Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Ghislaine Maxwell (born 25 December 1961) is a British socialite and the youngest child of publisher Robert Maxwell.

After moving to America, Maxwell and the billionaire American financier Jeffrey Epstein had a romantic relationship, and Maxwell remained close to him after their break-up. Maxwell has attracted press coverage for her friendship with Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, who attended social functions with her in New York. Maxwell introduced Epstein to Prince Andrew and the three often socialized together.

In 2008, Epstein was convicted of soliciting a minor for prostitution and served 13 months of an 18-month jail sentence. Details of a civil lawsuit made public in January 2015 contained a deposition from a woman, identified as 'Jane Doe 3', accusing Maxwell of having recruited her in 1999, when she was a minor, to have sex with Epstein. A 2018 expose by the Miami Herald revealed Jane Doe 3 to be Virginia Roberts. Roberts asserted that she was introduced by Maxwell to Epstein and then "groomed by the two for his pleasure, including lessons in Epstein's preferences during oral sex."

Maxwell has repeatedly denied any involvement in Epstein's crimes. In a 2015 statement, Maxwell rejected allegations that she has acted as a "madame for Epstein" and "facilitated Prince Andrew's acts of sexual abuse." Maxwell's spokesperson said that "the allegations made against Ghislaine Maxwell are untrue" and that she "strongly denies allegations of an unsavoury nature, which have appeared in the British press and elsewhere and reserves her right to seek redress at the repetition of such old defamatory claims."

According to the Miami Herald, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein's victims, sued Maxwell in federal court in the Southern District of New York in 2015. Giuffre asserted that Maxwell and Epstein trafficked her and other underage girls, often at sex parties that Epstein hosted at his homes in New York, New Mexico, Palm Beach, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Maxwell called her a liar. Giuffre sued for defamation. While details of the settlement were not made public, the case was settled in Giuffre’s favour, with Maxwell paying Giuffre "millions."

On 16 April 2019, a new victim, Maria Farmer, went public and filed a sworn affidavit in federal court in New York, saying that she was sexually assaulted and her then-15-year-old sister was molested by Epstein and his companion, Ghislaine Maxwell, in 1996.

Robert Maxwell MC (10 June 1923 – 5 November 1991), born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch, was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament (MP).

Mossad allegations; Vanunu case

Shortly before Maxwell's death, a former employee of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate, Ari Ben-Menashe, approached a number of news organisations in Britain and the U.S. with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror's foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad. Ben-Menashe also claimed that in 1986, Maxwell had told the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israel's nuclear capability to The Sunday Times, then to the Daily Mirror.
Who could get implicated in Epstein sex trafficking case ?

Conchita Sarnoff is an investigative reporter and anti sex trafficking activist who has been on the Epstein case from the beginning and she says Bush administration AG Roberto Gonzalez told her the Justice Department gave Epstein a sweetheart deal to avoid making a political mess during an election year. So this was covered up from way on high, I think a real shit storm is brewing here for certain members of the Washington establishment.
First off this is a wonderful opportunity to congratulate ourselves on how wonderful and superior western societies are to other societies. The fact that some of the most powerful and high status men are feeling the heat, even if they are never even charged is quite something. We have a level of accountability that goes way beyond what occurs in Muslim countries in Communist States, in Black African states.

So sorry to disappoint you but we'll be taking no lectures from IRA / Fatah /Hamas/ Soviet Union/ Mao, Islamophile leftie hypocrites. In societies evolution de jure law leads de-facto law. Even a couple of decades ago very high status men could get away with things that they'd be unlikely to get away with today. Personally I wouldn't mind if Trump and Bill Clinton were put on trial, I would find it most amusing, but realistically I just can't see it happening.

