Will Athens suffer a terrorist attack during the Olympics? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Will Athens suffer a terrorist attack during the Olympics?

Don't Know
With the Opening Ceremony on Friday and Athens scrambling to kill all the stray dogs and suck the polution out of the city, I thought this would be a timely poll.

For the record, I picked "yes". Feel free to participate and provide reasons to your answers if you like.

I think yes simply because it would be the perfect venue and the timing is also working out. Being a hop, skip, and jump from Baghdad doesn't hurt either!
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By Todd D.
I say no. The guard is up, terrorists don't like hitting fortified targets, they hit where you don't suspect it. People are suspecting Athens. I think there might be an attack DURING the Olympics, but I don't think that it will be anywhere near Greece.
By The One.
I agree with Todd. I don't think terrorists will attack a fortified target.
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By Gnote
I vote no.

To be honest, I think that terror threats are grossly over-played by the American media in order to keep the "fear" up. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 were a result of bad foreign policy and an incompetent administration, plain and simple. If Bush had held a security meeting in the, er, six months prior to the attacks, maybe the guard wouldn't have had so damn many holes in it.
By Absolute Zero
At first glance I would agree, it sounds like good thinking that terrorists won't hit a fortified target.

Except for the fact that it's already recently been done on several occasions. See:

Riyadh bombings
Baquoba bombing

These events happened within the last 12 months, killed 50 or more people and targeted security buildings.
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By Hatred
If you're talking about AlQaeda, they won't attack. They just attack where unexpected. WTC, Madrid
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By Attila The Nun
I actually don't know. Terrorists are unpredictable, which is one of the reasons they scare the US government so much.
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
How wonderfully insenstitive and morbid. I won't vote on principle.
By Crazy Brown Guy
There is a high chance that it will occure, "terrorists" are psycopaths, they don't care who they hit or how secure the place is, if they wanted to blow something up they'll do it or fail trying.
By ZenWilsonian
Most likely no.

I think we have gotten all too paranoid since Sept. 11. I really think it wasn't that bad, I mean, USA hadn't had that bad terrorist attack for ages, it was a matter of time. I really think the paranoia is ridiculous.

However, one cannot guarantee there will be no terrorist attacks, I think 99.5% chance of there not being one.

Plus, a terrorist attack in the olympics would be more than ironic, it brings together nations in harmony for once, where hostilities are not shown too badly and hostilities are not called for.
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By Hatred
Americans always get more medals :P that'd be a reason to attack lol
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By Balthaak
I believe that there will be an ATTEMPT for a terrorist act, but will it be succesfull or not, we will see. As terrorist act there are biggest chanses that the terrorist might spread some virus, chemical drug etc. As second by shances i put the hijacking of sportists, just what happened in Minchen, and the chanses for a bomb are very small.

BTW, i voted YES
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By Le Rouge
I voted 'Dont Know', most likely there might be an attempted terrorist action though most likely it will be thwarted.
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By Sa'd al-Bari
I agree with Zenn on this one. The public needs to stop worrying about every little warning that Governments hype up to be something that it’s not. I know the terrorists dislike America, but there are plenty of other countries besides America at the Olympics. So attacking isn’t going to help there cause, it would just alienate them from a lot of countries that otherwise may be sympathetic.

Also on the terrorist threats, they’re so phony and get put on the news in America so much that I don’t even listen to American news. I just find my news online. If the terrorists attack the Olympics then they aren’t very smart at all. Besides, it’s a sporting event.
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By Yobbo
Considering the fact that terrorists are predictable. Bin Laden's truce with europe expired a while ago. But this is an American war, why would terrorists want to get Europe involved?

It is safer than the 1972 Munich olympics. :knife:

So No they won't attack.

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