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Conspiracy theory paranoia, it's one hell of a drug for some people. It's a form of abject Gnosticism, where evil plotters are somehow both all-powerful and incredibly stupid, both are trying to rule the world and who rule it now already, and always seem to be of another ethnicity from that of the person touting the theory...
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By jimjam
The question arises @blackjack21 as to whether Donald was "beholden" to his Russian handlers to the detriment of America. :eek:

The question of how Mr. Trump handles intelligence came up several times during his presidency. Shortly after he fired the F.B.I. director James B. Comey in 2017, Mr. Trump told the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador about a highly classified piece of intelligence about the Islamic State that came from Israel. The Israelis were outraged.

President Biden said on Friday that he would bar his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, from receiving intelligence briefings traditionally given to former presidents, saying that Mr. Trump could not be trusted because of his “erratic behavior”. Among those arguing to cut off Mr. Trump’s access was Susan M. Gordon, a career C.I.A. officer. Ms. Gordon, one of the most respected intelligence officers of her generation, wrote that the danger of providing intelligence to a president whose business deals might make him beholden to foreign investors and lenders was just too great.

“His post-White House ‘security profile,’ as the professionals like to call it, is daunting,” she wrote the week after the attack on the Capitol. “Any former president is by definition a target and presents some risks. But a former President Trump, even before the events of last week, might be unusually vulnerable to bad actors with ill intent.” (N0 …. not Mr. Money Bags :lol: )
jimjam wrote:The question arises @blackjack21 as to whether Donald was "beholden" to his Russian handlers to the detriment of America. :eek:

Why do you think that Donald Trump was "beholden" to Russian handlers, but not the Clintons? Think about what the Russians achieved under Obama/Clinton. First, a Russian firm was cleared to purchase an interest in a US uranium mining company. That hardly makes sense if Russia is a rival to be feared. Additionally, Russia was able to secure Crimea without firing a shot, Sevastopol being necessary for the Russians to project naval power. It strikes me that Russia made significant strides under the Obama administration. Bill Clinton got $500k for a speech in Moscow and the Clinton Foundation got $15M from a Russian oligarch. That's public knowledge and not in dispute. Yet, you weave all these fanciful ideas about Trump and you can't stitch together one red cent where Trump was bought off by Russians on something.

jimjam wrote:The question of how Mr. Trump handles intelligence came up several times during his presidency. Shortly after he fired the F.B.I. director James B. Comey in 2017, Mr. Trump told the Russian foreign minister and the Russian ambassador about a highly classified piece of intelligence about the Islamic State that came from Israel. The Israelis were outraged.

The Russians are as opposed to the Islamic state as the US. Why should it matter?

jimjam wrote:President Biden said on Friday that he would bar his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, from receiving intelligence briefings traditionally given to former presidents, saying that Mr. Trump could not be trusted because of his “erratic behavior”. Among those arguing to cut off Mr. Trump’s access was Susan M. Gordon, a career C.I.A. officer. Ms. Gordon, one of the most respected intelligence officers of her generation, wrote that the danger of providing intelligence to a president whose business deals might make him beholden to foreign investors and lenders was just too great.

I think Biden's motivation is petty. However, I agree with the decision. I think security clearances should be tightened up substantially. I don't think former personnel ought to be privy to intelligence briefings without good reason.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:Why do you think that Donald Trump was "beholden" to Russian handlers, but not the Clintons?

How do you know what I thought? This is typical BJ besides the point/begging the question …… kid stuff.

blackjack21 wrote: Why should it matter?

It matters because your boy Fat Donald, in this instance, was either beholden to his Russian handlers or massively incompetent ……… or, most likely, both. Take your pick sonny. Or, if this is too complex for you, ask Israel to explain the situation.

On a more serious note …… my wife is going to make me watch the Super Bowl ………… :*(
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By jimjam
Former CIA director Michael Morell has called Trump an “unwitting agent” of the Russians; former national security director James Clapper has described him “in effect … an intelligence asset”; and former CIA director John Brennan has said Trump is “wholly in the pocket of Putin”.

"Unwitting" is a great one word description of Fat Donald …… :lol:
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By jimjam
With President Biden’s aides struggling to find innovative ways to retaliate against Russia for the most sophisticated hacking of government and corporations in history, key senators and corporate executives warned on Tuesday that the “scope and scale” of the operation were unclear, and that the attack might still be continuing.

“Who knows the entirety of what happened here?” Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft, told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. “Right now, the attacker” — which appears to be the S.V.R., one of Russia’s main intelligence agencies — “is the only one who knows the entirety of what they did.” Brad Smith said its researchers believed “at least 1,000 very skilled, very capable engineers” worked on the SolarWinds hack. “This is the largest and most sophisticated sort of operation that we have seen,” Smith told senators.

The hearing was a rare public airing of one of the biggest failures of American intelligence since Pearl Harbor and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks: an assault on the “supply chain” of network management software used by governments and most of the nation’s largest companies. SolarWinds was still unclear on how the Russian hackers got into the software it was developing, embedding themselves there as early as fall 2019.

