My position about Ukraine, Russia, and the Russian Special Operations in Russian Ukraine - in brief - Politics | PoFo

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My position about Ukraine, Russia, and the Russian Special Operations in Russian Ukraine - in brief

Моя позиция об Украине, России и российских спецоперациях на Русской Украине - вкратце

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
Профессор Мухаммад Шамсаддин Мегаломматис

This is the response that I sent (Friday 18th of March 2022) to a Jeddah-based, Tanzanian Muslim friend who asked me details about the Russian operations in Russian Ukraine.

Being extremely busy, I did not have the time to expand about the topic, but I will hopefully do so in the next few weeks.


Many say that they did not expect this event to happen; even my former professor in France, the Georgian-Russian/German-French Hélène Carrère d'Encausse (pictures below and in attachment),

This mistake is due to the fact that they take themselves too seriously and believe their own lies and propaganda.

I expected it to happen since 2014.

When Yanukovic was overthrown, I concluded that that development was apparently Putin’s major mistake.

In fact, I always believed (from 2000 until 2014) that Putin had a wrong policy in Ukraine and I was expecting the 2014 developments to happen too. I anticipated them for long. The American-European interference in Ukraine goes back to the 90s, when the criminal gangster Madeleine Albright expressed her «interest» in Ukraine in public.

But this is an old story.

So, after 2014, I was convinced that Putin sooner or later would take revenge for what they did to him in Ukraine at the time. What Russia did at the time, i.e. saving and keeping Crimea, was the minimum Moscow could do; Russia was not well prepared.

As I closely and continuously monitor Russian and Chinese armament news, I noticed very well that the arms race among super powers was, already in 2017, taking a totally different dimension that would cancel the need for aircraft carriers and make many other arms obsolete. All these new types of arms are hypersonic. Russia and China already in 2020-2021 gained a decisive edge over US and NATO.

Meanwhile, America entered into competition in the field of hypersonic weapons, also followed by other countries, notably India, France, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, and Australia.

Do you know what hypersonic means?
It means a weapon that exceeds 5 times the speed of sound.

It was a matter of time until the US come up with one or two types (that are currently under development) of hypersonic weapons and then these could be installed in military bases in Ukraine. Putin said it openly that it would mean just 2 minutes until these missiles reach Moscow.

It was very clear that the economic preparations were also underway; all these massive purchases of gold by Russia and China meant something.

It is clear that Ukraine with an area larger than France and smaller than Turkey is viewed by Russians as the necessary military depth opposite NATO bases in Eastern Europe, i.e. Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. Bear also in mind that of course Russians will defend their entire territory in case of an attack, but certainly the best defended region will be Moscow — not St. Petersburg.


Now, the entire story of Ukraine and Russia is nothing more than part of the Western plan to cut (not anymore the USSR but) Russia to pieces. They also planned to split
many other countries: Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, China, Indonesia, India, etc.

The reason for this is simple; the Western World (Europe and North America) has collapsed. They cannot undertake a war. The local populations are entirely corrupt, plunged in their syphilis of wealthy life, materialism, pan-sexualism, consumerism, etc. Soldiers living in such societies cannot fight. When European soldiers fought for last time, there were only few cabarets and bars in the capital cities of the European countries. No discos, no malls, no cafes, no restaurants, no malls. For one restaurant in Berlin or Paris in 1939, there are 100 restaurants now. The schools are different too propagating vicious theories about transgender and other anomalies.

So, the Western countries need many proxies to fight against one another, so that US, France, UK, Germany, etc. sell their arms and get things done due to killings and proxy wars undertaken by stupid Muslims, Hindus, Ukrainians, Africans and others. After 1989, there has not been one true war worldwide. All the wars were for the benefit of US, EU, and NATO.

If Russia did not undertake this operation to save Ukraine, Kiev would not only accommodate NATO military bases, but also pass legislation for homosexual marriages, fornication, adoption of children by abnormal persons, transgender paranoia, and all this evil stuff.

The splitting of Soviet Union and Russia is nothing new. General De Gaulle called for a Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. Remember? ... and-europe
This plan provides for the division of Russia into 5-10 states. Of course, this has nothing to do with all the silly literature about Human Rights, National Independence, Democracy, etc. These states will become
- either warring factions put under control and containment (as in Libya or Yemen)
- or pseudo-states (like Ukraine) with due legislation about homosexuals, transgender and all the anomalies.

For the destruction of Russia, the formation of Ukraine was a first step.


Ukraine is not a nation. It never was.
Ukrainian is not a language but a dialect.
Read this English text:

In the seconds before impact, mortars whistle as they fall, making a loud and almost plaintive sound Maxim Dondyuk will never forget. He will not forget the sting of their shrapnel, which felt like a hot knife in his arm, or the sight of the women and children he photographed during the shelling near Kyiv on March 6.

