Exit Brexit, Part Deux - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:In my (admittedly somewhat limited) experience, rich people are a bunch of sneering, chinless dickheads. One of their female ancestors bonked Charles II back in 1678, so they inherited a title and an investment portfolio. Lol.

I need to go get a St Valentine's day that I need facial soon. Lol. Meanwhile, I am thinking why weren't you a chinless and sneering dickhead eh? You progeny of greengrocer working class penny-pinching Scottish types eh?

Get with the program you working bloke. Sticking his sandwich under his armpit and trudging off to work everyday to earn a living that is not in the high percentile earner bracket.

Aspire to become a million dollar dude....or else!!

I am excited Potemkin. I get a new book case today! I will send for three more bookcases to house my books. And then I am getting some more display cases for my collection of dolls. I got all my anthropology texts organized.

This Brexit scene is upsetting people there...I think you should not run for office Potemkin. You need to keep a low profile. Blend in with all the Scottish types that are soft spoken.

I just want to go to Scotland so I can go to that University of Edinburgh Bookstore that never has books available in languages that are not English and go and scream at them Puerto Rican style.

Look, you cabrones y hijos de la gran puta, necesitan libros en español.... Get kicked out of the bookstore. The highlight of my trip! :lol:
noemon wrote:'Rich' people are now measured as anyone worth more than 1 million according to Henley Global.

With 2 beds in Cambridge now worth around 600k, almost every home-owner in town is a high-net-worth-individual.

All my mates are Portuguese, Italians, Spanish and Serbs, dentists, doctors & academics and almost all of them have moved back to their countries since Brexit. These are all simple people, with no arrogance or entitlement but quite the opposite actually(very down-to-earth) living pretty normal lives but would all possibly be considered "rich" according to the definition used in that index.

Brits on the other hand are a different matter altogether, entitlement and arrogance are a thing even for the not-so-well-off.

My job brings me into contact with people all day long either as customers, staff or suppliers, and my experiences with the Brits is becoming more and more overwhelmingly negative as they complain and create mountains out of molehills, constantly lying and overplaying their hand while trying to abuse any situation to become victims and thus entitled to free stuff. Poor Greeks are a bit over the top with that as well trying to build a case to get freebies, but no comparison with the Brits.

Brits are also the only people who are lazy enough to refuse trade and actually block it even if they get commission out of it!!!

It's surreal. I sacked 3 Brits, 2 males and a female, between 30-40 years old for doing exactly that, this past week alone. Caught red-handed refusing trade in separate locations and independent to each other!! Fuck me, dude.

Like honestly. Even though aside from their salaries, they also get 10% out of every sale they had unashamedly refused.

It's quite unreal actually the difference of entitlement, you only see this kind of entitlement among southern europeans only if they are some uber rich posh idiots or some poor sods trying to get away with freebies, while among Brits you see it across the board consistently and repeatedly.

In all fairness though, you do not see that the northern you move along the country where more salt of the earth people are found.

Whenever I go to Birmingham even, I find a breath of fresh of air.

In all honesty, I am growing extremely exacerbated here. And I don't know where to move to. I am starting to dislike this country with the same passion I was hating Greece back in the noughties when I left it with no regrets as a provincial backwater that I wanted nothing to do with. I have also left my brothers in you know where for the same. I just can't stand some people anymore.

All these mates of mine that have gone, are serious losses for this country, both economically but mainly culturally, regardless if you want to register them as "rich" or not.

You've just described exactly why I despise the rich - they are lazy, entitled and arrogant. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to fire the little fuckers. Well, until the Revolution comes and I can then have the little bastards lined up against a wall... *sigh*... maybe some day. Anyhoo, until then, I (and every other non-rich Brit) will just have to put up with them, unless they decide to fuck off to sunnier climes. Which I think would satisfy both them and myself. Oh wait, they're doing it already. So that's alright then. :)
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By noemon
Tainari88 wrote:@noemon I do not presume to know how it is in Cambridge or Southern England. What worries me about @Potemkin's descriptions of Scotland and Edinburgh is that people are depressed. They are not socially and civically engaged in life and with each other.

