Trial of the 20th century? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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What was the trial of the 20th century?

Scope's Monkey Trial
Lindburg Baby Murder Trial
No votes
Rosenberg Treason Trials
Brown vs. Board of Education
Rodney King Assault Trial
No votes
OJ Simpson Murder Trial
It layed the groundwork for the Genocide Convention, and punished those responsible for planning and helping in carrying out the Holocaust.

Furthurmore, it was the first time that there was a trial held by an international court as well as the first time that those who committed, planned to commit, or helped in carrying out a genocide were punished.
By Garibaldi
Absolute Zero wrote:Bingo. Everybody knows OJ.

So, everybody knows Nuremburg, Brown vs. Board of Education, and the Scopes monkey Trial. The only difference is that these made changes bigger than a reoccuring and incorrect joke.

Absolute Zero wrote:Now, we have Kobe Bryant, who was accused of raping a white girl in a predominantly white area, and he'll be acquitted.

Damn straight, he should never have went to trial in the first place. That chick wanted him to bang out, and the only reason he goe to trial is because he's black. The green will get him off, but when it comes down to it, both the Grand Jury and the trial jury still see cases in black and white.
By Absolute Zero
Garibaldi wrote:So, everybody knows Nuremburg, Brown vs. Board of Education, and the Scopes monkey Trial. The only difference is that these made changes bigger than a reoccuring and incorrect joke.

No, that's not the point. The point is that everyone knows the in's and out's of the OJ trial. We know the victims, the plaintiffs, the defense, the prosecutors, the outcome of the case.

I seriously doubt you can rattle off as much info about the Scopes Monkey Trial without googling it. When the jury was rendering their verdict for the OJ Trial, America stood still. I remember in school, the prinicipal had to cut the TV signal because the entire school had their TVs turned on waiting for the verdict.

Garibaldi wrote:Damn straight, he should never have went to trial in the first place. That chick wanted him to bang out, and the only reason he goe to trial is because he's black. The green will get him off, but when it comes down to it, both the Grand Jury and the trial jury still see cases in black and white.

No, he shouldn't have went to trial. He's not going to trial because he's black. He's going to trial because he plead "Not Guilty". As I said earlier, he chose to make this a public case by disputing the rape allegations. He also chose to make this public when he held a press conference with his wife on his arm and admitted he had sex with his accuser. He intentionally calculated these moves, and it is my position that he sees direct references to the OJ trial playing out here.

The last time a black celebrity went on trial for a crime against a white woman, he was acquitted, why can't Kobe roll the dice and make it work for him??
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By The Immortal Goon
Scopes Monkey Trial

-Pop Culture attraction OJ had
-Redefined the way government operated
-Advanced a movement
-Actually heatedly divided a populace based upon political and religious theory

Kobe had her blood on his shirt. The most freaky sex I've had hasn't resulted in having a blood-stained shirt. Kobe's guilty, but as they say in the Simpsons:

"This is America, we don't let our celebrities go to jail."

-TIG :rockon:
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By Attila The Nun
The OJ Trial was no more imporant than famous than the Lindburg Baby trial back in the 1920s.
By Spin
Nurmerburg then Brown v board of education.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Absolute Zero wrote:
Garibaldi wrote:So, everybody knows Nuremburg, Brown vs. Board of Education, and the Scopes monkey Trial. The only difference is that these made changes bigger than a reoccuring and incorrect joke.

No, that's not the point. The point is that everyone knows the in's and out's of the OJ trial. We know the victims, the plaintiffs, the defence, the prosecutors, the outcome of the case.

I seriously doubt you can rattle off as much info about the Scopes Monkey Trial without googling it. When the jury was rendering their verdict for the OJ Trial, America stood still. I remember in school, the prinicipal had to cut the TV signal because the entire school had their TVs turned on waiting for the verdict.

Garibaldi wrote:Damn straight, he should never have went to trial in the first place. That chick wanted him to bang out, and the only reason he goe to trial is because he's black. The green will get him off, but when it comes down to it, both the Grand Jury and the trial jury still see cases in black and white.

No, he shouldn't have went to trial. He's not going to trial because he's black. He's going to trial because he plead "Not Guilty". As I said earlier, he chose to make this a public case by disputing the rape allegations. He also chose to make this public when he held a press conference with his wife on his arm and admitted he had sex with his accuser. He intentionally calculated these moves, and it is my position that he sees direct references to the OJ trial playing out here.

