China's Wuhan shuts down transport as global alarm mounts over virus spread - Page 31 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Drlee wrote:Some people are ordering nebulizers and putting away some albuterol. Check with your doctor and see what he thinks about this. I would not offer an opinion one way or the other. If I had a nebulizer and albuterol I would not certainly throw it away.

Oh that had totally slipped my mind ! Thanks !
We still have the nebuliser we used when the kids were one year old, they had bronchiolitis. That is a long time ago but the machine still works. I am going to buy albuterol/ventolin and inhaler this morning.
So, I am reasonably happy with my progress on building up a supply cache. The 28 day target will be sufficient if I get quarantined. I think there might still be a few weeks before the virus shows up on a serious scale where I live. Maybe. I wonder if I will reach next pay day before a breakout occurs here. That is 20th of March. Which reminds me, I need to get some cash out in case of electronic banking disruption.

Next off is the question of face masks and related attempts to avoid being infected. Is it worth it? We have talked about surgical masks and noted they help to stop one infecting other people, more than protecting oneself. But what off the N95 masks?

A face mask alone won’t do it. At some point it has to come off. All those virus spores stick to hair, skin, clothing, bags, shoes, etc. If one just walks into one’s house and takes the mask off, the house becomes contaminated and the virus gets into your airways while the mask is off.

So decontamination? How practical is it to set up a decontamination procedure at home? I am thinking that if I start going around the back instead of going through the drought door, I can go into the laundry under the house, strip off clothes and put them straight into the washing machine, wash with a cap or two of white vinegar added, then head up through the kitchen and straight into the shower. I wonder if I could replace the fluro tubes with UV tubes in the kitchen? Bag and shoes would have to stay down stairs.

But the cats will rub stuff and bring the spores into the house. Also, a half face mask would need cleaning after each use. Those masks are intended for spray painting and such like, rather than biohazard situations. Disposable masks are better for decontamination because you get rid of them after use. But the half or full face style masked with replacement filter cartridges might last longer. Clearly one does not want to be going out everyday. Decontamination will fail at some point and the house will be infected.

I guess it depends on how serious this disease gets. On current assessments, it might not be too bad. Most people survive, so masks and decontamination might not be needed. But the news coming out of Iran is not encouraging. Did it mutate into something worse in Iran?
Three simple procedures might suffice:

1. Wash the hands whenever one wants to touch anywhere on the face.
2. Reduce outings and gatherings. Keep a distance from everybody.
3. For those living in apartment buildings, bleach the toilet after every defecation, use buckets to flush urine instead of the toilet, and keep the U-shape pipe watered.
People get a wrong sense of security because they think this is a Chinese problem and it won't be as bad in the West because, we are more advanced and have better healthcare, we smoke less, we have less air pollution, ACE2 receptors ...

If you think like that, you may want to think again after what Dr. Bruce Ailward is saying in this video:

The video is time-stamped at this passage:

"The bottom line is this virus kills people... it kills our elderly and vulnerable... but this is not always the case - young people do die of this disease even in industrialized countries. People are looking at this saying that but in China they don't have this, they don't have that, etc. If I had COVID-19, I'd want to be treated in China. We'd go into these hospitals, how many ventilators do you have? 50-60. A scale we aren't used to seeing. How many ECMO systems do you have? 5. We don't have that in Europe. When we look at how dangerous this disease is, we have to be careful looking at the China data. China knows how to keep people alive from COVID - they are super committed to it and they are making a massive investment in it. That is not going to be the case everywhere in the world.... It is a serious disease and I worry that people are going to look at the China numbers and get a false sense of security."

Now, that you got one cold shower, you might as well go for the next one:

The death rate for SARS was 6.6% in China and 16.4% outside of China.
Atlantis wrote:People get a wrong sense of security because they think this is a Chinese problem and it won't be as bad in the West because

China has 1.3bn+ people and only 75k+ infections and 2.5k+ deaths. Either China has successfully contained the virus or vastly under reports the number of infections. Either way, unless they also under report the number of deaths it's good news.

Patrickov wrote:3. For those living in apartment buildings, bleach the toilet after every defecation, use buckets to flush urine instead of the toilet, and keep the U-shape pipe watered.

Rugoz wrote:

Some infections are found to be a result of virus spreading through sewage pipes shared in an apartment building. Therefore precautions must be made to keep the virus off their openings in apartments.
Patrickov wrote:Some infections are found to be a result of virus spreading through sewage pipes shared in an apartment building. Therefore precautions must be made to keep the virus off their openings in apartments.

