If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 24 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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What point was that?


Weber's argument is in opposition to Sombart.

He believed the Jews as a religious group were associated with trade, although not entrepreneurship, and in that sense implicated in the emergence and history of capitalism in an entirely subordinate and ancillary position.

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

What point was that?


Weber's argument is in opposition to Sombart.

He believed the Jews as a religious group were associated with trade, although not entrepreneurship, and in that sense implicated in the emergence and history of capitalism in an entirely subordinate and ancillary position.


Well if you had any reading comprehension you would be able to understand what I said by simply reading it. Your brain is quite bizarre. When you thought you were disagreeing with what I said...what exactly did you think you were disagreeing with? It is funny and confusing to imagine what on earth your brain is even trying to do.
FiveofSwords wrote:See...a person with a functioning brain would know that I was describing the world as it is, not as i wish it to be. One reason people like you struggle to understand the difference is because you actually think that believing something will make it true. That is in fact a common sort of superstition among primitive societies like the ones your ancestors were forged in.

The world is not a Nazi paradise with color codes. I am afraid that can be easily proven by simply going to your local large city and talking to the council there and asking them to make a homeland for White Only people. I wonder how realistic it is going to be when they tell you it is not going to happen for you?

No, Five of Swords dude, the world changes when people stop believing in nonsense. And start working on what makes for a peaceful society that is based on cooperation and on mutual interests being met. War and chaos no one can take for long periods of time. Permanent revolution has so far not been sustainable.

The Nazis lost WWII. Do you understand that or is that brain still short-circuiting because the Fuhrer wound up in Colombia in the land of miscegenation par excellence because the European continent was a dangerous place for him? Is that too much realism for you?

The Liberals have taken over the power seat. I have my deep disagreements with liberals. But they sure knew how to brainwash the masses into following the Rainbow Coalition. The Nazis are not doing well. Why? because....because.....life is not FAIR.

The Nazis are right and the Communists in the PRC and other countries are wrong. Lol.

No, my ancestors believe in human rights for all people. A very civilized thing to believe in. What is savage, low and immoral is what you believe in. And not only that? It does not work at all. Having people power hungry and wanting other people's wealth, lands and property and wanting to dominate the Earth and be constantly threatening others in order to gain something from them? Is ANTI life. Anti humanity.

And with time all the oppressive institutions wind up dying off. Not because of fantasy or stupidity of the ones believing in human rights, but because human beings have to keep learning hard lessons by making mistakes and then making different choices.

Once they make a better choice, the other ones observing the ones who did make a better choice then adop that. It is always evolving.

The primitve and incredibly closed and obtuse in thinking has been you in this thread. No doubt in my mind. I think you might wind up in jail looking at four walls someday and hoping you can get a few minutes online to talk crap. Thinking damn, why didn't I listen to Tainari88 and get some dumb white woman to have my dumb kids and finally get my white race to go on in the future instead of screaming about White Genocide and being belligerent and having to cope with failure to reproduce issues? :lol: :lol:

Could have saved your low IQ family history and made a case for White Genocide. ;) :lol:
FiveofSwords wrote:See...a person with a functioning brain would know that I was describing the world as it is, not as i wish it to be. One reason people like you struggle to understand the difference is because you actually think that believing something will make it true. That is in fact a common sort of superstition among primitive societies like the ones your ancestors were forged in.

The world is not a Nazi paradise with color codes. I am afraid that can be easily proven by simply going to your local large city and talking to the council there and asking them to make a homeland for White Only people. I wonder how realistic it is going to be when they tell you it is not going to happen for you?

No, Five of Swords dude, the world changes when people stop believing in nonsense. And start working on what makes for a peaceful society that is based on cooperation and on mutual interests being met. War and chaos no one can take for long periods of time. Permanent revolution has so far not been sustainable.

The Nazis lost WWII. Do you understand that or is that brain still short-circuiting because the Fuhrer wound up in Colombia in the land of miscegenation par excellence because the European continent was a dangerous place for him? Is that too much realism for you?

The Liberals have taken over the power seat. I have my deep disagreements with liberals. But they sure knew how to brainwash the masses into following the Rainbow Coalition. The Nazis are not doing well. Why? because....because.....life is not FAIR.

The Nazis are right and the Communists in the PRC and other countries are wrong. Lol.

