I am SICK AND TIRED of Repuds attacking all Dems & liberals as being groomers & pedophiles. - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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All general discussion about politics that doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

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Well, @BlutoSays , you can use Google and find out Oliver got citizenship in late 2019 AFTER the election when Biden WON, and Trump LOST. Nothing was stolen, crybaby.

Oliver wasn't posting anti-Trump or pro-Biden things, either. Of course, you'd know that if you paid attention or had 2 brain cells to rub together.

I don't know what your fixation with ladyboys is about, but maybe it's because they remind you of the sister you fuck.
Godstud wrote:Well, @BlutoSays , you can use Google and find out Oliver got citizenship in late 2019 AFTER the election when Biden WON, and Trump LOST. Nothing was stolen, crybaby.

Oliver wasn't posting anti-Trump or pro-Biden things, either. Of course, you'd know that if you paid attention or had 2 brain cells to rub together.

I don't know what your fixation with ladyboys is about, but maybe it's because they remind you of the sister you fuck.

Has nothing to do with it, ladyboy. Shit-heel was acting as an influencer in politics for a decade.

Wasn't posting? No, he was broadcasting, you imbecile.
Democrat sick motherfuckers (redundant) just can't help themselves.......

LGBT Pride event in Idaho drops children’s drag show on 9/11 anniversary after sponsors pull funding

After a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at an LGBT Pride Event in Boise, Idaho, attendees can then attend a child drag queen dance event and Drag Story Hour

After multiple sponsors dropped financial support for an LGBT Pride festival in Boise, Idaho — which would have featured children performing in drag on the anniversary of 9/11 — the organizers have now said that the child drag show has been cancelled.

The Pride festival still features a 9/11 remembrance ceremony, which was originally supposed to be followed by a child drag queen dance event. The Drag Story Hour is still planned to go ahead. According to the schedule published on the website, attendees will be given 15 minutes to remember the thousands of lives lost on 9/11 after terrorists committed attacks on the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. Immediately afterwards, drag story time will begin, which usually features a man dressed in women’s clothing reading to children. Shortly after, the children drag queen event, known as Drag Kids, was originally scheduled to begin.

More: https://rmx.news/article/lgbt-pride-eve ... tt-threat/
No the real issue here was whisky . I was watching the funeral, sipping away, no one was around online and I clearly wanted to vent. Bluto and his stupid memes seemed like a good target lol.


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