Satire week begining 12/04/2004 - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By naked_turk
Smith wrote:Image
Oh that is great :lol: :lol:
The American Loin wrote:Image
The French jokes are getting to be really, really lame.
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By Adrien
**Just a little word to remind The American Lion that you are not supposed to post more than 2 cartoons by post for Lenin's sake!**

The French jokes are getting to be really, really lame.


First execution of an hostage in Iraq.

9/11 hearings put the CIA against the wall.
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By The American Lion
Adrien wrote:**Just a little word to remind The American Lion that you are not supposed to post more than 2 cartoons by post for Lenin's sake!**

Why for Lenin? :lol:

Todays Cox & Forkum's:
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By MB.
By Dark Canuck
Don't get too excited TRP, they aren't actually erecting walls. It's a joke.
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By Adrien
This last one is completely lame TAL (well they all are, but this one really struck me).. I suppose it is fun for you to completely leave in the shadows that the withdrawal of the Gaza Strip purely and simply meant in Sharon's plan that they will throw the Palestinians out of Cisjordania, a land that was rightly theirs.

Why for Lenin?

Oh, well it was Yeddi (an admin, mind you) who in the first place instituted a rule saying that you can only post 2 cartoons per post. But obviously you don't want to apply this rule.
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By Siberian Fox
[Other thread deleted:]

Hamilcar wrote:Hundred of Iraqi Insurgents Said Killed

By HAMZA AL-TARKIN, Associated Propaganda Writer

MOS EISLEY, Iraq - American troops killed hundreds of insurgents in and around Mos Eisley in fighting over the past week, but have more work to do to fully secure the city and roads to the south and west that are vital for U.S. supply transport, a top U.S. military official said Monday.

In the heaviest battles seen in the capital since the fall of Saddam Hussein a year ago, U.S. troops battled Tusken raider insurgents on the western edge of Mos Eisley — at one point for nearly 72 hours straight — and fought rebellious Tusken militiamen in a densely populated neighborhood on the east side, Brig. Gen. Mark Hertling said.

The sustained gunbattles, ambushes targeting fuel supplies and a rash of kidnappings that coincided with the violence over the past week marked a dramatic departure from guerrillas' usual tactics of roadside bombs and mortar and rocket attacks.

However, coordination between the Tusken raiders and Jawa gunmen, seen most plainly in the northern neighborhood of Azamiyah, proved to be tactical and short-lived, Hertling said.

"I got to tell you, we've killed a lot of those Sandpeople bastards carrying weapons and rocks this week," Hertling, a deputy commander of the Germany-based 1st Armored Division said Monday. "And when I say a lot, I am talking in the hundreds. Damn Tuskens."

Hertling, whose unit shares responsibility for Baghdad's security with the 1st Cavalry Division, did not have a specific number of insurgent deaths. Also, it was not known if Hertling's estimates were among those 700; if not, the death toll may rise significantly.


Khalaf al-Jumaili, a volunteer helping bury bodies at a field, said more than 300 people had been interred there. Volunteers were seen carrying bodies in blankets and lowering them into graves while bystanding Tuskens shouted, "Martyr, martyr!"

“Death to American!,” said an anonymous Tusken insurget.
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By Boondock Saint

This might not make sense to some folks who don't have to deal with these beasts every 18 or so years ...

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By Yeddi
Cicadas are annoying as hell.
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By Boondock Saint
Yeddi wrote:Cicadas are annoying as hell.

Yea and this year is the season for them ... when they make their attempt to over run all the world ...
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By Mark
What are cicadias?
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By Boondock Saint
The best itself

The best-known of these is the 17-Year Cicada (Magicicada), which lives only in the United States.

I hate them.
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By Noumenon
Cicadas have to be the most annoying insects on earth. They can't fly worth crap, so they're always flying into you. They also make that goddamned loud hissing noise (I read that certain species can make hisses up to 130 decibels, thats like the human threshold for pain!). They're harmless, although they do destroy tree branches when they lay eggs on them. The tree in my front yard looked kind of funny when the top of it died because of the last wave of cicadas.
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By Adrien

"Buffalo" Sharon: Bush quickly understood that our Natives will be happier in the little reserve of Gaza.."

The title says: "Go east!"

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