The end of the Rule of Law - Politics | PoFo

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By late
“It sounds almost crazy when you put it that way, doesn’t it?” said Lee Epstein, a professor at the University of Southern California and principal investigator for the Supreme Court Database, a long-running project to catalog and analyze every vote by every justice. “It’s made-up history. No sense of judicial humility. No sense of letting governments work out their problems.”

The Bruen decision invalidated dozens of state and federal laws, upended longstanding legal regimes, and befuddled lower-court judges who have tried to apply it in the absence of a staff of trained historians. It also left many law professors (not to mention historians) speechless.
“Flat-out bonkers,” said Sandy Levinson, a professor at the University of Texas law school and author of multiple books on the Constitution. “I try to imagine, what if this were a seminar paper? Who knows what grade you’d give it? It’s so strange as an exercise in what we might call legal reasoning. But it’s not a seminar paper; it’s a majority opinion of the United States Supreme Court. So what am I supposed to do with that?”

Professor Friedman, of N.Y.U., said, “When you combine overruling with no appreciable change or explanation other than that the membership of the court has changed, what you have is naked power.”

It looks like the Rule of Law and democracy will die at the same time.
@late I read the whole article.

Everything mentioned there I was expecting late. I really expected everything that has happened. I also think it is part of the process. That SCOTUS is going to be very damaging for a very long time. If Trump wins and there is a clean sweep in the congress and the senate?

I really think it is going to be a big problem.

They are an aggressively partisan court.

The law is political. End of story.

I think again, you have to start realizing that all institutions unless carefully staffed with very intelligent and JUST human beings with intelligent legal minds...are going to be tools for the grabs for power.

I am not surprised by any of the SCOTUS rulings.
The 2nd amendment is stupid, but it exists and is the law of the land, for better or worse.. If the law says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" then I don't see how the "rule of law" is ending in the US with the Bruen decision. If some have a problem with the 2nd amendment then they need to amend the constitution, not create laws contrary to it and complain when they're overturned.
Scamp wrote:@Tainari88 explain why the Latin American countries, like where you are from and live, have by far the highest gun death rates in the world.

You mean Mexico? Mexico does not allow gun sales to the general public. No second amendment here. Most if not all of the gun sales in Mexico are from arms dealers from the US who sell it to the Cartels. In fact, the Mexican government sued in US courts recently for illegally letting or allowing guns made in the USA and being sold to criminals to cross the border of the USA causing civilian deaths.

Let me see if I can find the article. Mexico has very strict gun laws Scamp. I do not see civvies running around with conceal and carry problems here. The issue is that almost all 100% of the arms bought and sold in Latin America originate in the USA. Why? because of greed Scamps.

The NRA wanted to change Puerto Rican gun laws. The toughest laws in the US states or unincorporated territories. Basically if they could loosen up Puerto Rican gun laws they could make PR a much easier to buy or sell weapons place.

Most guns confiscated by the Puerto Rican law enforcement personnel are from the US mainland.

You should do more research on drug problems in the US. The US consumes all the products from Mexico, Central America and South America, they back it up with US arms dealer sales. Here is the article on the lawsuit that Mexico won recently against the US gun manufacturers.

In August 2021, the Government of Mexico filed a civil lawsuit for damages against U.S. gun manufacturers that, through their carelessness and negligence, actively facilitate the trafficking of their products into Mexican territory.Jan 22, 2024

Mexican government wins appeal in U.S. court in lawsuit ... › sre › prensa › mexican-government.

It is n ot my fault that you believe propaganda about who is the big arms gun dealing illegal shit stuff. It is capitalistic greed from the US gun lobby @Scamp

BTW Scamps, Puerto Rico does not have a death penalty. But the US does. They get upset if the laws contradict that the US gun manufacturers want in the halls of the US congress.

You should worry about those crazy shooters on college dorm campuses and universities all over the USA and schools full of kids, malls and craziness. The NRA and other lobbyist groups all make a lot of money with their guns and AK47s, they are not about to stop being lovers of profit for BLOOD. No. It is the American way to profit over guns and selling guns and cluster bombs to Ukraine that is banned in the UN as being a danger to civvies.

