Muslim settlers killed in militant attacks in Assam - Politics | PoFo

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Eleven Muslim settlers killed in militant attacks in Assam


Suspected tribal rebels shot dead 11 Muslim settlers, including two women, in attacks in tea-growing Assam where tension is running high during an election, officials said on Friday.

Police said they suspected the militants behind the overnight killings were members of the Bodo tribe.

Bodo people have frequently clashed with Muslims they say have illegally entered from neighbouring Bangladesh and encroached on their ancestral lands in the hills.

"The authorities will take firm action against those involved in this crime," said state government spokesman Nilamoni Sen Deka.

Police reinforcements were sent to the two districts where the attacks took place, which have a history of sectarian violence.

Candidates in India's general election, including opposition front runner Narendra Modi, have contributed to anti-Bangladeshi feeling in Assam.

Modi last week said immigrants from Bangladesh in a nearby state should have their "bags packed" in case he came to power.

Election results are due on May 16.

In the first incident, the militants shot dead three members of a family, including two women, while wounding a baby, police said.

"The gunmen entered the house and shot them dead on the spot," a senior police officer in the state capital with knowledge of the investigation told Reuters.

In the second incident, eight people were killed by a group of guerrillas, he said.

Two years ago, 40 people were killed in clashes between Bodo people and Muslim settlers in the same district. ... s-in-assam

This is another manifestation of the constant illegal emigration from overcrowded Bangladesh into sparser populated parts of India.
The Congress Party does not act against this, on the contrary, they issue them Indian citizenship as quickly as possible because those settlers vote for Congress.
Note that even the Bangladeshi newspaper calls those people "settlers"
No, this is another manifestation of terrorism Bodo organizations. The victory of reactionary elements there who now represent this so called Bodo Movement and shall be eradicated from this earth as the poison they are. This is not the first time they have perpetuated such abhorrent violent acts and it won't be the last time and make no mistake, there victims are not only muslims (although it get international coverage, if that's the case).

And the illegal immigrants over flooding Assam is largely a myth while these acts of violence continues even when they have been given their own autonomous region comprising regions which are not even populated by bodos.

A good article debunking the myth of illegal immigration :
Fuser : I think the truth lies in the middle.
The article you cited admits that the Muslim settlers came from East Bengal, albeit most before 1971.
The author of the article is suspected of being a fraud and a swindler, see ... 130204.htm

Whatever the case, if Modi becomes the new PM in India, there will be serious problems between India and Bangladesh about migration !

It is alarming. Mr Narendra Modi, projected to be the next prime minister of India and his Bharatiya Janata Party’s front ranking leaders have threatened the integrity of Bangladesh. In his recent election meetings in Assam Modi has pledged to throw out what he called illegal Muslim immigrants across the border.
He also wants Bangladesh to cede one-third of its land to India as compensation for rehabilitation of Hindus who have crossed over to India. Hindus, he said, would be allowed to stay and rehabilitated in India. His BJP cohort Subramaniam Swami event went further. In a lunatic idea of dividing Bangladesh he drew a straight line from Sylhet to Khulna and the better half to be ceded to India.

Targeting Bangladesh
Hindu nationalist Modi and his party leaders have targeted small neighbour Bangladesh finding its political leadership weak and subservient to India. NDTV of India quoted Modi last Monday saying that “illegal Bangladeshis must pack their bags after May 16,” the day when the Indian election results will be announced. He is expecting to win the election and take over as prime minister of India.
Of all the neighbours, Modi has been talking loudly against Bangladesh and claiming one-third of its territory to his objective of establishing Akhand Bharat. Not India, they say, Bharat Varsha (Akhand Bharat) extending from the Indus to the borders of Myanmar. This means wiping out Bangladesh and Pakistan from the world’s map.The talk of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in India is nothing but fictitious and imaginary. It is only BJP and no other Indian political party talks about it. Why Bangladeshis left home to live in India? Is the living condition in Assam, Bihar or West Bengal any better? Thousands of debt ridden farmers in India are committing suicide every year to get rid of physical and mental torture of greedy money lenders.
Indian society is cursed by widely discriminating caste system. The country is tormented by rising Maoist insurgency, armed struggle for independence of Kashmir and northern states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and Tripura. Why Bangladeshi Muslims will migrate to India to be haunted as ‘atankabdi’ by the army and paramilitary forces? Issue of Muslim immigrants has been cooked up by BJP for a heinous purpose.
Rising from RSS, the militant wing of BJP, Modi is known as the architect of communal riots in India. His hands are dripped in bloods of the Muslims of Gujarat. As chief minister of Gujarat Modi orchestrated riot in the state in 2002 when at least over a thousand Muslims were butchered, their homes looted and torched, and women dishonoured. The US was angered at Modi’s atrocities on minority Muslims. Since then he was never allowed US visa to visit America.

