Gunman kills 19 children in Texas school shooting - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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BlutoSays wrote:Why did you assume that any teacher, administrator or principal would be FORCED to be a first responder?

First responders would be designated after careful consideration, and no one who does not want to participate would be forced to be a first responder. You don't need every adult in the school to be a first responder, for chrissake. You CERTAINLY don't need people who are against such a concept to be designated as one. DUH. There are those who would volunteer and train for such duty. WTF were you thinking when you wrote the rest of that barf up there?

You would stand idly by and wait to be slaughtered. It's your nature. Whatever, baby.

I would stand idly by? WTF are you talking about Bluto? What I said is that one as a parent should not have to get cell phone alerts about your kid in school having to do some lockdown of the active shooter because the USA has issues with people going into Sandy Hook Elementary, Park Ridge High School, Columbine High School,--wait a minute Bluto...let me get the entire list of crazies with guns shooting innocent kids just for this year so far and the year is far from over. Education Week says: ... re/2022/01

An excerpt from the above link is highlighted in yellow.

There have been 27 school shootings this year. There have been 119 school shootings since 2018 when Education Week began tracking such incidents. The highest number of shootings, 34, occurred last year. There were 10 shootings in 2020, and 24 each in 2019 and 2018.

119 school shootings are not just one or two isolated incidents in one or two random crazy-ass people with guns. No. That is very frequent and very consistent. It doesn't happen in other societies. WHY?

You think the solution is be packing a gun. My solution? Don't live in a society where a shooter is a frequent threat that they have drills and prevention talks about it like tornado shelters in Kansas and wildfires in California. But it is not nature doing the destruction. It is the value system that guns are a right to own and the right to own them is so sacred, that sacrificing children in school is ok. Don't do jack shit about gun control. Because we are worshippers of guns are gonna keep me safe mentality. Bunker down into the circling of the wagons Bubba, the injuns are coming. we are the pioneers and no one is gonna take my gun from me....the gov't is full of liberals wanting to take my gun. I got to save my life by taking a gun to school to protect me from anyone...

Has it occurred to you that being on high alert and in a constant state of fear is what people being bombed and invaded by violent military armies experience? No one wants to live in war zones. THEY FLEE. Is that the kind of horrible circumstances you want the average US citizen to experience on a daily basis? Is that freedom for you? To be fearful of being shot while watching a Batman Premier in a suburb multiplex or while your kid is taking a math exam in a school you send him to every morning? Or having high school kids run across lawns trying to get away from a classmate bent on destruction because they can't find meaning in their lives? Hell, might as well kill some innocent kids before going off to LA LA LAND.

That is not a successful society Bluto. It is a failure in a big way.
BlutoSays wrote:That's an ATF 4473 FEDERAL form right there to purchase a firearm. They perform local, state and federal checks. FFLs controlling sales are dead serious about having them filled out and submitted for checks. The penalties and liabilities for not doing them are stiff.

Read it. Understand it. Shut your piehole until you do. I'm sick of your shitty "reasonable check" diatribes. You don't know WTF you're talking about. ... f-F-4473-1

Ahh the reasonable debate of Bluto. Guns are very easy to get. Disturbed teens are getting guns. And massacring people. These checks are manifestly not working to say they are is deny basic reality, To be delusional,

Your response is Everything is fine. Guns laws are perfect.

These massacres will continue and your plan is to do nothing.
Tainari88 wrote:I would stand idly by? WTF are you talking about Bluto? What I said is that one as a parent should not have to get cell phone alerts about your kid in school having to do some lockdown of the active shooter because the USA has issues with people going into Sandy Hook Elementary, Park Ridge High School, Columbine High School,--wait a minute Bluto...let me get the entire list of crazies with guns shooting innocent kids just for this year so far and the year is far from over. Education Week says: ... re/2022/01

An excerpt from the above link is highlighted in yellow.

There have been 27 school shootings this year. There have been 119 school shootings since 2018 when Education Week began tracking such incidents. The highest number of shootings, 34, occurred last year. There were 10 shootings in 2020, and 24 each in 2019 and 2018.

119 school shootings are not just one or two isolated incidents in one or two random crazy-ass people with guns. No. That is very frequent and very consistent. It doesn't happen in other societies. WHY?

