The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 147 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
Forum rules: No one line posts please.

This redheaded woman is far less intelligent.

"Why are the polling numbers so shit?"

"Because of the unvaccinated!"

Can't she just straight up say "because the voters are upset with us and we hope to turn it around before the midterm elections!"?
Pants-of-dog wrote:It is nice to calmly eat in a restaurant knowing that everyone who is not vaccinated cannot get in to the restaurant.

You know who you can go to a restaurant with now? Colliric.

Yes, I missed a week, I've been both busy and distracted. Any road, here are this week's numbers.


annatar1914 wrote:Again, you seem to think that duties and responsibilities begin and end with your own atomized individuality, that a web doesn't exist between us all in which everything we do has a reaction upon everyone else.

"The Wuhan virus is dangerous! You have to alter your daily behavior in order to protect me."
"For the large majority, inoculations are both safe and reduce the danger of the Wuhan virus to no more than the flu. Have you been inoculated?"
"Uh ... no...."
"Do you have a medical condition that would make the inoculation dangerous?"
"Uh ... no...."
"Get inoculated and we'll talk."

Please tell me what's wrong with that hypothetical conversation.
Oh, but what if you permanently damaged or killed others because of your ''choice''? You like all Libertarians make your individual self-autonomy your God. See what your Idol does for you and everyone else yet?

On average, the flu kills between 12,000 and 60,000 people every year, more of them children than die from the Wuhan virus. Should we insist that masks now become standard for everyone--including all children--every flu season? 30,000 to 40,000 people are killed in vehicular accidents every year. Should we ban private ownership of motor vehicles by requiring everyone that can't justify (or buy) an exemption to use public transport? Like I've been saying, cost/benefit analysis with personal responsibility factored into the costs.

Ah, and then here comes a retort about my personal experience recently;

I'll tell you. Ripples in a pond...

And your mother and her siblings would rightfully have the same fears even if everyone was forcibly inoculated and required to wear masks anyway--the masks most people are wearing are almost useless at preventing the spread of the virus for anything but cursory contact and the "vaccines" appear to not really be vaccines at all but rather palliatives, while the CDC ignores how natural immunity appears to both be as effective in preventing reinfection and superior at preventing further spread of the virus and the Biden administration acts to hinder the availability of other palliatives to states that need them.

Here's another "ripple in a pond," a young woman murdered by her government. >: She was young and healthy and so felt she didn't need to risk inoculation, but the government kept piling on more and more costs for her decision not to risk it. So finally she broke down and got inoculated, and now she'd dead thanks to other people's selfishness. From her obituary:

Jessica's greatest passion was to be the best mother possible for Bridget and Clara. Nothing would stand in her way to be present in their lives. During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom. She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat. But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children's education—which included being a Room Mom—was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed. It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife. It cost God's Kingdom on earth a very special soul who was just making her love felt in the hearts of so many.

Twitter labeled a tweet sharing the obituary "misleading" and would not allow it to be shared or interacted with, despite county health officials confirming that the "vaccine" was the cause of death.
@Doug64 , you created a narrative thusly, saying with a hypothetical conversation that;

"The Wuhan virus is dangerous! You have to alter your daily behavior in order to protect me."
"For the large majority, inoculations are both safe and reduce the danger of the Wuhan virus to no more than the flu. Have you been inoculated?"
"Uh ... no...."
"Do you have a medical condition that would make the inoculation dangerous?"
"Uh ... no...."
"Get inoculated and we'll talk."

Please tell me what's wrong with that hypothetical conversation.

Sure. It doesn't include everyone else.

On average, the flu kills between 12,000 and 60,000 people every year, more of them children than die from the Wuhan virus. Should we insist that masks now become standard for everyone--including all children--every flu season? 30,000 to 40,000 people are killed in vehicular accidents every year. Should we ban private ownership of motor vehicles by requiring everyone that can't justify (or buy) an exemption to use public transport? Like I've been saying, cost/benefit analysis with personal responsibility factored into the costs.

These are hypotheticals based on a socio-economic arrangement which I don't believe in anyway. I might not be the Statist i used to have been, but a better arrangement than the free-for-all you suggest would have the merit of not collapsing society altogether, I am thinking.

And your mother and her siblings would rightfully have the same fears even if everyone was forcibly inoculated and required to wear masks anyway--the masks most people are wearing are almost useless at preventing the spread of the virus for anything but cursory contact and the "vaccines" appear to not really be vaccines at all but rather palliatives, while the CDC ignores how natural immunity appears to both be as effective in preventing reinfection and superior at preventing further spread of the virus and the Biden administration acts to hinder the availability of other palliatives to states that need them.

