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What is your sexual orientation?

Nothing says "heterosexual" quite like basically throwing an elaborate pride parade with a fabulous amount of flourishing and talking about how great being straight is, such as drinking a beer, watching a sports game where people do sports, and taking about how one really likes women, but not men, because no matter what one clearly feels, it's women who one finds super hot, not muscular men with bare chests, women, damnit!
Albert wrote:One has to assert and be proud of his heterosexuality.
No. You don't need to assert and be proud of your sexuality. You are merely a part of about @45% of the population that is heterosexual.

Where do you get this crap from? :eh:

Hang on a moment... I had to shout out the door, "Heterosexual and proud of it! I like the women!!".

It was never the intention to be a discussion about sexuality. It is a thread about the insecurity of some people about their sexuality.
anasawad wrote:Such threads could hold the potential for well structured and based arguments on the intricacies of human sexuality and all the such.
But it apparently turned into a troll fest. :hmm:

You should open a thread about human sexuality then, since you may actually know something about it.
I find homosexuality kinda weird and in a way, the topic of homosexuality, intriguing. I tried to imagine whats its like to be sexually attracted to someone of the same sex, but I couldn't rap my head around it. Its just, weird.

Its easier to connect with Lesbians though. Because you know, both into the same thing. But to get or better say understand how gay men perceive the world, in a sexual sense, is just beyond me.

Likewise for women. Women are weird in that sense, not all of them, but some at the very least.
Do women really like dicks or they just tolerate them as a means to an end ?
I mean, If I was to do something with mine, I do like how it feels inside, but don't get why would someone like the way a dick looks like.
Pussies are just better looking and more attractive than dicks is what 'm saying. :p
Because really, think about it this way; If you have to put your mouth on one, a pussy is probably the favorite pick for most people being both men and to some extent a considerable portion of women. I don't think many will pick dicks over pussies. :p

I did ask Lina about this BTW, and she basically said that its ok, not sure what "its ok" means in regards to whether she actually like dicks or just tolerates them as a means to an end. Likewise for pussies, her answer was basically "Some are fine I guess". Which pushes me to believe that atleast some women agree with me on the comparison of dicks VS Pussies.

Lets turn it into one.

I already did a couple of times before, barely anyone participated really.
Though I find the topic of human sexuality quite interesting and has lots of potentials for a discussion about it. Though most people will just shy away from discussing such things as its generally considered a taboo or just not comfortable topic for most.
anasawad wrote:@Beren
I already did a couple of times before, barely anyone participated really.
Though I find the topic of human sexuality quite interesting and has lots of potentials for a discussion about it. Though most people will just shy away from discussing such things as its generally considered a taboo or just not comfortable topic for most.

Maybe you should try on another forum that is not a political forum on which people will discuss feminism finally.
I don't think there are many forums available for such topics. And the ones that do exist are basically devoted specially to sex. So basically porn forums. Which isn't really a place for "discussions" really.

But this forum is supposedly a place for adults and its not exclusively about politics. So really it shouldn't be a problem to discuss such things on a place like PoFo.
@anasawad, any thread created by Albert that addressed such an issue was always going to get trolled. Don't kid yourself that Albert was sincere on the subject either. He knew what he was doing. Strangely he just likes people questioning his sexuality.

But to answer your question, there is nothing special about the appearance of a vagina to a penis. Instinct makes the opposite sex appealing to straight people and as such, their sex organs. The same applies to women as well as men.

As for intercourse, the vagina is filled with nerves that sends pleasure to the brain. If it wasn't for that, most women wouldn't have sex as I expect it would be quite painful.
From an intellectual point of view sexuality is not such an interesting topic. It can be an interesting personal experience though which people can discuss with their friends in a pub or some other convenient place.
I do realize its instinctual for someone (atleast the majority) to be attracted to the sexual organs of the opposite sex.
But doesn't it seem that the appeal of female organs on men is much much larger than the appeal of male organs on women ?