No, my ancestors believe in human rights for all people. A very civilized thing to believe in. What is savage, low and immoral is what you believe in. And not only that? It does not work at all. Having people power hungry and wanting other people's wealth, lands, and property and wanting to dominate the Earth and be constantly threatening others in order to gain something from them? Is ANTI life. Anti humanity.

And with time all the oppressive institutions wind up dying off. Not because of fantasy or stupidity of the ones believing in human rights, but because human beings have to keep learning hard lessons by making mistakes and then making different choices.

Once they make a better choice, the other ones observing the ones who did make a better choice then adop that. It is always evolving.

The primitive and incredibly closed and obtuse in thinking has been you in this thread. No doubt in my mind. I think you might wind up in jail looking at four walls someday and hoping you can get a few minutes online to talk crap. Thinking damn, why didn't I listen to Tainari88 and get some dumb white woman to have my dumb kids and finally get my white race to go on in the future instead of screaming about White Genocide and being belligerent and having to cope with failure to reproduce issues? :lol: :lol:

Could have saved your low-IQ family history and made a case for White Genocide. ;) :lol:

If you worry about extinction of white race shit? Go and have a bunch of kids. You do not want that? What is the alternative? Doing like Don Black did? Trying to take over a little nation? That went bad.

No, you have really total failures in your political column. They are not doing a damn thing.

My political column is winning presidencies all over the place. And they are being backed by a lot of regular working class people.

Meanwhile, you need to go to Edinburgh and try to get the white people there of Scottish background to be convinced that your Neo Nazi aggression and so on is the ticket to the UK's future. So far? They are voting in Sunak, and Suella and some tokens in there. Doing a conservative Rainbow Coalition. Good luck with the Kumbaya as One for White Nazi parade agendas. It is not happening! :lol:
Rich wrote:...Darwin's claim that his discoveries were in agreement with scripture was to a first approximation a lie. He is a classic example of why leftie liberal scientists are not to be trusted...

While I agree with the main part of the post that this quote is taken from, I can't agree that Darwin believed in God. However, at the time of his work, saying "God doesn't exist" would have ensured that we wouldn't be talking about his theory right now. The theory itself put him into an uncomfortable positions (like defending Palestine today), and his claim to "still believe" in God was no doubt a product of his vulnerability - and not a firm belief in God. He in fact claimed to be agnostic, which is a safe way of being an atheist in the 19th Century.

Likewise, many people pretended to believe in "race" in the mid-20th Century in order to "fit in." This is part of how social-construction spreads untruths.

Pants-of-dog wrote:...If you look at historical facts, such as in North America, it is clear that racism was used to justify colonial expansion into Indigenous territories as well as justifying slavery of Black people...

North America is where "scientific racism" was first put into practice. As religious superstitions started receding among European elites, they could no longer say "Arabs won't let us visit Christ's tomb" as an excuse to go on a Crusade. Something "science-ey" was required for the new mindset.

This is why Scientific Racism was invented in the mid-18th Century. It was invented to "explain and justify" the planned genocides of all the First Nations that was part of the business plan of manifest destiny and other national expansions.

The first group to be Scientifically Ethnic Cleansed based on the principles of "Scientific Racism" were the Acadians - the group I am part of. This was followed up by the planned genocide (and justified genocide) of the 150 nations of North America, and 100 nations in South America-Caribbean.

Race was very real to the people who exterminated the First Nations, so this topic is very important to me.
@QatzelOk wrote:

The first group to be Scientifically Ethnic Cleansed based on the principles of "Scientific Racism" were the Acadians - the group I am part of. This was followed up by the planned genocide (and justified genocide) of the 150 nations of North America, and 100 nations in South America-Caribbean.

Race was very real to the people who exterminated the First Nations, so this topic is very important to me.

So you come from the ethnic group that preceded the Louisiana Cajuns eh?

I found this online:

Acadians are the ancestors of present-day Cajuns. Originally from the West Central part of France, they were peasants recruited as part of France's efforts to colonize Canada in the 17th century. They settled in areas that are known today as the Maritime Provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island).

I wonder which Maritime Provinces were your original Acadian family descended from before getting to Quebec?

I got curious about where my family was from and did some genealogical research. That is very interesting. Because all of human history is usually encapsulated in a family history and a family trajectory.

It tells a story.

Vous êtes très beau et avec des traits très définis. C'est quelque chose d'intéressant chez vous.

D’où viennent les premiers habitants de l’Acadie ?

