Change - Politics | PoFo

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With whom of the following, if any, do you agree with, on the question of what is change, its purpose, its means, etc?

Heraclitus: Change is the natural result of things colliding with their opposites.
Parmenides: Change is illusory; it only looks like things change. In reality, everything is always the same.
Plato: Change shows how inferior things are to their unchaning, ideal forms.
Aristotle: Change can have a purpose. It happens when things become what they should be.
Darwin: Change occurs randonly, but changes may be passed along through natural selection.
Other (Please Specify)
By Kamil
Simply enough, with no required elaboration, what is your conception of change? Aspects ranging from its purpose, its means, and most notably, what is change? I have taken the liberty of accompanying each of the listed conceptions with the name of the individual who brought forth the following theory of change. Enjoy.:)
By bradley
this poll is unfair, because they are taken out of context. I cannot deny that in the context of evolution of biological organisms, genetic variation (or 'change', as you call it) is a fact. However social darwinism is much harder to demonstrate, so much so that i cannot recognise that changes around me, e.g. changing the paint colour on my walls, or the government changing legislation, is random.
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
I don't think this is a good poll: what about the Buddhist view of change?
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By Subversive Rob
I don't think this is a good poll: what about the Buddhist view of change?

Hence other.

But on the actual poll. I assume development through contradiction. But this does not exclude "evolution", though not in the strictly Darwinist sense.
By Kamil
Of course this poll is not going to feature every single possible conception of change as it'd require several other different options. My compiled list covers perhaps, some of the most popular conceptions, but surely not all. If you believe in a distinct conception, please choose 'other' and elaborate on it.

Don't whine, it's just a poll. There is an 'other' option; not every different conception can be featured.
By Napuljun
I voted other. I consider change as the evolving structure of the satisfactory self-interest which prevails im every human being. In other words, new ways of explotation which make man better off at all costs.
By Garibaldi
I voted for the Darwinist form of change, although Heraclitus appealed to me too. Naturally, two or more things will oppose eachother and the strongest will win out. While I don't believe the strong can be determined, somehow the best fit for a niche will fill the niche. The weak will either find themselves strong for another niche or will die out.
American Politics:Parmenides: Change is illusory; it only looks like things change. In reality, everything is always the same.

Darwin: Change occurs randonly, but changes may be passed along through natural selection.

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