It has been obvious that V.Putin, who spent his life inside Russian intelligence operations, has been ramping up and weaponizing Russia's software tools for some time now. The 2016 election seems to have been simply an early testing. This attack on America started on Fat Donald's "watch". I wonder if he had time to notice between rounds of golf and basking in the adoration of screaming mobs :?: .
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By jimjam
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia authorized extensive efforts to hurt the candidacy of Joseph R. Biden Jr. during the election last year, including by mounting covert operations to influence people close to President Donald J. Trump, according to a declassified intelligence report released on Tuesday. The report seemed to refer to the work of Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani, who relentlessly pushed accusations of corruption about Mr. Biden and his family involving Ukraine. “Russian state and proxy actors who all serve the Kremlin’s interests worked to affect U.S. public perceptions,” the report said.

The report, compiled by career officials, amounted to a repudiation of Mr. Trump, his allies and some of his top administration officials. They reaffirmed the intelligence agencies’ conclusions about Russia’s interference in 2016 on behalf of Mr. Trump and said that the Kremlin favored his re-election. The report rebutted years long efforts by Mr. Trump and his allies to sow doubts about the intelligence agency’s assessments that Russia not only wanted to sow chaos in the United States but also favored his re-election.
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The office of the DNI released a declassified report yesterday about election interference. Mostly, it says the same stuff as the Senate intel report. But it adds new information as well.

For example, everyone knew the Trump crowd was lying, we now know for sure.

As a result, the reward on Konstantin Kilimnik has gone up to $250,000.

I see we still have clowns trying to pretend it didn't happen. Read the report.
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By jimjam
The Biden administration revealed on Thursday that a business associate of Trump campaign officials in 2016 provided campaign polling data to Russian intelligence services, the strongest evidence to date that Russian spies had penetrated the inner workings of the Trump campaign.

The revelation, made public in a Treasury Department document announcing new sanctions against Russia, established for the first time that private meetings and communications between the campaign officials, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, and their business associate were a direct pipeline from the campaign to Russian spies at a time when the Kremlin was engaged in a covert effort to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Having polling data would have allowed Russia to better understand the Trump campaign strategy — including where the campaign was focusing resources — at a time when the Russian government was carrying out its own efforts to undermine Donald J. Trump’s opponent.
By late
jimjam wrote:
The Biden administration revealed on Thursday that a business associate of Trump campaign officials in 2016 provided campaign polling data to Russian intelligence services, the strongest evidence to date that Russian spies had penetrated the inner workings of the Trump campaign.

The revelation, made public in a Treasury Department document announcing new sanctions against Russia, established for the first time that private meetings and communications between the campaign officials, Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, and their business associate were a direct pipeline from the campaign to Russian spies at a time when the Kremlin was engaged in a covert effort to sabotage the 2016 presidential election.

Having polling data would have allowed Russia to better understand the Trump campaign strategy — including where the campaign was focusing resources — at a time when the Russian government was carrying out its own efforts to undermine Donald J. Trump’s opponent.

The guy Manafort was talking to was Kilimnik. This betrayal is not yet understood by the American public. Kilimnik is mentioned over 700 times in the Senate Intel Report.

My hope is this will once again wind up in court, and that people finally give it the attention it deserves.
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By jimjam
Something unpleasant and embarrassing happened in Russia that trump wants forgotten, that much is clear. He’s very anxious to make it go away, so he looks bad and knows it. What fools we are to elect this foolish and vain little man.

Trump is the most successful Russian asset in American history, but he couldn't have ever happened without Soviet TV/Fox News, and the destruction of the Republican Party. God helps us if that saboteur ever again sits in the Oval Office.

I don’t know about the Steele dossier but Trump would probably mug a hobo for a nickel (and probably bungle it). The fact that Putin dangled a billion dollar payday for a Trump Tower in Moscow was all the incentive he needed to be a Russian stooge from day one.
If rhe law breally lays it on [b]thick[/b] Maybe that national embarrassment will grow ill. Better still, wind up doing time. :D
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By jimjam
Venezuelagate !! You heard that right ...... Venezuelagate is a small part of Republicans In La-La Land's latest attempt to shout their Big Lie from the roof tops that Biden stole the election from the Fat Guy.

There seems to be an acute lack of evidence backing up the Big Lie ...... no matter to the Trump Zombies. After hearing it repeated thousands of times by the Fat Guy and his Fox propaganda outfit they are all in ...... no matter that potential cases of voter fraud in six battleground states found fewer than 475 cases.

Stay tuned for months of very creative Republicans In La-La Land scenarios. They are coming out as I speak. My favorite so far is a power point presentation given to Trump's former chief of staff outlining a method of over throwing the U.S. government. The power point presentation was supposedly given to Trump's chief of staff by a retired Army colonel and propaganda expert. Who gave it to the good col. is a bit sketchy but my favorite is that it originated in a bar somewhere in Texas.

God Bless America!
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By jimjam
BlutoSays wrote:Image

Well I guess that settles it. No foul play by Putin. I personally thought ludicrous the idea that Vladimir would stoop so low as to try to gain an unfair advantage over Donald ..... :lol: .
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