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Any other minor ideologies.
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By furinkazan
It is my belief that the state should be the embodiment of the nation and strive towards cultural and social ideals based on this. As the nation and the state are one and the same; nationalism should be readily encouraged and national culture celebrated. Although I advocate nationalism, I do not support ethnic nationalism and segregation but rather a civic form of nationalism which seeks to unite people of all races and origins to love their country and its history. My form of nationalism is based on pride not for accident of birth but for the will to defend the nation from its enemies and willingness to work to make the nation great.

The state achieves legitimacy from the citizenry - who I regard the children of the nation. A state cannot be a legitimate representation of the nation if it is not democratically chosen by the people, thus I believe in popular sovereignty. Since the state is the representation of the nation, the people are obliged to respect its authority and submit to its rule. In return the state is required to submit to the national will and protect its citizens. The state must uphold their liberties, protect them from themselves (fight crime), give them employment and carry out their wishes. The state cannot be corrupt and must work in the favour of the people as that is in favour of itself. In short, the state is a slave to the people's needs. If the people have reason to believe the state is not legitimate or is not doing enough to protect them, they have the right to stage a revolution and forge a new state.

All workers are employees of the state thus their loyalties should lie with it and not any businesses they may also work for. Therefore a national minimum wage must be a living wage. The state should not give up any authority to large multinational companies and must be firm with any company that wants to conduct business there - the wellbeing of the workers comes before the profits of the company. Small local businesses will be protected by the state, but large ones should be watched to make sure they comply with national regulations.

Since the state is expected to always know best it has the right to be regulate and control the markets, as long as individuals get paid their due. The state's main priority is towards its citizens and market liberalism is a second-thought, thus the interference in market politics is justified. However, although beneficially paternalistic, the state must respect the freedoms of its citizens when they do not compromise national security. Thus freedom of speech and opinions must not be censored, and debate and discussion should be encouraged. Thus free platforms like the Internet shall not be interfered with. The state also should not get involved with a citizen's personal and religious beliefs as I strongly adhere to the principle of separation of church and state. Likewise, a citizen should respect their religious beliefs should have no basis in state policy and keep it to themselves.

It is my belief that in every society there is the weak and the strong, however instead of ostracising and discriminating against the weak, the state must hold them as equals and uplift them into society. I am strongly egalitarian as I believe all children of the nation are brothers and thus it is our duty to help those "weaker" or less fortunate than us. The weak need extra attention from the state to fulfil their true potential thus I believe in welfare, free education and a national health service. The state must provide for the weakest in society out of compassion and solidarity - the state is slave of both the highest king and the lowliest peasant, after all. The fruits and property of the state should belong to all citizens, and citizens should be thankful for this generosity, inspiring devotion to the nation.

As I believe in both the strong and weak of society, with such a mindset there has to be a hierarchy of sorts, and there is; a hierarchy of responsibility. The weak owe allegiance and loyalty to themselves and the state (the nation), the strong have the responsibility to defend and empower the weak, as well as owing their allegiance to the state. The weak are low-level workers, unemployed people, homeless people, marginalised minorities and anyone else shunted and trapped in our modern society. The strong are the middle classes, the politicians, the bosses and all those with power and privilege. The weak and the strong must not be set against each other as they are in contemporary political systems, they must co-exist harmoniously and equally, for the better of themselves and the nation.

This has gotten pretty long and I think I covered most of the basics of my ideology. My position has always troubled me and I'm not quite sure where I'd fit in politically. I'm hoping somebody (or lots of bodies) could help me in finding my ideology and if more information is needed just ask.

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By fuser
I won't say classical liberalism. His economical proposals will make him stand opposed to classical liberals. See this line :

Since the state is expected to always know best it has the right to be regulate and control the market

To me you will fall under the wide umbrella of Liberalism all right and you are probably closer to Keynesian economically, I will call you a Kenynesian liberal, if that term existed, does it?
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By quetzalcoatl
furinkazan wrote:It is my belief that the state should be the embodiment of the nation
All workers are employees of the state thus their loyalties should lie with it and not any businesses they may also work for.
Since the state is expected to always know best it has the right to be regulate and control the markets,
The fruits and property of the state should belong to all citizens, and citizens should be thankful for this generosity, inspiring devotion to the nation.

