Best President for Eco-Apocalypse? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Three videos you might want to watch, that make my case that, on the issue of climate change, we have waited so long to get serious that, now we need drastic rationing in the advanced industrial nations to slash the burning of carbon fuels to have any hope of keeping the temp increase under 2 deg. C.

The 1st 2 total 32 min. At the end of ach of these 2, they say that if the politicians we have in office now are not going to do enough, that the solution is to replace them with politicians who will do it; and that if the US could get 20M=10% of the population into the streets for the 1st Earth Day, we can and must get 10%=33M into the streets to show the politicians that we are going to replace them if they don't truly change their mind set on climate change.
The 3rd is 1.2 hr., and it's 4 to 5 years old. This shows some of why I say that we have tried downplaying the real seriousness of the situation. So, since that didn't work, maybe we need to try scaring the people into action.

IMHO, better off and well off citizens of the advanced nations must see that societal collapse will mean that they are not going to be safe from violent mobs in their homes or anywhere. They need to get everyone together and be in the same boat. The well off will live longer if we avoid societal collapse for as long as possible. AND, we may even get lucky and save civilization. However, the current carbon-based growth as a goal civilization is over, sooner or later.[==][==]

To reply to the OP.
IMHO, the best candidate now is Marianne Williamson [I hope I spelled that right.]
However, our 1st goal must be to keep Trump from becoming Pres. again.
So, we may have to settle for Biden.

My hope is that after they see 33M protesters in the streets every weekend for 2 months that the Dems will wake up, and I hope their donors will wake up also, and they together will do what is right and necessary on climate change.

What is that you ask? Well, something like WWII. Rationing, a price freeze, a job for everyone, and cash for those who need it. This will slash consumption. But, this can't be allowed to hurt anyone more than everyone else, except the rich. We can't do to the displaced workers what was done to their "fathers" when the factories were moved to China 25 years ago. That is the root of the current economic distress that is fueling fascism in America and all advanced nations, except some in Asia.
USA has nothing to fear from Fascism, and if anything is more in danger from Communism.

That said, you formulate everything on your American perspective, whereas Dems and Reps mean fuck-all to most other people. They are BOTH fucking the dog in relation to the problems, no matter how much lip-service they might be giving it.
Godstud wrote:
USA has nothing to fear from Fascism, and if anything is more in danger from Communism.

In a Communist country, the state owns most everything. There is no interest in that here.

But Trump manages to check off most of the traits of fascism. This is not a new thing, during WW2, a group of fascists tried to overthrow the government.

So, as usual, you are retrograde inverse...
Trump? Have you noticed what Biden has done? The guy who promised the rich that he'd let them keep their tax breaks?

Nobody tried to overthrow the government, either. That's like saying there was a coup attempt but no one came armed... IN THE USA WHERE EVERYONE HAS A DAMNED GUN!!!?

:roll: Americans are so partisan that they can't see that they only traded one despot for another. :knife:

Fine @late , not Communist... Totalitarian, regardless of which side you pick.
Godstud wrote:USA has nothing to fear from Fascism, and if anything is more in danger from Communism.

That said, 2] you formulate everything on your American perspective, whereas Dems and Reps mean fuck-all to most other people. They are BOTH fucking the dog in relation to the problems, no matter how much lip-service they might be giving it.

1] You say you don't care that much about the USA. Maybe that is why you don't see the threat of a fascist dictatorship.

2] I post on the North American page not the Science page. So, yes, I focus on the US. If the US ignores ACC then everyone everywhere is screwed. If the US goes fascist everyone will be screwed.
Last edited by Steve_American on 24 Jul 2023 16:50, edited 1 time in total.
Godstud wrote:
Americans are so partisan that they can't see that they only traded one despot for another.

The thing that borders on amazing is how Biden keeps passing bills with bipartisan support.

Guys like me were basically screaming for Biden to fight, and he hasn't even done that...
Godstud wrote:Trump? Have you noticed what Biden has done? The guy who promised the rich that he'd let them keep their tax breaks?

