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Judging by the results of the Chechen's actions in the video, it certainly did not look like the proper way to go around a trench corner when one should have been aware that your enemy is assaulting your trench. The last thing he saw was an angry, vengeful Ukrainian and the flash of his weapon. A very bad day for the Chechen fighting for the Russians.
litwin wrote:is it him? Wargonzo?

I hope so, maybe he decided to join his orc friend in hell…

litwin wrote:THE WESTERN TACTICAL skills 8) vs. badly outdated made in ussr school , I guess kill-ratio 1:5 today maybe even 1:7

It’s like you said, the brave Russian soldiers intercepted bullets with their heads.
Last edited by Szabo on 19 Jun 2023 21:06, edited 1 time in total.

Also, what's the story with his seeming friend, Vladlen Tatarsky, that is shown in the tweet above? Did the Ukrainians target Vladlen for some sort of special treatment, retaliation for any sort of crimes he committed in Ukraine?

Edit: Ahh, so he was a pro Russian military blogger who challenged Putin. Perhaps it was Putin and his regime that was behind Vladlen's assassination.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Szabo

Also, what's the story with his seeming friend, Vladlen Tatarsky, that is shown in the tweet above? Did the Ukrainians target Vladlen for some sort of special treatment, retaliation for any sort of crimes he committed in Ukraine?

Edit: Ahh, so he was a pro Russian military blogger who challenged Putin. Perhaps it was Putin and his regime that was behind Vladlen's assassination.

I don’t know who killed him. They’re both Russian propagandists who spewed Ukrainophobic genocidal rhetoric on a regular basis.

Vladlen was a bank robber and Ukrainian who was freed by russians and their separatist lackeys in the Donbass.

Fuck ‘em both.

So Vladen was a traitor to his own country of Ukraine. That seems to be the work of karma there. These separatist lackeys, they, should be put on trial by Ukraine as traitors and given very long prison sentences for betraying their country and providing the enemy with aid and comfort. Perhaps these lackeys should be given the death penalty by Ukraine for being traitors to their own country, given they sided with the enemy.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Szabo

So Vladen was a traitor to his own country of Ukraine. That seems to be the work of karma there. These separatist lackeys, they, should be put on trial by Ukraine as traitors and given very long prison sentences for betraying their country and providing the enemy with aid and comfort. Perhaps these lackeys should be given the death penalty by Ukraine for being traitors to their own country, given they sided with the enemy.

A few good show trials might be in order, @Politics_Observer. These Trotskyite wreckers enemies of the people traitors to the Ukrainian motherland need to be made an example of, to deter others.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Szabo

So Vladen was a traitor to his own country of Ukraine. That seems to be the work of karma there. These separatist lackeys, they, should be put on trial by Ukraine as traitors and given very long prison sentences for betraying their country and providing the enemy with aid and comfort. Perhaps these lackeys should be given the death penalty by Ukraine for being traitors to their own country, given they sided with the enemy.

That’s right, a traitor. And notice how it’s always bank robbers and ex-convicts who are able to attain the highest positions in separatist Donbass, in Russia too to a large extent.

(Unfortunately, it’s true about Ukraine as well but at least we’re trying to be better. The last ex-convict president we had is now in exile in Russia. I hear America might also have a president serving from jail soon.)

And they always die in the most ridiculous funniest ways. Vladlen was blown to bits by an explosive placed in a bust of himself, which he gladly accepted. Imagine how flattered he must’ve felt right before he died.
Last edited by Szabo on 19 Jun 2023 23:23, edited 2 times in total.

Every country hangs or imprisons traitors. We hang and imprison traitors over here in the United States too. I have no doubt the UK wouldn't tolerate traitors, either. So, a few trials might indeed be in order. 8)

Szabo wrote:And they always die in the most ridiculous funniest ways. Vladlen was blown to bits by an explosive placed in a bust of himself, which he gladly accepted. Imagine how flattered he must’ve felt right before he died.

:lol: Now that was funny! You Slavs have a funny, dark sense of humor that always seems to come at the cost of somebody else who in large part are deserving of it in sometimes the most drastic ways. :lol:
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By Szabo
Politics_Observer wrote: :lol: Now that was funny! You Slavs have a funny, dark sense of humor that always seems to come at the cost of somebody else who in large part are deserving of it in sometimes the most drastic ways. :lol:

The last thing he saw…

Politics_Observer wrote:@Potemkin

Every country hangs or imprisons traitors. We hang and imprison traitors over here in the United States too. I have no doubt the UK wouldn't tolerate traitors, either. So, a few trials might indeed be in order. 8)

Spoken like a true Stalinist, @Politics_Observer! I have not entirely wasted my time here on PoFo… *wipes away a tear of pride* :)
Politics_Observer wrote:I know that when I am gone, they will put a heap on garbage on my grave, but the wind of history will blow it away mercilessly. :lol:

That remind’s me of one of my favorite quotes by Alexander Nevzorov, an anti-putin activist with an outstanding mastery of the Russian language. I love listening to him on YouTube.

“If every person who hates Putin were to take a shit on his grave, we’d have a mountain high enough to shake hands with the guys at the International Space Station.”

@Szabo @Potemkin

Stalin was much more intelligent than Putin, which is what made him so dangerous.

Here is an interesting quote from STALIN:

Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property owners and exploited; and to abstract oneself from this fundamental division; and from the antagonism between poor and rich means abstracting oneself from fundamental facts. ... -and-poor/

The press-ganging goes on.

Politics_Observer wrote:I know that when I am gone, they will put a heap on garbage on my grave, but the wind of history will blow it away mercilessly. :lol:

It's true. Millions of communists outside of the West defend Stalin and he was celebrated amongst others all over Europe during the Victory Day commemorations last month.

This is a good book on the subject.
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