Wide scale historic crimes can not be prosecuted. This is a sane principle of regime change. I supported regime change in Nazi Germany (obviously retrospectively in this case as I wasn't alive at the time) Communist East Germany and Saddam's Iraq. But in all case I thought attempts to punish people against the de-facto moral standards of the new regime for acts committed under the old regime idiotic. To give another example I apply this principle to North Ireland. Trying to prosecute Republicans or loyalists for historic crimes committed during "the troubles" is simply stupid. I'm viscerally opposed to the disgusting witch-hunt against our brave boys of 1st Para.

I'm a British Republican, I have no love of randy Andy. Again I would find it highly amusing if he ended up on trial. but our focus should be on abolishing the British monarchy, and for starters ending the MP's oath of allegiance, not on chasing ephemeral prosecution for the eight in line to the throne.
I find you posts intriguing @Rich , even when I don’t get em entirely :lol: For instance, I don’t understand the IRA reference or how powerful men like Epstein can be compared to Saddam Hussein. Like, I kind of get it, but you sir are on another level entirely. You’re like the right wing equivalent to Rhetoric Thug :lol:
ness31 wrote:even when I don’t get em entirely :lol: For instance, I don’t understand the IRA reference or how powerful men like Epstein can be compared to Saddam Hussein.

Apologies, I'm a slow (and perhaps lazy) writer and so don't fully layout all my thinking. We have had no sudden change like happened in Germany in 45 , East Germany in 1990, or Iraq in 2003. However over the last decades we have had a revolutionary social transformation. Go back to say the 1950s, powerful men could not only have sex with under age lower class girls from dysfunctional family back grounds but could probably rape them with impunity. But even over the last couple of decades there has been a huge social change.

So in Germany 45, holding every German to account for the letter of the law would mean putting the large majority of the population in prison, certainly the large majority of the elite and upper middle class. It was not practical, but it was also not desirable. What was important was their behaviour going forward, not a futile chase for justice in the past.

Now the situation with these historic sex crimes (or possible sex crimes) is not so extreme, but it is analogous. If every historic sex crime was properly punished according to the letter of the law, our societies would be brought down. You can punish individual members of the elite, but not whole swathes.

In the Northern Ireland troubles the Provisional IRA was the de-facto government of significant parts of Northern Ireland. As well as killings, knee cappings, extortions and punishment beatings, leading IRA members used their overarching power within Republican communities to commit many rapes and other sex offences. Again my argument is that one just has to accept that these historic "crimes" happened, but trying to prosecute them is neither realistic nor desirable. In Republican communities the provisional IRA leadership was the elite, was the establishment. The key thing is to establish a new standard of behaviour going forward.
Well there’s ‘historic’ a la chasing down every last nazi, and there’s this guy who looks like he still has a healthy libido. How many more are there? Weinstein, Epstein, most leading men in’s not exactly ‘historic’ but there is an aggressive push to take them down.

In 20-30 years the #metoo crowd will be in the ‘historic’ category as well. They best hope they’ve kept their noses clean they’re whole lives :)
skinster wrote:There is some talk about Epstein being a Mossad agent whose job it was to basically control politicians and other powerful people.

I have heard of this conspiracy theory , of which I will link to this article covering it, rather than the original website, Admin Edit: Cut. See Warning. My thought on this is that while it may be said to be regrettable , it is not surprising that anti-Semites would want to jump on this story . I mean it sounds like something straight out of Der Sturmer , only it's real life . Such real life cases of predators , both financial as well as sexual , being Jewish sure does feed into anti-Semitic stereotypes . Admin Edit: Rule 3 Violation Especially considering how accused criminals whom are Jewish escape to Israel. ... 45246.html
ness31 wrote:Well there’s ‘historic’ a la chasing down every last nazi, and there’s this guy who looks like he still has a healthy libido. How many more are there? Weinstein, Epstein, most leading men in’s not exactly ‘historic’ but there is an aggressive push to take them down.

In 20-30 years the #metoo crowd will be in the ‘historic’ category as well. They best hope they’ve kept their noses clean they’re whole lives :)

Epstein - grooming under-age girls for sexual activities...
Weinstein - got actresses to watch as he masturbated into domestic shrubbery...