This is its Russian translation by Google:
За секунды до удара минометы свистят при падении, издавая громкий, почти жалобный звук, который Максим Дондюк никогда не забудет. Он не забудет жало их осколков, которое ощущалось как раскаленный нож в его руке, или вид женщин и детей, которых он фотографировал во время обстрела под Киевом 6 марта.

And this is its Ukrainian translation by Google:
За секунди до удару міномети свистять під час падіння, видаючи гучний і майже жалібний звук, який Максим Дондюк ніколи не забуде. Він не забуде жало їхніх осколків, які відчували, як розпечений ніж у його руці, ані погляд жінок та дітей, яких він сфотографував під час обстрілу під Києвом 6 березня.

Just compare the characters!
You cannot read them, but you can compare and crosscheck the design.
Do it line by line! You will get your own idea.

By the way, try to find the term «Ukrainian nation» in any book, academic publication, manual, review, encyclopedia, newspaper or magazine before 1950!!!
You will not find it.
Also, try to find the term «Ukrainian History» (or «History of Ukraine») in any book, academic publication, manual, review, encyclopedia, newspaper or magazine before 1950!!!
You will not find it.

The reason is simple: there is no Ukrainian Nation and there is no History of Ukraine.

Ukraine is the name of a land whereby Russians speak a different dialect. That is all.

The difference between Ukrainian and Russian is smaller than the difference between
1. Hochdeutsch (South German) and Niederdeutsch (North German)
2. Italian and Sicilian
3. Modern Greek and Pontic region language

Ukraine is only a geographical term: just like people call one region in Central Turkey «Cappadocia», another region in Northern France «Normandy», another region in Greece «Epirus», and another region in England «Cornwall».

No one can understand what Ukraine as a region is, before learning about the Russian word «krai». It is an administrative division. ... ian_Empire

And the Russian name Ukraina means «frontier region». This cannot be and by definition is not the name of a ….. «nation».

To the aforementioned you have to add that in today’s Ukraine there are
- many who speak Russian (not the Ukrainian dialect)
- many who speak Ukrainian and Russian and consider themselves as Russians.
Who are the rest?
Simply, those who speak Ukrainian and have been corrupted with bribes and politics over the past 30 years. These people followed the Ukrainian politicians who were the puppets of the US, EU and NATO during the period 1991-2021.


One must take into consideration an important historical parameter: during the 1930s, there was terrible famine in Ukraine. But there was terrible famine throughout the USSR. This was not a Russian / Ukrainian divide. All people suffered. Kazakhs and Uzbeks too! And many others. It is called Holodomor («death through hunger»): and

Also, during the 1930s, there was a terrible purge in Ukraine.
But again, purge took place throughout the USSR. Notably in Kazakhstan and the rest of Central Asia. It was not a Russian/Ukrainian divide either.

The famine was the result of a catastrophic economic policy and the purge was the
decision of the Communist government and Stalin. But ………….

There is a «but»!

Because of what happened in the 1930s, many Ukrainians accepted happily and wholeheartedly the German soldiers in 1941. There are millions of pictures that illustrate this fact. I would say that at the time, more than 70% of the lands occupied by the Nazis (in the territory of the USSR that they invaded) supported and even actively helped the German soldiers. This does not mean that these populations were Nazi! They were hating the Soviet regime so much that they would accept Muslims, Mongols, Chinese — anyone!

But again, this is not a Ukrainian / Russian divide; many Russians welcomed the German soldiers in Voronezh, Pskov and elsewhere.

The serious problem in this regard is the evil utilization of History and the biased use of historical facts made by Western diplomats, academics, ‘advisers’, etc. in Independent Ukraine after 1991. They pushed the Ukrainians to openly support Nazism or rather Neo-Nazism -supposedly- in remembrance of their ancestors who welcomed the Germans in 1941. But their ancestors, as I already told you, were not Nazi; they were merely anti-Soviet.

That is all. This war will last long, because the Russians do not want to kill their brothers. The Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, who are lost (and they know it), arrest simple people and use them as «human shields». This was expected by top people in Moscow. They knew what they would face. Plus, the Ukrainian fighters destroy infrastructure deliberately, notably bridges. And never forget that Ukraine has many rivers larger than the Nile! And, as you know, tanks are not fishing boats.


Now, how to summarize all this?

Making of the Ukrainians a …. «nation» is tantamount to
- saying that Bavarians and Pomeranians in Germany are two different nations
- considering the Nile Delta Egyptians and the Sa'idi (صعيدى) as two different nations
- declaring that Kayseri Turks and Sivas Turks are two different nations.

But in this case, the US is a collection of 50 different states, and Texas has nothing to do with New York, Los Angeles, and Florida.


I believe the above notes contain several key points in brief.
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