advancement. But? No one spends like the USA. I don't think him the non war president. If his ass is going to be politically bounced unless he does as the warmongers say? He will go to war. He has no scruples or qualms. Does he look like an ethical person to you? He doesn't to me?

In what way, and for whom?

You mean in a lower class person's shoes, right? Why would I oppose riches? I probably would avoid fame, however.

Relampaguito, you really are bad with the classist mierda really. Most people who are working class if you sit down to talk with them don't have delusions of grandeur. They want job security and they want housing that is affordable, they want education for their kids, and to retire with the same salaries they made when they were working. To go to the dentist when the tooth aches and go to the doctor when they have the flu. Normal shit is what they want BJ. Is that too much to ask from a government? You are very not generous in the extreme. It doesn't surprise me. You think by the way that the people with the highest IQ's in the world are rich? The vast majority of super high IQ people are not rich. Most of them are so into their own heads that they don't give a shit about pursuing money in exaggerated amounts. Most genius academics like @Potemkin is don't even care about money at all. If you study the most creative of the scientists, artists and physicists and others? They live like monks most of them. Not even that Bill Gates was impressed with Trump's overblown ego entrances and Gold T's. Most of them are not like that BJ. Only Trump is into that shit. Superficial dumb shit about dentures that Nancy Pelosi has at 3am. Lol. Tweeting about some poligrip issues. Hee hee. How crazy can you get? You are defending that BJ?

Yes, they are. That's why putting Trump in there messes up their game. Do you think they want tariffs on Chinese goods and peace in the Middle East?

Trump is dealing with a very powerful establishment that is far more powerful than his figurehead bullshit of TOTAL AUTHORITY and NO RESPONSIBLITY mantra of his. He is a fool.

I think Trump has more substantive concerns, like Obama weaponizing the intelligence services for political purposes and criminalizing policy differences.

He has more substantive concerns? The man can't deliver on basic campaign promises? You don't want me to post those 30 broken promises video that Robert Reich put in his youtube channel do you? You already saw it. The Trumpet man doesn't keep any promises. A total loser with the promises. Where is the infrastructure of trillions? The wall? The many shit deals he lied his ass off promising to do and did not do? Obama deported more undocumented immigrants than any other before him. And Obama got the majority of the Latino votes in 2008 and in 2012. He was not the Latino president or the Black community president. He was true to his ideological foundation. His white liberal roots of his mother and compromising and being wishy washy and dealing with bank bailouts and bullshit like most of those sellout centrist rightist Democrats. For me the Dems are not the Left and never will be. They will never have the conditions that requires until there is such stark inequality like there is in Latin America. If the USA gets that bad? Watch the socialist radical element kick ass hard. Because that is when it is necessary Relampaguito. When the vast majority are sleeping in cars and living hand to mouth and can't eat anymore and are dying without health care and the elitist callous people don't give a shit about 90% of the Americans living with NOTHING. Watch what the socialist left does. They will kick ass. It will happen in any place where the conditions lead to that. And no use blaming it on others. It is the liberals and neoliberal trickle down bullshit economics, callous, cold-as-ice people like your value system which is....I got mine. Who gives a fuck if someone I don't care about is out on the street having their kids wash their armpits in 7-11 convenience store restrooms.

You think your shitting in public places in San Francisco is bad? Wait till you see Third World conditions brought on by GREED that is unchecked by a hard Left response for decades? When that are gonna see some FUEGO para siempre there for sure.

He essentially has already done that.
What has he done? He is a total idiot.

Trump was just ruffling Obama's feathers. He knew there was nothing to that. Obama's mother was a US citizen. So Obama's citizenship and thereby eligibility for the presidency was never seriously in question.