Being well off is not the critical part of being happy. I think what makes most humans happy is being engaged in something that is significant for them and building really rewarding social relationships. Not being seen as outsiders in that society but being accepted and cared about and having their voices heard and listened to. Being included and being loved and respected for their contributions.

What I love the most about Latin American societies has always been the sense of community and acceptance of family being the center of life. I was surprised that my neighbors stopped me the other day and knew who I was (I never was introduced to some of them at all personally), and they said to me in Spanish, [Oh you are the Puerto Rican woman. The one who is with that little boy....the handsome one. The one who loves to help the baker in the corner. I like the way you painted your house on the outside....] Who are these folks? They talk about you. With each other. I had no idea. They care about what is going on in the street all the time.

I love this city. It is an old culture, and family oriented, and traditional. But also modern, and that like technology. It is peaceful here. But also dynamic. No one is afraid of hard work and also they enjoy a good time. Very well balanced. How I love it!

You find friendly people in Britain as well, helpful and kind and available for help especially as you move to the North.

I'm sorry to say this to you but my experience with Latin Americans has not been the best either. I have worked with Mexicans, Colombians and Peruvians. Not much with other Latin Americans. I have never worked with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Carribeans, Argentinians and Chileans. I have always been fascinated by modern Argentina and of course the old Meso American cultures that I really crave to explore. I have had extremely limited exposure to Brazilians.

Together with the local English I find them to be the most lazy, most entitled and most callous people around. I stopped hiring Colombians and Mexicans because they were untrustworthy, vindictive and quite aggressive people. Nothing ever ends well, no matter how hard one tries because they try to make the most out of any situation and if they realise they do not need you for work anymore they will try to fuck you and extract maximum gains, they are unafraid to threaten and blackmail you in open view just to extract some crazy concession.

The best people to work with in my experience are the Eastern Europeans, Polish, Hungarians, Baltics, the people from the Balkans, Romanians, Bulgarians, Serbs & the Albanians specifically are the finest actually. They have the best work ethic, loyalty and highest code of honour when you treat them well. They also speak fluent Greek and have lived in Greece for the entire or large chunks of their lives making them very approachable. They are largely anti-Greek but once you overcome the hurdle of history by granting them basic historical respect, it's a done deal. So I may be a bit biased with them but the truth is I have never seen anyone working better than an Albanian both in Greece and England. Then the non-Muslim Hindus. Followed by the Italians and Spanish who are largely the same as the Greeks & Turks when it comes to work. Reliable even if usually mediocre. Honorable mentions are the Nigerians, Ethiopians and Black North Africans(not the Arabs). Americans are good too and Black or mixed Americans even better. They respect their work and want to be recognized for it.

The Arabs sit in the same category as the aforementioned Latin Americans and English. Below minimum effort for maximum gain, entitled and callous. They do not care about their work or being recognised for it. They see the days as day in, day out, figuring out creative ways to make their day as easy as possible, everything else and everyone be damned.

This from my limited experiences with people at least.

Apologies for any offense.

They are not socially and civically engaged in life and with each other.

I think Potemkin may be exaggerating a bit, engaging in stereotypes or extrapolating from his current personal circumstances. People in the north are extremely friendly and sociable. Mancunians and Brummies are good people as are the Welsh. Fact is, it's extremely cold and wet in Scotland for outdoor social life to become a thing, but you will find very warm and kind people in the pubs.
noemon wrote:You find friendly people in Britain as well, helpful and kind and available for help especially as you move to the North.

I'm sorry to say this to you but my experience with Latin Americans has not been the best either. I have worked with Mexicans, Colombians and Peruvians. Not much with other Latin Americans. I have never worked with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Carribeans, Argentinians and Chileans. I have always been fascinated by modern Argentina and of course the old Meso American cultures that I really crave to explore. I have had extremely limited exposure to Brazilians.

Together with the local English I find them to be the most lazy, most entitled and most callous people around. I stopped hiring Colombians and Mexicans because they were untrustworthy, vindictive and quite aggressive people. Nothing ever ends well, no matter how hard one tries because they try to make the most out of any situation and if they realise they do not need you for work anymore they will try to fuck you and extract maximum gains, they are unafraid to threaten and blackmail you in open view just to extract some crazy concession.

