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What is Fascism?

Anti-Socialist Bulwork to protect capitalism
Institutional totalitarian
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Other (please elaborate)
By Raf
IMO fascism is just a patriotic version of socialism. Both ideologies prefer social unity to individual freedom. The only difference between them is the definition of this community.
By kami321
such as in Nazi Germany where Jews and many other minorities were considered "Untermensch", or subhuman

Jews are not a class. This is racial hierarchy you are talking about, not social/class hierarchy.
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By Attila The Nun
Oh, and I take what i said back. Fascism is not totalitarianism. Fascism is none of these options. Fascism is just like communism, a political theory. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant.
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By Wellsy
For what little I’ve read I tend towards I don’t know. I haven’t a coherent system of concepts rather disparate concepts and descriptions.
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By Julian658
Fascism and communism are wings of the same bird. Mussolini was a socialist. The Hitler party called themselves socialists. Socialism was about class and it is now about race ID politics. Fascism was socialism based on nationality.
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By Julian658
Pants-of-dog wrote:Fascism is a right wing, corporatist, nationalist, authoritarian system.

Is there a nation on Earth practicing that system?
By annatar1914
Fascism is the sword and shield of Capitalism whenever and wherever Capitalism goes into one of it's cyclical crises.

The Elites attempt to put forwards a strongman who has a nationalist and populist agenda that the people will follow, and that the Elites will obey as long as he saves their system from being replaced.
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By Godstud
Fascism is right-wing nationalism. All the people saying it's actually socialism, are clueless about what Socialism actually is. They are only repeating Fox News talking points.
By annatar1914
Godstud wrote:Fascism is right-wing nationalism. All the people saying it's actually socialism, are clueless about what Socialism actually is. They are only repeating Fox News talking points.

To a point. Fascism appeals to patriotism because the Elites who bankroll Fascism want people think of Socialism as a foreign and artificial construct made up by dangerous and unhinged radicals out for blood. It's actually painful, the cognitive dissonance of people who would fight to the death for the good Socialism does for people if they happened to live in such a society, but because they do not, are so ignorant of what it actually is that they would fight to the death against it.
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By Rugoz
Maybe those ideologies are largely irrelevant.

The ancient Greeks didn't talk about "fascism" or "socialism", but about tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy and how one develops into the other. The shit that was going down back then is the same as today.
By Rich
Godstud wrote:Fascism is right-wing nationalism. All the people saying it's actually socialism, are clueless about what Socialism actually is. They are only repeating Fox News talking points.

Oh didums are we a bit upset that Hitler was a socialist? Do we want to create a pathetic fantasy world where Hitler wasn't a socialist? Hitler was right wing and in fact he was clearly far right wing. Although the Mussololini and the Nazis did have individual international sympathisers on the left and in the liberal centre, at least prior to the second world war, at all stages, leaving aside the machinations of the Communists, internationally his sympathisers came overwhelmingly from the Right. But being right wing didn't make him not socialist.

In fact you expose your own ignorance again. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany were undeniable socialist. They fit well both within original vision of Saint-Simon and within the broad spectrum of his successors who identified with Saint-Simon's broad ideological stream.
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By Godstud
Rich wrote:Oh didums are we a bit upset that Hitler was a socialist?
You're ignorant. Hitler wasn't a socialist. His party started off that way, but he abandoned all the socialist concepts. This is a tired old load of bullshit that people with no education are constantly spewing out. Good job. You identified yourself as lacking in education.

The issue of whether the Nazis were socialists isn’t a straightforward one, due to how the Nazi party developed and grew its base of support. But the consensus among historians is that the Nazis, and Hitler in particular, were not socialists in any meaningful sense.
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By Julian658
Pants-of-dog wrote:There have been.

OK, that is good.
How many have tried socialism and failed?
By Pants-of-dog
Julian658 wrote:OK, that is good.
How many have tried socialism and failed?

No one cares.

More interesting is the fact that the USA is definitely moving towards fascism.
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By Julian658
Pants-of-dog wrote:No one cares.

More interesting is the fact that the USA is definitely moving towards fascism.

There has never been successful socialism or fascism in world history. I will say socialism has been tried more often.

As long as we have elections and a Republic there is no fascism in America. What we have is tribalism which is inscribed into our DNA. What opened the door to tribalism was identity politics. As you know identity politics has replaced the "dominant versus oppressed class" preaching point of socialists.

What we have is pseudo-religious movements like BLM, Antifa, socialists, LGBTQIA++++ at infinitum, feminists, etc. Trying to reason with these people is like asking an evangelical to give up Christianity or a Muslim to give up the Islamic faith. Hence that is why they are so intransigent and fanatical.
Julian658 wrote:There has never been successful socialism or fascism in world history. I will say socialism has been tried more often.

Your lack of historical knowledge is not an argument.

As long as we have elections and a Republic there is no fascism in America.

Lol. Your lack of knowledge about how authoritarians get themselves elected is noted.

What we have is tribalism which is inscribed into our DNA. What opened the door to tribalism was identity politics. As you know identity politics has replaced the "dominant versus oppressed class" preaching point of socialists.

What we have is pseudo-religious movements like BLM, Antifa, socialists, LGBTQIA++++ at infinitum, feminists, etc. Trying to reason with these people is like asking an evangelical to give up Christianity or a Muslim to give up the Islamic faith. Hence that is why they are so intransigent and fanatical.

This is your usual boring crap, which I am ignoring because it is irrelevant.

More on topic, this kind of thinking you display is why fascists get into power: you see yourself as a victim of the minorities and you think a strong traditional government will protect you from the brown people and queers.
By Istanbuller
Fascism and socialism are identical. It is very hard to distinguish one from other. Both are authoritarian ideologies. Both empower the state. Both weaken people. Both create impoverished people and poverty. Both aim to to destroy private property. Both want to turn people into slaves.
By B0ycey
Istanbuller wrote:Fascism and socialism are identical. It is very hard to distinguish one from other.

Spoken by someone who is clueless. One is an economic model and the other is a political institution. Why does national ownership mean the government has to be a dictatorship and suppression of the people? :?:
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