Why do Liberals Support Polanski? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By millie_(A)TCK
You think that if it was a famous conservative in this position, their friends wouldn't support them?

I do wonder actually if they would. Conservatives never supported Eliot Spitzer nor John Ensign so it's unlikely they'd support a conservative celebrity child rapist.

Amy Goodman on Democracy Now slammed Polanski.

I was searched for any commentary on Polanski's case on her site a while back but couldn't find any. Could you please post a link.
By ccdan
any normal individual should support polanski because there was no crime... the so-called "crime" is only in the heads of mentally ill extremists who have in general a problem with sex and personal liberties...
By ccdan
Guess who the pedophile in the thread is ?

I don't know... you perhaps? some closeted pedophile?
Last time I checked, pedophilia meant sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children... moreover, defending young people's right to have sex doesn't mean that the person who defends them is sexually attracted to them! but some seriously deranged individuals have a twisted logic and make all sorts of idiotic and insulting suppositions! and almost always they're either americans or individuals from islamic states
By Zerogouki

ccdan, go actually read something about the case.

Roman Polanski drugged the girl. He slipped narcotics into her champagne, waited until she was nearly unconscious and unable to move, then raped her. She told him to stop, and he refused.

This isn't about some willing, horny 13-year-old girl who fell in love with an older man. This is rape, and it would have been rape now matter what the girl's age was.
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By millie_(A)TCK
Last time I checked, pedophilia meant sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children... moreover, defending young people's right to have sex doesn't mean that the person who defends them is sexually attracted to them! but some seriously deranged individuals have a twisted logic and make all sorts of idiotic and insulting suppositions! and almost always they're either americans or individuals from islamic states

And your islamophobic and anti-American. So what are your negative traits? :knife:

You obviously didn't read the article I posted, because if you had, you'd have read Samantha Gailey's testimony to never having consented to sex with Polanski. It's not that he committed statutory rape, but he drugged and forced himself on an unwilling person which makes it blatantly rape.

[edit] lol, Zergouki, we posted at the same time.
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By Silence
I do wonder actually if they would. Conservatives never supported Eliot Spitzer nor John Ensign so it's unlikely they'd support a conservative celebrity child rapist.

Both of which where politicians however, I doubt their friends where disconnected celebrities, and therefore not moronic enough to support a rapist.
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By Genghis Khan
How the fuck did Polanski's perverted crime become a liberal/conservative issue?

There is no monolithic liberal organization that has called for his release in the name of liberalism, but that won't stop hateful partisan hacks like the PoFo Palin lover to make a partisan point out of it.

Those who use Polanski's crime to make a partisan point are as pathetic as he is.
By Huntster
Imagine that!

Any conservatives you know of making excuses for his sorry ass?

You think that if it was a famous conservative in this position, their friends wouldn't support them?

You don't even have to commit a crime for fellow conservatives to cut you to shreds.

Larry Craig was shunned by fellow conservatives after his foot tap dance at the Minneapolis airport.

Mark Sanford was shunned by fellow conservatives after his fling with the South American babe was discovered.

Rape? You bet other conservatives would dump him. In a heartbeat.
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By Rei Murasame
Kylie wrote:Where is the outrage from the feminists in this case?

Feminist outrage was at a peak, just somehow no one noticed. (or did they just choose not the notice?)


Vanessa @ Feministing wrote:It absolutely drives me insane how Polanski and other high profile sex offenders like accused Woody Allen are treated like martyrs for having to endure the tabloids for heinous crimes, and labeled as these brilliant, tragic and fascinating men. Is it just me or is there something really disturbing about this?

http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2 ... g-over-it/

Lauren @ feministe wrote:He raped Samantha Gailey when she was a thirteen year old girl. He groomed a girl, possibly two that we know of, to be sexually abused by him. I was raped when I was a thirteen year old girl. The man who raped me, who is nameless and faceless in my memories, groomed me over the course of several days to lure me into his room. The man who raped me was never brought to justice, was never reported. He knew I was thirteen because I told him, he knew I didn’t consent because I told him no. I cried, there was blood, there was a lot of blood. I was afraid of him and of what would happen to me when it was discovered that I’d “had sex.” I ran, I hid, I withheld, I self-destructed, and afterward I willingly invited people into my life who would further take advantage of and abuse me. I think of Polanski and I think of the man who raped me. I wonder who he is, where he is now, and if he hurt other people like he hurt me, whether their families suffered the turmoil mine did.

