If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 23 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:All of humanity has a common ancestor, @FiveofSwords. Darwin was proud to point out that, in this matter at least, he was in agreement with Scripture. :)

One of my favourite sayings is "follow the science". As soon as someone says that, I know I'm dealing either with a pathological liar or a moronic cretin. This is a nice shortcut as such people can be dismissed without further time consuming investigation. You can't even follow the science in science. Take the question of whether you should build a new particle accelerator. Obviously science will guide and shape your designs. Science will constrain your choices, but the question of whether to build one and exactly what type should be built and when and where it should be built are not questions that can be answered by science.

Darwin's claim that his discoveries were in agreement with scripture was to a first approximation a lie. He is a classic example of why leftie liberal scientists are not to be trusted. So the Biblical view that we are all defended from a single human couple six thousand or so years ago is not supported by Darwin's theories at all. And I say view, because this is not even the obvious view from the bible. Genesis 6, Numbers and a number of other places in canon suggest that the origins of the races is far more complex. What the range of beliefs that Jews believed in the last centuries before the current era is a complex question, with little in the way of fully definitive answers. But one thing we can be certain of is that Jews didn't believe that they and we are all part of one big happy human family.

When it comes to social questions most scientists are thoroughly dishonest, they are not trying to illuminate social questions with science, but using rhetoric and cherry picking to try and enforce compliance to their preconceived ideological dogmas. One of the most strident examples of this is Sam Harris, not a scientist but a philosopher of science and a scientific communicator. He is a Gentile Inferiorist racist bigot, who tries to dress up his moralistic hypocrisy under a scientific cover. He is in reality a remythologised Christian where Christ has been replaced by the Jews.

I want to note a trick the Liberal / Lefties play. " loose categories that have a region of over lap. So liberals will go

"Jews, jews, Jews, jews, Jews, jews, Jews, jews, Jews, Jews. Remember what happened to the Jews.Remember what happened to the Jews. Remember what happened to the Jews."

But if you go "OK lets really start to look into this, Lets examine what group or groups this label points to lets examine the ideologies and sociologies involved here." The Liberal goes "Why are you bring up the Jews again. Why are you so obsessed about Jews." Similarly the Leftie goes

"Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race.

But if you go "Ok lets talk about race. Let's really look into this. Lets examine what people mean by this. Lets look at the underlying biology. Lets look at human behaviour etc, etc." The Leftie says "Why are you so obsessed with race. Race doesn't even exist. Its just a figment of the human imagination. Why are you so pathetic and insecure that you need to keep talking about something that doesn't even exist."

"Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race."

Define 'race'.

If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.

— The Thomas Theorem

Verv wrote:I saw just recently they spent $8 million on attempting to verify/recover the remains but none were available (it was all a lie), and a $40 billion compensation bill was introduced for the residential school kids...

Of course, this all happened because it was a Christian society: one that believed in bettering the lives of native kids in remote, unsettled locations through creating residential schools that the natives also asked for, and also a Christian society that believes in holding other Christians accountable for the things that they did that were wrong.

Big W's for Christianity.

If you ignore the humans rights abuses and rewrite history to make it seem like a good thing, sure.

But then all you are doing is (hopefully unknowingly and inadvertently) perpetuating the same Christian belief that white people are better than Indigenous people and need to be saved.

Or, colonialism was actually destroyed and replaced with a completely new model which is, in many ways, more sinister since it disguises itself as a native species.

What does this have to do with the fact that capitalism, racism, and colonialism are all mutually supportive of one anither?
Pants-of-dog wrote:If you ignore the humans rights abuses and rewrite history to make it seem like a good thing, sure.

But then all you are doing is (hopefully unknowingly and inadvertently) perpetuating the same Christian belief that white people are better than Indigenous people and need to be saved.

What does this have to do with the fact that capitalism, racism, and colonialism are all mutually supportive of one anither?

Lol this is peak midwit. You have totally ingested and adopted the establishment narratives. Because you are naturally obedient. And you easily just ignore the fact that it makes no sense and suffers from overwhelming internal contradictions.

