Unit 731 - Japanese death factory - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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In Japan, there is a museum dedicated to the notorious unit 731. The museum is a place of mass pilgrimage for tourists from around the world, but first of all, for the Japanese themselves. Moreover, the Japanese, especially the young people, most often leave the museum with a facial expression, as if they visited a national shrine.
In 1932 near the Pingfan village that is located near Harbin city the Unit 731 was stationed. It included almost 150 buildings and blocks. The Unit 731 selected the most talented graduates of the best Japanese universities, who were the light and hope of the Japanese science.
Thousands of people were the material for that horrible "factory". Arrogant Japanese scientist called them "timbers" and tested on them deadly strains and made other cruel experiments. And the "factory`s products" could destroy the universe in a matter of months.

Inhuman experiments were conducted on prisoners under the direction of the Japanese microbiologist Shiro Ishii. The most important experiments that were performed on the test subjects were various tests of the effectiveness of various strains of the most dangerous epidemic diseases: plague, cholera, typhoid, dysentery, syphilis.

And here you will see how the experiments were conducted. In special barracks special sealed cells were arranged, where people doomed to death were locked. These rooms were so small that people could not even move. People were injected with a syringe with a deadly vaccine and the scientists were observing various changes in the state of the organism. Then infected people were dissected alive and the scientists were pulling out organs and observed how the disease spreads to all organs.

Experimental were not allowed to die for as long as possible and the "doctors" did not sew open organs to make it easier to calmly observe the disease process without bothering themselves with a new dissection. They did not use any anesthesia so that it does not violate the "natural" course of the experiment.

The "lucky" ones were those of the victims on whom not bacteria, but gases were tested, because these people died faster.

According to the workers` stories, by the end of the war the storages of the Unit 731 had accumulated such a critical mass of epidemic bacteria that, if they were scattered under ideal conditions around the planet, it would be enough to destroy all of humanity without any problem.

But the Unit 731 worked not only on biological weapons. The Japanese scientists meticulously figured out the limits of endurance of the human body, for which they conducted various terrible medical experiments on living people, including small children.
For example, in order to find out how many percent a person is made of water, the victims of that special Unit were turned into mummies alive. For this, people were placed in a hot room with the lowest humidity, so they profusely sweated until they completely dried out. Moreover, the scientists did not let them drink. Then they accurately weighted bodies. So this is how the Japanese physicians have empirically confirmed that the human body consists of water at 78%.
They conducted also quite meaningless experiments on people, like out of "curiosity" dictated by pathological sadism. They cut off the experimental people`s hands and feet and then sewed them back, swapping right and left limbs, or they did people a blood transfusion using blood of horses, monkeys and other animals. They made living people undergo extreme X-rays there. Some of the victims were scalded with boiling water or tested for sensitivity to electric current. Curious "scientists" filled the victims' lungs with a large amount of gas or smoke sometimes.
According to Unit 731 workers` testimony at Russian Khabarovsk city process, during the entire period of its existence in the laboratories, at least three thousand people were destroyed during the criminal misanthropic experiments.
However some researchers believe that this number was greatly underestimated, and the real victims of experimenter executioners turned out to be much more.
The Soviet Union put the end of existence of the Japanese death factory. On August 9, 1945, Soviet troops launched an offensive against the Japanese army, and the Unit was ordered to be evacuated to the Japanese islands.
The Unit 731 executioners burned some materials in specially dug pits, trying to urgently hide their criminal experiments. They even destroyed all those of the experimental people who survived.
However, the Japanese bacteriologists saved the most important materials, waiting for their further use. Shiro Ishii and some other Unit leaders, handing over the materials to Americans, carried files out. In response to a request from the Soviet side for the extradition and prosecution of Unit 731 members, the Americans stated that whereabouts of the Unit 731 leadership, including Shiro Ishii, was unknown and that there was no reason to accuse the unit of war crimes".
Nevertheless, the trial of the captured criminals finally took place in Soviet Union. From December 25 to December 30, 1949, in Khabarovsk city, the Military Tribunal of the Primorsky Military District judged court cases against 12 former soldiers of the Japanese army who were charged with the development and use of bacteriological weapons during the World War II.
The commander of the Kwantung Army General Yamada Otozo, former chief of the medical administration lieutenant-general of medical service Kajitsuka Ryuji, former head of bacteriological Unit 731 major general Kawashima Kyoshi, former scientist of the bacteriological Unit 100 lieutenant Hirazakura Dzensaku, Unit`s 731 branch Unit 162 former medical technician Kurushima Yuji were among the defendants at the Khabarovsk city process.
Thus, almost all scientists of the "death unit", which numbered almost three thousand people, escaped responsibility for their criminal experiments, except those who fell into the hands of the USSR.
Many Unit 731 workers after the World War II continued to live and work calmly in Japan and the United States, and even take high posts. Those who were infecting people with pathogenic bacteria and dissected living people got fine universities and medical schools deans or master academicians.
Today the Japanese leadership takes all possible measures to revise the results of the World War II and deny the war crimes committed by the militarists. Furthermore, they are trying in every way to ensure the world community to the idea that the Japanese people were the victims during the World War II, and that war criminals were defenders of the nation and today they deserve honor and worship.
In Japan, there is a museum dedicated to the notorious unit 731. The museum is a place of mass pilgrimage for tourists from around the world, but first of all, for the Japanese themselves. Moreover, the Japanese, especially the young people, most often leave the museum with a facial expression, as if they visited a national shrine.

It looks like Tintin's third profile. The museum is actually located in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province and Japanese tourists are discouraged from visiting the Chinese propaganda site. Probably few thousand POWs died at the site to advance our knowledge on biological weapons.

ThirdTerm wrote:It looks like Tintin's third profile. The museum is actually located in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province and Japanese tourists are discouraged from visiting the Chinese propaganda site. Probably few thousand POWs died at the site to advance our knowledge on biological weapons.

Regardless, for this abomination's existence alone (Unit 731) Imperial Japan deserved the royal stomping it got from the United States and the Soviet Union.
[quote="ThirdTerm"]It looks like Tintin's third profile. The museum is actually located in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province and Japanese tourists are discouraged from visiting the Chinese propaganda site. Probably few thousand POWs died at the site to advance our knowledge on biological weapons.

I don't care that there is such a museum. I just wrote about the events of the WW2 and stuff made by the Japanese imperial army at that times

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