Satire Week 8-14-05 - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Spin
Cowardly lion

Enough of the insults. We aren't 8 years old.

He wants that war, I doubt the soldiers do. Let those who want war go to fight it. The chickenhawks specifically. They are cowards and hypocrites for not risking thier own necks while cheering on the quagmire.

So giving political support isn't enough? Does every single person who ever supports military action have an obligation to join up?

Your assumption is that TAL is

A) Old enough to join up.
B) Fit enough

Soldiers knew that they could be called up to fight a war when they joined. They knew they wouldn't get to choose the battle ground. If they don't like that, then they shouldn't have signed up. Whilst I don't support the slaughter of soldiers, every tax payer does have a right to voice what he thinks should be done with his money.
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By Ombrageux
Cox and Forkum are such jerks... Is one of them Jewish or do they just sympathize with the whole "Cowboys VS Indians" thing in Palestine?


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TAL the largest protest movement in British history also opposed the war in Afghanistan.

Or do you attend every peace march?

I do.

Spin do you think you should risk someone's elses life for something you yourself wouldn't? Cos that's pretty cuntish.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Places that think the Iraq campaign was a mistake:

Places that don't:
By Dark Canuck
No one with any sense of reality thinks the war in Iraq is about freedom. Remember it was WMDs to start out with, wasn't it? Oh, and terrorists, somehow, were there helping Al Quaeda even though that orginazation hated Iraq. [Edit note: i hope the sarcasm regarding those reasons is present to any reader. There were no wmds, there were no al quaeda, just american greed.]

If the Bush admin actually gives a shit about the liberty of any darker skinned foriegn people, then reality as we know it has gone through some bizzaro switcheroo.
Last edited by Dark Canuck on 31 Aug 2005 23:24, edited 1 time in total.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Why, if the US intelligence thought Iraq had WMD's, did they attack them? Attacking a country with WMD's FORCES that country to use them in defense.

Either 1.) Bush knew Iraq didn't have WMD's, or 2.) he wasn't thinking. In either case, we can conclude that he's not competent enough to run the country.

Their second rationale for the war was freeing the Iraqi people and giving them democracy. This seems to be a noble cause, but it's idiotic to open a new front and create new enemies if USA cannot even defend itself on it's own land (AKA Sept. 11th).

Saddam had nothing to do with extremists/terrorists. Saddam wanted Iraq to be secular, while Osama wanted it to be part of a fundamentalist empire, so it's more likely Saddam was an ENEMY of Muslim extremists.
By Mecha
Wow, TAL, you manage to bring up the worst, most illguided political cartoons IMO.

Keep going :D


By Falx

You are getting more an more delusional each day.
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By Andres
Zeth commented on TAL's cartoons
You are getting more an more delusional each day.

:lol: I specially liked the small comment of "Mr. Limited Government to the rescue"

And why would the Gerbil-powered engine be less safe? :?:
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By arcis
Some new bird species discovered ... rtistid=11

Military Warbler (Plutonia pentagonus)

This small, elusive warbler is difficult to find, since it feeds in dense thickets. Apparently evolving as a mutant from early nuclear tests, this bird is now common only on widely-scattered, high-security military bases. Call is a bugled "you can't get'em up, you can't get'em up, you can't get'em up in the morning." The tail pattern indicates some sort of social rank. OBSERVATION HINT: Since access to high-security installations is not possible, it is necessary to sneak onto the base. In addition, the Military Warbler is so well camouflaged that it cannot readily be seen. This fact is sufficient proof to list the bird. The young may sometimes be attracted with C-rations. SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Must be able to do the 50-yard belly crawl in less than 40 seconds.

Long-Range Target Duck (Bombardicus concenricus)

One of the few examples of inverse evolution, the more distinct the markings on this bird, the more likely it is to meet an untimely death. The Atlantic race of this duck normally flew only 20 feet above the ground. Unfortunately, this subspecies has been exterminated, leaving only the Midwestern race which flies at 100 feet. Its warning call is a frantic "duck, duck." OBSERVATION HINT: Once in your sights, this bird is easy to identify. However, for most people, the best chance of getting a good look at a Long-Range Target Duck is a long shot. Use peep sights for the young.

Harried War Monger (Billigerentus bombus)

This tool-using bird is descended from aggressive ancestors. It is ill-tempered and does not hesitate to pick fights with other birds in its territory or even members of its own species. When a foe is located, the Monger will take its own eggs and fly to a great height before bombing the helpless victim. Few hatchlings have been reported.
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Are they sposed to be descriptions of different types of Forumites?
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By Apollos
I know, but you know its the truth. The American left is using her grief to promote her message. Also note she is part of the radical peacenik movement. She was even opposed to our invasion of Afghanistan.

Truth 100%, and also the comic was hilarious.
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By Ombrageux
Truth 100%, and also the comic was hilarious.

Because the Right are far too principled to do such a thing... :roll:

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