All three of your retorts are questionable, at best, in themselves.
Here's another "ripple in a pond," a young woman murdered by her government. >: She was young and healthy and so felt she didn't need to risk inoculation, but the government kept piling on more and more costs for her decision not to risk it. So finally she broke down and got inoculated, and now she'd dead thanks to other people's selfishness. From her obituary:

Twitter labeled a tweet sharing the obituary "misleading" and would not allow it to be shared or interacted with, despite county health officials confirming that the "vaccine" was the cause of death.

And yet, earlier you have remarked about limits to mitigating risk...
Doug64 wrote:On average, the flu kills between 12,000 and 60,000 people every year, more of them children than die from the Wuhan virus. Should we insist that masks now become standard for everyone--including all children--every flu season? 30,000 to 40,000 people are killed in vehicular accidents every year. Should we ban private ownership of motor vehicles by requiring everyone that can't justify (or buy) an exemption to use public transport? Like I've been saying, cost/benefit analysis with personal responsibility factored into the costs.
A ridiculously stupid argument. The comparison is often done by morons, so I am surprised that you would want to attempt its use.

All motor vehicles are registered and drivers are licensed. There are many safety features in motor vehicles and rules to make driving them safer. The use of cars is daily and numbers in the hundreds of millions, in USA, alone. To compare them to a flu, which only a small portion of people get, and not even daily, is absurd.

@30 Million Americans get the Flu every year and about 30,000 die, on average. They have flu vaccines for those who are most at risk.

Let us say 100 Million, worldwide(estimation exceeding testing results), have had Covid-19. Over 5 million people have died from it, despite rules and lockdowns. Vaccines are the only real way to combat Cobid-19 effectively.

@annatar1914 Doug64 only posts in an attempt to politicize the disease. That's his entire narrative. He doesn't give a fuck about who, or how many people this disease kills, and he's demonstrated that time and again in this thread of his.

His caring only extends to when it supports his narrative.
XogGyux wrote:CEOs don't prescribe drugs, and the average doctor is not making money from prescribing drugs either.

My own general doctor told me about all the scams and benefits that doctors get when they prescribe a well-marketed Big Pharma product.

This has been going on for decades... long before you were born. To pretend that there is no link between marketing-profits-doctors prescriptions... is to claim that Santa Claus exists. Or that environmental destruction isn't happening.

Or that Disaster Capitalism hasn't ruined the earth for future generations, and continues to do so in myriad ways.

colliric wrote:

"Did you learn any lessons from dealing with Epstein?"
"Well he's dead" (smiles).

Yes, yes he is.
QatzelOk wrote:My own general doctor told me about all the scams and benefits that doctors get when they prescribe a well-marketed Big Pharma product.

This has been going on for decades... long before you were born. To pretend that there is no link between marketing-profits-doctors prescriptions... is to claim that Santa Claus exists. Or that environmental destruction isn't happening.

Or that Disaster Capitalism hasn't ruined the earth for future generations, and continues to do so in myriad ways.

Please, do share these scams, we should know about them... In fact, why isn't your doctor or yourself taking this to the authorities? You don't care about other patients.... Unbelievable.
Unless of course, you are merely talking out of your ass, but you tend to do that so well see.
Doug64 wrote:Here's another "ripple in a pond," a young woman murdered by her government. She was young and healthy and so felt she didn't need to risk inoculation, but the government kept piling on more and more costs for her decision not to risk it. So finally she broke down and got inoculated, and now she'd dead thanks to other people's selfishness. From her obituary:

She died of blood clots. These same blood clots are actually much more likely if you get Covidrather than the vaccine.

Moreover, I would wager that you do not actually care about medicine causing blood clots. If yiu did, yiu would talk about how women need better birth control pills.

So, if you really think that blood clots are a problem that needs to be addressed, you would argue for vaccination and you would also argue for more stringent standards when it comes to female birth control.

Also, choosing not to get vaccinated is an inherently selfish choice.
@Godstud , you said to me that;

Doug64 only posts in an attempt to politicize the disease. That's his entire narrative. He doesn't give a fuck about who, or how many people this disease kills, and he's demonstrated that time and again in this thread of his.

His caring only extends to when it supports his narrative.

I've spoken plenty over the years about the radical dysfunctions of the Left and Liberalism, and also of the Right, but it took me a while to get a handle on the really fucked up American Right. It's not easy to do when it's all around you, too close to it to fully see it, like water to a fish.