And some others:

http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blog ... s-refuted/

Amanda Hess @ The Washington City Paper wrote:You know what I find revolting? When a film critic prefaces her work with a disclaimer about how much it sucks that a rapist is getting arrested for raping someone, and then uses the rapiest imagery possible to applaud his film work. Nope! Sorry! Understanding Women is not a valid defense against rape. Similarly, being a really marvelous film director doesn’t mean that you get to rape someone and not go to prison. Even if you made The Pianist.

Remember: making The Pianist and being a rapist are not mutually exclusive.

http://www.salon.com/mwt/broadsheet/fea ... index.html

Kate Harding @ Salon wrote:Roman Polanski raped a child. Let's just start right there, because that's the detail that tends to get neglected when we start discussing whether it was fair for the bail-jumping director to be arrested at age 76, after 32 years in "exile" (which in this case means owning multiple homes in Europe, continuing to work as a director, marrying and fathering two children, even winning an Oscar, but never -- poor baby -- being able to return to the U.S.). Let's keep in mind that Roman Polanski gave a 13-year-old girl a Quaalude and champagne, then raped her, before we start discussing whether the victim looked older than her 13 years, or that she now says she'd rather not see him prosecuted because she can't stand the media attention. Before we discuss how awesome his movies are or what the now-deceased judge did wrong at his trial, let's take a moment to recall that according to the victim's grand jury testimony, Roman Polanski instructed her to get into a jacuzzi naked, refused to take her home when she begged to go, began kissing her even though she said no and asked him to stop; performed cunnilingus on her as she said no and asked him to stop; put his penis in her vagina as she said no and asked him to stop; asked if he could penetrate her anally, to which she replied, "No," then went ahead and did it anyway, until he had an orgasm.


Kieran Healey @ Crooked Timber wrote:In any event, I look forward to more detailed explanations of who the Real Victim is here, and more fine-grained elaboration of the criteria — other than “marvelous dinner guest” — for being issued a Get Out of Child Rape Free card.

http://pandagon.net/index.php/site/good ... :18:49:00Z

Amanda Marcotte wrote:I’ve made my opinions on this issue excruciatingly clear in the past, but I’ll repeat: Polanski is a great filmmaker, and I love many of his movies. But he needs to be punished for raping a 13-year-old girl.

In most cases, I tend to have a negative view of doggedly pursuing a criminal decades after the crime, but there are exceptions. In this case, I think that that the pressing need to send the message that fame and fortune doesn’t give you a free pass to rape is worth the resources and effort put on bringing him in.

http://tigerbeatdown.blogspot.com/2009/ ... antha.html

Sady @ Tiger Beatdown wrote:Okay, SO, you will probably not be getting a Rosemary's Baby review today. This is because I am having trouble getting my hands on the film Rosemary's Baby! The reason for this is pretty simple: Roman Polanski, the director of Rosemary's Baby, raped somebody. And I have a little game that I like to play, called Don't Give Money To The Rapist.

I think that gives a pretty decent cross-section of how the Feminists reacted.

Also, I would add that American conservatives shouldn't have been permitted to use the issue to grandstand, seeing as American conservatives are (astoundingly!) pro-rape themselves.

So what we are grappling with now is not a mere "Left vs Right", but in fact a battle against the Rape Culture itself. The Polanski 'case' was just one skirmish within a long, long war.

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