Christianity, capitalism, and colonialism are all in opposition to nationalism. I am very aware of that, being a nationalist. They always were. Literally if you describe their core beliefs they are intrinsically anti national.

But this is the establishment dogma. And as dogma it is basically thought terminating. It doesn't really allow for any nuance or deeper thinking. And it is intentionally absurd. As Voltaire said 'if you can make people believe absurdities then you can get them to commit atrocities' what the elite want you to do is associate Christianity, capitalism, and colonialism with white people and then decide that white people are the source of all evil.

But that framing fails on both ends. Capitalism as it currently exists is certainly far more jewish than it is white. Even Christianity is arguably more jewish than white (certainly the Christian zionists believe that). And colonialism is universal. And on the other end, white civilization has not been particularly mean. If you ever followed your own advice and learned about other 'cultures'...you might notice that all people are quitr capable of being savage and mean. In fact, Europeans seem to be much less cruel than most people on history. Our only great sin is that for a while there we had tremendous power and we basically drove history, bringing humanity to the space age.
I am not interested in unverified hypotheses about nationalism.

If you look at historical facts, such as in North America, it is clear that racism was used to justify colonial expansion into Indigenous territories as well as justifying slavery of Black people.

Note that whiteness is also inherently contradictory to nationalism.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I am not interested in unverified hypotheses about nationalism.

If you look at historical facts, such as in North America, it is clear that racism was used to justify colonial expansion into Indigenous territories as well as justifying slavery of Black people.

Note that whiteness is also inherently contradictory to nationalism.

Lol and your dogma focuses a lot on what is 'used' to 'justify' something when that is actually quite meaningless. Nothing needs to be justified in order to do it. No State, White or non white, has ever bothered to 'struggle' with ethical questions before deciding to expand its power...states simply expand their power and don't care about the ethics. In the real world, the only limit to state power is the power of the resistance.

I will admit I have no idea whatdumb mythology you guys have been taught about 'whiteness'..it is incoherent. When I speak of white people, it is just a broad category of people adapted to a particular way of life that arose in Europe during the past 2k years. Scottish, English, german, Russian, etc are all just subsets of the general 'white' category. Having categories cannot be anti nationalist. Indeed it is the opposite. Refusing to have categories implies that a people do not exist. And people who do not exist cannot have a right to self determination.
Rich wrote:One of my favourite sayings is "follow the science". As soon as someone says that, I know I'm dealing either with a pathological liar or a moronic cretin. This is a nice shortcut as such people can be dismissed without further time consuming investigation. You can't even follow the science in science. Take the question of whether you should build a new particle accelerator. Obviously science will guide and shape your designs. Science will constrain your choices, but the question of whether to build one and exactly what type should be built and when and where it should be built are not questions that can be answered by science.

Darwin's claim that his discoveries were in agreement with scripture was to a first approximation a lie. He is a classic example of why leftie liberal scientists are not to be trusted. So the Biblical view that we are all defended from a single human couple six thousand or so years ago is not supported by Darwin's theories at all. And I say view, because this is not even the obvious view from the bible. Genesis 6, Numbers and a number of other places in canon suggest that the origins of the races is far more complex. What the range of beliefs that Jews believed in the last centuries before the current era is a complex question, with little in the way of fully definitive answers. But one thing we can be certain of is that Jews didn't believe that they and we are all part of one big happy human family.

When it comes to social questions most scientists are thoroughly dishonest, they are not trying to illuminate social questions with science, but using rhetoric and cherry picking to try and enforce compliance to their preconceived ideological dogmas. One of the most strident examples of this is Sam Harris, not a scientist but a philosopher of science and a scientific communicator. He is a Gentile Inferiorist racist bigot, who tries to dress up his moralistic hypocrisy under a scientific cover. He is in reality a remythologised Christian where Christ has been replaced by the Jews.

I want to note a trick the Liberal / Lefties play. " loose categories that have a region of over lap. So liberals will go

"Jews, jews, Jews, jews, Jews, jews, Jews, jews, Jews, Jews. Remember what happened to the Jews.Remember what happened to the Jews. Remember what happened to the Jews."