You think the solution is be packing a gun. My solution? Don't live in a society where a shooter is a frequent threat that they have drills and prevention talks about it like tornado shelters in Kansas and wildfires in California. But it is not nature doing the destruction. It is the value system that guns are a right to own and the right to own them is so sacred, that sacrificing children in school is ok. Don't do jack shit about gun control. Because we are worshippers of guns are gonna keep me safe mentality. Bunker down into the circling of the wagons Bubba, the injuns are coming. we are the pioneers and no one is gonna take my gun from me....the gov't is full of liberals wanting to take my gun. I got to save my life by taking a gun to school to protect me from anyone...

Has it occurred to you that being on high alert and in a constant state of fear is what people being bombed and invaded by violent military armies experience? No one wants to live in war zones. THEY FLEE. Is that the kind of horrible circumstances you want the average US citizen to experience on a daily basis? Is that freedom for you? To be fearful of being shot while watching a Batman Premier in a suburb multiplex or while your kid is taking a math exam in a school you send him to every morning? Or having high school kids run across lawns trying to get away from a classmate bent on destruction because they can't find meaning in their lives? Hell, might as well kill some innocent kids before going off to LA LA LAND.

That is not a successful society Bluto. It is a failure in a big way.

"What I said is that one as a parent should not have to get cell phone alerts about your kid in school having to do some lockdown of the active shooter because the USA has issues"

Should not? Shouldda, wouldda, couldda. I'll tell you what I tell every other person here and none of you seem to get.

Wat0n wrote:@Godstud what makes you believe a stranger with bad intentions will just "leave"? What happens if he pulls a knife? What happens if he comes into school during break and leaves with a child? Am I to believe these things never happen in Thailand?
It's obviously not a big enough problem that they feel they need to hire security guards and armed police, to guard their schools.

These things might happen, but they must be so incredibly rare for them not to worry about it. Thailand's last school shooting was in 2003, and 2 people were killed.

Think about that for a minute. USA has had over 100 so far, this year. ... otings-us/

Take your own advice, dumbass.
pugsville wrote:Ahh the reasonable debate of Bluto. Guns are very easy to get. Disturbed teens are getting guns. And massacring people. These checks are manifestly not working to say they are is deny basic reality, To be delusional,

Your response is Everything is fine. Guns laws are perfect.

These massacres will continue and your plan is to do nothing.

A person can appear totally normal and be disturbed. No law will deal with that. Government cannot protect you from everything. Get used to it.
I think most of you are missing the reality. The US is not an ethnically homogeneous country with a strong central government. The feds can't infringe on the states rights. Therefore this is not a matter of 'ban the guns' or 'regulate across the board'. It's a matter of encouraging increased regulation per state. For example, convincing the Texas governor that it is a good idea to force every gun owner to do a 10 week course, obtain a competency license and install a proper gun safe in their homes. They still get to keep their guns, still get to carry them grocery shopping. It won't keep daddy from gifting his brainlet son two semi-automatic rifles for his 18th birthday, but it will start a change in the overall culture.

Baby steps.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 26 May 2022 03:56, edited 1 time in total.
Godstud wrote:It's obviously not a big enough problem that they feel they need to hire security guards and armed police, to guard their schools.

These things might happen, but they must be so incredibly rare for them not to worry about it. Thailand's last school shooting was in 2003, and 2 people were killed.

Think about that for a minute. USA has had over 100 so far, this year. ... otings-us/

Yes, the US has a problem with school shootings. But even a single one is too many, as you know. My proposal wouldn't solve it either but it would at least make it way harder to shoot up a school. Or go inside to stab someone. Or for a parent to kidnap one of the kids because he lost custody. Or for a burglar to go into the building and steal stuff (yes, it happens).

It's easy, and fairly cheap in the big scheme of things.

If Thailand didn't do it after what happened in 2003, that's their own decision, but I see no reason not to.
Godstud wrote:@Igor Antunov, it is quite evident that the "baby steps" are not working, or are simply not enough. School shooting are on the rise(in the USA).

It's a prickly issue, especially if you look at the gunman stats by ethnicity/race. I don't think gun totting white texans will want to be punished for the actions of a texan mexican in a majority mexican town or black man in another state. All this factors in.

Yes, the US has a problem with school shootings.

