Jeffrey Toobin Masturbates During Zoom Call -- Thought he was on mute. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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What the fuck happened to Rudolf Giuliani? Back in the 1980s, the guy was a hero. He took on the Mafia, and won. He cleaned up the mean streets of New York. And on 9/11, he donned a bulletproof vest and went out on the streets of New York to reassure people during a state of national emergency that the government was still functional and were not all cowering in a bunker like President Bush.

....And then he transmogrified into Trump's 'Idiot at Large'. And now this. Rudy, wtf? :eh:
Potemkin wrote:What the fuck happened to Rudolf Giuliani? Back in the 1980s, the guy was a hero. He took on the Mafia, and won. He cleaned up the mean streets of New York. And on 9/11, he donned a bulletproof vest and went out on the streets of New York to reassure people during a state of national emergency that the government was still functional and were not all cowering in a bunker like President Bush.

....And then he transmogrified into Trump's 'Idiot at Large'. And now this. Rudy, wtf? :eh:

He was always a shiesty scumbag.
Potemkin wrote: And on 9/11, he donned a bulletproof vest and went out on the streets of New York to reassure people during a state of national emergency that the government was still functional and were not all cowering in a bunker like President Bush.

A more detailed look at Giuliani here and if you're interested in any more, I highly recommend the documentary A Very Heavy Agenda.
late wrote:Well, that's one way of admitting you lost.

November 3rd baby. That's when we know if it's going to be guns or butter.

late wrote:Btw, he didn't have to pay a thing.

It's not about paying when you're the one getting paid. The press is probably on the take too. Now we're all well informed about what flavor ice cream the now decrepit and demented former Vice President prefers.

late wrote:He was delivering a message from the EU, the IMF and the USA to deal with their corruption.

To stop investigating the guy he met with in a meeting arranged by his own son who was being paid $600k by the same guy, or his company if you insist... :lol: :roll:

It's hard beating that vanilla soft serve though isn't it?

At any rate, you folks are grasping at Italian sausages. It's not going to work.
@blackjack21 , and @Potemkin , what's an oddball like me to do? My civic duty tells me to vote, but Trump is bad and Biden is bad.

The traditional Christian in me cannot stomach either one, nor the anti-capitalist in me, either one. I am a very ''law and order'' type Statist, so that would seem to favor Trump, but his conflicts with the Establishment Swamp have rocked the whole world since he's been in office.

I get the nationalism and populism, but it can't be done within Capitalism, it just doesn't work that way no matter how you try. Trump is actually a very intelligent man, but he can't pull it off to the degree that would satisfy the American people.

I also get working within international institutions and agreements among civilized nations, and at least having a better social safety net for the American public, as Liberals at least pretend to believe in more.

I also get that the Liberals are usually insane and morally rotten where they disagree with the Conservatives otherwise, and the Conservatives are usually insane and morally rotten where they agree with the Liberals together.

There's not much room for me politically to make a choice. VP Pence seems like an intelligent and decent honorable man with some gravitas and bearing. VP Candidate Harris is unbearable.

So guys, what do you think of my situation?

I believe the exact opposite...

I get that the Conservatives are usually insane and morally rotten where they disagree with the Liberals otherwise, and the Liberals are usually insane and morally rotten where they agree with the Conservatives together.

* Note: The 'I believe' is a rhetorical device, used for effect, to show up your bias; in truth, I don't give a shit. Why should I care? US foreign policy in North Africa - The America most likely to impinge on me - is unlikely to change to any great degree whoever is elected and your domestic policies are no concern of mine.

Last edited by ingliz on 22 Oct 2020 11:12, edited 2 times in total.
Potemkin wrote:What the fuck happened to Rudolf Giuliani? Back in the 1980s, the guy was a hero. He took on the Mafia, and won. He cleaned up the mean streets of New York.

Yeah thinking about it, its probably a good thing that Jim and Jimmy died when they did.

And on 9/11, he donned a bulletproof vest and went out on the streets of New York to reassure people during a state of national emergency that the government was still functional and were not all cowering in a bunker like President Bush.

