Second Armenian Genocide - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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wat0n wrote:Given the little resistance Azeri troops faced, I highly doubt this is reversible. Even if they withdraw from all towns and cities in the NK, why would ethnic Armenians ever go back? The precedent was already established.

I doubt many would have stayed even if both states had agreed to a deal on the matter.

@wat0n :

Home is worth fighting for if the enemy is trying to drive you out. It is difficult to leave the graves of family and friends, no longer go to the temple where marriages and funerals and much besides were attended. Leave the place of one's memories extending down through the ages.

Not wanting to become a rootless cosmopolitan, a materialist with few human attachments.
By wat0n
annatar1914 wrote:@wat0n :

Home is worth fighting for if the enemy is trying to drive you out. It is difficult to leave the graves of family and friends, no longer go to the temple where marriages and funerals and much besides were attended. Leave the place of one's memories extending down through the ages.

Not wanting to become a rootless cosmopolitan, a materialist with few human attachments.

And yet their own country didn't put up much of a fight. It seems they quite understandably don't seem to believe it's worth staying and putting up resistance if their government is helpless. Chances are it will fall.
wat0n wrote:And yet their own country didn't put up much of a fight. It seems they quite understandably don't seem to believe it's worth staying and putting up resistance if their government is helpless. Chances are it will fall.

@wat0n :

And if the Western elites arrange for a traitor to govern Armenia? In order to have exactly the results that are playing out?
By wat0n
annatar1914 wrote:@wat0n :

And if the Western elites arrange for a traitor to govern Armenia? In order to have exactly the results that are playing out?

They don't need to do that.

The results that are playing out are happening without much Western influence to speak of. Not that I think the West would do much, anyway.

Why and how did Armenia go from winning a war and settling the NK region - at least the part that is Azeri according to the UNSC - to this? This is an interesting question and lesson to consider. Specially for more right wing Zionists and also nationalist Moroccans and Turks.
wat0n wrote:They don't need to do that.

The results that are playing out are happening without much Western influence to speak of. Not that I think the West would do much, anyway.

Why and how did Armenia go from winning a war and settling the NK region - at least the part that is Azeri according to the UNSC - to this? This is an interesting question and lesson to consider. Specially for more right wing Zionists and also nationalist Moroccans and Turks.

@wat0n :

Makes some good points in this regard on the issue:
Fasces wrote:Blinken warned lawmakers Azerbaijan may invade Armenia in coming weeks.

He also said State isn’t planning to renew a long-standing waiver that allows the U.S. to provide military assistance to Baku. ... s-00121500

Is there any rationale behind this claim? Why would Azerbaijan becomes aggressor by invading Armenia? Azerbaijan defends its internationally recognized soil in Nagorno-Karabakh which was invaded by Armenia 3 decades ago.

I see that Americans are freaking out because they are not allowed to intervene into that region which is surrounded by Russia, Turkey and Iran. :lol: American foreign policy crumbles once again.
Oh, come off it @Istanbuller :roll:

President Aliyev wrote:‘The creation of the Zangezur corridor fully meets our national, historical and future interests. We will be implementing the Zangezur Corridor, whether Armenia wants it or not’, Aliyev said during an interview with Azerbaijani Public TV. ‘If Armenia wants to, we will solve this issue more easily, if it does not, we will solve it by force.’

‘The Azerbaijani people are returning to the occupied Zangezur’, he said. ... -by-force/

President Aliyev wrote:While in Yerevan, Charles Michel called the territories bordering with Armenia disputed. To be honest, I disagree with this statement. Because we believe that these are our territories. I believe that this is the territory of Zangezur. And Zangezur is the land of our ancestors, and we are on our territory.

President Aliyev wrote:“West Zangazur [Syunik] is our historical land,” he said in a July 14 speech opening a new housing complex for families of soldiers killed in last year’s war. He argued that the territory is rightfully Azerbaijani and that Azerbaijanis have the right to “return” there – without specifying what exactly “return” entails. He stopped short of making an explicit territorial claim, but made vague threats to Armenia.

“The Soviet government tore Zangazur apart from Azerbaijan and handed it over to Armenia. It is relatively recent history – 101 years ago. So why should we say that this didn't happen? Why? We are telling the truth. It is the land of our ancestors: the whole of Zangazur – East and West Zangazur. In Armenia they now say that Ilham Aliyev is making territorial claims. If there is East Zangazur, then there is also West Zangazur. Yes, West Zangazur is our ancestral land. I said that we have to return there,” he said. “We will and we are already returning there. No one can stop us.” And much more in that vein. ... in-armenia

President Aliyev wrote:Irevan" (Yerevan), "Göyçə" (Lake Sevan) and "Zangazur" (Syunik) are once and future Azerbaijani lands. The return of Azerbaijanis to these lands is our political and strategic goal, and we must gradually approach it.

President Aliyev wrote:Armenia as a country is of no value. It is actually a colony, an outpost run from abroad, a territory artificially created on ancient Azerbaijani lands.

Colonel Melikov wrote:"Within the next 25-years there will exist no state of Armenia in the South Caucasus,” Colonel Ramiz Melikov, the chief spokesman for Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry, said, according to the Baku daily “Zerkalo.” “Those people have done so many nasty things to their neighbors that they have no right to live in this region.”

“Modern Armenia is built on historical Azerbaijani lands,” he added. “I think that in 25-30 years’ times its territory will again come under Azerbaijan’s jurisdiction.”

Wikipedia wrote:The military forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan have been engaged in a border conflict since 12 May 2021, when Azerbaijani soldiers crossed several kilometers (miles) into Armenia in the provinces of Syunik and Gegharkunik. Azerbaijan is currently occupying at least 50 square kilometres (19 sq mi) of Armenian territory. ... der_crisis

Asberev wrote:zerbaijan continued to accuse Armenia on Wednesday of occupying “eight Azerbaijani villages” amid growing fears in Yerevan that it could launch another military offensive after regaining control over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev demanded the “de-occupation” of those villages in a weekend phone call with European Council President Charles Michel. It followed Michel’s joint meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held in Spain. Aliyev cancelled at the last minute his participation in those talks that were due to focus on an Armenian-Azerbaijani peace accord. ... -by-force/ ... st_concept)

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