Corruption In Brazil - Politics | PoFo

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By Angelamerkel
Corruption In Brazil

Nearly as ominous as the economic cloud hovering over Dilma Rousseff is the scandal surrounding Petrobras, the state-controlled oil company. It nearly cost her re-election, and could yet spoil her second term as Brazil's president.

The affair began in March, when federal police arrested Paulo Roberto Costa, Petrobras's chief of refining from 2004 to 2012, in a money-laundering investigation.

Mr Costa, seeking leniency, confessed to far more than that. Construction companies that won contracts from his division diverted 3% of their value into slush funds for political parties, he said. Police identified 10 billion reais ($3.7 billion) of suspicious payments, making the petrolão (the "big oily") Brazil's biggest corruption scandal.

In November police arrested two dozen executives from Brazil's six largest construction firms and another former Petrobras bigwig; 30 people have been indicted. Most of the alleged bribe-takers belong to the Workers' Party, which Ms Rouseff leads, or to her coalition allies.

Read more: ... z3NqqvCeuy

The corruption scandal comes at a bad time for Brazil's socialist government. They bet on Petrobras investments and now oil prices are down at the same time Petrobras is revealed to be riddled with high level corruption. This is one reason why ruling party changes deliver a great benefit: the ones in charge are a bit cleaner if they think they can lose power. Latinamerican governments are well known for corrupt practices. And the one leading the corruption rankings is Venezuela, where the same socialist party has had control for many years. These countries should adopt constitutions which apply strict term limits for individual politicians. That should help.
Help stop corruption by videoing the all candidates forums like I do.

October 29 2014 All candidates forum Osoyoos British Columbia Canada

The auditorium was 85% full
the Old Guard are gathered near the podium by the East entrance
The OG is here to dominate the forum by rooting for their candidates and heckling & intimidating all others.

The Moderator explained how the questions were sorted out to prevent duplicates.

My preference would be that each candidate pick 2 random questions out of 200+
answering 1 of them, then the next candidate...

Political action groups were there from the "pro firehall group" Sorry Michael Ryan, you being a town council member;
should have stayed away from the forum completely. What if the other out going members; Mike Plante and Stu Wells attended and took up as much time.
Boo to you Mr. Ryan

During my opening speech I was heckled by members the OG (husband of RCMP officer).
After the incident the moderator told me "if You act up like that again, I will have to ask you to leave"; never saying anything to those that disrupted my podium time.
Future forums will have many more camcorders trained on these controlling groups;
shining some light on this forum hijacking practice.

The preselected questions were asked and answered (up to 9 times) ad nauseum.

There are many more current hot button issues that should have been asked:
Like the overpayment of 1.6 million (4 times too much) for the fire hall land.
The cowboy cops of osoyoos on the Province newspaper front page!!! (just days before)
The mayor on the front page of the Osoyoos times (current issue) pictured removing private property signage.
Who was in the back seat of your car that day; Mr Mayor?

This is why we always elect such pathetic representatives. No tuff personal questions are ever asked.
Candidates with shady backgrounds get a free pass.

Then the candidates closing statements.

As I was putting my camcorder away I heard people say things like; "I'm glad I came"
"this was more interesting than I expected"
another said "that was brave to step in between the combatants" to one of the candidates He replied "I knew them all"

The forum video footage has been posted to Youtube under dougformayorosoyoos.

Watch the video and see what a terrible format these CofC "All Candidates meetings" are.

Random questions and more camcorders watching the political groups, that corrupt democracy; can only change things for the better.

The scandal will produce damning headlines for months to come. Most of the 28 politicians named by Mr Costa enjoy parliamentary privilege; only the Supreme Court may try them. Shares in Petrobras have dropped by more than half since their peak in September (in part because of falling oil prices).

Minority shareholders are furious. On December 24th the city of Providence, Rhode Island, one of several aggrieved investors, filed a case in New York naming Ms Rousseff as a potential witness. The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether Petrobras violated anti-corruption laws. Expect more storms in 2015.

Good job Brazil.

If someone in PoFo is from Brazil I'd appreciate a small explanation on how and why corruption exists in such a large scale there. I know I can just google search, but I want an insider's perspective, I've found that it's preferable learning-wise
I'm not from Brazil but I understand some of the emerging left wing regimes are very corrupt. For example, here is an article about large scale money laundering by the venezuelan oil company PDVSA

A high-level manager at BPA took "exorbitant commissions to process transactions related to Venezuelan third-party money launderers," FinCEN detailed.

"This activity involved the development of shell companies and complex financial products to siphon off funds from (PDVSA). BPA processed approximately $2 billion in transactions related to this money laundering scheme," it added.

The news follows two days after the United States declared Venezuela a national security threat and ordered sanctions against seven officials from the oil-rich country.

Calls to PDVSA in Venezuela's capital Caracas went unanswered.
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By KlassWar
The emerging left wing regimes are invariably a whole lot less corrupt than the right-wing, CIA-aligned shitholes they replaced.

Sure, that's not a particularly high standard :P... But an improvement's an improvement.
But the venezuelan regime must have the world record for corruption and sheer stupidity. Maduro seems to be a world class asshole. I'm surprised one of the other Chavistas hasn't assassinated him. I bet he doesn't trust anybody around him.

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