What is Your Stance on European Union - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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What is your stance?

Pro-EU: Restructured
redcarpet wrote:Anti-EU. It's a corporatist-capitalist superstate plot. With Germany as inherent leader simply because of its economic might.

For the UK I support the 'Norway option' of the UK leaving most elements of the EU but staying in the Single Market. The UK needs to avoid EU trade barriers; a free trade agreement is not guaranteed.

The best part of leaving the EU is the possibility of leaving the single market. We need to rebuild all of the industry that Thatcher destroyed. We need harsh tariffs to keep German tat out of our country and get people buying things made here. Every time someone buys a plate not made if Stoke or a fork not made in Sheffield or a car not made in Birmingham or a hat not made in Luton an act of treason had been committed.

Socialism, prosperity and full employment can not be achieved without freeing the people from the European single market. We need to abandon this idea of having everyone doing shitting min wage service sector jobs and get back to skilled, well unionised, decent manufacturing jobs.
Rugoz wrote:Minimum and maximum land area and population? That makes little sense to me. Culture? How is culture defined? I think this is going nowhere.

Depends on where you think we should direct the world. A U.N. mandate eencouraging us toward smaller countries could be very beneficial. If you limit size and population for secession then smaller countries become more inevitable. What is the likelihood of a country with less than a million people being okay with spending their wealth on nuclear weapons and stealth fighters? What is the likelihood of expansionist wars when the people are free to vote for secession? What happens to all the current conflicts if people can just vote to secede? Why do we prefer war to secession?
Decky wrote: We need harsh tariffs to keep German tat out of our country and get people buying things made here. Every time someone buys a plate not made if Stoke or a fork not made in Sheffield or a car not made in Birmingham or a hat not made in Luton an act of treason had been committed.

That'd require that literally everything made abroad that Britain imports currently, must be produced domestically. Right down to, I don't know, stuff like tobacco that is only grown & produced in temperate places like the Carribean & southern North America.

Yeah there are things like coal, that domestically we can produce/manufacture, but there are things the UK imports which isn't/can't or would be very hard to get to a position where it can be produced in the UK.
redcarpet wrote:That'd require that literally everything made abroad that Britain imports currently, must be produced domestically. Right down to, I don't know, stuff like tobacco that is only grown & produced in temperate places like the Carribean & southern North America.

There are these wonderful magical things called greenhouses. We can and will grow whatever like wherever we like. If people can grow a nice crop of ganja in an attic I am pretty sure it isn't rocket science to grow Corbyn tobacco and give everyone in the UK a coupon for it in their Corbyn ration book to take down to the Corbyn shop possibly traveling on the Corbyn bus.

I agree with @redcarpet that the "Norway option" is best for Britain. It obviously makes sense to trade as freely as possible with Europe, but Britain should have no part in a European superstate.

It's amazing to me that Britain's leadership is so hostile to a solution that would achieve most leavers' aims while offering a fig leaf to the significant minority that voted to remain.
Heisenberg wrote:Anti-EU.

I agree with @redcarpet that the "Norway option" is best for Britain. It obviously makes sense to trade as freely as possible with Europe, but Britain should have no part in a European superstate.

It's amazing to me that Britain's leadership is so hostile to a solution that would achieve most leavers' aims while offering a fig leaf to the significant minority that voted to remain.

The Norway option is the absolute worst of both worlds. Having to stay slaves to everything the Krauts tell us to do like we are now but without a single vote to exercise even token resistance. As it is the single worst option on the table I am sure that is the one the Treasonous Tories will take.

Leavers did not vote leave to carry on taking orders from the fascists on the wrong side of the channel, we voted leave to tell the Europeans to fuck off and start governing ourselves again for the first time since 1066.
Decky wrote:As it is the single worst option on the table I am sure that is the one the Treasonous Tories will take.

Actually, Corbyn wants to remain in the customs union.

Nonetheless , the lies from the Leave campaign have already unravelled. I suspect even the vast majority of leave supporters want to trades freely with Europe. For that reason alone another vote on Europe seems logical to me. If you are going to take up 'No deal', unless you have the public's backing, you are going to take the blame when everything goes wrong.
Pro-EU: Restructured

It needs to be far less centralised and less political.

Europe cannot be a federal state, but European unity and friendship between nations is very important.

It should essentially be a customs union and cultural organisation. Anything more is going to cause cause problems.
Political Interest wrote:Pro-EU: Restructured

It needs to be far less centralised and less political.

Europe cannot be a federal state, but European unity and friendship between nations is very important.

It should essentially be a customs union and cultural organisation. Anything more is going to cause cause problems.

It seems you meant to type anti EU there PI. The EU is and always will be an attempt to realise the Kaiser and Hitler's dream of a united Europe ruled from Berlin. What you are describing could only be achieved by destroying the EU and replacing it with a family of free nations (something similar to the Warsaw Pact ideally).
That was bigly interesting, Sivad!

Here is what the Wiki says about this fellow:

Before joining AIG Connolly had spent a number of years working with the European Commission in Brussels, where he was head of the unit responsible for the European Monetary System and monetary policies. While at the Commission Connolly was a Member of the Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Policy sub-committees of the Committee of Central bank Governors and was on the OECD Group of High-Level Monetary Experts.

After writing The Rotten Heart of Europe: The Dirty War for Europe's Money, a negative treatment of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, he was terminated in 1995 from his employment at the European Commission. An appeal of his dismissal to the European Court of Justice was unsuccessful.[1]

Pro-EU: restructured.

Not in the same way that everyone want to restructure it though. We need to centralize even more in core areas while maintaining autonomy of regions. By core areas i mean economy, military, foreign policy.

Even the current EU which can be significantly improved is already able to bitch slap the UK on a whim. Which is good.
JohnRawls wrote:Even the current EU which can be significantly improved is already able to bitch slap the UK on a whim. Which is good.


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