White Supremacist Murders Ten in Buffalo - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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BlutoSays wrote:Well, NY in its infinite wisdumb doesn't have the death penalty.

But you can be sure if people are really upset about it, those same people who don't support the death penalty will kick it to the feds.

Like I say, situational ethics rule the day, UNFORTUNATELY.

I don't support the death penalty because I think the State power to kill people should be severely restricted/

I just don not trust state bureaucracy with that sort of power,

If he was wearing body armor, I doubt a CCW 9mm (or any pistol round, for that matter) would have stopped him. After all, you seem to be forgetting, the retired policeman shot him to no effect and was shot dead for his trouble.

While I am 100% pro-gun and gun rights. This point that is being tossed around that "If someone was allowed to have a gun" it would be all good is basically a bullshit bandaid.

The fundamental problem isn't that these folks didn't have guns to defend themselves (call it a secondary issue if you wish). The FUNDAMENTAL problem is that we have a culture that encourages the targeting of specific groups of non-white people in America. The argument that "see, they everyone should have guns" is evidence of this problematic culture. We even have an industry that profits off it (See right wing media).

The guy was in body armor and was shot several times. It didn't do any good because he was covered completely in body armor so none of the shots killed or even harmed him. But he was hit multiple times by the shots fired by the former black police officer that was working security that day. It just didn't have any effect because of the body armor he was wearing. So, even if people have guns, the fact a shooter is dressed in heavy body armor won't do those people with guns any good. They need to outlaw that body armor and heavily regulate gun ownership far more.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Rancid

The guy was in body armor and was shot several times. It didn't do any good because he was covered completely in body armor so none of the shots killed or even harmed him. But he was hit multiple times by the shots fired by the former black police officer that was working security that day. It just didn't have any effect because of the body armor he was wearing. So, even if people have guns, the fact a shooter is dressed in heavy body armor won't do those people with guns any good. They need to outlaw that body armor and heavily regulate gun ownership far more.

You aren't regulating this problem out of existence, OK? Not going to happen. Dude was at a mental health facility and evaluated a year ago after threatening someone. They let him go. I understand that - humans are sneaky and some will get through. A larger caliber might have stunned him enough for someone else to approach him (or not). Don't know. Hitting him in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher would probably have stopped him, regardless of body armor, but not everything is possible in these situations. All the psychologists, doctors, police, can't stop everything bad from happening.

You aren't going to fix anything by regulating everyone's guns more. Some of those that want to do this will do this and others will be stopped beforehand.

Get used to it. The world is an imperfect place.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Rancid

The guy was in body armor and was shot several times. It didn't do any good because he was covered completely in body armor so none of the shots killed or even harmed him. But he was hit multiple times by the shots fired by the former black police officer that was working security that day. It just didn't have any effect because of the body armor he was wearing. So, even if people have guns, the fact a shooter is dressed in heavy body armor won't do those people with guns any good. They need to outlaw that body armor and heavily regulate gun ownership far more.

Ironic that the excuse that people say to have guns readily available is for "self-defense" and we are talking here about banning body armor which unlike weapons are a purely defensive device. Not to mention, you can probably improvise a quick n dirty armor with metal, sand and cloth to last you just enough for you to do the sort of carnage that you are hoping for if you are one of these suicidal terrorists.
I suspect this problem would go away rather quickly if these assholes stopped targetting schools full of children and churches and started going into lawmakers offices and government buildings.
And no, I am not encouraging any sort of violence at any level, just pointing out the hypocrisy and heartlessness of some of our leaders. Fucking spineless assholes.
BlutoSays wrote:You aren't regulating this problem out of existence, OK? Not going to happen. Dude was at a mental health facility and evaluated a year ago after threatening someone. They let him go.

Are you suggesting this is the health facility's fault? That is ridiculous. One year ago they were dealing with a completely different person, as evidenced by the fact that he did not leave the facility to kill anyone at that time. Mental health facilities are not responsible and/or capable of predicting what you would do years from now.
XogGyux wrote:Are you suggesting this is the health facility's fault? That is ridiculous. One year ago they were dealing with a completely different person, as evidenced by the fact that he did not leave the facility to kill anyone at that time. Mental health facilities are not responsible and/or capable of predicting what you would do years from now.

Did you read the next sentence, jackass?
BlutoSays wrote:Did you read the next sentence, jackass?

The problem with your kind is that the problem is never the obvious problem. A crazy teenager that can legally buy a fucking machine gun and ammunition is not the problem, the problem is that 1 year ago and he was not kept there forever.
Piss off, dude.
BlutoSays wrote:Too bad no one in the vicinity had a gun and could have plugged the little SOB before he got rolling.