The last time a black celebrity went on trial for a crime against a white woman, he was acquitted, why can't Kobe roll the dice and make it work for him??

The OJ Simpson trial may be the most well known trial of the 20th century but the most important trial is most deffinately not this trial. It was a clear cut murder case and nothing more. It became big because of the media pushing it so much.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Umm. Doesn't it strike you that all these trials were American?

As Goldstein implies - what the hell happened to Nuremberg?

How about:
* The Trial of Anwar Ibrahim.
* The Nuremberg Trials.
* The Trial (in absentia) of Trotsky.
* The Moscow Show Trials.
* The Trial of the Beer Hall Putsch.
* The Trial of Francis Gary Powers.
* The Trial of Adolf Eichmann.
* The Trial of the Baader-Meinhof Gang.
* The Trial of Nelson Mandela.
* The Gang of Four Trials.
* The Trial of the Ceaucescus?

My vote is for Nuremberg. It tried people on the most serious of charges and had profound implications for the future of international justice, together with the future deNazificaion of Germany.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Maxim Litvinov wrote:Umm. Doesn't it strike you that all these trials were American?

As Goldstein implies - what the hell happened to Nuremberg?

How about:
* The Trial of Anwar Ibrahim.
* The Nuremberg Trials.
* The Trial (in absentia) of Trotsky.
* The Trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev (first Soviet show trial).
* The Trial of the Beer Hall Putsch.
* The Trial of Francis Gary Powers.
* The Trial of Adolf Eichmann.
* The Trial of the Baader-Meinhof Gang.
* The Trial of Nelson Mandela.
* The Gang of Four Trials.
* The Trial of the Ceaucescus?

My vote is for Nuremberg. It tried people on the most serious of charges and had profound implications for the future of international justice, together with the future deNazificaion of Germany.

Ok, put this one together Maxim: Ask the average person if they know who, Adolf Eichmann was and they will look at you dumbfoundedly. Now ask another average joe about the, OJ trial and you will get a more concise answer (Most people know the background of the trial). I am pretty sure the average populace doesn't know much about, The Trial of the Baader-Meinhof Gang to say the least.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Really, SBG, if people don't know about the Baader-Meinhof gang then they should start reading something. Anything. It's not my job to pander to their ignorance though. I will leave it to others to research such things for themselves.

But I would suggest that the trial of even someone like Anwar Ibrahim was actually more important in the scheme of things than OJ, no matter how ignorant people are of Malaysian politics. The Anwar trial single-handedly threw a giant spanner (or wrench, for this thread) in the works of the future of the rule of law and democracy in Malaysia.

If we are talking about 'well-known trials' of well-known personalities, I think you should also keep in mind that a figure like Zinoviev was basically like a Vice-President of his day, to a country as big as the US. And basically the whole population of China would be able to tell you about the Gang of Four - which would make their trial far from obscure, esoteric or trivial.
By Absolute Zero
Socialist-BLUE-Gonzo wrote:The OJ Simpson trial may be the most well known trial of the 20th century but the most important trial is most deffinately not this trial. It was a clear cut murder case and nothing more. It became big because of the media pushing it so much.

It became big because of the media in part, but it also became big because of more factors:

    You have OJ evading police, aka, the "Slow Speed Chase", where he has a gun to his head and a bag of cash.

    He pleads Not Guilty and hires a team of lawyers who would eventually become household names, ie: Johnnie Cochran.

    One of the lead investigators on the case, Mark Fuhrman, was accused of being a Neo-Nazi on the stand.

    Despite the overwhelming forensic evidence, the defense placed a reasonable doubt in the juror's minds.

    After an exhaustive trial, a Not Guilty verdict is rendered on the criminal charges, THEN the families of the victims successfully sue OJ for wrongful death in civil court immediately after the criminal proceedings.

This trial basically paved the way for the "high-profile" case. As we speak, we have multiple high-profile cases in the works:

Kobe Bryant
Scott Peterson
Michael Jackson
Robert Blake
and probably Mark Hacking - Scott Peterson part II
By Spin
Out of that list I ve only heard of MJ.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I voted "other", because I think the trial of the 20th century was the "Manson family trial", because it was arugably the longest criminal trial prosecuting the most people, in the 20th century.

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