The best people to work with in my experience are the Eastern Europeans, Polish, Hungarians, Baltics, the people from the Balkans, Romanians, Bulgarians, Serbs & the Albanians specifically are the finest actually. They have the best work ethic, loyalty and highest code of honour when you treat them well. They also speak fluent Greek and have lived in Greece for the entire or large chunks of their lives making them very approachable. They are largely anti-Greek but once you overcome the hurdle of history by granting them basic historical respect, it's a done deal. So I may be a bit biased with them but the truth is I have never seen anyone working better than an Albanian both in Greece and England. Then the non-Muslim Hindus. Followed by the Italians and Spanish who are largely the same as the Greeks & Turks when it comes to work. Reliable even if usually mediocre. Honorable mentions are the Nigerians, Ethiopians and Black North Africans(not the Arabs). Americans are good too and Black or mixed Americans even better. They respect their work and want to be recognized for it.

The Arabs sit in the same category as the aforementioned Latin Americans and English. Below minimum effort for maximum gain, entitled and callous. They do not care about their work or being recognised for it. They see the days as day in, day out, figuring out creative ways to make their day as easy as possible, everything else and everyone be damned.

This from my limited experiences with people at least.

Apologies for any offense.

I think Potemkin may be exaggerating a bit, engaging in stereotypes or extrapolating from his current personal circumstances. People in the north are extremely friendly and sociable. Mancunians and Brummies are good people as are the Welsh. Fact is, it's extremely cold and wet in Scotland for outdoor social life to become a thing, but you will find very warm and kind people in the pubs.

Well, Noemon your experiences are yours. And mine are mine eh? You are a Greek man but you are Noemon first. All my experiences with Greek people have been overwhelmingly positive. Shop owners and restaurant owners. Later on academics and artists all Greeks. They treated me extremely well and I fell in love with the food and the people and the families. Plus, my mother loved Greek philosophers and Greek history and Greek mythology. It is part of my earliest memories.

Also my mother's first serious boyfriend was Greek. From Athens. His parents died in a car accident in 1959 and he left New York City to go and help out his family in Athens.

My mother always told me that Greek culture was the core of the Mediterranean cultures that dominated what is known as Western Civilization. She insisted on learning about it, and made it an important part of my earliest memories. As a child. I follow that with my son. I read to him about it all. The history and the traditions. He is quite curious. He asks about what it all means. Kids are great that way.

At the same time I talk to him about Mayan civilization. And the great African civilizations. All human civilizations are great places to tell stories.

It is strange @noemon but I have to say almost all my interactions with Greek people and with other people from a very diverse group of cultures has been very positive in my life.

I would laugh with Potemkin there....because the truth is the United Kingdom is a place rarely talked about in my family. Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales never were central to my home life growing up at all. Mexico on the other hand I would visit almost every weekend from the age of 8-14 years old. It was a part of my childhood and later on I visited almost every state of Mexico...Mexico has 32 states. The official name of Mexico is Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos or The United States of Mexico. If you study the history of Mexico it is full of diverse Indigenous cultures. From the most loose coalition of small tribes with no hiarchical structures to the most elaborate class and status divided empires. It is tremendously fascinating. Mexico also has German Mennonites, Jews, Lebanese immigrants, Arabs, Germans, French and Italian immigrants and everyone in between. The Yucatan has a good number of Koreans. One avenue here is named Republic of Corea....Republic of Korea. It also has Japanese immigrants. Mexico is a lot more diverse than many people realize. One of the liberators for Mexican independence was called Vicente Guerrero. He was a Black Mexican 'father of the nation'. Let me see if I can find a photo? Or a video eh?

People rarely study the nations of Latin America in depth.

I wish they would. It was very interesting.

The Americas are full of racial and cultural mixtures. Most human culture has never been pure Noemon. Not for Greece and not for Europe and not for anyone really. Diversity brings richness and beauty but it is a very human thing to vary. Within Greek society as Sparta was another culture that was not the same at Athens or Crete etc. All varies. As it should.

The UK should enjoy the rich variation of all the opportunities for the other EU nations to come and work in the UK and be part of that larger community.

I do not know what kind of business you do that you have all these people not wanting to work much. Lol. I get bombarded with people who clamor to work with me and for me. I just wish I could hire a lot of people. I got so many who enjoyed working with me in the past here and who say....I do not care what kind of business you will be doing in the future, but I want to be a part of whatever you do. It is great to hear that!