The guard shot him, but he had brought a lvl 3 body vest which police issue 9mm handgun pea shooters can't penetrate.

Also he's not even white. Muttmerica is experiencing some kind of identity crisis. This kid is mutty as hell. No doubt his own flaky identity led him to double up on his supremacist ideology. The guy in the checkouts he spared and apologized to (for being white) wasn't even white. A society of indistinct el-goblino, la-creaturas is unstable and obsessed with race? 'Color' me unsurprised.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 18 May 2022 02:51, edited 3 times in total.
He’s still a white mutt Igor. It is what it is.

Even though he says he was influenced by Great Replacement theory, he sure chose the easiest target. Not Asians, not Arabs but black people who were slaves and forcibly bought to America. I think he wanted to kill and his manifesto stuff was a way for him to justify it in his broken mind. He even predicted he would feel remorse..
Rancid wrote:While I am 100% pro-gun and gun rights. This point that is being tossed around that "If someone was allowed to have a gun" it would be all good is basically a bullshit bandaid.

The fundamental problem isn't that these folks didn't have guns to defend themselves (call it a secondary issue if you wish). The FUNDAMENTAL problem is that we have a culture that encourages the targeting of specific groups of non-white people in America. The argument that "see, they everyone should have guns" is evidence of this problematic culture. We even have an industry that profits off it (See right wing media).

All you have to do is look at American history, and all becomes clear: a nation founded on slavery and genocide, built on land stolen from its native inhabitants by immigrants from another continent. The racism is baked in by now.
BlutoSays wrote:You aren't regulating this problem out of existence, OK? Not going to happen. Dude was at a mental health facility and evaluated a year ago after threatening someone. They let him go. I understand that - humans are sneaky and some will get through. A larger caliber might have stunned him enough for someone else to approach him (or not). Don't know. Hitting him in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher would probably have stopped him, regardless of body armor, but not everything is possible in these situations. All the psychologists, doctors, police, can't stop everything bad from happening.

You aren't going to fix anything by regulating everyone's guns more. Some of those that want to do this will do this and others will be stopped beforehand.

Get used to it. The world is an imperfect place.

Allowing everyone without any reasonable checks to be highly armed WILL get lots of people killed,

Even moderate gunlaws and background checks would have stopped this one.
Frankly when you look at the shooting statistics they are no worse than western Europe, if you exclude regions where race mixing is a thing and only look at (actual) white majority areas-even where guns are perfectly easy to acquire. Perhaps the problem is not guns, but America's obsession with being a melting pot. Even babies show innate racial preferences and cross-race hostility. I'm assuming this is baked in for a biological reason and is not unique to America. Western europe is most unstable in areas where the same thing can be observed-London, Stockholm, Paris, areas where race mixing is prevalent. Then you have one of the poorest countries in Europe, 2nd most heavily armed countries on earth-Serbia, where every kid and his grandpa has multiple guns; not even on the mass shooting score board.

If you want peacetime mass murder to end, be it by gun or whatever, then stop encouraging different breeds of people to hang around the same areas. imagine putting a bunch of pitbulls, german sherpherds and labradoodles into the same kennel and expecting them to share food and water. Good fucking luck.
pugsville wrote:Allowing everyone without any reasonable checks to be highly armed WILL get lots of people killed,

Even moderate gunlaws and background checks would have stopped this one.

Canada has less stringent gun laws than the US, yet this sort of mass shooting is almost unheard-of there. The problem isn’t the gun laws. The problem is the US itself. A racist nation will have racist terrorists shooting people up.
Igor Antunov wrote:I'm not about to read an 18 year old's manifesto, especially one he plagiarized from the idiot new zealand mosque shooter. If it boils down to accelerationism again then nary an original thought went into his murderous temper tantrum.

Anders Breivik planned his attack for years. Years and years or meticulous planning and still does a nazi salute when he goes to court. Tarrant also cultivated his views from a young age and was actively a white supremacist.
This loser got bored during Covid lockdowns and wanted to shoot some shit up. That’s how I see it.
Unthinking Majority wrote:This murderer is stupid. Did he think he was going to kill all the black people in America or something? Like what is the end game here? What a stupid thing to die for.

The endgame for guys like him is to trigger a race war. They think that by carrying out enough massacres and/or lynchings, that they can provoke the racial minorities to retaliate against the White majority, thereby allowing that majority to finally exterminate the racial minorities once and for all. Seriously, that’s their plan.

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