Those are examples of healthy libidos to you?
noemon wrote:It's funny that the OP mentions Clinton but not Donald Trump.

That's what I thought, too. Bill might have misbehaved, but I never heard of him arsing about with little girls. Trump however is known to have barged into teenaged girls dressing rooms at beauty pagents
Deutschmania wrote: Even those who might not be predisposed to be neo-Nazi might wonder why it seems as if the Jews are particularly prone to produce callous psychopaths.

Jews are not "particularly prone to produce callous psychopaths", Jews produce psychopaths at the same rate as every other group.

Is it something to do with their inbred genetics perhaps

The higher diversity in the AJ population was paralleled by a lower inbreeding coefficient, F, indicating the AJ population is more outbred than Europeans, not inbred, as has long been assumed ... SZc6rxMFTs

and if so what can rightly be done about it ?

Are you seriously posing the jewish question? :lol:

This is the hard question that many people are wondering , but are too afraid to ask , given the negative connotation with the policies of the Third Reich , and the Final Solution, which resulted. The people don't necessarily want to assign collective guilt, and even more so do not desire the wholescale extermination of the Jewish population . But the public does want answers as to what is to be done to address this apparently widespread issue concerning the Jewish community . Especially considering how accused criminals whom are Jewish escape to Israel .

:knife: If you're concerned about psychopaths running the world then I recommend you focus less on the ethnicity of the psychopaths and more on the power structures they rely on to dominate us.
Stormsmith wrote: Bill might have misbehaved, but I never heard of him arsing about with little girls.

Slick Willy rode Epstein's "lolita express" airline a total of 27 times(5 of those times he dismissed his security detail). Your beloved Bubba is a kiddie fiddler.
noemon wrote:It's funny that the OP mentions Clinton but not Donald Trump.

Not really if you look into it closer . Trump knew the guy when he was a Democrat. Trump ended up revoking and kicking Epstein out of one of his golf clubs for bad behavior towards some women. This isn't into going to stick to Trump but the leftist media is desperate to keep this off the Clinton's and the pedophile supporting Democrat leftists. Progressives love their pedophiles and sex offenders.
Finfinder wrote:Progressives love their pedophiles and sex offenders.

The intellectual heroes of today's progressives certainly did:
Wiki wrote:In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals - including such prominent names as Louis Aragon, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge, and various prominent doctors and psychologists - signed the petition. In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.


Clinton has issued a statement:
Fox News wrote:
Bill Clinton 'knows nothing' about financier Jeffrey Epstein's 'terrible crimes,' former president's spokesman says

Bill Clinton "knows nothing" about the "terrible crimes" linked to Jeffrey Epstein, the former president's spokesman said Monday, in Clinton's first statement after new sex-trafficking charges were lobbed against the wealthy financier.

An indictment alleging sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy was unsealed Monday morning against Epstein, the wealthy and politically connected financier who pleaded not guilty during his initial appearance in a New York City federal court. Prosecutors alleged that Epstein, the 66-year-old wealthy hedge fund manager arrested on Saturday, preyed on "dozens" of victims as young as 14.

"In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane: one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation," the statement said. "Staff, supporters of the foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip. He had one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002, and around the same time made one brief visit to Epstein’s New York apartment with a staff member and his security detail. He’s not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and he has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida.”

Separately, claims in court showed that President Trump may have flown on the jet at least once, as well.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Bill Barr said he has recused himself from the matter "because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm I subsequently joined for a period of time." On Saturday evening, Christine Pelosi, a Democratic National Committee official and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, warned conspicuously that it is "quite likely that some of our faves are implicated" in the "horrific" sex-trafficking case. "This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice," Pelosi tweeted. "It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may - whether on Republicans or Democrats."

For his part, Trump previously called attention to Clinton's dealings with the financier. "Nice guy -- uh, got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island, with Jeffrey Epstein," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity in 2015, referring to Clinton's connections with Epstein. "A lot of problems." Meanwhile, Trump biographer Tim O'Brien this weekend reposted an excerpt fom a 2002 profile of Epstein in New York Magazine, in which Trump told a reporter, "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." Trump banned Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago estate “because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” according to court documents filed by Bradley Edwards, the lawyer who has represented several Epstein accusers. That claim has not been confirmed by Trump or Mar-a-Lago.

