Do you think Assad's regime used chemical weapons? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Who used chemical weapons in syria?

The Assad regime definitely did it.
The Assad regime probably did it but it could have been someone else.
Its as likely to have been Assad's regime or someone else.
No votes
Someone else probably did it but it could have been Assad regime.
It was definitely not the Assad regime.
I think Mike is actually covering for Hillary. I heard an unsubstantiated rumor that he was found with a car trunk full of copies of Hillary's latest delusional memoirs. Why was Mike doing this? What is he hiding?

In my opinion I don't care who did it. Such a matter is only of importance to westerners. The core issue in Middle Eastern politics as of right now is not who killed those people but the fact that those people were killed at all. As much as Arabs, Turks, Kurds, and Persians like to point fingers at the closest person in 50 mile radius I have never seen any Middle Easterner care about what Assad or what the US did.

The chemical gassing of the Syrian population puts Assad's Syria in an unstable position regardless of whether Assad gassed them or the West did. Trust in Assad's government went down significantly after the chemical gas attack and what was one of the only socially stable environments in Syria, Damascus, became a haven for suspicion and deceit and certain aspects of the city that remained dormant were released to the public. Damascus soon was known as a city of lies and deception.

Such an event drastically changes the future of Syria and the Middle East.
mikema63 wrote:So do I not care because I disagree with you or do I not care because I rarely post on the topic? Real question, what makes you say I don't care about the topic?

I think you care way more about the opportunity for smug condescension than about who perpetrated the chemical attacks. The liberal's political capital depends almost entirely on how well they can bully the rest of us into unconditional acceptance of the official narrative.
While I won't rule out anything until all of the facts are made available , I rather doubt that Bashir Assad ordered these chemical attacks . To cite a literary reference , it reminds me of the false flag attack which was blamed on President Snow , in "The Hunger Games" series .
And since such real world events has come to coincide with events in the Hunger Games before , case in point the hospital bombing in Yemen < > , being like the hospital bombing in the book
, I feel inclined to believe that yet again their is a parallel . But also I have read articles which cast doubts upon the narrative that Assad's government carried out such atrocious war crimes upon his own civilian population . < >
Sivad wrote:I think you care way more about the opportunity for smug condescension than about who perpetrated the chemical attacks. The liberal's political capital depends almost entirely on how well they can bully the rest of us into unconditional acceptance of the official narrative.

I don't even know what your talking about anymore. I rarely discuss the issue and I'm generally attacked as scum, called an idiot, dishonest, and whatever else when ever I do. How on Earth an I the one bullying anyone about any particular point of view on the issue?
If you think the Syrian army used chemical weapons on its own people, present evidence and everyone can discuss it, kind of like how this was already discussed in the large thread on the war on Syria.

Acting like you're just asking questions is annoying since you ignore everything presented and don't bother to share anything to support your position.
And I am bullying you by this or what? In this particular thread all I did was make a poll because I was curious what PoFo at large thought. Am I bullying you by not fighting very hard over the point?

Ultimately my problem in this hasn't really been over our disagreement about the gas attacks, it's been the way you are willing to treat me whenever we have a disagreement.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter who did or didn't do it since I'm against intervention anyway. I happen to think that someone in the regime did it and think that intervention is an exercise in pointless brutality at the same time.
mikema63 wrote:I don't even know what your talking about anymore. I rarely discuss the issue and I'm generally attacked as scum, called an idiot, dishonest, and whatever else when ever I do. How on Earth an I the one bullying anyone about any particular point of view on the issue?

It's not personal, liberalism is now openly bankrupt and it's so contemptible that honest, decent people just can't stomach the lies any longer. You want to pretend that the establishment isn't a lying, thieving, murdering syndicate of psychopathic bullshit artists then be prepared for jeers and sneers.
Sivad wrote:It's not personal, liberalism is now openly bankrupt and it's so contemptible that honest, decent people just can't stomach the lies any longer. You want to pretend that the establishment isn't a lying, thieving, murdering syndicate of psychopathic bullshit artists then be prepared for jeers and sneers
Your statements are very disgusting, childish, and idiotic. You haven't a clue what liberalism, and I can tell by the absolute bullshit you just posted.

Liberalism: Modern American liberalism is the dominant version of liberalism in the United States. It is characterized by social liberalism,and combines ideas of civil liberty and equality with support for social justice and a mixed economy.

I hope that educated you a bit. I hate seeing people post absolute lies and Infowars conspiracy crap.

When you generalize about a whole bunch of people, you ARE name-calling and making it personal. Were I to say all Conservatives were racists and Nazis, it's be just as wrong, and ignorant, as what you just did.

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