State of emergency is declared in Charlottesville, USA. Why? - Page 110 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:So, you are going to completely ignore the fact that one group was instigating violence by being openly racist. Got it.

Are you claiming that the counter-protest is responsible for all the violence?*

Aside from the act of ramming a car into pedestrians, yes.
Allow me to let you in on a little secret.
Being "racist" is NOT "instigating violence". Nor is it a crime.
Billy-Bob can stand in his approved place, which the LAW has allowed or afforded him, and yell that he hates Jews, and Blacks, and Mexicans, and Martians if he wants...ALL HE WANTS! This is GUARANTEED by the US Constitution, and I believe in our Charter of Rights.
I may stand and laugh, or cry, or yell nastiness back at him. But I cannot touch him in a threatening manner. Nor can I physically obstruct him from saying his piece. That WOULD be a crime.

This is a very simple concept POD.
If you think you can walk up to a black guy and call him a N***** and not run a serious risk of getting punched in the face, you are incorrect.

This is true regardless of the laws. Yes, the black guy cannot legally do it, but no one would believe that the racist guy was not trying to start a fight.

Also, provide evidence that the white supremacists were not responsible for any of the violence.
Buzz62 wrote:Are you claiming that the counter-protest is responsible for all the violence?*

Aside from the act of ramming a car into pedestrians, yes.

This has been posted more than once in this thread:

And Unite the Right marchers have been charged with using teargas:

Cantwell turned himself in last Wednesday after two citizen activists swore before a magistrate that he attacked them. The subsequent felony warrants for illegal use of gasses and injury by caustic agent were issued by a court without any involvement from police, even after a widely circulated photograph clearly caught him in the act.

Cantwell says he sprayed because fellow torch-bearing men had already been wounded by counter-protesters (the photograph does show a bloodied man in the background). Cantwell alleges that two counter-protesters menacingly moved toward him.
One of the two who swore out the warrants against him, Emily Gorcenski, calls Cantwell's self-defense claim laughable.

"It was 300 against 30, and they had us surrounded," Gorcenski told The Daily Beast, recalling the torch rally. "If anyone has a self-defense claim, it's us who were at the statue."

Cantwell declines to tone down his rhetoric, claiming that Gorcenski isn't qualified to testify in court because she's a "fucking tranny" and blames "kikes" for for orchestrating the counter-protesters. ... uman-being

Well, with a legal argument like that, how could he possibly fail?
The above information has been mentioned repeatedly throughout the thread. On the very first night of the white power demonstration's march, they surrounded a group of 30 college students and assaulted them. Subsequently, the unprovoked violence initiated and continued by the white supremacists led the authorities of Charlottesville to revoke the permit for their Nazi pride parade.

@Prosthetic Conscience Cantwell has no idea how badly he's shitting the bed, but his lawyer may be even worse. He once tried to defend a client, charged with rape, by saying he was sleepwalking. :lol: During this case with Cantwell, he's already demonstrated some odd behavior: he tried to have evidence (video recordings of Cantwell himself, produced by himself) dismissed as hearsay ( :lol: ), and while Cantwell admits openly to using pepper spray on people, his lawyer has said "We can't be certain what was in that pepper spray can, it could've been something else [other than pepper spray." :lol:

The poor guy chose him for a lawyer, though.
Bulaba Jones wrote:The above information has been mentioned repeatedly throughout the thread. On the very first night of the white power demonstration's march, they surrounded a group of 30 college students and assaulted them. Subsequently, the unprovoked violence initiated and continued by the white supremacists led the authorities of Charlottesville to revoke the permit for their Nazi pride parade.

Police declared the gathering an unlawful assembly. Not long after the rally began, Charlottesville declared a local emergency, and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a statewide state of emergency. ... e-protests
Nice try but, the facts say otherwise.

As already discussed, anyone who instigates violent confrontation is a criminal.
That includes the guy arrested on the Friday night, and all those arrested on the Saturday I would imagine. It also means that moving the Antifa crowd to physically block the path of the UTR guys, and picking fights with them, makes them criminals too.