Nobody tried to overthrow the government, either. That's like saying there was a coup attempt but no one came armed... IN THE USA WHERE EVERYONE HAS A DAMNED GUN!!!?

:roll: Americans are so partisan that they can't see that they only traded one despot for another. :knife:

Fine @late , not Communist... Totalitarian, regardless of which side you pick.

What in the world are you talking about?
Biden is a Corp Dem and the House is controlled by MAGA Repuds. That means there is not a dictator, because no one person has all the power. Power is split between 2 parties, even.

If you meant the US is an oligarchy, then that, I agree with. But, that is what you should have said, if that is what you meant.

.5354 views now
Steve_American wrote:That means there is not a dictator, because no one person has all the power. Power is split between 2 parties, even.
It's doesn't matter. Nothing has changed. The lying and corrupt politicians occupy BOTH parties. The President is just a mouth-piece, and a puppet.

Steve_American wrote:.5354 views now
:eh: So what?
Godstud wrote:It's doesn't matter. Nothing has changed. The lying and corrupt politicians occupy BOTH parties. The President is just a mouth-piece, and a puppet.

So not a despot then? Could you please make your mind up? :eh:
Godstud wrote:It's doesn't matter. Nothing has changed. The lying and corrupt politicians occupy BOTH parties. The President is just a mouth-piece, and a puppet.

:eh: So what?

So, who is the dictator?

The number of views is how I keep track to see if anyone is paying attention.
There is no dictator in the USA. That's the thing. People paint Trump as one, or Biden, depending on what point of view you take. They're really just the same.

Steve_American wrote:The number of views is how I keep track to see if anyone is paying attention.
Steve_American wrote:now we need drastic rationing in the advanced industrial nations to slash the burning of carbon fuels to have any hope of keeping the temp increase under 2 deg. C.

No we don't. China is by far the biggest green house emitter and Qatar is the biggest emitter per capita. The United States also has a role to play. They need to stop immigration from poor countries, because when people immigrate to the United States from poor countries, it almost always results in an increase in their green house emissions.
@Rich China might be a bigger polluter(with roughly 4 times the population of the USA)
but China STILL has a lower per capita rate of greenhouse emissions than USA. They have roughly HALF the rate. That's an important fact that people fail to note.

The nonsense about immigrants raising emission in the USA is complete BS. You just exhibit Nativism, and that's not rational.
Godstud wrote:@Rich China might be a bigger polluter(with roughly 4 times the population of the USA)
but China STILL has a lower per capita rate of greenhouse emissions than USA. They have roughly HALF the rate. That's an important fact that people fail to note.

China has a higher per capita emissions than Britain and most European countries. Many of the phony green policies push our industry into countries that are less energy efficient and have considerably higher green house emissions per unit of output than us.

The nonsense about immigrants raising emission in the USA is complete BS. You just exhibit Nativism, and that's not rational.

Its nothing to do with nativism or anti nativisim. I'm just stating simple facts. When poor people move from poor countries to rich western countries, in almost every case it leads to an increase in their green house emissions. If they get the vote and in their political influence they are also a lot less likely to support green policies than than those that are born in western countries.
Rich wrote:China has a higher per capita emissions than Britain and most European countries. Many of the phony green policies push our industry into countries that are less energy efficient and have considerably higher green house emissions per unit of output than us.

China 7.6 metric tons per person
Germany 8.06 tons per person
UK 5.2 metric tons per person
USA 15.32 metric tons per person
France 5.13 tons per person
Poland 8.48 tons of CO2 per capita

CHina is comparable to Europe, whereas Canada and USA are amongst the worst. Nice try, anyways.

Rich wrote:When poor people move from poor countries to rich western countries, in almost every case it leads to an increase in their green house emissions. If they get the vote and in their political influence they are also a lot less likely to support green policies than than those that are born in western countries.
It has everything to do with it. Yes, so according to you, the rest of the world should live in poverty so you can continue to belch out emissions. :knife:

Heaven forbid that some people might vote for something you don't care about! :roll:
We have gotten off the topic of ACC,

@Godstud, you have presented very little or no evidence that the world has little to fear from ACC. You don't seem to be in any hurry to do anything about it. You refused to offer any program.