But, the Yucatecans are reliable if you get the right Yucatecan. Lol. There are the lazy too. And the irresponsible. Lol. That is universal. But you get the good ones too. The ones who are responsible and honorable and full of good will.

They vary too.

Brazilians I know well. I like them a whole lot!

Tainari88 wrote:I need to go get a St Valentine's day that I need facial soon. Lol. Meanwhile, I am thinking why weren't you a chinless and sneering dickhead eh? You progeny of greengrocer working class penny-pinching Scottish types eh?

I just got lucky I guess, querida. Lol. ;)

Get with the program you working bloke. Sticking his sandwich under his armpit and trudging off to work everyday to earn a living that is not in the high percentile earner bracket.

Aspire to become a million dollar dude....or else!!

Yeah, the whole purpose of life is to earn mega-bucks so I too can sneer at my ‘inferiors’ and socially snub everyone who earns a penny less than the income of my trust fund. After all, why else did God put us on this Earth? Lol.

I am excited Potemkin. I get a new book case today! I will send for three more bookcases to house my books. And then I am getting some more display cases for my collection of dolls. I got all my anthropology texts organized.

Excellent! Your house is now your home querida. Home is where the heart is, and where the books are…. :up: :)

This Brexit scene is upsetting people there...I think you should not run for office Potemkin. You need to keep a low profile. Blend in with all the Scottish types that are soft spoken.

That’s my plan, querida. So far, it’s working perfectly. ;)

I just want to go to Scotland so I can go to that University of Edinburgh Bookstore that never has books available in languages that are not English and go and scream at them Puerto Rican style.

Look, you cabrones y hijos de la gran puta, necesitan libros en español.... Get kicked out of the bookstore. The highlight of my trip! :lol:

I’m looking forward to it querida! :lol:
@Potemkin how do you feel about Brexit? Let your true feelings out my main man!

I already know you voted against Brexit. You said stay in the EU and voted to remain.

But how do you really deep in that heart of yours....how do you feel about Brexit and Boris Johnson and Theresa May and Truss and Gordon Brown and Jeremy Corbyn, and the mayor of London guy, and the Nicola Sturgeon Salmon woman, and Alex Brown and so forth and so on....

Do you like the English? Confess.....

Are you into exiting out of the Brexit? Will you make an exit as well? Hee hee.

And I have to tell Noemon I have never been to a pub in my entire life. Not once. I do not know what goes on in those pubs in the UK. But it seems to be the main center of all socializing by the sound of it.

it is short for Public House eh? Where people run around in public drinking a bunch of beers. Like German Beer Gardens eh? Don't deny the alcoholic tendencies of the British isles.
Tainari88 wrote:@Potemkin how do you feel about Brexit? Let your true feelings out my main man!

I already know you voted against Brexit. You said stay in the EU and voted to remain.

Actually, I supported Brexit, because the EU has neo-liberal capitalism built into its very constitution. If Britain ever goes communist, it can only be outside the borders of the EU. However, and this is a colossal ‘however’, I utterly despise the politicians who supported Brexit and I utterly despise most of the people who voted for Brexit, and their reasons for doing so. Lol. ;)

But hey, if Brexit encourages the upper-classes to fuck off, then this is a huge bonus. :D

But how do you really deep in that heart of yours....how do you feel about Brexit and Boris Johnson and Theresa May and Truss and Gordon Brown and Jeremy Corbyn, and the mayor of London guy, and the Nicola Sturgeon Salmon woman, and Alex Brown and so forth and so on....

Do you like the English? Confess.....

I loathe the English. @noemon is arriving at the point I reached decades ago - an utter loathing and contempt for the English, particularly the upper-middle classes from the south-east of England.

Are you into exiting out of the Brexit? Will you make an exit as well? Hee hee.

I’m working towards it right now, querida. :up: :D

And I have to tell Noemon I have never been to a pub in my entire life. Not once. I do not know what goes on in those pubs in the UK. But it seems to be the main center of all socializing by the sound of it.

it is short for Public House eh? Where people run around in public drinking a bunch of beers. Like German Beer Gardens eh? Don't deny the alcoholic tendencies of the British isles.

