Does China Owe Reparations for Coronavirus? - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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Does China Owe Reparations for Coronavirus?

1. Yes, they do.
3. No.
4. Other
Donna wrote:Ghettoising? Funny how you casually slip that in next to quarantining.

I didn't mean physically, I meant sexually. Men would have to choose whether to be heterosexual or homosexual and could only move back over to heterosexual after a waiting period and an HIV test. Time and time again leftist have shown little concern for the value of human life or protecting our communities, leftists use fake concern for human life to pursue their authoritarian hate agenda.

Don't get me wrong I'm not blanket condemning hate out of hand.
Henry James wrote:Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.

That is not all politics is, but the systematic organisation of hatreds will always be an essential party of politics. What I try to expose is the real agendas of leftists, to cut through the "we're so caring, we're so compassionate" bull.
Rich wrote:I didn't mean physically, I meant sexually. Men would have to choose whether to be heterosexual or homosexual and could only move back over to heterosexual after a waiting period and an HIV test. Time and time again leftist have shown little concern for the value of human life or protecting our communities, leftists use fake concern for human life to pursue their authoritarian hate agenda.

Thanks for the clarification. No, discrimination based on sexual orientation is immoral.

Gaslighting :
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes such as low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

How am I doing this to poor little foxdemon? Why don't you dodge a bit more? Maybe you can accuse me of stalking you and trying to kill you, too?

Update: Someone actually made a move.

ICJ moves UNHRC against China for Covid-19 reparations

A. Subramani wrote:CHENNAI: The International Council of Jurists (ICJ), headquartered in London, has moved the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) seeking unspecified amount as reparations from China for having caused “serious physical, psychological, economic and social harm” to member-nations by unleashing Covid-19 on the world.

The ICJ wanted the UNHRC to inquire and direct the government of the People’s Republic of China and to “adequately compensate the international community and member-states, particularly India, for surreptitiously developing a biological weapon capable of mass destruction of mankind throughout world and also for serious physical, psychological, economic and social harm caused to these states due to the inaction and negligence to respect the international obligations.”

Levelling accusations ranging from inaction and negligence to “surreptitiously developing a biological weapon capable of mass destruction of mankind throughout world” against China, the ICJ said China had violated provisions of International Health Regulations (IHR), International Human Rights and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Laws and UDHR clauses.

Narrating as to how the pandemic started unfolding on December 1, 2019, and how Chinese authorities were on denial mode till January 2020, the ICJ petition filed by its president and senior advocate Adish C Aggarwala said: “On January 23, 2020, nearly two months after the first case of the virus was reported, Chinese authorities announced their 'first steps for a quarantine of Wuhan.' By this time, a significant number of Chinese citizens had travelled abroad as asymptomatic, oblivious carriers".

The Chinese government had deliberately censored information and hidden the early warnings given by Dr Li Wenliang, who was, in fact, reprimanded and initially punished by local authorities in China, he said, adding: “The Chinese government also did not sufficiently contain and curb the travel of infected persons from further contaminating the world.”

Aggarwala further claimed that the virus was developed in the Wuhan Virology Lab from where it was carefully deployed to affect a miniscule 0.001% of the Chinese population, thereafter, through meticulous planting of “infected” persons around the world, the virus has reached every nook and corner of the planet, affecting health, industries and more importantly, the world’s economy.

China, by its constant censorship and hiding of relevant information from the public as well as the WHO, clearly violated the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of the IHR, Aggarwala said, potion out that public authorities are mandated to notify the WHO about the existence of a disease of public and international concern within 24 hours of assessment of public health information. “Here, the Chinese government provided partial information about the novel coronavirus only on February 14, 2020, after the virus had affected more than 2,000 people and killed about 50,” he said.

Citing Article 25(1) of UNDHR, Aggarwala’s petition said states should refrain from denying or limiting access to health-care services; from marketing unsafe drugs; from imposing discriminatory practices relating to health status and needs; from limiting, withholding, censoring or misrepresenting health information; and from infringing on the basic human rights of people recognised under UDHR.

Aggarwala justified his present petition saying, “a person shall be considered a victim regardless of whether the perpetrator of the violation is identified, apprehended, prosecuted, or convicted and regardless of the familial relationship between the perpetrator and the victim.”

As for the question whether the violation of right to health is a violation of human rights, he said: “The WHO provides a clear and conclusive inference. The aims of the establishment of the WHO itself envisages the highest standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being”.

China violated the Responsibility of States for Internally Wrongful Act, 2001 by way of omission or inaction in dealing with the early days of the outbreak of novel coronavirus, he said. “China has violated Clause (b) of the article by failing to act upon the directives of the IHR and omitting to inform WHO, thereby resulting in a breach of international obligation. This is in addition to Chapter III of the IHR, which cast on China the responsibility of acting in a diligent manner in the event of a suspected outbreak which it has failed to do so in the present scenario.”

The ICJ is a body of jurists from across the world, striving to uphold social and economic needs of people. Its past presidents include former prime minister of Jordon Justice Awn S Al-Khasawneh, former chief justice of India Justice P N Bhagwati and Justice R C Lahoti and former International Bar Association president Fernando Pombo.

EDIT: But I find the comments fearsome. If anything, I do not want India to take China's place after its fall.
It is an interesting coincidence that Wuhan does, in fact, have a virology lab where research is done on bats and coronaviruses, but there is no evidence the virus originated in the lab. If it did, it would have been entirely accidental, as virology labs in Beijing in the last two decades have seen three outbreaks caused by an assortment of containment failures and incompetence (some researchers were selling animals used in experiments to different wet markets). The claim that it’s not only a lab-made virus (no evidence) but a CCP conspiracy is pretty ridiculous.

