It is time to come to Peace with Russia - Politics | PoFo

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Ukraine is losing.

Zelenskyy is a basketcase who lectures countries far more powerful than his to distract attention from his losing armies.

Ukraine wants weapons that the West does not have to give.

Russia can repair their damaged equipment and deliver it back to the Battlefield.

Ukraine is dealing with weapons that they cannot repair.

Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to negotiate with Russia to end the war. They need to cede territory to Russia.

But the US won't allow it. Because they would rather risk mass worldwide starvation or even nuclear war to destroy Russia.

Biden and his crew are imperialistic psycopaths. They want to rule the world and will destroy the Ukranian population to get their way.

Europe has their face so far up Biden's taint they can't see how much they are damaging themselves.

Maybe we can all die in nuclear war for American Hegemony.
The reason why the USA is at war with Russia since about 2013 is because they need a scapegoat and punching bag for their problems at home. Also an excuse to spent insane amounts of money on the US military.

Thats why we had "Russiagate", thats why we had Skripal, thats why we had MH17, etc.

And thats why the USA installed a puppet regime in Ukraine in 2014, a puppet regime that has been extremely aggressive towards Russia ever since.

The proxy war in Ukraine is just another chapter of this war. We have leaks and independent comments since over a month now which state the war is lost and Ukraine should negotiate immediately or they will only lose more ground.

Not that the USA cares. They just want to keep face, so they'll try to keep the war running.

And merely ending the war wont be peace with Russia. The USA still needs a scapegoat and punching bag.

For peace with Russia and really anyone not a direct ally of the USA the USA itself would have to be peaceful. And they really arent. They want war, war, war. Thats why the occupy large parts of Syria, thats why they help the Saudis with their genocidal war against Jemen, thats why they bomb in various african countries.
Sorry, but you're a nutbag, @Catattack. Putin's a ego-maniac Hitler-wanna-be. There is no justification for invading Ukraine. It's the act of a criminal state.
Catattack wrote:Ukraine is losing.

Zelenskyy is a basketcase who lectures countries far more powerful than his to distract attention from his losing armies.

Ukraine wants weapons that the West does not have to give.

Russia can repair their damaged equipment and deliver it back to the Battlefield.

Ukraine is dealing with weapons that they cannot repair.

Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to negotiate with Russia to end the war. They need to cede territory to Russia.

But the US won't allow it. Because they would rather risk mass worldwide starvation or even nuclear war to destroy Russia.

Biden and his crew are imperialistic psycopaths. They want to rule the world and will destroy the Ukranian population to get their way.

Europe has their face so far up Biden's taint they can't see how much they are damaging themselves.

Maybe we can all die in nuclear war for American Hegemony.

No, war until Russian leadership surrenders. We got Russia on the ropes and pounding them big time.

The jig is up, the king is naked and is a laughing stock, the circus has left but the clowns are in charge still. No amount of propaganda and lies are gonna help here.

We need to keep pounding stronger, more weapons to Ukraine, more sanctions on Russia...
Catattack wrote:
Ukraine is losing.

Not that simple, sport.

First, the West is getting what we want, since Putin invaded and started his mass murdering, it was clear we needed to bleed him. That has been successful beyond anything we hoped for.

This has become about logistics, and it's not at all clear which side is going to run into serious shortages first. Russia should be able to overwhelm the Ukraine resistance, but that's not what's happening. Sure, they are making progress, an inch at a time. It resembles warfare from an earlier era, due to Russian incompetence, low morale, and the limits of their equipment.

The question you should be asking yourself, is after gaining territory at suicidal cost, will Russia be able to hold it. That long term view sucks for Russia, you're underestimating the hate you've created..
Godstud wrote: There is no justification for invading Ukraine.

Well, I dont know if there is a "justification" but there are reasons why the Russians attacked.

And the russians already told us there would be war if we expanded NATO into Ukraine and Georgia, in 2008.

And they already showed us in the very same year, in 2008, with Georgia they're serious. Even if technically they had no choice, because Georgia attacked them and not the other way around.

The west was warned that Russia wont tolerate NATO in Ukraine, but the only reaction of the west was to double down, again and again. They wanted Russia to attack, and they are very happy they did, because they now can point fingers and go "Russia bad, because Russia started the war".

JohnRawls wrote:No, war until Russian leadership surrenders.


They're winning. They'll conquer all of Ukraine if they have to. So whats your point ? How exactly do you want to continue the war after that ?
Negotiator wrote::lol:
They're winning. They'll conquer all of Ukraine if they have to. So whats your point ? How exactly do you want to continue the war after that ?

Who exactly is winning? Too much RT-watching? Some seem to live in another world, or dimension.

Russia has an additional 50,000 soldiers doing war games with China while the makeshift "army" of mercenaries, and civilians highjacked in rural regions, is being torn to pieces in Ukraine.