I assert that the IPCC gave the world just a few years to get with the program in a big way, and that was a couple of years ago. We are wasting time. Therefore, I'm asserting that we need to do something drastic, rationing.

Steve_American wrote:Three videos you might want to watch, that make my case that, on the issue of climate change, we have waited so long to get serious that, now we need drastic rationing in the advanced industrial nations to slash the burning of carbon fuels to have any hope of keeping the temp increase under 2 deg. C.

The 1st 2 total 32 min. At the end of ach of these 2, they say that if the politicians we have in office now are not going to do enough, that the solution is to replace them with politicians who will do it; and that if the US could get 20M=10% of the population into the streets for the 1st Earth Day, we can and must get 10%=33M into the streets to show the politicians that we are going to replace them if they don't truly change their mind set on climate change.
The 3rd is 1.2 hr., and it's 4 to 5 years old. This shows some of why I say that we have tried downplaying the real seriousness of the situation. So, since that didn't work, maybe we need to try scaring the people into action.

IMHO, better off and well off citizens of the advanced nations must see that societal collapse will mean that they are not going to be safe from violent mobs in their homes or anywhere. They need to get everyone together and be in the same boat. The well off will live longer if we avoid societal collapse for as long as possible. AND, we may even get lucky and save civilization. However, the current carbon-based growth as a goal civilization is over, sooner or later.[==][==]

To reply to the OP.
IMHO, the best candidate now is Marianne Williamson [I hope I spelled that right.]
However, our 1st goal must be to keep Trump from becoming Pres. again.
So, we may have to settle for Biden.

My hope is that after they see 33M protesters in the streets every weekend for 2 months that the Dems will wake up, and I hope their donors will wake up also, and they together will do what is right and necessary on climate change.

What is that you ask? Well, something like WWII. Rationing, a price freeze, a job for everyone, and cash for those who need it. This will slash consumption. But, this can't be allowed to hurt anyone more than everyone else, except the rich. We can't do to the displaced workers what was done to their "fathers" when the factories were moved to China 25 years ago. That is the root of the current economic distress that is fueling fascism in America and all advanced nations, except some in Asia.

Steve_American wrote:@Godstud, you have presented very little or no evidence that the world has little to fear from ACC. You don't seem to be in any hurry to do anything about it. You refused to offer any program.
Strawman Fallacies.

I never said we have nothing to fear from ACC. What I said, was that using fear as your sole marketing feature, won't work well, or might cause a reverse reaction to what you want. You want to change how people think, not scare them until they are jaded.

I never said I had solutions. What I asked was what YOUR solutions were, and you made up only a single "rationing", argument, which I dissembled as being unrealistic, given the typical Western love of "Freedom", and because this is an extreme totalitarian tactic.

I am sure your "viewers" can certainly read and understand how you are mischaracterizing and misinterpreting what I have said.
This is all just tone policing in order to justify not doing anything.

“I don’t do anything about climate change because environmentalists are all brainwashed ideologues who use fear tactics”.

As far as I can tell, there is no realistic approach to stop people from causing and worsening extreme climate change.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This is all just tone policing in order to justify not doing anything.
No. That's what you do. It's called Virtue Signaling.

Pants-of-dog wrote:“I don’t do anything about climate change because environmentalists are all brainwashed ideologues who use fear tactics”.
:lol: The thing is, that's your ONLY tactic to draw people to your cause, and why it's failing to influence many people.

If something doesn't work, repeating it MORE won't help.

Pants-of-dog wrote:As far as I can tell, there is no realistic approach to stop people from causing and worsening extreme climate change.
So you're the person unwilling to look at solutions. Interesting. Maybe because the only thing you can think of is the most radical change.
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