@Rugoz back with the SARS virus it was found some people had diarrhoea as a symptom. One guy did his messy poo in his toilet low in an apartment building and the virus was aerosolise in a large plume. It infected a lot of people living above his apartment and even in adjacent appartments. Respiratory pathogens can get into the digestive tract quite easily. The lower intestine is reported to have high numbers of the receptor sites for this virus. But cases of diarrhoea with Covid 19 are low.

So closing the toilet lid before flushing doesn’t protect you unless everyone does it. Also the suggestion of cleaning the toilet with bleach frequently is sound. Maybe add bleach or other disinfectant to the toilet flush reservoir. Given the virus gets aerosolized when the water is churned by the still landing in it, as well as flushing, possible adding bleach then toilet paper is a good practice. The bleach starts killing the virus and the paper reduces splash.

Of course you should avoid public toilets like the plague while corona-chan is around. So there you go. Everything you wanted to know about corona virus and diarrhoea. Possibly more than you ever wanted to know? :D
Political Interest wrote:The simple fact is that this virus is spread in large part by stupid and selfish people.

People who think they have the right to travel everywhere without regard for other people.

And those who dismiss it as little more than the flu are ignorant idiots.

Your point is valid, but I think it would still spread regardless.

This virus is definitely annoying as its' fucking up my travel plans. I'm also going to lose money on travel I will have to cancel.

God damn it China, get your shit together next time!
Rancid wrote:Your point is valid, but I think it would still spread regardless.

This virus is definitely annoying as its' fucking up my travel plans. I'm also going to lose money on travel I will have to cancel.

God damn it China, get your shit together next time!

It's interfering with my travel plans as well, mate.

It's not that I worry about getting infected, I worry about spreading it to other people, especially the elderly.

China, why does a country that is so globally integrated and has so much international influence have such appalling hygiene standards?
China's appalling food habits have been known for decades as the source of big problems.

As far as the world isolating them for this issue, there is really no choice. And, oh by the way, they richly deserve it.

No one deserves to die like this and the blame falls squarely on the Chinese government which has had it in their power to greatly reduce the threat for more than a generation.
Drlee wrote:China's appalling food habits have been known for decades as the source of big problems.

As far as the world isolating them for this issue, there is really no choice. And, oh by the way, they richly deserve it.

No one deserves to die like this and the blame falls squarely on the Chinese government which has had it in their power to greatly reduce the threat for more than a generation.

dont make any assumptions yet and dont trust the media to tell you the truth.
many other countries eat the same animals
bats are being consumed in Indonesia and Malaysia aswell

This could be a laboratory virus we cant say for sure but its possible ... atory.html
Political Interest wrote:The simple fact is that this virus is spread in large part by stupid and selfish people.

People who think they have the right to travel everywhere without regard for other people.

It's interesting to speculate how this selfishness and entitlement relates to China's one-child policy. The current generation of young adult Chinese are mostly only children. Especially if they are male, they are often incredibly spoiled, in many cases by four doting grandparents who have no other grandchild. We have hosted a couple dozen homestay guests from diverse countries, and none of them have come close to the Chinese in demonstrations of entitlement and selfishness.
And those who dismiss it as little more than the flu are ignorant idiots.

It will also be interesting -- in the Chinese curse sense -- to see if the populations of other countries have different levels of genetic resistance to it. Maybe it will have run its course by the time of the Hajj at the end of July. If not, it will go all through the Muslim world.
Rugoz wrote:China has 1.3bn+ people and only 75k+ infections and 2.5k+ deaths. Either China has successfully contained the virus or vastly under reports the number of infections. Either way, unless they also under report the number of deaths it's good news.

If it's true it could be good news for China but not for the rest of the world where Chinese methods won't be used.

The Chinese figures are under-reported both for infections and deaths. Anyways, it's not over yet. The figures will keep on increasing and if containment measures are relaxed, there could be a renewed outbreak, if not this season, then the next. The country can't continue under lockdown indefinitely.

Today, the figures of new infections for China were for the first time lower than those for the rest of the world. While Chinese figures may really be higher, the rest of the world will have even more unreported cases. There could be thousands or tens of thousands in Iran and millions in Africa. It'll burn through the conflict zones of the MENA with authorities doing little to stop the spread. From there it'll spill over into Europe. The virus won't be kind to refugees.

Now, I really start to worry about the US.
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