"In addition to recruiting prisoners/psychiatric patients/homeless people, Russia has sent undocumented workers to Ukraine. The blindfolded man captured near Kharkiv is an Uzbek mercenary whose illegal status would have made it easier to send him to Ukraine. By sending powerless "undesirables" to fight in Ukraine, Putin was hoping to avoid general mobilization that could destabilize his regime, but instead, he destabilized the Russian military, which is now failing in large part because of these poorly trained and unmotivated people."

If Putin uses this regular army he will not be able to hide this war as a "special operation" anymore – which probably is no problem for the army, but for the FSB AND the population.

There are already ten thousands of protesters who have been detained and incarcerated in the bigger cities (which is why Putin recruits from Siberia, to not further stir up the resistance in metropolitan areas), the whole military and secret services are meanwhile against Putin, losing the war in Ukraine does not help. And IT IS a war, b.t.w.
Ukraine can mobilize a million fighters, can Russia? What about military hardware and support, let alone ration-wise or regarding winter garment?
What about motivation to defend your home, against the 'motivation' of mercenaries and badly-equipped, untrained poor devils who know they are 1. on the wrong side and 2. are being abandoned by their own superiors and used as cannon fodder?

Putin can be happy if his own FSB or the people do not overthrow him, and who knows whether Ukraine will even stop at the russian border?
Would't i be funny if the Kyiv'n Rus and original founders of Russia would end the corrupt and inhuman system of Putin and his cleptocracy?

It is obvious why education is neglected and propaganda pushed in russia, but even ordinary russians on the street may have second thoughts now. They are not dumb, they are effectively suppressed.
Time to end this.

"The Council of the Smolninskoye municipal formation in St. Petersburg has adopted a desicion to call on deputies of the State Duma, Russia’s highest legislative body, to bring treason charges against President Putin in order to dismiss him from office." ... moved.html
Last edited by Wels on 10 Sep 2022 23:52, edited 3 times in total.
Negotiator wrote:And the russians already told us there would be war if we expanded NATO into Ukraine and Georgia, in 2008.
That's a bullshit lie told by Russia propagandists. NATO was NOT going to allow Ukraine in. Ukraine even said, "No.", and was not looking for membership. This is backed up by FACTS.

Russia has no GOOD reasons or justifications for its invasion of Ukraine. Stop shilling for Putin.
Catattack wrote:Ukraine is losing.

Zelenskyy is a basketcase who lectures countries far more powerful than his to distract attention from his losing armies.

Ukraine wants weapons that the West does not have to give.

Russia can repair their damaged equipment and deliver it back to the Battlefield.

Ukraine is dealing with weapons that they cannot repair.

Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to negotiate with Russia to end the war. They need to cede territory to Russia.

But the US won't allow it. Because they would rather risk mass worldwide starvation or even nuclear war to destroy Russia.

Biden and his crew are imperialistic psycopaths. They want to rule the world and will destroy the Ukranian population to get their way.

Europe has their face so far up Biden's taint they can't see how much they are damaging themselves.

Maybe we can all die in nuclear war for American Hegemony.

Hi, Catattack.

The period of world history spanning 1933-45 may prove instructive. There are similarities. History does not repeat, but it teaches those willing to learn.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.
Godstud wrote:
That's a bullshit lie told by Russia propagandists. NATO was NOT going to allow Ukraine in. Ukraine even said, "No.", and was not looking for membership. This is backed up by FACTS.

Russia has no GOOD reasons or justifications for its invasion of Ukraine. Stop shilling for Putin.


On 14 September 2020, Zelenskyy approved Ukraine's new National Security Strategy, "which provides for the development of the distinctive partnership with NATO with the aim of membership in NATO."[109][110][111] On 8 October 2020, during a meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in London, Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine needed a NATO MAP, as NATO membership will contribute to Ukraine's security and defense.[112]

On 1 December 2020, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Taran stated that Ukraine clearly outlines its ambitions to obtain the NATO MAP and hopes for comprehensive political and military support for such a decision at the next Alliance Summit in 2021. Addressing the ambassadors and military attaches of NATO member states, as well as representatives of the NATO office in Ukraine, they were urged to inform their capitals that Ukraine would hope for their full politico-military support in reaching such a decision at the next NATO Summit in 2021.

[T]he NATO Secretary-General confirmed during Shmyhal's visit to Brussels that Ukraine is a candidate for NATO membership.[115] ... (from_2019)
Catattack wrote:Ukraine is losing.

Zelenskyy is a basketcase who lectures countries far more powerful than his to distract attention from his losing armies.

Ukraine wants weapons that the West does not have to give.

Russia can repair their damaged equipment and deliver it back to the Battlefield.

Ukraine is dealing with weapons that they cannot repair.

Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to negotiate with Russia to end the war. They need to cede territory to Russia.

But the US won't allow it. Because they would rather risk mass worldwide starvation or even nuclear war to destroy Russia.

Biden and his crew are imperialistic psycopaths. They want to rule the world and will destroy the Ukranian population to get their way.

