Satire for May 2010 - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By DanDaMan
Yes Quantum... thank you for reminding us that the moral majority/religious groups are responsible.
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By Rodion
There's somethin to be said about people who consider multiculturalism a worse crime than, say, any of the myriad Godawful atrocities perpetrated by mindless Conservatism. Yes, because a world without Amnesty International is better than a world without slavery. Seriously? A world without France? France is your problem? Not the genocide in Darfur, not terrorism - or indeed the humanitarian crisis - in Gaza, not abortion terrorism in the US, not religious terrorism worldwide, not Ass Watch family values groups, not Creationists, but fucking France.

Being an Israeli, I can relate to the bitterness regarding Human Rights groups and their stupidity, but that doesn't change the fact that human rights achievements are among the few things the West can take pride in. If it wasn't for them, none of us would be sitting on our asses typing up bullshit in front of a computer screen. We'd be right down there with the majority of mankind choking in coal mines and what not. To reduce Liberalism as an idea to a nuisance borders on criminal, ahem, ignorance.

Also in this issue...

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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Image

Since everyone else has already covered most of this, I'll just interject with anything that hasn't yet been said:

  • Abortion on Demand: Liberalism is not the only ideology that supports abortion.

  • Environmentalism: Please don't try to tell me that not polluting one's own backyard is seen as a 'liberal' trait now. Are you trying to credit them with every common sense position on earth?

  • Anti-American War Protesters: Anti-Americanism is exclusively Liberal now?

  • France: France is Liberal?

  • Tax Increases: I assume this means that you will be adjusting taxes downwards infinitely until they hit 0%? The ratchet only turns one way?

  • Sierra Club: If you think the Sierra Club is Liberal, then you seriously need re-evaluate your entire political spectrum.

  • Amnesty International: What the hell? They are a charity.

  • Hybrid Automobiles: Made by who? Toyota?
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By Thunderhawk
Environmentalism: Please don't try to tell me that not polluting one's own backyard is seen as a 'liberal' trait now. Are you trying to credit them with every common sense position on earth?

The extreme environmentalists have coloured what people think of as environmentalism and the conservationist movement. Its a pitty people dont try to educate themselves on the issue.
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By QatzelOk
Rodion wrote:...human rights achievements are among the few things the West can take pride in. If it wasn't for them, none of us would be sitting on our asses typing up bullshit in front of a computer screen. We'd be right down there with the majority of mankind choking in coal mines and what not. ...

Human Rights: they exist so that we can spam on pofo while they choke in our coal mines

By Wolfman
Getting into American Cold War Propaganda I see?
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By Rodion
Heh, there's a Xanatos gambit if there ever was one.

P.S. Here's a nice piece, as it's been a while since I posted. (be sure to scroll down)
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I love the assumption in this that they can't be actual communists because they're all using cell phones :lol: Good to know even the left doesn't believe communism has technological advance.
By Wolfman
^ What makes you think that? They're all clearly international businessmen, who are stereotyped as always being on the phone.
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The theme of the image is that China is not really communist. To that end, they provide a bunch of cues including showing them all on cell phones. This implies that cell phones are not communist, just like having no place for a worker in the party and the leader screaming about capitalists uniting.
By Wolfman
Or that they're all international businessmen.
By Zyx
NY Yankees suck. wrote:The theme of the image is that China is not really communist. To that end, they provide a bunch of cues including showing them all on cell phones. This implies that cell phones are not communist, just like having no place for a worker in the party and the leader screaming about capitalists uniting.

NY Yankees suck. -- Satire of the Month of May. [/thread]
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By The Immortal Goon
Or that they're all international businessmen.

Word. Maybe this is an age thing though. Growing up cell phones were always a symbol of the stock market for me as nobody else outside of brokers and lawyers had access to them.

I still kind of think of them in that way, even though I have one now.

Maybe kids are more used to them and they mean something else now.
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By Zel
Word. Maybe this is an age thing though. Growing up cell phones were always a symbol of the stock market for me as nobody else outside of brokers and lawyers had access to them.

I still kind of think of them in that way, even though I have one now.

Maybe kids are more used to them and they mean something else now.

Its not just age but also regional. I remember a US guy who spent a year in Austria in the mid 90ties when the first cellphone boom had just hit here but hadnt yet caught up to the US (one of the few times the US lagged a bit behind Europe when it came to innovation). He was totaly amazed that 14-15 year olds owned mobile phones.
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