China does bear responsibility for gross negligence in handling public health and safety as well as worsening public awareness by arresting and silencing medical personnel and people on social media, but it might be unprecedented to be able to prove any of these things are criminal, intentional, or able to blame the government.
Bulaba Jones wrote:It is an interesting coincidence that Wuhan does, in fact, have a virology lab where research is done on bats and coronaviruses, but there is no evidence the virus originated in the lab. If it did, it would have been entirely accidental, as virology labs in Beijing in the last two decades have seen three outbreaks caused by an assortment of containment failures and incompetence (some researchers were selling animals used in experiments to different wet markets). The claim that it’s not only a lab-made virus (no evidence) but a CCP conspiracy is pretty ridiculous.

China does bear responsibility for gross negligence in handling public health and safety as well as worsening public awareness by arresting and silencing medical personnel and people on social media, but it might be unprecedented to be able to prove any of these things are criminal, intentional, or able to blame the government.
Isn't wrongful arrest and trampling of one's own constitution illegal and criminal?
Many nations, past and present, are guilty of that. The supposed nature of the claims presented to the ICJ are absurd, despite the fact that officials in China were recklessly negligent. The same can be argued about officials in America who literally do nothing about antivaxxers that are at the center of outbreaks of measles and etc.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Many nations, past and present, are guilty of that. The supposed nature of the claims presented to the ICJ are absurd, despite the fact that officials in China were recklessly negligent. The same can be argued about officials in America who literally do nothing about antivaxxers that are at the center of outbreaks of measles and etc.
As a matter of fact I did say that Trump and his team also owes a massive reparations of some sort earlier in this thread.
To my knowledge there is no concrete proof the virus originated in that lab. If the news keeps churning and there is proof that is the case, I won’t be surprised, but as of now, it’s simply an intriguing possibility.
Bulaba Jones wrote:To my knowledge there is no concrete proof the virus originated in that lab. If the news keeps churning and there is proof that is the case, I won’t be surprised, but as of now, it’s simply an intriguing possibility.

Errr, you said
but there is no evidence the virus originated in the lab

I know that words are complicated and stuff, but 'evidence' =/= 'concrete proof'.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Correct, there is no evidence the virus came out of that lab. There are, of course, suspicions, which may prove to be correct.

You must have a different understanding of the word 'evidence'.

But no need to close ranks for an engagement in a battle of semantics; I respect your thoughts and observations and I don't think we are actually in disagreement over this.
Bulaba Jones wrote:China does bear responsibility for gross negligence in handling public health and safety as well as worsening public awareness by arresting and silencing medical personnel and people on social media, but it might be unprecedented to be able to prove any of these things are criminal, intentional, or able to blame the government.

Whatever failings the Chinese are guilty of, they pale in comparison with Trump's failings. The Trump administration had intelligence warnings in November. Even though I don't have access to intelligence sources, I have warned about the danger since January. Yet Trump has failed to muster an adequate response in all these months.

Nobody needed to have died in the US. Trump is directly responsible for each and every death and for the wrecking of the economy. 22 million more unemployed in a couple of weeks despite a titanic 2.2 trillion stimulus package. He has an uncanny knack for always choosing the worst possible option.

The Chinese tried to control the narrative. That is what every government and corporation has to do in times of crisis. It may have delayed action in Wuhan by a week or two, which is insignificant compared to the months-long delays in the West.

Even if Wuhan had been prevented, the virus was already out there. Without Wuhan, the pandemic would even be worse because nobody would have paid attention.

The virus did not come from the wet market. This like most other viruses was created by industrial farming: wild-life farms, chicken factories, pig farms, etc. It was created by the greed of consumers.

The only real response is to stop industrial farming and consumerism.
@Crantag I’m convinced that it’s clearly obvious the virus escaped the virology lab in Wuhan, where coronavirus experiments are conducted on bats, through some act of monumental incompetence. The sheer cartoonishness of the ridiculous excuses and blame in the official narrative by local authorities when this all came to light means that morons and idiots with local authority tried to spin as much face-saving bullshit as possible. They were stupid enough to think they could keep it quiet and that hopefully nothing would happen and Beijing wouldn’t notice something insanely stupid happened.

Atlantis wrote:Whatever failings the Chinese are guilty of, they pale in comparison with Trump's failings. The Trump administration had intelligence warnings in November. Even though I don't have access to intelligence sources, I have warned about the danger since January. Yet Trump has failed to muster an adequate response in all these months.

Reports about those warnings were false. They’re based on an ABC News report claiming that US military intelligence knew about something in Wuhan as early as November. The Pentagon already released a statement via a colonel named R. Shane Day that there was no such warning. It’s been discredited. Keep in mind that the media also printed other news without bothering to check with anyone to verify accuracy, such as “snakes possible cause of coronavirus” back in January despite snakes not being able to contract coronaviruses, or hearing about and then claiming pangolins, or that a seafood wet market which doesn’t sell bats was the way an infected bat spread the virus, etc.
Bulaba Jones wrote:
Reports about those warnings were false. They’re based on an ABC News report claiming that US military intelligence knew about something in Wuhan as early as November.

It was January, and the CDC noticed later in the month.
Crantag wrote:
As far as this, the CCP went public with the outbreak in Wuhan on 12/31/19, is my understanding.

I first heard of it here, on January 1st.

Noticed was the wrong word to use. They started Jan 7, " (CDC) created an “incident management system”and issued a travel notice Monday for travelers to Wuhan"
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