Europe has their face so far up Biden's taint they can't see how much they are damaging themselves.

Maybe we can all die in nuclear war for American Hegemony.

Is that fear that I am smelling? None of what you said is true.
anna wrote:This didn't age well.

If you dont understand reality and choose to believe our mainstream news, it never was true in the first place.
Catattack wrote:Ukraine is losing.

Zelenskyy is a basketcase who lectures countries far more powerful than his to distract attention from his losing armies.

Ukraine wants weapons that the West does not have to give.

Russia can repair their damaged equipment and deliver it back to the Battlefield.

Ukraine is dealing with weapons that they cannot repair.

Ukraine and Zelenskyy need to negotiate with Russia to end the war. They need to cede territory to Russia.

But the US won't allow it. Because they would rather risk mass worldwide starvation or even nuclear war to destroy Russia.

Biden and his crew are imperialistic psycopaths. They want to rule the world and will destroy the Ukranian population to get their way.

Europe has their face so far up Biden's taint they can't see how much they are damaging themselves.

Maybe we can all die in nuclear war for American Hegemony.

It seems like many have already replied to this post.

I'll focus on the part I highlighted.

Any fool can see that the only way for the US to destroy Russia is to nuke it.

Russia is too big and powerful to do that in any other way.

But, the US is not going to nuke Russia 1st. So, the only way Russia gets destroyed is for it to nuke some NATO nation.
Negotiator wrote:If you dont understand reality and choose to believe our mainstream news, it never was true in the first place.

Please. The Russians have been caught with their pants down this past week and even their own cheerleaders are acknowledging this. The war doesn't end with this, it ends with Putin or Zelensky getting murdered by their own people. I know what I would be betting my money on right now. I'm guessing you're on the other side.

The only way they can win is to escalate further; full mobilization, total war economy or nuclear weapons. A new Russian administration would likely have to negotiate severe compromises as things stand.
MadMonk wrote:Please. The Russians have been caught with their pants down this past week and even their own cheerleaders are acknowledging this. The war doesn't end with this, it ends with Putin or Zelensky getting murdered by their own people. I know what I would be betting my money on right now. I'm guessing you're on the other side.

The only way they can win is to escalate further; full mobilization, total war economy or nuclear weapons. A new Russian administration would likely have to negotiate severe compromises as things stand.

Oh, you should absolutely believe our mainstream press. Because you see - its owned by rich people. Who also own the military production and the energy companies.

You see ? Absolutely a neutral source. That only gets billions and billions out of the war in Ukraine. Profits, not turnover.

For example in my own country, Germany, the energy companies are going to make 32 billion extra profits this year, and the mineral oil companies will make 50 billion extra profits this year.

Extra profits, not regular profits.

And thats just for Germany alone.

Granted, our government is exceptionally corrupt, so profits are smaller in other countries, because those countries limit prices and/or tax the extra profits. Germany instead wants to tax its people to raise the profits of these companies further. But still, just a hint about the dimension of how much the war profiteers actually gain from this war.

So there is no chance the rich and their representatives, the press, would ever intentionally, gasp, LIE to us about anything. Or have any motive to keep the war going until Ukraine is gone.

Just like they never told us anything but the truth about COVID19.

Or how they told us anything but the truth about any war ever.

So yes, its true. If the ukrainians win a single battle - the war must totally be won now for the ukrainians. Just like all the other battles the ukrainians have won. All the friggin time. If you pay attention.

The ukrainians have won this war in our press since week one.

The russians will give up any day now. You can start holding your breath for it !

Thats how reality works. Totally. You're spot on !
Negotiator wrote:

The ukrainians have won this war in our press since week one.

The russians will give up any day now. You can start holding your breath for it !

That's numbnuts.

Ukraine has done so much better than expected, it was astonishing. If you paid attention. Russia depends on rail to supply it's army. Hackers in Belarus ( possibly with help from other interested parties) crippled the Belarus train system. It was temporary, but then that was all that was needed. So... it wasn't just Ukraine, it was foreign weapons, intel. Putin was a numbnuts for trying to do a blizkrieg in winter, but he might have gotten away with it, if Putin hadn't already pissed off half the planet...

Putin won't give up. But this suddenly became all about logistics. He needs to get men and weapons into Ukraine pronto. Because if he doesn't, Ukraine will bomb railways coming into Ukraine, and if that happens, Putin is well and truly screwed.

I would say the odds of that happening are low, but then Ukraine has been fighting above it's weight class since the beginning. So who knows...
Here's from the other thread:

ckaihatsu wrote:
Damning revelations along the way, though -- !

This trade pattern not only means China is helping Russia skirt sanctions, enriching both nations in the process, it also means Europe is still buying Russian gas. But since Europe is doing so indirectly, though China, it can maintain a facade of continuing its boycott on Russian energy. And Europe is apparently willing to pay two to three times more in order to keep this virtue signal blazing. ... -to-europe


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