But you believe what Scamp? It is the corrupt Latin Americans responsible for all those gun deaths due to cartels in poverty stricken low wage fucked up ghettos and the deaths because of gangs and crime related to unemployment and making one buck an hour in wages?

Think about it dude.

The guns are shipped in via the USA. Puerto Rico has strict laws about guns, those are ignored because the drugs are coming in from fast motor boats from South America full of drugs. The US consumes more illegal and illicit drugs than any other nation in the Americas Scampy. You are full of drug addicts in the USA. Money makers for drug dealers who buy illegal weapons from US gun manufacturers. US arms are a great business. Washington DC suburbs are full of gun lobbyists and arms dealers who make a lot of profit in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and now selling shit to the Ukrainians too and so on.

The Russians have more nukes I think? Even more than the USA. But Russian guns in Latin America are non existent. They all come from the states.

Also, not all of Mexico is dangerous and unsafe. My city here Mérida in he Yucatán is considered the second safest city in North America. Only Quebec City in Canada is safer to live in.

Here is the evidence:

Merida has been named the second safest city in North America by Ceoworld Magazine, one of the leading business publications in the States, beaten to the number one spot by Quebec City in the Canadian French-speaking province of Quebec.Apr 19, 2023 ... f%20Quebec.

Is it my fault Scamp that you believe bad Netflix shit all day and do not do any real research on what is going on in other areas of the world and the reasons why? No.

You believe whatever the fake news people tell you. Lol. You are a MAGA man or not eh? :lol: :lol:
@late, I'm not sure if this related threat can add to your thred, but ....

MAGA Republican-led House could decide to steal the election on their own
by 1st, after the 2024 election, refusing to certify the elections of enough Dems to steal control of the House; and then 2nd, refusing to certify the elections of enough EC votes from a few states, and therefore, throwing the Pres. election into the House with the crazy rules that the Constitution sets out for when no one gets a majority of EC votes.

That is what is claimed to be possible. I'm not sure how the current House makeup can do that. I think that it is the new House Reps who decide who is certified, but it is possible that I'm wrong, because how can the new Reps. vote to accept themselves?

If that is in fact true, then how can the voters keep that from happening?

One way would be for enough voters to vote for Dems in all special elections for the current House to replace "current" Reps who have retired or died, . . . to take control of the House form the MAGA Repubs before this year's general election.
Is there another way to block this crazy possibility?

Unthinking Majority wrote:
The 2nd amendment is stupid, but it exists and is the law of the land, for better or worse.. If the law says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed" then I don't see how the "rule of law" is ending in the US with the Bruen decision. If some have a problem with the 2nd amendment then they need to amend the constitution, not create laws contrary to it and complain when they're overturned.

The 2nd is about militias...

Heller overturned 2 centuries of precedent, and they did it using a fantasy that had not a thing to do with law or history.
Steve_American wrote:
@late, I'm not sure if this related threat can add to your thred, but ....

MAGA Republican-led House could decide to steal the election on their own
by 1st, after the 2024 election, refusing to certify the elections of enough Dems to steal control of the House; and then 2nd, refusing to certify the elections of enough EC votes from a few states, and therefore, throwing the Pres. election into the House with the crazy rules that the Constitution sets out for when no one gets a majority of EC votes.

That is what is claimed to be possible. I'm not sure how the current House makeup can do that. I think that it is the new House Reps who decide who is certified, but it is possible that I'm wrong, because how can the new Reps. vote to accept themselves?

If that is in fact true, then how can the voters keep that from happening?

One way would be for enough voters to vote for Dems in all special elections for the current House to replace "current" Reps who have retired or died, . . . to take control of the House form the MAGA Repubs before this year's general election.
Is there another way to block this crazy possibility?

Yeah, that was the inspiration for the thread.

I don't have an answer for you about how to stop it. It's not reassuring that the Supreme Court is dominated by hacks.
Scamp wrote:Obviously criminals and thugs have guns. What kind of retard would want to disarm law abiding citizens?

Well I believe Ukrainian Liberals changed their minds and decided it would be a good idea to let Citizens own guns a few days before the start of the SMO. Another thing I noticed about Ukrainian Liberals was when they wanted to conscript people they were suddenly able to tell the difference between a man and a woman without a PHD in human biology.
Rich wrote:
Well I believe Ukrainian Liberals changed their minds and decided it would be a good idea to let Citizens own guns a few days before the start of the SMO. Another thing I noticed about Ukrainian Liberals was when they wanted to conscript people they were suddenly able to tell the difference between a man and a woman without a PHD in human biology.