But again...nice try with the falsehood.
Bulaba Jones wrote:The above information has been mentioned repeatedly throughout the thread. On the very first night of the white power demonstration's march, they surrounded a group of 30 college students and assaulted them.

They weren't all college students. I have video of the gun wielding trannyfa who lives in Charlottesville and who works for Elle Magazine at the rally, and some old Jewish man at the rally. How many of the 28 can you prove were indeed college student.

Even if there were college students there, guess what wouldn't have happened had they not gone out there looking for trouble?
Pants-of-dog wrote:If you think you can walk up to a black guy and call him a N***** and not run a serious risk of getting punched in the face, you are incorrect.

This is true regardless of the laws. Yes, the black guy cannot legally do it, but no one would believe that the racist guy was not trying to start a fight.

Also, provide evidence that the white supremacists were not responsible for any of the violence.

Please provide evidence that the Antifa guys were not responsible?

I can, and I would run the risk of him taking a swing at me.
What is the legal result of that? A charge of assault on the black guy.
And probably a stern warning from the arresting officer to be nice in public, for the white guy.

Pretty gawd-damn simple eh?

As for you skinster...Pfft...
Keep at it. You help me achieve my goal.
Buzz62 wrote:
Nice try but, the facts say otherwise.

As already discussed, anyone who instigates violent confrontation is a criminal.
That includes the guy arrested on the Friday night, and all those arrested on the Saturday I would imagine. It also means that moving the Antifa crowd to physically block the path of the UTR guys, and picking fights with them, makes them criminals too.

But again...nice try with the falsehood.

Thanks for providing the link, which clearly demonstrates (and even has video) white supremacists attacking spectators. We've already discussed and shared links to media reports which showed that the initial night of the march involved the white power demonstrators assaulting students.

Continued white supremacist-led violence is why the authorities of Charlottesville literally proclaimed the white power demonstration to no longer be legal, and told them to disperse and leave.

I've lost track of how many times people have gone over this. Blubbering for the neo-Nazis and their associates isn't going to change reality.
Stormsmith wrote:BUZZ

Plse define legally funky,

Thanks BUZZ

Thanks. Its nice that you people are so eager to prove my point for me.

In this case, it would be the approved permit for Billy-Bob to "yell that he hates Jews, and Blacks, and Mexicans, and Martians if he wants". Or maybe Billy-Bob just wanted to protest the statue removal?

Which is another asinine thing. All this, over a statue of a dead guy.
Antifa thought they were gonna "show those bad white racists".
They accomplished further tarnishing their reputation, and leaving no doubt in the minds of many, that the political left has lost its collective senses. Over a statue of a dead guy...
Bravo. 8)
Last edited by Buzz62 on 14 Sep 2017 01:03, edited 1 time in total.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Thanks for providing the link, which clearly demonstrates (and even has video) white supremacists attacking spectators. We've already discussed and shared links to media reports which showed that the initial night of the march involved the white power demonstrators assaulting students.

Continued white supremacist-led violence is why the authorities of Charlottesville literally proclaimed the white power demonstration to no longer be legal, and told them to disperse and leave.

I've lost track of how many times people have gone over this. Blubbering for the neo-Nazis and their associates isn't going to change reality.

You have a learning disability, don't you. My sympathies.

If you have someone read the article to you, you'll realize that the demonstration was called a wash after it began on the Saturday, not on the Friday night as you claim. And yes, they did tell them to disperse, and by all indications, they were dispersing. There's even a nice big picture of that for you.

You're correct about one thing though.
Although I'm not a neo-nazi or an associate of any of them...that I know of...I can't change reality. Nor can you...though you continue to try for some reason.

And for being so slow on the uptake...thank you too, for helping me prove my point.
skinster wrote:Guess what would've happened if white supremacists didn't rally in a multi-racial city? :excited: :roll:

1) Name one racially homogenous city in America. Since you aren't American, I can forgive you for not knowing that nearly every city in America is multiracial.