My older son had some 23 and me things done. His biological father was from the Mississippi Delta region of the USA. And his mother was African and a bit of Indigenous and born and raised in Colorado. But he had a good 12% Scottish British Isles ancestry, apparently. Lol. Some slave owners in Mississippi most probably. All of the Americas were a miscegenation scene. But Europe was too.

Only the ones insisting on lies all day think miscegenation has not been the norm for thousands of years by now. Again, as long as humans were mobile and traveling they would be out there mixing. And in the mix.

The US always had an ugly racist underbelly. But, it is interesting because the liberal stuff has countered that influence for a few generations now. It is going to be time for a re-evaluation of what that means in the USA.

An excerpt from Time magazine:

When we picture a modern American Nazi, we imagine a fanatic who has imported an alien belief system from a far-away place. We also, not wrongly, picture captives in concentration camps and American soldiers fighting the Good War. But the past is more tangled than that. Nazism was a movement drawn in some ways on the American model — a prodigal son of the land of liberty and equality, without the remorse.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, America led the world in race-based lawmaking, as a broad political consensus favored safeguarding the historically white character of the country. That is, it codified white nationalism. Congress passed immigration legislation designed to guarantee the predominance of immigrants from northern Europe, largely shutting the door on Jews, Italians, Asians and others. As Nazi commentators approvingly put it, this was law intended to keep out “undesirables.” (Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a 2015 interview with White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon that that policy was “good for America.”) Jim Crow segregation blanketed the South. Thirty of the forty-eight states possessed anti-miscegenation legislation that prohibited interracial marriage — not only between whites and blacks, but also between whites and Asians — and sometimes threatened violators with harsh criminal punishment. In Maryland, they faced up to ten years in prison. Law made second-class citizens of blacks, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans, Asians and Native Americans. Most especially, it deprived these non-white Americans of any meaningful right to vote.

This is why racial mixing is a hot-button issue with the Nazis. They think it messes up their ideal society. The most unrealistic people are really they. They never understood the nature of the past or the present.
Tainari88 wrote:The world is not a Nazi paradise with color codes. I am afraid that can be easily proven by simply going to your local large city and talking to the council there and asking them to make a homeland for White Only people. I wonder how realistic it is going to be when they tell you it is not going to happen for you?

No, Five of Swords dude, the world changes when people stop believing in nonsense. And start working on what makes for a peaceful society that is based on cooperation and on mutual interests being met. War and chaos no one can take for long periods of time. Permanent revolution has so far not been sustainable.

The Nazis lost WWII. Do you understand that or is that brain still short-circuiting because the Fuhrer wound up in Colombia in the land of miscegenation par excellence because the European continent was a dangerous place for him? Is that too much realism for you?

The Liberals have taken over the power seat. I have my deep disagreements with liberals. But they sure knew how to brainwash the masses into following the Rainbow Coalition. The Nazis are not doing well. Why? because....because.....life is not FAIR.

The Nazis are right and the Communists in the PRC and other countries are wrong. Lol.

No, my ancestors believe in human rights for all people. A very civilized thing to believe in. What is savage, low and immoral is what you believe in. And not only that? It does not work at all. Having people power hungry and wanting other people's wealth, lands and property and wanting to dominate the Earth and be constantly threatening others in order to gain something from them? Is ANTI life. Anti humanity.

And with time all the oppressive institutions wind up dying off. Not because of fantasy or stupidity of the ones believing in human rights, but because human beings have to keep learning hard lessons by making mistakes and then making different choices.

Once they make a better choice, the other ones observing the ones who did make a better choice then adop that. It is always evolving.

The primitve and incredibly closed and obtuse in thinking has been you in this thread. No doubt in my mind. I think you might wind up in jail looking at four walls someday and hoping you can get a few minutes online to talk crap. Thinking damn, why didn't I listen to Tainari88 and get some dumb white woman to have my dumb kids and finally get my white race to go on in the future instead of screaming about White Genocide and being belligerent and having to cope with failure to reproduce issues? :lol: :lol:

Could have saved your low IQ family history and made a case for White Genocide. ;) :lol:

So to recap, you wrongly accuse me of having a might makes right philosophy...because of your poor understanding of what logically implies what...and then I correct you...and then instead of accepting or rejecting my correction you just preach a might makes right philosophy that you had only just finished condemning in what you imagined I was saying. Cute.