BS is a poor substitute for thinking.
Rich wrote:Well I believe Ukrainian Liberals changed their minds and decided it would be a good idea to let Citizens own guns a few days before the start of the SMO. Another thing I noticed about Ukrainian Liberals was when they wanted to conscript people they were suddenly able to tell the difference between a man and a woman without a PHD in human biology.

Can you imagine that? When the enemy is knocking at your door, even liberal anti gun nuts want to hand out guns.

BTW, in 2023 the US had 15.9 million licensed hunters.
That is by far the largest army in the world.
Scamp wrote:
Can you imagine that? When the enemy is knocking at your door, even liberal anti gun nuts want to hand out guns.

This country needs better secondary education..
Burglars avoid breaking into occupied houses. When criminals do intrude into occupied houses, it is usually to confront or harm someone they know, which suggests, in part, the victim chose to associate with a low life.

An intruder may also enter an occupied dwelling if he knows the occupant foolishly keeps large amounts of cash on hand (like a fellow drug dealer) and/or may want to pressure the occupant into giving their ATM pin code.

A gun owner is more likely to use the gun against himself or a family member than against an intruder.
Scamp wrote:
Question for @late, since you are anti gun, if someone breaks into your house, what's your plan, call 911, or hope your parents shoot them?

First, I am 72.

Second, I live in one of the safest towns, in one of the safest states.

Third, I used to be NRA, and owned guns. I sold them, and pretty much everything, when I was buying my first house.

Fourth, I am not anti-gun, I am anti-crazy. I've lived in a country that had good gun laws. That was nice.
Robert Urbanek wrote:
Burglars avoid breaking into occupied houses. When criminals do intrude into occupied houses, it is usually to confront or harm someone they know, which suggests, in part, the victim chose to associate with a low life.

An intruder may also enter an occupied dwelling if he knows the occupant foolishly keeps large amounts of cash on hand (like a fellow drug dealer) and/or may want to pressure the occupant into giving their ATM pin code.

A gun owner is more likely to use the gun against himself or a family member than against an intruder.

Years ago, a daughter was sneaking back into her home, after sneaking out. Dad thought she was a burglar and opened fire, killing her.

Imagine trying to live with that.
Scamp wrote:Can you imagine that? When the enemy is knocking at your door, even liberal anti gun nuts want to hand out guns.

BTW, in 2023 the US had 15.9 million licensed hunters.
That is by far the largest army in the world.

Do not worry. A bunch of liberals like @late
own guns in the USA. The Republican Trump supporters take over the USA and make that old conman Prez of the USA for life....and go and try to break down his door to arrest him for writing on the internet shit they do not agree with? Lol. He is well armed.

The USA is so full of guns that if the government went on a mass round up the liberal campaign and Trump did say he wanted to change the law so he could lock up his enemies and political opponents...the problem is everyone is armed in the USA.

Shoot outs with the stormtroopers....

How cowboyish has all this gotten folks?

I always wondered why Canada has a lot of hunters and registered gun owners and they do not come near the stats the USA has.

I think it is a psychological issue folks.
late wrote:Years ago, a daughter was sneaking back into her home, after sneaking out. Dad thought she was a burglar and opened fire, killing her.

Imagine trying to live with that.

People do not analyze what having a loaded gun in your home actually winds up doing.

You got to place a safety mechanism on the thing. Then place it out of the reach of children. Because a bunch of little kids get a hold of a loaded gun that was not properly secured and put away and locked and the kid winds up killing a sibling or their own parent or neighbor.

Some couple gets a divorce and some crazy ass man or woman can't take it and either commits suicide with it or winds up killing his spouse or his kids. That happens too.

Or some paranoid freak decides you are a burglar when all you are doing is collecting signatures to have your hometown vote on clean water for all or something?

It is not that safe.

If a country or a nation is at war and civil war breaks out? The military and the state are going to have a clear advantage.

The only ones well armed anyway with military grade weapons are the ones who never tell the state anything anyway. So why assume the law abiding are going to win a war with the state?

It is crazy.

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