Tainted Indian secularism
The BJP had assembled half a million of party’s kar sevak (militant activists) in December 1992 and demolished the 12th century Babri Mosque in Ayodha in a planned way that wounded the Muslim sentiment. After demolition of the mosque they raised a temple, Ram Mandir, there. This was done flouting the Supreme Court order that asked the government to maintain status quo. The army was deployed in accordance with the court order but none of the soldiers resisted demolition of the historic mosque. The plan was implemented with tacit support of the ruling Congress party.
Story goes that Congress Prime Minister Narasima Rao at that time in his hypocrisy sat for puja minutes before BJP militants started demolition of the mosque with instruction not to disturb him. There were frantic telephone calls to seek the prime minister’s guidance for the mosque’s protection without any response. When demolition was complete his aide reportedly whispered in his ears that it was done. Rao then finished his puja and withdrew from the puja mandap.
In India, secularism is a facade. Muslim Congress leaders including Maulana Abul Kalam Azad who was president of the Congress party till the fag end of independence movement in 1946 were not trusted by their colleagues. Patel openly questioned patriotism of Maulana Azad who had ceased to count for much in Congress deliberations. In July 1947 MK Gandhi wrote to Pandit Nehru urging him to exclude Maulana Azad from the first cabinet of free India and take another Muslim who will obey them. Such instances of disbelieving Muslims can be found in Jashwant Singh’s book on Partition of India and MA Jinnah.

Congress rule and riots
Most of the communal riots in India occurred during the rule of Congress government. None of those fomented communalism causing ugly riots, not to speak of Narendra Modi, has been punished. The Muslim youths are accused of being atankabadi (terrorist). They are suspected as ataankabadi and haunted by security men. Hundreds of youths, especially in Kashmir, go missing every year and never return home. Distinguished Indian writers are on record on the issue.
Curiously, Modi and his party in election campaign never talked about border incursions and encroachment of land by China as frequently reported by the Indian media. They are haunted by the humiliating defeat by the Chinese army in the brief war of 1962 when the Indian forces had been chased up to the bank of Brahmaputra in upper Assam. Modi is carefully keeping quiet about recovering lands from Chinese occupation.
It would be perilous for India or for that matter, the entire region if indeed Modi wins the election and venture to implement the pledges after coming to power. Leaders of Bangladesh and the region, however, should be prepared to boldly face any such eventuality. ... rHome.aspx
The author may be a fraud (a financial fraud) but it doesn't makes the article I have posted fraud too. It is a very well written article backed up with real data. There are of course other such articles too if that author is not acceptable at all (which I don't see why not)

The article you cited admits that the Muslim settlers came from East Bengal, albeit most before 1971.

Yes that's the important point because all Bangladeshi who have entered India (mostly during Bangladeshi war of independence) after 1971 are only considered to be illegal, so by definition there is no major influx of "illegal" Bangladeshi in Assam.

This incident has more to do with the path various Bodo organization have chosen since nellie massacre where more than 2000 muslims were slaughtered in 1983, these reactionary terrorist scums have simply forced Indian government to cede them an autonomous region, a region where there own population is 30%. And yet they are not satisfied, all just for the maintenance of political power for a few and more and more Indian working class citizens have been killed by these scums and not just muslims, I do not have one iota of sympathy or respect for them.

A more powerful government would had simply reallocated them (instead of cowering down to them) from their native place (just like Stalin) while shooting off the ringleaders to end this madness and I certainly hope that, that day will come.

Whatever the case, if Modi becomes the new PM in India, there will be serious problems between India and Bangladesh about migration !

He will do no such thing, this is all just fearmongering to polarize voters on communal lines and nothing else. Immigrant labor is cheap (here I mean inter state immigration inside India) and preferred by capitalist and given that he is such a shameless shill of the big capitalists he will do no such thing just as last BJP government did nothing.
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