The Quality of Your Life [read the first post before voting] - Politics | PoFo

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What is your 'quality of life' as contrasted to the sociopolitical climate in which you live?

My 'quality of life' is HIGH, and I'm comfortable with the sociopolitical climate within my country remaining as it is.
My 'quality of life' is HIGH, and I'd like to see some minor sociopolitical changes within my country.
My 'quality of life' is HIGH, and I'd like to see major sociopolitical changes within my country.
My 'quality of life' is MODERATE, and I'm comfortable with the sociopolitical climate within my country remaining as it is.
My 'quality of life' is MODERATE, and I'd like to see some minor sociopolitical changes within my country.
My 'quality of life' is MODERATE, and I'd like to see major sociopolitical changes within my country.
My 'quality of life' is LOW, and I'm comfortable with the sociopolitical climate within my country remaining as it is.
My 'quality of life' is LOW, and I'd like to see some minor sociopolitical changes within my country.
My 'quality of life' is LOW, and I'd like to see some major sociopolitical changes within my country.
Other [please elaborate]
Please Note:
As you can see, the options in this poll are two-part.

* When I say 'quality of life' - I'm talking about the personal level of satisfaction and/or general happiness that you feel, on average, in your day to day life. I am not referring specifically to your posession of wealth, opportunity, or basic amenities... although it is possible for such things to influence your answer.

* In the second half of the poll-options; when i say 'and i'd like to see changes' or 'i'm comfortable', please note that I am fully aware that your current 'quality of life' may or may not have anything to do with the social or political climate in which you live, and may or may not be improved or worsened by sociopolitical changes that you would like to see.

Vote 'other' if you disagree with all of the options provided.

Also, feel free to elaborate upon what sort of social/political changes might raise your 'quality of life' (if any), or upon anything at all.
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By Truth-a-naut
I chose 'other' as I am indifferent.

I simply do not have enough energy anymore to debate myself on things like these anymore, so I merely exist and be. You get over it after awhile.
By Ixa
'My "quality of life" is LOW, and I'd like to see some major sociopolitical changes within my country.'
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By Demosthenes
Moderate, and I'm happy with the political system.

Sure I'd tweek some things, but overall my quality of life has more to do with me than anything else.
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By Todd D.
My quality of life is high. I've got great friends, great family, etc. I'm not the richest guy in the world, but I've got more important things in my life.

I would like to see minor changes.
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By uglygoat
Goldstein wrote:I chose 'other' as I am indifferent.

I simply do not have enough energy anymore to debate myself on things like these anymore, so I merely exist and be. You get over it after awhile.

what he said... self introspection is highly overrated.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Meh, materially well off, but spiritually not so good. So I voted medium.

Plus, I want a much more compassionate society which is actually a society and doesn't see itself a just a number of selfish individuals. So I voted for big sociopolitical change.
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By Vivisekt
t1master wrote:introspection is highly overrated.

I am inclined to disagree. For instance; I would argue that people who lack introspection and do not fundamentally know themselves are often ill equipped both to lead, and to teach. A person is not capible of objectivity if he or she does not even understand the habits and associations of his or her own mind. If objectivity cannot be applied to observation, then the value of that observation will often diminish as it is clouded by bias. A level of introspection is therefore essential for seperating one's immediate emotional responses from the actuality of the facts being presented in a given context. In this way, introspection fosters rationality, objectivity, logic, and reason.
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By Der Freiheitsucher
My quality of life is high, I'm an awfully happy person with my current situation. However, my personal happiness is not affected by the sociopolitical climate of my country whatsoever. I live in a perfectly happy stance, if I could have some sociopolitical or monetary changes, sure why not - But it wouldn't affect my overall picture.

I haven't voted because I'm not sure I'm choosing the right option, and I wouldn't like to mess it up. Does this mean I'm "Other"?
By Kamil
My 'quality of life' is MODERATE, and I'd like to see major sociopolitical changes within my country.
By Korimyr the Rat
My quality of life is ridiculously high. I'm generally happy with the way my life is going, I have sufficient material goods, and I'm working towards those goals of mine that I find important. (Though college is pissing me off.)