Epstein appeared Monday in a hearing that lasted about 30 minutes wearing a blue prison top with a brown T-shirt underneath, in addition to orange slip-on sneakers. Prosecutors said in the 36 hours since Epstein's arrest, multiple attorneys and several individuals have come forward and said they were victims, none of whom had previously been spoken to. Epstein allegedly created and maintained a "vast network" and operation from 2002 "up to and including" at least 2005 that enabled him to "sexually exploit and abuse dozens of underage girls" in addition to paying victims to recruit other underage girls. "This allowed Epstein to create an ever-expanding web of new victims," U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said at a news conference. Berman added that nude photographs "of what appeared to be underage girls" were discovered at Epstein's Manhattan mansion during a search following his arrest Saturday. The hundreds of photos were discovered in a locked safe, according to officials.

Prosecutors also allege Epstein "worked and conspired with others, including employees and associates" who helped facilitate his conduct by contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with the 66-year-old at his mansion in New York City and Palm, Beach, Fla. At Epstein's multi-story mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, prosecutors said that victims would be escorted to a room with a massage table where they would perform a massage on him. "The victims, who were as young as 14 years of age, were told by Epstein or other individuals to partially or fully undress before beginning the 'massage,'" prosecutors wrote. "During the encounter, Epstein would escalate the nature and scope of physical contact with his victims to include, among other things, sex acts such as groping and direct and indirect contact with the victim's genitals."

In Monday's court appearance, prosecutors said that the massage room in New York was set up exactly as how the alleged victims described it 15 years ago. Victims would be paid hundreds of dollars in cash by either Epstein or one of his associates or employees, according to prosecutors. The 66-year-old also allegedly "incentivized his victims" to become recruiters by paying the victim-recruiters hundreds of dollars for each girl brought to him. "In so doing, Epstein maintained a steady supply of new victims to exploit," federal prosecutors said.

FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William Sweeney said that Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey at 5 p.m. on Saturday "without incident." Epstein is now being held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal jail near the Manhattan courthouse where he appeared Monday afternoon.
According to investigative journalist, author, and executive director of Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking (ATRVT) Conchita Sarnoff, former President Bill Clinton is lying when he says he “knows nothing” of Jeffrey Epstein‘s sexual predation. Despite the fact that Clinton’s name appears on several flight logs of Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, Clinton denies having knowledge of any wrongdoing on the part of the Brooklyn-born multi-millionaire.

Clinton has insisted that he only took “a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane”–dubbed the “Lolita Express”–in 2002 and 2003 and was surrounded by a secret service detail the entire time. He also said that his meetings with Epstein were brief and infrequent.

Sarnoff, who first broke the story in 2010 and later wrote a book on her findings, said that these figures are inaccurate and that Clinton was on the plane far more often than he admitted.

“I know from the pilot logs and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein’s 27 times,” Sarnoff said, adding that “many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he did not.”

“Almost every time that Clinton’s name is on the flight logs, there are underage girls there. There are initials and there are names of many, many girls on that private plane,” Sarnoff added.

She went on to say that Gerald Lefcourt, one of Epstein’s attorneys during his original arrest, claimed in a letter that has since been made public that Epstein was an original funder of the Clinton Global Initiative (Disclosure: Lefcourt’s byline has appeared on a couple of Law&Crime op-eds in the past). Sarnoff said that all requests to interview Clinton about this were denied. ... t-epstein/
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:The intellectual heroes of today's progressives certainly did:

Wow, I wasn't aware of that. Wingnuts have long claimed that there was an agenda to normalize pedophilia but I always thought it was homophobic crankery on par with chemtrails and lizard people. I'll have dig into it and see how deeply rooted it is in the postmodernist cult.
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