But if you go "OK lets really start to look into this, Lets examine what group or groups this label points to lets examine the ideologies and sociologies involved here." The Liberal goes "Why are you bring up the Jews again. Why are you so obsessed about Jews." Similarly the Leftie goes

"Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race, Race.

But if you go "Ok lets talk about race. Let's really look into this. Lets examine what people mean by this. Lets look at the underlying biology. Lets look at human behaviour etc, etc." The Leftie says "Why are you so obsessed with race. Race doesn't even exist. Its just a figment of the human imagination. Why are you so pathetic and insecure that you need to keep talking about something that doesn't even exist."

Bill Nye gave you a logical explanation of why skin tones vary. A natural law-based explanation. That is all science can do. It can't go by myths that humans believe due to religious dogmas or histories. It can't go by people who want to be the dominant socioeconomic class in society. It can't go by a lot of doctrine that is about liberals, socialists, communists or conservatives, or fascists from England either.

It has to go by a logical explanation that has a physical aspect.

Do you want to give a homeland to the American Neo Nazis Rich? All you need to do is go to your local municipal or town council and propose these poor discriminated White Nationalists in the USA are homeless and need a part of England to call home--because everyone knows for sure, that English white people are the greatest people that ever stepped on to Planet Earth. See what they say to you?

You might be surprised by their answers. It won't be the harmony of the One Unified White Race. But you shall get an education on how many people are into liberalism in England.

You are probably a minority opinion in many ways Rich. Just like the Neo-Nazis are. You are going to have to deal with being a minority opinion. It is tough sometimes being a minority in a world of people who disagree with your experiences and point of view--but you are strong. You can make it happen.
@Fasces Did you notice that Five man stated that one need not justify with ethical questions for a state to expand its power?

Gee, I wonder why this might be a difficult to accept proposition in international politics?

No need for ethics or morality or human rights. It can be a free for all of MIGHT makes RIGHT. Maybe that is why the Nazi perspective if shown for what it is? Might have some trouble recruiting more members. :lol:
Pants-of-dog wrote:@FiveofSwords

If you just executed the King of England with the justification that all men are created equal, slavery needs an explanation.

Ignoring history is not a good argument.

No. You actually don't need an explanation. You can just dare people to do something about it. Who is going to defy you? You just executed the king. Justifying crap is for plebs and slaves. The elite are too busy doing things to bother with philosophy.

Anyway, if you didn't have a fake version of history, you would learn that historically it was the people who took race most seriously who were opposed to slavery. Black people with a strong racial ide tiny opposed slavery, and white people with a strong racial identity opposed slavery. The institution of slavery was actually mostly supported by people who felt race didn't matter. It might seem counterintuitive to you at first glance, but if you think about it it makes perfect sense. The very idea that people have a right to freedom and to shape their own destiny relies on the assumption that there actually is a meaningful difference between different people and their destinies. If there isn't, then nothing can be considered wrong with imperialism or slavery.
Tainari88 wrote:@Fasces Did you notice that Five man stated that one need not justify with ethical questions for a state to expand its power?

Gee, I wonder why this might be a difficult to accept proposition in international politics?

No need for ethics or morality or human rights. It can be a free for all of MIGHT makes RIGHT. Maybe that is why the Nazi perspective if shown for what it is? Might have some trouble recruiting more members. :lol:

See...a person with a functioning brain would know that I was describing the world as it is, not as i wish it to be. One reason people like you struggle to understand the difference is because you actually think that believing something will make it true. That is in fact a common sort of superstition among primitive societies like the ones your ancestors were forged in.

For you...

Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism
Translated by
M. Epstein

Here you can wallow in a book that blames the stereotypical Jew for capitalism's excesses.

Of course, it's bollocks and unable to support its arguments by historical facts or by logical analysis.

I thought you might enjoy it.

Tainari88 wrote:Hmm, see how English speakers ignore perfectly sound theories because they do not get translated in time? You guys are terrible with the English only stuff! :lol:

This is the link that the above quote was taken from:

https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/clad/clad5.ht ... e%20groups.