They essentially believe in a Social Darwinism and radical inequality that is so muscular that they really don't even have much use for the State and it's interventions at all; ''Catch a disease and die? Fuck off, you must have been a weakling or genetic mistake, burdened by co-morbidities that you brought upon yourself. Why should I be limited in what I can or can't do by your weakness and unfitness to survive, why drag me down and lesson my own chances in life to survive and thrive? This pandemic will improve the surviving stock''

Of course, few of them will say this openly, many perhaps only think this unconciously, but it's what is behind it.

There are two models of survival in this world. One is the selfish struggle of the ''survival of the fittest'' of the single organism, and ''nature red in tooth and claw''. The other is ''cooperation, not competition'' and ''do unto others as you would have done unto you''.
@colliric Yes, it'd be terrible for someone to force you not to be a selfish asshole and have you to be protected from a deadly virus. :roll:

That you'd be only getting a vaccine is hardly fascist or anything else. You're just being dumb.
Godstud wrote:@colliric Yes, it'd be terrible for someone to force you not to be a selfish asshole and have you to be protected from a deadly virus. :roll:

That you'd be only getting a vaccine is hardly fascist or anything else. You're just being dumb.

You know you're not meant to actually defend him right?

I mean he is literally a corrupt killer. Like Tony Montana if he happened to be a politician.

You're meant to say "oh that's an overreaction, no one likes him, no one else would do that".
Defend who, @colliric?

Nowhere did I mention anyone's name, but yours. I didn't look at your link. I was referring to YOUR comments.

Duterte is a piece of shit. I was not commenting on anything he's done or said.
Last edited by Godstud on 12 Oct 2021 12:44, edited 1 time in total.
We have just had Canadian Thanksgiving. It will be interesting to to see what the stats are like in two to four weeks from now.
About Big Pharma using money to sway doctors, XogGyux wrote:Please, do share these scams, we should know about them...

Well XogGux, since you're a doctor, and should know about how Big Pharma throws around its money to influence "science,"...

Pro Publica wrote:Dollars for Doctors
We Found Over 700 Doctors Who Were Paid More Than a Million Dollars by Drug and Medical Device Companies

ProPublica has been tracking drug company spending on doctors since 2010. We just updated our database and found that companies are still paying private doctors huge sums for promotional talks and consulting.

Back in 2013, ProPublica detailed what seemed a stunning development in the pharmaceutical industry’s drive to win the prescription pads of the nation’s doctors: In just four years, one doctor had earned $1 million giving promotional talks and consulting for drug companies; 21 others had made more than $500,000. ...

And if you google doctors kickbacks big pharma (or some variation of this) you will get a lot more information about how YOU can make big money FAST as a doctor prescribing promotional drugs.

Act now, and we'll throw in a free Gain-of-Function Virus kit for kids ages 7 and up! Perfect for Christmas!
QatzelOk wrote:Well XogGux, since you're a doctor, and should know about how Big Pharma throws around its money to influence "science,"...

And if you google doctors kickbacks big pharma (or some variation of this) you will get a lot more information about how YOU can make big money FAST as a doctor prescribing promotional drugs.

Act now, and we'll throw in a free Gain-of-Function Virus kit for kids ages 7 and up! Perfect for Christmas!

:lol: ROFL.

Dude, you can delude on your nonsense all you want, but you are nuts.

Big pharma is not much worse than Big tech, or big oil, or big automakers, or big plane makers, or big defense companies, or big food producers, or big retailers. You think Amazon is more moral than Lilly? Chevron better than Pfizer? Perhaps you think facebook is nicer than Merck? Perhaps Bank of America is more ethical than Novartis? Do you think Apple does not consult with doctors as well and pay them amazing $$ when designing their "health products"?

Now, don't get me wrong, there is plenty of things with huge companies, especially those that hold a monopoly. But they are also important. A small, 20 employee company owned by a local couple is not going to be developing heart attack medication, or electric cars, or nuclear fusion reactors or put a satellite in orbit to communicate with your aunt in nepal.

Grow up. There is a sea of difference between admitting that there is an improvement that needs to be made, vs claiming that there is a world-wide conspiracy with the involvement of doctors from most/any countries to make pharmaceutical companies rich.
XogGyux wrote:Big pharma is not much worse than Big tech, or big oil, or big automakers, or big plane makers, or big defense companies...

Exactly. And they are all dishonest enterprises that use money to buy influence from politics.

Big Pharma is no different than Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein's operation this way.

Would you trust Ghislaine Maxwell's "vaccine?"

Corporations have no empathy, don't care about humanity, and exist only to concentrate money into a few grubby hands.

So the complete trust that people have given Big Pharma-Big Media-Big Wall Street... is insane and will have seriously negative consequences for all of humanity.

Our stupidity and gullibleness is world-ending - by design.

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