2) But guess what doesn't happen to minorities when they decide to demonstrate in majority white neighborhoods. The minority demonstrators are not set upon by angry white supremacists for daring to walk down the street in their neighborhoods and hold their goofy demonstrations that are usually based on their skin color or otherwise being non-white.

3) The UTR had a permit to assemble the following day, and there is nothing illegal about men getting together and walking down the street in an orderly fashion to stand in front of a statute

4) Antifa and other leftists ignored the university and the governor's warning to stay away from the UTR gathering
Wait, the university and the governor wer telling the counter-guys to stay away?
Oh that's rich. people who could see past their sense of moral superiority, warned the Antifa crowd and they ignored the warning.

Hey lefties? just how powerful do you want the Republicans to get in the congress, senate and white house?

Oh lord...a 2-term Trumpy presidency.
Man one of these lefties will actually jump off a building.
Oh well...Kleenex will make a killing...
Buzz62 wrote:Wait, the university and the governor wer telling the counter-guys to stay away?
Oh that's rich. people who could see past their sense of moral superiority, warned the Antifa crowd and they ignored the warning.

I think the governor is a scumbag and was probably behind the order for the police to herd the two groups together and then stand down and let the situation spiral out of control.

If not just for plausible dependability, he did at least tell the opposing side and all neutral people to stay away.
maz wrote:They weren't all college students. I have video of the gun wielding trannyfa who lives in Charlottesville and who works for Elle Magazine at the rally, and some old Jewish man at the rally. How many of the 28 can you prove were indeed college student.

Even if there were college students there, guess what wouldn't have happened had they not gone out there looking for trouble?

Nazis actually fired at people at the rally, but thankfully nobody was hit.

But yeah a tweet of one resident of Charlottesville having a gun far outweighs driving a car through a crowd, documented organizing to bring weapons by Unite the Right, the attack on the college campus, the guys who attacked the black man in the garage, and oh yeah the murder. Don't forget the person who died.
Buzz62 wrote:Please provide evidence that the Antifa guys were not responsible?

I did. In the other thread.

In this thread, Bulaba, Prosthetic Conscience, and others have already gone over this with you.

To continue to claim that the white supremacists were not responsible for any of the violence is objectively incorrect. You are, of course, free to continue this claim, but at this point, you would look either stupid or intellectually dishonest to do so.

I can, and I would run the risk of him taking a swing at me.
What is the legal result of that? A charge of assault on the black guy.
And probably a stern warning from the arresting officer to be nice in public, for the white guy.

Pretty gawd-damn simple eh?

Sure. No one is disputing any of that.

Does it change the fact that the guy yelling racial epithets is instigating the violence? No.
Pants-of-dog wrote:To continue to claim that the white supremacists were not responsible for any of the violence is objectively incorrect.

Why there are no violent clashes with protesters in Commie - rallies?

Well, because there are no protesters, nobody is bussing paid thugs to these Commie- rallies with the goal to disrupt them!

Nobody cares about the plans of Commies to create in the USA a Gulag- System and kill the capitalists!

The AltRight is not afraid of what Commies are saying, but Commies and the Establishment hate the truth, and therefore they have to abolish the amendments and the freedoms America is based upon, in order to prevent AltRight from speaking.

The MSM / Establishment - narrative of the events in Charlottesville is a right  in your face lie!

If AltRight wanted to kill Antifa-Thugs, they could have easily done this during the first night, there were 20-30 Antifa-Thugs wetting their pants and gathering around the monument of Jefferson, but nobody from them was killed or injured!

If Fields wanted to kill people, he could have easily done this, driving his car into the crowd that was on the sidewalks. But his car was moving along the lane of traffic.
If you decided to kill people, why would you be so prude and stick to the traffic lane?

Muslim terrorists drive there cars right into the crowd that is walking on the sidewalks!

The biggest issue of the MSM and other Commie-Fans is not their violence and mendacity - it is their stupidity!

They are unable of any analytical thinking, and they hope that the Normies are dumbed down to a degree, when they cannot process the available facts.

They hope that the Normies will always react like Pavlov's dogs to any brazen lies, vomited by the MSM!
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