With mass shootings across the board. School shootings comprise a small minority of mass shootings.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Wellsy

Kids and teachers might have to start wearing a full suit of kevlar body armor and kevlar helmet to class in this day and age. They will have to sit, learn, and teach in class with all this body armor on all day long to assure the safety of students and teachers. Teachers and students will have to be like this Texas professor who started wearing body armor and kevlar to class because he felt unsafe. You're going to have to start teaching your classes dressed like this professor below.


Sounds more exhausting than the job already is. I run around my class room all day and rarely sit.
New info, the guns weren't a gift according to gramps, they're a mystery.

Conversation with grandfather of Texas school shooter reveals:
-he had no license
-had no car
-grandparents have rides to and from work
-no guns allowed in house grandfather was convicted felon
-no training no range time
-quiet withdrawn kid
-mother has addiction issues
-no father

Video Interview with gramps: ... d-21-.html

How does a quiet withdrawn sullen kid come up with $6k worth of gear and a truck - and operate a gun this efficiently. My best guess is cartel activities. He was a drug dealer's pet, trained and recruited as a hitman. They typically use young men and women.

I think segregation is probably more likely to occur than across the board gun regulation.

US is a failed experiment. It got lucky post-ww2 because Europe destroyed itself. But that luck has run out.
wat0n wrote:If Thailand didn't do it after what happened in 2003, that's their own decision, but I see no reason not to.
Having reasonable reactions to problems make sense. Over-reacting doesn't make sense. The odds of a school shooting is 3 orders of magnitude smaller.

Canada doesn't have security guards in doorways to their schools, either, because school shootings don't occur with any regularity. eg. Canada has experienced a total of 19 school shootings between 1884 and 2016

US has had more school shootings in the first 30 days of this year, than Canada, or Thailand, have had in the last 150 years.
wat0n wrote:@Godstud not letting strangers into schools prevents more than just shootings. I already gave you some examples.
If it's not a problem, then it does not need to be addressed. Even the examples you gave, wouldn't justify it, as they aren't problems of any significance, or could be dealt with by someone simply calling the police.

wat0n wrote:I don't see how that's overreacting, at all.
If you are seeking solutions to something that isn't a problem, then it is over-reacting.

wat0n wrote:Honestly having an armed cop at all times in school premises feels a lot more like an overreaction.
Yes, in Thailand or Canada it would be, but in the USA, it's something that seems to be necessary. That these occurrences are about 2,000 times as likely to happen in an American school, is frightening.
Godstud wrote:If it's not a problem, then it does not need to be addressed. Even the examples you gave, wouldn't justify it, as they aren't problems of any significance, or could be dealt with by someone simply calling the police.

Why would you want to call the police when you can prevent the incident from happening at all?

Godstud wrote: If you are seeking solutions to something that isn't a problem, then it is over-reacting.

Preventing problems from happening at all is not an overreaction.

Tell me, what kind of business does a complete stranger have to do inside a school? Why would you ever allow a stranger go in without permission?

Godstud wrote: Yes, in Thailand or Canada it would be, but in the USA, it's something that seems to be necessary. That these occurrences are about 2,000 times as likely to happen in an American school, is frightening.

And yet there are still schools that allow anyone to come in. Not that police presence helped much in this case, since the cop got shot first, perhaps it would have been far easier for him to stop the attacker if he had been behind a gate and been able to take cover :|
I tried to be a little more observant of the schools in my area today. Sorry folks but they’re pretty open and I don’t see the need for that to change anytime soon. We are the blessed sort that live in invisible cages :)
Igor Antunov wrote:New info, the guns weren't a gift according to gramps, they're a mystery.

Conversation with grandfather of Texas school shooter reveals:
-he had no license
-had no car
-grandparents have rides to and from work
-no guns allowed in house grandfather was convicted felon
-no training no range time
-quiet withdrawn kid
-mother has addiction issues
-no father

Video Interview with gramps: ... d-21-.html

How does a quiet withdrawn sullen kid come up with $6k worth of gear and a truck - and operate a gun this efficiently. My best guess is cartel activities. He was a drug dealer's pet, trained and recruited as a hitman. They typically use young men and women.

I think segregation is probably more likely to occur than across the board gun regulation.

US is a failed experiment. It got lucky post-ww2 because Europe destroyed itself. But that luck has run out.

Not a credible source. Some white surpreamist on twitter. Get a better source.
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