This , incidentally , was also why it took so many decades before what is now known as high functioning autism , and used to be referred to as Asperger Syndrome , was known to be a thing . Dr. Hans Asperger had written his research papers in German , and it wasn't until about the early 90's that they were rediscovered and finally translated into English . Before , back in the 80's when I had been a young child , the neurologist my parents took me to regarding my hand flapping had thought that it had seemed to be characteristic of Tourette Syndrome . So even before I eventually started to develop a few tics , in my 20's , I had been lead to believe that I had a disorder that I hadn't actually up til then had , all because the doctor hadn't known the distinction between stimming and tics . The two World Wars had a lot to do with the disruption of sharing scientific information between different countries with different languages .



ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

For you...

Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism
Translated by
M. Epstein

Here you can wallow in a book that blames the stereotypical Jew for capitalism's excesses.

Of course, it's bollocks and unable to support its arguments by historical facts or by logical analysis.

I thought you might enjoy it.


Well your description is totally wrong. The book is actually an alternative to weber's hypothesis that jews acquired disproportionate power because they were smart. Sombart instead argues that they acquired power via money and control of financial insituations.

It is just an alternate theory and it is perfectly consistent with the historical facts.

The book is interesting and it isn't like he is lying about any of the historical facts...but I do disagree with some of his arguments. Many of the things he suggests jews created I would rather think we're inventions of necessity. Economies simply have to adjust and make changes as they get bigger and involve more people over greater distance.
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 14 May 2024 19:06, edited 1 time in total.
Deutschmania wrote:This , incidentally , was also why it took so many decades before what is now known as high functioning autism , and used to be referred to as Asperger Syndrome , was known to be a thing . Dr. Hans Asperger had written his research papers in German , and it wasn't until about the early 90's that they were rediscovered and finally translated into English . Before , back in the 80's when I had been a young child , the neurologist my parents took me to regarding my hand flapping had thought that it had seemed to be characteristic of Tourette Syndrome . So even before I eventually started to develop a few tics , in my 20's , I had been lead to believe that I had a disorder that I hadn't actually up til then had , all because the doctor hadn't known the distinction between stimming and tics . The two World Wars had a lot to do with the disruption of sharing scientific information between different countries with different languages .




As you can tell, there is a lot of silly prejudice against 'nazi science'. I find it amusing how nobody seems to realize that Heisenberg, the father of quantum physics, was a high ranking national socialist. They also developed nuclear fusion, the jet engine, and the microwave. Rather impressive scientific contributions overall, to be honest...
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

For you...

Werner Sombart, The Jews and Modern Capitalism
Translated by
M. Epstein

Here you can wallow in a book that blames the stereotypical Jew for capitalism's excesses.

Of course, it's bollocks and unable to support its arguments by historical facts or by logical analysis.

I thought you might enjoy it.