I want major changes in the sociopolitical climate in my country-- not to mention the culture.
By Crazy Brown Guy
My 'quality of life' is LOW, and I'd like to see some minor sociopolitical changes within my country.
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
I said other.

Materially I'm ridiculously well off. I'm paid far-too much, so I can't argue.

In my society (rural Ireland), I can't help but feel isolated. The area is so staunchly conservative and i just get really sick of it. Racism is rife, not to mention homophobia and blind conformity. As much as I'd love to see MAJOR political overhauls in this country: Those around me tend to disagree.

This makes me really angry, which leads to crazy anxiety. I can become reclusive and destructive.

But, i can always buy a new gadget to cheer me up....

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By Soma
I chose : My 'quality of life' is MODERATE, and I'd like to see major sociopolitical changes within my country.

Ireland has changed too much, too quickly in the last decade, and things are a bit messy as a result. Some people are filthy rich and as happy as larks, but alot of people are poor, and pissed off.

I live in rural Ireland, but I can't say that I find racism and homophobia to be problems, contrary to what FPX says. Sexism is my main problem, and also the lack of privacy...everyone knows everything about everyone.

Disadvantaged areas (ie- where I live) don't seem to be moving forward with the rest of the country. People still leave school at 15 or 16, get pregnant, possibly married and are stuck in a rut for the rest of their lives. No new means of employment are available to them - the main local industry - fishing - has been destroyed by the EU, and farming is difficult here because of the bad land. There are no real new enterprises in the area. With this lack of money, opportunity or hope, comes a general feeling of doom in the area. The local youth is not happy, and seem to be turning to crime, drink and drugs.

So, while I myself am happy enough, alot of my peers aren't.
By Ocker
My 'quality of life' is LOW, and I'd like to see some major sociopolitical changes within my country.

Currently, both emotional and financial status within my life is fairly bad. Emotionally things are on the up, but financially I don't see us going anywhere soon.

Current sociopolitical trends sicken me.
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By Truth-a-naut
If objectivity cannot be applied to observation, then the value of that observation will often diminish as it is clouded by bias.

It is of my opinion that introspection leads to the creation of biases.

Once a person knows himself he will always be clouded by literally himself.
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By Vivisekt
Der Freiheitsucher wrote:My quality of life is high, I'm an awfully happy person with my current situation. However, my personal happiness is not affected by the sociopolitical climate of my country whatsoever. I live in a perfectly happy stance, if I could have some sociopolitical or monetary changes, sure why not - But it wouldn't affect my overall picture.

I haven't voted because I'm not sure I'm choosing the right option, and I wouldn't like to mess it up. Does this mean I'm "Other"?

You'd vote HIGH, and select the corresponding level of sociopolitical change that you would like to see.

Goldstein wrote:It is of my opinion that introspection leads to the creation of biases.

Once a person knows himself he will always be clouded by literally himself.

That doesn't make alot of sense to me - can you elaborate?

I volunteer that biases are created by the environment that a person grows up in, and his or her life experiences - not introspection. All information that we recieve is already filtered through these psychological biases... but introspection allows us to recognise and objectify our own biases, making it possible for us to circumvent them.

Think of red sunglasses as our bias. Normally, we see everything through the red tint of that bias. Without introspection, we don't even realize that we're wearing sunglasses in the first place - but if a person is introspective enough, he is not only in a position to realize that he's wearing glasses, but he can take them off and see with an unclouded eye when he needs to.
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By Visage of Glory
Moderate, with a few minor changes.

For the most part, my life is good, but there are few things limiting from being great. There are a few things that I would like to be see changed, but nothing huge.
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By Attila The Nun
I live in a high standard. I live in Connecticut, US, so it should be expected. Of course, by aerican standards I am moderate. And I do think there should be some minor changes.

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