Yeah, it wasn't in question but he did it to stir the racists. See answer below. And yet you still say he aint a racist. He is not wearing a hoodie and not going to the KKK rally. He is your average seventy something year old white privileged immature entitled pendejo who got to play with his father's money. I have zero respect for that Donald Orange Tan man. He is not a self made wealthy man like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, or even an Elon Musk. Men with intelligence, capitalist values and self made. He is spoiled, paranoid, sub par man given the keys to the White House because the American electorate is weak on class identification and no longer believe in the system but have no tools on how to dismantle it and blame the wrong group. They feel they are losing control of their own society. They are. But they want to go back in time...sort of like you do too Blackjack21. You can't. The world is different. Again, the majority of the world is not European and unless you adapt to what is available and you work with that is already present? You risk loss of control and loss of both soft power and hard power. Military invasions and artificial nation building is not enough to consolidate power in an increasingly multipolar political globalist paradigm world. Adapt. Grow. Mature and be intelligent.
Why did he do that? No BJ. He did it to stir up the racists in the USA who never bother to vote because the Republican party is so centrist and establishment that they stay home. But you tell them a Muslim ingrate, uppity man who has no right to rule them is in the White House? They get riled. He smears and attacks anyone with personalistic and nasty lies all the time. Was it a lie? That he was not born in Hawaii? It was a lie. Did he ever openly admit it and apologize to Obama for it? No. Why? Because his a damn prideful lying politically dirty pool player that is why.

Some people assert the same thing about his wife. It's fine to point it out, but it's also pointless because the assertion is that Trump somehow hates immigrants when clearly that isn't the case.

No BJ. He is a hypocrite using all kinds of divide and conquer tactics for his own twisted purposes. He uses people's fears about immigrants, and Mexicans, and Black male athletes, and he is constantly lying and playing games to manipulate. I don't think he is just ruffling feathers. He is a vindictive, petty, and small person. In general. He obviously has a fetish for Eastern European women. And he is also very vain and banal and awful. In general. He hates non white immigrants. His comments about Norway being acceptable and African and Haitian "Shitholes"are not. You think that is not racist shit? Look BJ. I got to go out and run errands. I will be back to answer more of this. But I am not fooled by your deflections. It is time to be honest about what is going on with this Trump presidency. And I think this thread is the one to do it. Be back later.

I have virtually no idea what you are talking about.

I am sorry BJ. Clarify what the doubt you have about what I wrote and I will clarify the matter for you. Where is the doubt?

If Biden gets elected, we will most certainly see military action. How does this escape your attention? You do know who Biden serves, right? Trump will not start a war. That's one reason among many why the establishment hates him so much.

The establishment is part of a wider system BJ. If you study it? Change comes when it is pressured unbearably. That is the way in human history all greater social progress and change happens. The conditions become intolerable and it has to change. Trump is not change he is a product of a failed system with extremely bad values. He is karma basically. Karma of rot is just that. Change has to be the people pressuring and demanding change. Your kind of change? Nationalism that is class based and frankly racist BJ. Doesn't bode well for the future. All that IQ theory? You got to stop the bullshit and put in some sweat equity into getting all those Latinos in California, Blacks in the USA, Asian immigrants and everything else? It is the future. The only people applying for USA citizenship the top four I will mention. China, India, Cuba and Mexico. That is it BJ. Indians and Chinese people and Cubans and Mexicans. Latin Americans and Asians. The future of the USA. The graying of America and the replacements. Thinking of shunting aside the Mexicans or the Cubans? Think again. They are in the states for the long haul. And all the IQ bullshit is bullshit. Mexicans that are Indigenous and Spanish or Mestizos, Cubans that are black and Spanish and etc. Chinese who are into making money and don't care about European culture they have their own culture and language and they will be flying back and forth to the PRC and back...and the Indians in IT kicking ass. That is the future. Get that to serve the USA and stop with wanting to freeze time. It won't work.
I'm very grateful.

You don't act like that most of the time Blackjack21.

I'll probably be shorting some stocks and getting long on defense stocks. Textron is getting cheap. I'll bet it would do well when Biden cranks up the war machine again.

Biden will probably suck as the prez 46. But he is predictable and the establishment knows his every move. A perfect little prez. We are stuck with these less than stellar people BJ. But that is the reality of the system. It needs to have so much pressure put on them by the people of the USA, of Mexico, of France, of Spain, of Puerto Rico, of Cuba, of all nations that need change to serve the interests of the vast majority of humans who inhabit these lands. Who struggle and have finally some competent government to make their lives better. Not worse.

That is my goal. I don't give a shit about being obsessed about getting rich and famous. I am rich in love. And I am not famous. Only with the ones who hate me on PoFo. Lol. You might be one of them. Hee hee.