I thought it was Dick Cheney who hid away in the bunker but anyway that's not the important point. I was on a meditation retreat on 9/11 so I didn't get to experience the thing in real time, but when I read the papers on the following Sunday it very quickly became clear that Al Qaeda or who ever was behind 9/11 had shot their bolt. There was a vulnerability that was exploited and that vulnerability closed within hours of the commencement of the operation. The whole reaction to 9/11 by the American people and westerners generally was utterly pathetic and I was more than happy to express my contempt at the time, as I was happy to express my contempt for the British people's pathetic, hysterical and cowardly reaction to 7/7.

I don't know how much the Bush administration actually believed their was a risk of further attacks and how much was theatre. I like to attack Leftists for stupidity and ignorance, obliviously I don't include you @Potemkin in that accusation. I attack the left and particularly the Liberal left because they so pride themselves on their superior knowledge and intelligence. It would make no sense to attack Conservatives in the same way, because Conservative politicians and particularly American Conservative politicians often pretend to be more stupid and more ignorant, than they really are. No if you want to go after Conservatives you need to find other lines of attack.
Rich wrote:Yeah thinking about it, its probably a good thing that Jim and Jimmy died when they did.

Giuliani right now is like a comical spectre haunting his own life. :hmm:

I thought it was Dick Cheney who hid away in the bunker but anyway that's not the important point.

Bush mysteriously vanished from public sight in the aftermath of 9/11.

I was on a meditation retreat on 9/11


Did you achieve enlightenment? Because if not, you should have asked for your money back. Lol.

so I didn't get to experience the thing in real time, but when I read the papers on the following Sunday it very quickly became clear that Al Qaeda or who ever was behind 9/11 had shot their bolt. There was a vulnerability that was exploited and that vulnerability closed within hours of the commencement of the operation.

The aim was not to topple the USA, but to provoke it into overreacting. Which it did. A small window of opportunity was all Al Qaeda needed.

The whole reaction to 9/11 by the American people and westerners generally was utterly pathetic and I was more than happy to express my contempt at the time, as I was happy to express my contempt for the British people's pathetic, hysterical and cowardly reaction to 7/7.

Agreed. We went through worse shit than 7/7 almost every week back in the 1970s and 80s at the hands of the PIRA, and there was no hand-wringing hysteria then, so why after 9/11 or 7/7? I couldn't understand it at the time, and I still can't understand it now. :eh:

I don't know how much the Bush administration actually believed their was a risk of further attacks and how much was theatre.

My guess is that it was mostly theatre. As the saying has it, never let a good crisis go to waste. Lol. ;)

I like to attack Leftists for stupidity and ignorance, obliviously I don't include you @Potemkin in that accusation. I attack the left and particularly the Liberal left because they so pride themselves on their superior knowledge and intelligence. It would make no sense to attack Conservatives in the same way, because Conservative politicians and particularly American Conservative politicians often pretend to be more stupid and more ignorant, than they really are. No if you want to go after Conservatives you need to find other lines of attack.

Conservatives are not usually smarter than Liberals; they just tend to pride themselves on being clever machiavellians, whereas Liberals tend to pride themselves on being tender-hearted progressives. They are both mistaken about themselves, of course. Lol.
Potemkin wrote:What the fuck happened to Rudolf Giuliani? Back in the 1980s, the guy was a hero. He took on the Mafia, and won. He cleaned up the mean streets of New York. And on 9/11, he donned a bulletproof vest and went out on the streets of New York to reassure people during a state of national emergency that the government was still functional and were not all cowering in a bunker like President Bush.

....And then he transmogrified into Trump's 'Idiot at Large'. And now this. Rudy, wtf? :eh:

Potemkin wrote:Giuliani right now is like a comical spectre haunting his own life. :hmm:

See Rolling Stone took a crack at speculating his decline.
Agreed. We went through worse shit than 7/7 almost every week back in the 1970s and 80s at the hands of the PIRA, and there was no hand-wringing hysteria then, so why after 9/11 or 7/7? I couldn't understand it at the time, and I still can't understand it now. :eh:

Best speculation I’ve found for the breakdown of subjectivity (not synonymous with individual psyche).
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