The Unofficial Draft Liberal Party - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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The Unofficial Draft Liberal Party (UDLP) is a new branch of the Democratic Party similar to the Republican's Tea Party. The UDLP stands for social and classic liberalism, protection of civil rights, and limiting the size of the Federal government. The UDLP is moderatly libertarian, as it believes in ending the prohibition on drugs, but still that the Government has a role in breaking up monopolies and making big business play fair. Unions are important, and should regain their power that has been lost due to government regulations. Unions, not government, should take the first approach in bartering for the masses.

The UDLP is entirely secular, but believes in state atheism and removing all references to any particular religion from the United States' government.

If you are a Liberal moderate, belive in protection of civil liberties, less regulation of your private life, and a government that works for the people instead of billionaire lobbyists, join the UDLP.
Tannertarian wrote:If you are a Liberal moderate, belive in protection of civil liberties, less regulation of your private life, and a government that works for the people instead of billionaire lobbyists, join the UDLP.

How exactly does a capitalist political party work for the people? The only people a government in the framework of a Western liberal democracy work for are the upper class. Idealism and an empty sack is still just an empty sack.
How does a capitalist political party work for the people? Because capitalism works for the people. Elitist political parties such as the Democrats of Republicans though favour the rich within a capitalist system. Instead, the UDLP will support capitalist ideas but balance them with supporting unions and worker associations. The best form of capitalism is one where the workers have a collective bargoning right with their employers, and our politicians have taken that away.
I think I'll stick with the mainstream Democrats, thanks. I support the sentiments here but disagree on unions.
Tannertarian wrote:How does a capitalist political party work for the people? Because capitalism works for the people. Elitist political parties such as the Democrats of Republicans though favour the rich within a capitalist system. Instead, the UDLP will support capitalist ideas but balance them with supporting unions and worker associations. The best form of capitalism is one where the workers have a collective bargoning right with their employers, and our politicians have taken that away.

I think that's called social democracy.
I support the sentiments here but disagree on unions.

You disagree that workers should negotiate their contracts before the government stepped in? The same government that the koch brothers are pouring a billion dollars into this year?
I disagree that unions should be made more powerful.
Every single penny that goes to a worker rather than an idle shareholder is a penny too much as far as Nets is concerned.

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