Got to tease you Relampaguito. You are so uptight. You are not boricua de pura cepa. That is for sure! :lol: ;)
Tainari88 wrote:Latin Americans are all about pride and image.

That sounds quite vain.

Tainari88 wrote:If you have someone bad mouthing your nation, your culture, your history and calling your sons and daughters who are Mexicans? Rapists, vermin, criminals and so on?

Trump was referring to illegal aliens, and the government of Mexico encouraging the dregs of Mexican society to move illegally to the United States, including their paroled criminals.

Tainari88 wrote:A vast majority of the 130 million Mexicans are hard-working, law-abiding, good people.

Everybody knows that already. Fake news doesn't mean Trump said what he didn't say. It just means that he gets free press by being politically incorrect and can win office by twisting political correctness to his political ends and there are still 10s of millions of people who haven't figured that out yet.

Tainari88 wrote:To see small children being put in cages that are Latino kids because he wants to teach the illegals a lesson? Doesn't go over well.

There are remarkably few cases of people detained in "cages" who haven't broken US immigration laws.

Tainari88 wrote:Contrary to popular myth on TV most Latin Americans are not drug dealers, pimps, gang bangers and killers.

Nobody has said that they are. Fake News has said that other people like Trump have said so when they haven't. That's why you shouldn't watch fake news.

Tainari88 wrote:The USA has white drug dealers, gang bangers and killers.

Indeed. They should be in prison, and not on the street.

Tainari88 wrote:A lot of the serial killers like Ted Bundy even had Republican voting parents.

So did @drlee, but that doesn't make @drlee a serial killer does it?

Tainari88 wrote:Do you know how tiring and dangerous it was for me to step out of my house and have some asshole tell me to shut up and speak English only because the ignorance was rampant and they assumed I was Mexican and assumed I was some 'wetback' they could verbally abuse with impunity because the asshole in the White House gave them permission with his racist rhetoric?

Indeed. That's why curtailing illegal immigration and free trade with China is necessary to relieve pressure on blue collar working class voters. Otherwise, social discord will become the norm.

Tainari88 wrote: He has not replaced Obamacare with something that covers all people.

To his credit, he tried. However, people like John McCain lied about repealing ObamaCare. We got a lot of them out of office in the 2018 election. Legislation comes from Congress. We need to get people in Congress that haven't sold out to special interest lobbies.

Tainari88 wrote:He doesn't do the testing and the tracing necessary or follow South Korea's lead.

South Korea did well, because everybody already had masks from previous coronavirus scares and they knew what to do. It's a pretty new thing for Americans. The US has done more testing than any country at this point.

Tainari88 wrote:You defend him because your goal is to eliminate the establishment and replace it with some Nationalism that you think will save the day.

The establishment is not constructive toward me, so I feel no responsibility to be constructive toward the establishment. They can fuck themselves. I'm not going to vote for a neocon/neolib warhawk, because the media has trashed Trump for years on end. It pleases me that he's president and that they hate the fact that he beat Hillary Clinton. As I said, if I were to adopt identity politics, I would demand a midget for president. There are no midget mayors, congressman, senators, or governors. If we're going to get passed discrimination, we must have a midget for president. That's how I feel about identity politics and political correctness.

Tainari88 wrote:He will make government so terribly disorganized and so horrifically bankrupt that it will take decades to right it again.

That's a risk they were willing to take to push extreme views. Now they have Trump at the helm, and they still can't look themselves in the mirror to view the source of the problem.

Tainari88 wrote:He has poured billions into the military and boosted its budget greatly. Why would he do that if it was all for show?

Reagan did too. Did Reagan launch WWIII? No. Did the fake news fear monger about Reagan starting WWIII? Pretty much constantly they did. Trump is not going to launch a war.

Tainari88 wrote:Is that too much to ask from a government?

If you're asking a government for it, you're going to create a powerful elite that rules over you.

Tainari88 wrote:You think by the way that the people with the highest IQ's in the world are rich? The vast majority of super high IQ people are not rich. Most of them are so into their own heads that they don't give a shit about pursuing money in exaggerated amounts. Most genius academics like @Potemkin is don't even care about money at all.