You appear to have some tendencies pulling you away from liberalism. Minimal conditions for liberalism would be a belief in individual autonomy based on natural law, minimal interference of the state in the economy, free trade, free movement of capital and movement of workers across borders, etc. These beliefs are all grounded on a conception of freedom based on the individual's ownership of himself, and the primary derivation of property rights from self ownership.

Note that these are considered ends in themselves, not as means to some other goal (such as prosperity or general happiness). Liberals may argue these policies lead to generally good outcomes for the populace, but when push comes to shove they aren't particularly disappointed if they don't.
By furinkazan
Thank you for all the responses. Truth be told I never thought of myself as much of a liberal as I believe the state and the community should hold far greater precendence over any individual feelings of freedom, that said a lot of my opinions do seem to match with liberal ideals.
By mikema63
Liberal in the ideological sense is different than liberal in the American political sense.
By Decky
Speaking of ideologies what are your thoughts on socialism with Faragian characteristics?
By furinkazan
Decky wrote:Speaking of ideologies what are your thoughts on socialism with Faragian characteristics?

I've never quite been acquainted with the idea. Mind linking me to where I can read up about it? Kippers aren't welcome north of the border but I've got a soft spot for lefties so who knows?
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By The Immortal Goon
You're a misguided Marxist. Forget everything you wrote and just follow whatever I do and you'll be free.
By Decky
It is the idea the the working class of this island can only be lead to true socialist victory by Nigel Farage (pbuh) who will replace the Queen as head of state and the Prime Minister as head of government and meet his destiny as Lord Protector of Britain. The leader will then make the nation fully self sufficient both in energy and in food taking away the need to be held hostage by our reliance on imports from the middle east and the rest of the world (this would also stop us needed in be endlessly involved in Middle Eastern Wars to secure the oil supply). Once self sufficeny was achived then the channel tunnel would be destroyed with torpedoes fired from submarines.

Farage (pbuh) would then move onto phase two and would build a workers paradise for all true Britons where wages and working conditions would rise year on year, where every family would be adequately homed and fed, where full employment would be taken for granted and where we would only be burdened with minimal relations with the nations across the channel. This situation will last forever since Britain's nuclear stockpile would prevent the jealous impoverished European nations ever interfering with Britain set on its true path by Farage, the defender of the faith and soul of the people.
By furinkazan
Decky wrote:It is the idea the the working class of this island can only be lead to true socialist victory by Nigel Farage (pbuh) who will replace the Queen as head of state and the Prime Minister as head of government and meet his destiny as Lord Protector of Britain. The leader will then make the nation fully self sufficient both in energy and in food taking away the need to be held hostage by our reliance on imports from the middle east and the rest of the world (this would also stop us needed in be endlessly involved in Middle Eastern Wars to secure the oil supply). Once self sufficeny was achived then the channel tunnel would be destroyed with torpedoes fired from submarines.

Farage (pbuh) would then move onto phase two and would build a workers paradise for all true Britons where wages and working conditions would rise year on year, where every family would be adequately homed and fed, where full employment would be taken for granted and where we would only be burdened with minimal relations with the nations across the channel. This situation will last forever since Britain's nuclear stockpile would prevent the jealous impoverished European nations ever interfering with Britain set on its true path by Farage, the defender of the faith and soul of the people.

Not a bad ideology by any means, but I'd replace Nigel Farage with Alex Salmond and have him fire the Trident subs at the border.
By Decky
He will never be even half of the man Nigel is.
By furinkazan
Decky wrote:He will never be even half of the man Nigel is.

I dunno, you could probably fit two Nigels in him, three if you crammed them in.
By Decky
Even you admit Nigel would be the man and Salmond the woman in such a scenario then?
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By spider
There was a time , when there was no nation . Then nations increased . However the streangth of the borders is decreasing . As laws become uniform . Will a time come , when every man be a nation unto himself ? Living by universal laws ? Then we are back to square one . At a time when all divisions cease . And every man is his own provider .

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