And no, just making white babies is not going to save white people. What white people need is actual institutional power and without that itbwould not matter if there were a trillion of us. Population simply does not equal power. In fact it is always far more easy to acquire power as an organized minority (like jews) than it is as a majority. A disorganized majority, in fact, is just a slave class.

You are discussing the big Cs - Capitalism, Colonialism, and Christianity - and how they are connected, with @Pants-of-dog.

And this pops out...

FiveofSwords wrote:Christianity is arguably more [J]ewish than white

This brought to mind Sombart, you countered with Weber, and I pointed out that Weber (unlike Sombart who let Deutschtum get the better of him) did not believe Capitalism is 'Jewish.'


What is this point you thought we were discussing?


Reason for edits: To keep it short and simple. And that's not as easy as it looks (Note there's one difficult word). See I do think of you.
Last edited by ingliz on 15 May 2024 10:34, edited 11 times in total.
Tainari88 wrote:This is why racial mixing is a hot-button issue with the Nazis. They think it messes up their ideal society. The most unrealistic people are really they. They never understood the nature of the past or the present.

Look the Nazis are an interesting subject, but Hitler is just not that important as Malcolm X is. At least in the West, India might be different. Student culture, university culture is important because that's where nearly all our future leaders come from. So with any country I always want to know what the Hitler-X ratio is? What is the ratio of Malcolm X posters to posters of Adolph Hitler in student dorms.

Maclcom X believed that although a lot of Jews claimed to love "The Black man", Jews were the first to move out of a neighborhood when a Black family moved in. I'd love to know if there is any empirical data to back up this assertion. When it comes to Hitler I'm more interested in him sociologically than philosophically. Where as when it comes to the views of people, who are shall we say somewhat less judophillic, I'm much more interested in the likes of William Sherman and Malcolm X.

Similarly I'm not really that interested in the views of Adolph Hitler on VDSAs (Very Dark Skinned Africans) as he had very little to do with them, I believe he gave a friendly wave to Jesse Owens. I'm much more interested in the views of Che Guevara, who again I could be mistaken about this, but I was led to believe is a lot more influential today, amongst American college students than Adolph Hitler.

Malcolm X Day is commemorated in various cities across the United States.

And that is more than can be said for Adolph.

As for your Hitler-X ratio, I tried, but ...

"It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search"

As for Jesse Owens...

A month after the Olympic Games, Owens told a crowd, “Hitler didn’t snub me—it was Roosevelt who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”

Roosevelt never publicly acknowledged Owens’s triumphs—or the triumphs of any of the 18 African Americans who competed at the Berlin Olympics. Only white Olympians were invited to the White House in 1936.

A lot of people don't realise this, but Britain is not a normal country, like India, Pakistan or Egypt when it comes to its Hitler-X ratio.

In the West the Liberal-Marxist response to Hitler has been amazing. The resistance to Hitler and the Nazis seems to grow by the day. Maybe I'm being over optimistic, but I believe if we can keep this up our victory over the Nazis is inevitable. Now I know the Liberal-Marxist resistance to the Nazis was not absolutely 100& consistent back in the nineteen thirties and early nineteen forties. There was Third Period Stalinism and that rather unfortunate Nazi Soviet Pact, but no need to dwell on that.

On the Liberal side there was the Finnish membership of the Axis, the Swedish Iron ore sales to Germany and their transportation of German troops across their rail network. That's a little bit naughty for a Neutral, but come on who hasn't fiddled their expenses at least once in their lives. There was Swiss arms sales to Germany and they weren't overly picky on their customers when it came to offering financial services, The Danes, the Norwegians, Dutch and Belgians decided they hated the Nazis, but only discovered that after they were invaded. The Americans showed little interest in fighting the Nazis before Hitler declared war on them and the Afrikaans probably wouldn't have entered the war if they had been given a free vote on the matter.

But hey that's all irrelevant, what matters is that we fight, post and tweet the Nazis in the here and now.
Rich wrote:what matters is that we fight, post and tweet the Nazis in the here and now

Lenin said, "No society is more than three meals away from revolution."

Polling has found that 28% of UK adults, more than a quarter, 14.7 million, are skipping meals because of costs.

I'd rather the revolution not be led by the far-right.

ingliz wrote:Lenin said, "No society is more than three meals away from revolution."

