Elon Musk may be planning hostile takeover of Twitter - declines board seat with majority share - Page 14 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Musk is Tusk (not featuring the USC marching band)

Why don't you ask him if he's going to stay?
Why don't you ask him if he's going away?
Why don't you tell me what's going on?
Why don't you tell me who's on the phone?
Why don't you ask him what's going on?
Why don't you ask him the latest on his throne?
Hooga haaga hooga
Don't say that you love me
Just tell me that you want me
Just say that you want me
Don't tell me that you
Real savage like
Musk Musk
There's a lot of irrefutable evidence released that Twitter knowingly violated their own rules (they concluded that Trump had not broken their TOS, but their internal dialogue literally compares him to Hitler and then bans him anyway), as well as irrefutable evidence that they lied about coordinating with the government to ban or shadow ban users and topics.

Since these things are clearly illegal and were officially and consistently denied, we can probably expect decades of lawsuits to come out of these revelations.

Perhaps most significant though is that the "circular echo chamber" where the media sites Twitter and Twitter cites the media is clearly broken and probably won't be coming back. This is because Twitter's value was in its perceived neutrality and the fact that it was first on the microblogging scene and has the largest user base. Nothing can replace it and even if they got rid of Musk somehow, they'd need to appoint entirely new leadership, which in light of what has happened would never possess the same credibility that previous leadership had. But the reality is that they can't get rid of Musk now without making it look like they were trying to engage in a cover-up.
Wulfschilde wrote:Since these things are clearly illegal and were officially and consistently denied, we can probably expect decades of lawsuits to come out of these revelations.

The whole post is stupid but lmao at this part.

Twitter is a private company, they could have banned Trump for no reason at all. And it turns out a sitting president inciting a violent coup is actually a really good reason to ban someone from your platform.

All of this shit also is based on the hilarious premise that Donald Trump, as president of the United States of America and literally the most visible man on Earth, was too stupid to figure out any other way to communicate.
SpecialOlympian wrote:The whole post is stupid but lmao at this part.

Twitter is a private company, they could have banned Trump for no reason at all. And it turns out a sitting president inciting a violent coup is actually a really good reason to ban someone from your platform.

All of this shit also is based on the hilarious premise that Donald Trump, as president of the United States of America and literally the most visible man on Earth, was too stupid to figure out any other way to communicate.

It always amuses me when libertarian types insist that private companies must act as though they are democratically-controlled public platforms, the very platforms they have systematically marginalised and demolished in the name of the ‘free market’ since the 1980s…. :lol:
Conservatives in America understand nothing about anything. They've been oinking like pigs about how Twitter, a private company not bound by the 1st Amendment, somehow violated free speech for a couple weeks now. They're dumbest people on the planet, but because of their shared personality disorder writ large as a political movement they have insanely cohesive messaging.

Like one fucking pig starts oinking, "1st Amendment! 1st Amendment!" and then you can slowly see it filter here to Wulfschilde and Bluto as they learn to oink with the rest of the herd.

But seriously it is so funny to me that all these braying morons think Trump, as president of the United States of America, had literally zero means to communicate with American citizens outside of Twitter. How did any past president do it!?!? He was banned after he lost the election, nothing Twitter did changed shit. And when you look at all the amazing emails from the ~twitter files~ it's just state level Attorney Generals and shit saying, "Please remove this tweet or ban this account as they keep giving out the wrong address and time for a polling station, and this falls under your Terms of Service as election misinformation."
SpecialOlympian wrote:Conservatives in America understand nothing about anything. They've been oinking like pigs about how Twitter, a private company not bound by the 1st Amendment, somehow violated free speech for a couple weeks now. They're dumbest people on the planet,

Says the person who when I said I believed the Earth was an oblate spheroid, responded, so you are a flat earther then. I'm not actually a conservative, being a hard line British republican the who whole of my politically conscious life. But just because one opposes the complete abolition of private private property doesn't mean we think that private companies should be free from criticism.

Twitter rose to its position of market dominance by marketing itself, whether implicitly or explicitly as a free speech platform, as a politically neutral platform. Hence its not only reasonable, but its also commendable to criticise it. What a lot of you lefties seem to forget is that unlike you I'm not raving hypocrite. I was quite happy to denounce fascist filth like Margaret Thatcher who banned Sinn Fein from speaking on television. I was quite happy to denounce her at the time and I'm quite happy to denounce her now.

However i think I may have been overly critical of Jack Dorsey. Jack Dorsey is proper STEM. He's also publicly supported the infamous Neo Nazi Presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Because be under no illusions, the real aim of the Cultural Marxists is not to ban real Nazis, real white Supremacists, its not even to ban Donald Trump, who in the real world of course is not a White Supremacist. No the people they really want to ban are the Andrew Yang's, Sam Harris and J.K Rowling's of this world. So I think Twitter may have been taken over, by a group of non STEM parasites who actually knew nothing about the technology.
Rich wrote:Says the person who when I said I believed the Earth was an oblate spheroid, responded, so you are a flat earther then.

@SpecialOlympian knows perfectly well what an oblate spheroid is, @Rich. He was just trying to mess with your mind. Looks like it worked too. Lol.

I'm not actually a conservative, being a hard line British republican the who whole of my politically conscious life. But just because one opposes the complete abolition of private private property doesn't mean we think that private companies should be free from criticism.

Twitter is not a democratically-controlled platform, and is therefore not bound by law or by custom to permit unrestricted free speech on its platform. It's like PoFo - @noemon has the right to ban anyone he wants from PoFo, for any reason or for no reason at all. Why should Twitter be any different?

As I said, I find it amusing - and exasperating - that libertarian types want to abolish all publicly-owned and democratically-controlled platforms, while expecting private companies to take their place and be bound by the same rules as the publicly-owned platforms. Are they really that fucking stupid? :lol:

Either they believe in private property or they don't. They really need to make their fucking minds up.

Twitter rose to its position of market dominance by marketing itself, whether implicitly or explicitly as a free speech platform, as a politically neutral platform. Hence its not only reasonable, but its also commendable to criticise it. What a lot of you lefties seem to forget is that unlike you I'm not raving hypocrite. I was quite happy to denounce fascist filth like Margaret Thatcher who banned Sinn Fein from speaking on television. I was quite happy to denounce her at the time and I'm quite happy to denounce her now.

As I recall, she wanted to deny Sinn Fein "the oxygen of publicity". Translation: they were afraid of what they might say, and didn't want the voters to hear it. :lol:

However i think I may have been overly critical of Jack Dorsey. Jack Dorsey is proper STEM. He's also publicly supported the infamous Neo Nazi Presidential candidate Andrew Yang. Because be under no illusions, the real aim of the Cultural Marxists is not to ban real Nazis, real white Supremacists, its not even to ban Donald Trump, who in the real world of course is not a White Supremacist. No the people they really want to ban are the Andrew Yang's, Sam Harris and J.K Rowling's of this world. So I think Twitter may have been taken over, by a group of non STEM parasites who actually knew nothing about the technology.

So now you think Jack Dorsey isn't a 'Cultural Marxist'? :eh:
Elon Musk wrote:“My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk”

-Elon Musk, November 6th, 2022

https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/14/twitter ... -jet-.html

CNBC wrote:Twitter suspends account dedicated to tracking Elon Musk’s private jet

Godstud wrote:Tracking someone like that could lead to violence against said person. I doubt they'd allow it anywhere. I see the logic in stopping this even if you don't.

So you think for a second that the basis the decision was made on and there is some standard that will be applied in other cases?

Or it just pissed Elon?
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