However , Werner Sombart, also asserted that the English possess the same spirit of Mammon that the Jews supposedly do . Really , such economic anti-Semitism had been used by certain German National Bolsheviks , and some Social Democrats , such as for example Paul Lensch , Johann Plenge , and Ernst Niekisch , as serving as a justification for Germany entering World War 1 , against Britain . Funny enough , similarly Italian National Syndicalists , such as Enrico Corradini , used such reasoning as an excuse for Italy to enter the war against Austria-Hungary . :lol: It all came down to the concept of proletarian nationalism , in which supposed proletarian nations engage in a class war against the purported bourgeois nations . Interestingly , the notion of race and race war does not factor in , as German Nazbols would be engaged in warfare against English Calvinism . P.S. On a more personal note , there was a time in my life , during which I had gotten myself embroiled in heated , mean spirited , online exchanges with this one cousin of mine , whom was a Calvinist , that National Bolshevism had appealed to me , and I had thereby crossed over to the dark side of political power . I hadn't at the time been aware of my partial Jewish , not to mention English , ethnic heritage , in addition to my primary German ethno-cultural identity , however this wouldn't have even mattered to me all that much . For to me the underlying basis for the conflict was material , and intellectual , rather than racial . I could have pictured myself potentially ending up fighting to the death against a family member whom up until that time , in which he had become a Calvinist , and I a Marxist , had been childhood chums . All so that we could further our respective divergent causes , his being neo-Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism , and mine being neo-Marxist National Communism . Such a final showdown would have been a culture war , rather than a race war , especially as the two of us would be basically of the same ethnicity , besides my having some Jewish ancestry , and him being of some Swiss French descent , which I hadn't even known at the time anyway . Similarly , the Germans and English , during the World Wars , were of a shared Germanic lineage . The two nations , reigned over by Wilhelm II , and George V respectively , were quite literally cousins .
Deutschmania wrote:However , Werner Sombart, also asserted that the English possess the same spirit of Mammon that the Jews supposedly do . Really , such economic anti-Semitism had been used by certain German National Bolsheviks , and some Social Democrats , such as for example Paul Lensch , Johann Plenge , and Ernst Niekisch , as serving as a justification for Germany entering World War 1 , against Britain . Funny enough , similarly Italian National Syndicalists , such as Enrico Corradini , used such reasoning as an excuse for Italy to enter the war against Austria-Hungary . :lol: It all came down to the concept of proletarian nationalism , in which supposed proletarian nations engage in a class war against the purported bourgeois nations . Interestingly , the notion of race and race war does not factor in , as German Nazbols would be engaged in warfare against English Calvinism . P.S. On a more personal note , there was a time in my life , during which I had gotten myself embroiled in heated , mean spirited , online exchanges with this one cousin of mine , whom was a Calvinist , that National Bolshevism had appealed to me , and I had thereby crossed over to the dark side of political power . I hadn't at the time been aware of my partial Jewish , not to mention English , ethnic heritage , in addition to my primary German ethno-cultural identity , however this wouldn't have even mattered to me all that much . For to me the underlying basis for the conflict was material , and intellectual , rather than racial . I could have pictured myself potentially ending up fighting to the death against a family member whom up until that time , in which he had become a Calvinist , and I a Marxist , had been childhood chums . All so that we could further our respective divergent causes , his being neo-Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism , and mine being neo-Marxist National Communism . Such a final showdown would have been a culture war , rather than a race war , especially as the two of us would be basically of the same ethnicity , besides my having some Jewish ancestry , and him being of some Swiss French descent , which I hadn't even known at the time anyway . Similarly , the Germans and English , during the World Wars , were of a shared Germanic lineage . The two nations , reigned over by Wilhelm II , and George V respectively , were quite literally cousins .

Having read quite a lot of national socialist literature, I am quite aware of the presence of some contempt for the anglo state of mind. And yet even being an anglo myself, it does not cause me to reject their ideas. In fact I can see a lot of merit in their criticisms and I also see it in myself.

This is because, of course, I try to believe things that are actually true rather than make up nonsense just to validate myself. It is far more useful to know the truth, even if it requires that a person accept that they have flaws.

Your attitude is quite foreign to me. Actually comical. Why would knowing you have Jewish heritage have any impact on what you believe is true?
fiveofSwords wrote:your description is totally wrong


Where a professor of economics is so lax and unscientific with
regard to his economic history, one could scarcely expect him to
be more trustworthy with regard to theologic and phychologic
facts and theories. It is not, therefore, surprising to find that
Dr. Steckelmacher is easily able to convict Sombart of many
elementary blunders in making his assertions about the capitalistic
tendencies of the Jewish religion.

— J. Jacobs, Criticisms of Sombart, The Jewish Quarterly Review Jan. 1917

ingliz wrote:No.

Where a professor of economics is so lax and unscientific with
regard to his economic history, one could scarcely expect him to
be more trustworthy with regard to theologic and phychologic
facts and theories. It is not, therefore, surprising to find that
Dr. Steckelmacher is easily able to convict Sombart of many
elementary blunders in making his assertions about the capitalistic
tendencies of the Jewish religion.

— J. Jacobs, Criticisms of Sombart, The Jewish Quarterly Review Jan. 1917


So jews didn't like sombart. Wow. Big shockwr. Interesting that you failed to contradict my point, though.
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