Polling has found that 28% of UK adults, more than a quarter, 14.7 million, are skipping meals because of costs.

I'd rather the revolution not be led by the far-right.


I am amazed at how much bullshit the UK working classes and lower middle classes and normal folk over there tolerate--including the ones on the dole there--continue to tolerate all that shit from the upper crust in that society!! It is incredible shit.

Mexico has fixed prices on tortillas, beans, bread and a few other staples. They never let it go up too much where it becomes unaffordable. They also add a bunch of vitamins and minerals to the corn flour so even the most poor of Mexicans can have a complete chain of nutrition on beans and tortilla diets alone. They have nutrition baskets for everyone now. No matter how poor you are. There are riots in Mexico if they dare to go crazy and inflate the price of tortillas and beans. They do not accept that at all! The Mexicans are going to be having their three meals a day or heads are going to roll. My state is one of the poorest states in Mexico Ingliz.

And none of them tolerate skipping meals. It might be something cultural too. Because the British are not known for great cooking eh? Lol. I am just joking.

No, when the costs mean millions skipping meals? No. Time for some politicians heads to roll. No matter what kind of politics they possess. :D
Tainari88 wrote:No, my ancestors believe in human rights for all people.

Really you must have had some very unusual ancestors. Just go back a hundred years. How many people believed in

1 The right of all men and women over 18 to vote.
2 The right of all races and ethnic groups to equality and positions of leadership.
3 The right of men to marry men and women to marry women.
4 The right of people to be treated as the gender of their choice.

If all your ancestors even a hundred years ago supported just those 4 rights above, all I can say is wow!. You had some really, really unusual ancestors.
Rich wrote:Really you must have had some very unusual ancestors. Just go back a hundred years. How many people believed in

1 The right of all men and women over 18 to vote.
2 The right of all races and ethnic groups to equality and positions of leadership.
3 The right of men to marry men and women to marry women.
4 The right of people to be treated as the gender of their choice.

If all your ancestors even a hundred years ago supported just those 4 rights above, all I can say is wow!. You had some really, really unusual ancestors.

1. Yes, my grandmothers on both sides supported the first one and I go by my matrilineal line like a good Boricua should. We have matrilineal ancestors that are interesting. Including a free Black Kenyan who never was a slave in my maternal line. She was East African and Kenyan Rich. At the time she was in Puerto Rico not a single East African was a slave. All of them were free. The slaves were all West African. Southern Spain had free Africans from Eastern African and Northern African lines. If you study the documents in the original Spanish archives from Colombus' era? He details a family of African brothers who were captains of some of their ships. All free. All Black. The Caribbean has a fascinating history from its inception. My Kenyan great great great grandmother was a believer in women voting. Yes she was. :D She advocated for women's suffrage and wound up marrying a Spaniard. A blonde and blue-eyed one. In fact, many of my ancestors are blondies with blue eyes. They all had like good Roman Catholics a lot of kids. 21 kids. 17 kids. 15 kids. Popped out those mixed race defective (all of those people lived to almost 100 years of age Rich eating tropical fruits and veggies, and working and swimming in beautiful rivers and streams, and breathing some of the best quality air on planet Earth). Nothing defective about those mixed-race ancestors of mine at all.
I also have Syrian ancestry galore. Which is one of those 'races' that are hard to categorize. Most Puerto Ricans have Spanish ancestry from Southern Spain, and most of Southern Spanish people have Northern African roots. Like the Syrians. Kenyans and Syrians, are also two peoples who are ANCIENT as hell. The first early hominids are all from there.

I also have Moroccan. A good chunk. And the biggest chunk of all of the DNA that my sister had on her chart there...was Lithuanian. The majority of it is from Lithuania. Yes, that little tiny land next to Estonia and Latvia. Lithuania. Super white-skinned. I inherited that super-white skin. I live in a very very hot zone with strong sunlight. I never get sunburned with that super-white skin. Why? The dermatologist said it was because he tested my skin and said it has a gene that comes from Eastern Africa that protects you from skin cancer. Who might that be working for my benefit eh? The Kenyan ancestor. Who is protecting me from burning to a crisp with the white-skinned Lithuanian ancestor trying to get as much Vitamin D from the sun as possible living in that super cold Northern area. I have also some Taino DNA. But it is small. But it is there. My maternal grandmother's mother was part African due to the Kenyan woman and her blondie Spanish husband. But she married a man who was a little bit Taino and very blonde too. They had 21 kids. Most came out with light-colored eyes and Black African hair textures. My mother had light brown eyes, very white skin, and curly hair that had a very European texture. Her older sister had bright blue eyes and white skin and an Afro. My father came from a long line of Spanish peasants. He is the one with the Lithuanian and Syrian ancestry. He had the most lovely skin in the world Rich. Never a pimple, and it glowed. It tanned beautifully too. And he was born with a shock of pearly white hair since he was 13 years old. And big brown eyes dark as night. All my Aunts on my mother's side were blue and green eyes and my Uncle W. had gray eyes. Everyone in the USA thought us Europeans. The DNA tells another story Rich.