And in overall, though I may be wrong on this point, but doesn't it seem that women do tend to have more characteristics ranging from physical to behavioral and psychological characteristics that are intended towards invoking sexual appeal for the opposite sex, in comparison to men displaying such characteristics ?

Finally, for the homosexuality point.
I really find it hard to comprehend how it "feels" like to be attracted to someone of the same sex. And 'm not asking this as trolling or anything but for real.
I asked multiple gay people I know or knew how it is, and how do they actually feel about the opposite sex and their view on the topic. And most either gave a very short answer, not in length but in meaning, or simply chose not to open up on it.
They must look at us and feel the same way, as in, thinking it weird and unimaginable for them as to how some are attracted to another sex.

I don't know about that.
Personally I find human sexuality and behaviors and psychology related to it (i.e the field of sexology) very interesting.
anasawad wrote:@B0ycey
I do realize its instinctual for someone (atleast the majority) to be attracted to the sexual organs of the opposite sex.
But doesn't it seem that the appeal of female organs on men is much much larger than the appeal of male organs on women ?

Are you talking about hermaphrodites? Again I suspect this is down to human instinct as to why such people don't appeal to hetrosexuals. But, and I cannot emphasis this enough, I am not a biology expert. I can only base things from my own personal expeiences.

And in overall, though I may be wrong on this point, but doesn't it seem that women do tend to have more characteristics ranging from physical to behavioral and psychological characteristics that are intended towards invoking sexual appeal for the opposite sex, in comparison to men displaying such characteristics ?

Women are more subtle to men when it comes to wanting to engage in sexual intercourse but I can assure you, if a women wants sex, you know. Women are slaves to instinct just as men are. They just have less fertility times in a month so are not as promiscuous as men.

Finally, for the homosexuality point.
I really find it hard to comprehend how it "feels" like to be attracted to someone of the same sex. And 'm not asking this as trolling or anything but for real.
I asked multiple gay people I know or knew how it is, and how do they actually feel about the opposite sex and their view on the topic. And most either gave a very short answer, not in length but in meaning, or simply chose not to open up on it.
They must look at us and feel the same way, as in, thinking it weird and unimaginable for them as to how some are attracted to another

I suspect this is down to how the brain is wired. Most homosexuals know they are homosexuals as soon as they reach pubity but they might try to surpress this instinct. It never works. It just delays the inevitable. I suppose what I am saying is that whatever processes take place in a brain that makes hetrosexuals attracted to the opposite sex, apply to homosexuals with people of the same sex.

As for partaking in intercourse of people of the same sex, I cannot answer that. However what I can say is that I have watched a video of Steven Fry talking about this issue once (In Russia of all places) and he said most homosexual men don't partake in anal sex. I suspect this is down to attraction but not pleasure in such activity.
anasawad wrote:@Beren
I don't know about that.
Personally I find human sexuality and behaviors and psychology related to it (i.e the field of sexology) very interesting.

Yeah, psychology is interesting indeed, but sexuality is just simple biology with lots of fuss about it.
I voted "other" just for the fuck of it. I figure if people can change genders, they should be able to change sexual orientation too. Generally, I'm heterosexual. I would be prouder of that if men would get their act together and strip women of the right to vote. Then, we can strip non-property owning or non-poll tax paying men from voting and get back to a Republic.

Anyway, if everyone else gets to be totally bonkers, then I should get to be too. However, I think high frequency transmutation is more interesting. So on Mondays, I'm a manly man. 8) On Tuesdays, I'm a beta cuck. :( On Wednesdays, I'm a cross dresser--happy hump day, ya know. :hippy: On Thursdays, I like a light spanking from a naughty woman. :moron: On Fridays, I like to slap 'em around a bit like Sean Connery. :evil: On Saturdays, I go hog wild. :rockon: On Sundays, I'm completely abstinent and repenting for my sins during the week. :angel: Every fourth year on February 29th, I'm queer. :rainbow: :lol: :knife:

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