If you look at @Potemkin's income on a global basis, he's easily in the top 5% of income distribution in the world. I earn almost 500% more than the average wage in the US. I'm sure @Potemkin does pretty well too. We'd both be in the high income group worldwide.

Tainari88 wrote:Only Trump is into that shit.

Trump was born middle class. It's not that unusual for new money to be ostentatious.

Tainari88 wrote:You are defending that BJ?

Of course. It's not because I think it's the classy thing to do. Not by a longshot. I think these people have needed a shot right in the chops for a long time. Look at how Trump is dangling the murder rumors around Joe Scarborough. Morning Joe knows that the whole Russia collusion thing was bullshit, but he went right along with people getting prosecuted for process crimes to further his own ambitions. Trump is just turning that around. It doesn't feel good to have people associating your name with murder. I'm sure Scarborough doesn't like that. However, he has no problem doing that other people. Fuck him and people like him. Fuck Pelosi and people like Pelosi. Who's going to fight them like Trump does? Mike Pence? Maybe Lyin' Ted Cruz. Maybe...

Tainari88 wrote:The man can't deliver on basic campaign promises? You don't want me to post those 30 broken promises video that Robert Reich put in his youtube channel do you?

I couldn't care less. My #1 issue was not electing Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush. Mission accomplished. As you heard me say early in the primaries, the ONLY person I did not want to see elected was Joe Biden. Notice how the establishment colluded to kill off all the other candidacies--probably with cash in their pockets to secure the nomination for Biden? He's not even altogether there, as he said he was going to beat Joe Biden in November. He's not even sure who he is, and that's precisely the kind of person the establishment wants--someone they will have full control over from day 1.

1. Trump cut the corporate tax rates.
2. Trump raised tariffs, particularly on China.
3. Trump is building the wall, despite overwhelming opposition by the establishment.
4. Trump did his level best to repeal ObamaCare, but we learned that a lot of Republicans lied about it--exposing the liars is a great value.
5. Trump did try to get an infrastructure bill through. Pelosi's two year tenure is the most unproductive Congress in recent memory. Even Republican obstruction of Obama was more symbolic (except for the courts).

Tainari88 wrote:Yeah, it wasn't in question but he did it to stir the racists. See answer below. And yet you still say he aint a racist. He is not wearing a hoodie and not going to the KKK rally.

He's a troll, as was Obama. They are actually birds of a feather in that respect.

Tainari88 wrote:...the American electorate is weak on class identification and no longer believe in the system but have no tools on how to dismantle it and blame the wrong group.

They are learning quickly. They no longer believe the news. They know the establishment hates them. They see what the DoJ/Mueller did to the likes of General Flynn. That doesn't make the establishment's adversaries pure as the wind-driven snow. However, I'm not looking for a savior. I'm looking for someone to stir shit up. Trump does that job fairly well, except in my view he's a bit of a soft touch in that he didn't fire every holdover from the Obama administration on day 1.

Tainari88 wrote:They feel they are losing control of their own society. They are.

Yeah. Tell me, how would Mexicans feel if they were losing control of their society, because Anglos kept coming in illegally and taking the jobs, and the government was okay with the lawbreaking because they preferred the Anglo workers. Do you think there would be no resentment? Seriously?

Tainari88 wrote:Adapt. Grow. Mature and be intelligent.

That's great for people with 105+ IQs. For people with constitutionally low IQs, it doesn't work. That was the whole point of the Bell Curve. That's why Charles Murray had to race-norm the case in "Coming Apart" to show how the IQ distribution and income distribution in white America illustrated why the lower echelon had so many social problems. That's true across racial lines, but the establishment didn't want to hear that.

Tainari88 wrote:Did he ever openly admit it and apologize to Obama for it? No. Why?

He admitted it. I don't think he ever apologized, but why would he?


This is Joe Biden's picture on Facebook right now. He can't even keep the mask on straight and no one in his staff corrected it; it's like it's going to fall off one of his ears and it surely isn't sealing properly.

This isn't just an old guy thing. Why are none of his staff fixing this?

Click the link and look for yourself if you don't believe me.

If someone were an investor or a betting man (I'm still willing to match people's bets) this would be a "red flag."
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