2. The second one is absolutely right about my ancestors. All of them were pro-independence or PPD supporters. All of them. Not a single Yankee statehood supporter in the bunch. Many wanted the Spaniards out from the 16th on. My maternal grandmother's hometown was the main town in Puerto Rico that had the most pro-Independence rebels of all of them and the entire huge family wanted the Spanish out and the Yankees out. No colonialism ever. Those are my ancestors.

3. No gay men in my family. But hardcore, and rebellious and very strong willed LESBIANS?? Yes indeed. And they are abundant in that gene pool. And they were in the past. Melba especially, and my Auntie Titi M, the black belt in Judo...lesbian to the Gold Star standard. The only exception was a Venezuelan Yogi whom she liked a lot in Caracas on her travels and she slept with him. She liked him. Not enough to marry him but he was cool. I saw a picture of him. Good looking dude. Lol. But she was never attracted to men. She loved guns and shooting and was an expert markswoman. She was a Mason too, due to Venezuelan free masons would allow women to join. So yes, have the gay angle in my background. I am a very heterosexual female. I prefer the opposite sex. Never my own sex. My mother was heterosexual but both of her sisters were hardcore lesbians. Many cousins and so on as well.

4. No transsexuals so far in my family. But I would not be bothered about why they want to be that. It is not my beef. It never has been. I like being a woman and ultra feminine with ruffles, heels, perfume, jewelry and nail polish and the whole nine yards. Let others do their thing. I like the gender I was born and I am sticking to it. No cutting off my breasts or attaching a penis for me. No. I enjoy and fought hard to give birth to my child. I like that entire process. If I could have had a lot more pregnancies I would have. But that was not my destiny Rich.

So there. I do have that ancestor background Rich.

Any other questions? :lol:
Rich wrote:Look the Nazis are an interesting subject, but Hitler is just not that important as Malcolm X is. At least in the West, India might be different. Student culture, university culture is important because that's where nearly all our future leaders come from. So with any country I always want to know what the Hitler-X ratio is? What is the ratio of Malcolm X posters to posters of Adolph Hitler in student dorms.

Maclcom X believed that although a lot of Jews claimed to love "The Black man", Jews were the first to move out of a neighborhood when a Black family moved in. I'd love to know if there is any empirical data to back up this assertion. When it comes to Hitler I'm more interested in him sociologically than philosophically. Where as when it comes to the views of people, who are shall we say somewhat less judophillic, I'm much more interested in the likes of William Sherman and Malcolm X.

Similarly I'm not really that interested in the views of Adolph Hitler on VDSAs (Very Dark Skinned Africans) as he had very little to do with them, I believe he gave a friendly wave to Jesse Owens. I'm much more interested in the views of Che Guevara, who again I could be mistaken about this, but I was led to believe is a lot more influential today, amongst American college students than Adolph Hitler.

Hitler sent military aid to ethiopia when mussolini invaded.

Hitler was serious about racial self determination. He preached it, and he put his money where his mouth was whenever it mattered. This is why he also supported the Palestinian cause. Anti colonialists all over the world revered Hitler.

When he usa denounced Germany over krystalnacht, the nsdap mocked the usa for even daring to speak...because no jews died during the fiasco...but fdr was refusing to sign the anti lynching bill. I have no doubt that Hitler would have supported Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey.

But at the same time, he did probably think Black people were rather dumb and it was horrible for Europeans to invite them into their country. He believed France was doomed because it was becoming negrofied, because of policies like the French foreign legion. France allowed africans to become citizens in exchange for fighting...and France had by far the largest military in the world. Hitler's admonition was greatly supported by the fact he managed to conquer France so easily. Probably the usa is going to find its own military has the same problems that France had.
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