The British in general tend to be socially awkward and reserved, querida. We need alcohol to lower our inhibitions. Lol. ;)
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By ingliz
noemon wrote:minimum effort for maximum gain


Why work harder than you have to?

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By noemon
ingliz wrote:Sensible.
Why work harder than you have to?

If you have no intention of doing the basic contractual duties, do not work at all and have the decency to not waste anyone's time.
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By ingliz
noemon wrote:If you have no intention of doing the basic contractual duties

I did the basics - 'Work to rule' was always my motto. Served me well enough, but then making money for the sake of making money was never my thing.

I was not going to get rich by making the boss richer, so why bother chasing the money?

Potemkin wrote:Actually, I supported Brexit, because the EU has neo-liberal capitalism built into its very constitution. If Britain ever goes communist, it can only be outside the borders of the EU. However, and this is a colossal ‘however’, I utterly despise the politicians who supported Brexit and I utterly despise most of the people who voted for Brexit, and their reasons for doing so. Lol. ;)

You have always been a very unusual man Pote. One gains a much better perspective being active in a group of people who share your worldview and work as a whole to make it happen. But good criticism of society requires you to disagree with people even within your own group. I suggest you join up with some Scottish far leftists folks and do some pot lucks together. Haha....you are too busy lately for such things I know...sigh. :D

But hey, if Brexit encourages the upper-classes to fuck off, then this is a huge bonus. :D

But, you love rich snobs full of class sneering...how can you disrespect them that way Potemkin! Don't you want to be part of the elite in Scotland? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I loathe the English. @noemon is arriving at the point I reached decades ago - an utter loathing and contempt for the English, particularly the upper-middle classes from the south-east of England.

You need to give me examples of exactly why you loathe them and why they went for Brexit and you joined them. They for their reasons and you for yours eh? And you better be detailed oriented with the examples or I will be quite upset. You are like pulling damn teeth to try to get you to talk about details of the whys of the loathing. I have no idea at all about Anglo society in England. Zilch. My whole life is about Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans, and every other Latin American scene and Africans, and Chinese and I know everyone on the globe but the Anglos in England ZERO. So you better come up with something to teach me....And you speak like an Englishman with a Mancunian accent. You do not have a Scottish man's accent at all. Shame. Cuéntame un cuento.

I’m working towards it right now, querida. :up: :D

You are learning a lot and working hard. A great thing. Remember the taxpaying citizens of the UK need your contributions to their waste filled government and bad policies. You are part of the great army of the exploited. HAHA.

The British in general tend to be socially awkward and reserved, querida. We need alcohol to lower our inhibitions. Lol. ;)

I told you long ago Potemkin, the Puerto Ricans are as a culture the most open, unreserved, and expressive people. Musical we are to the very core of us. And extremely emotional. My little son cries hard over stuff. No one in my house discourages him from displaying sadness or happiness with tears or being emotional about anything. For us you got to give people the right to feel what they feel without any discouragement. They let it all out in the open and can then reconcile what is wrong. It is a good thing.

People should not drink to excess. But nothing wrong with having a beer or two and stopping or a cocktail or two and stopping. Along with a meal or snacks.

I love this city. Full of great things to eat and drink. Look at this video Pote....it is an English guy who is vegan and he says that the best day in his life so far was spent in the Yucatan in this town doing a tour of an organic garden.

We want to stay in that hotel and are planning a day trip and overnight trip there soon. It is two hours from our home.

ingliz wrote:I was not going to get rich by making the boss richer, so why bother chasing the money?

It actually works the other way.

You can sabotage your boss or merely work to the rule all you like, but when bad things happen your name is tarnished and do not expect anyone can trust you to do anything good again.

EDIT: From my work experience, no rule is perfect and work to rule is still dangerous in this sense.
Tainari88 wrote:I told you long ago Potemkin, the Puerto Ricans are as a culture the most open, unreserved, and expressive people. Musical we are to the very core of us. And extremely emotional. My little son cries hard over stuff. No one in my house discourages him from displaying sadness or happiness with tears or being emotional about anything. For us you got to give people the right to feel what they feel without any discouragement. They let it all out in the open and can then reconcile what is wrong. It is a good thing.

Yes it is, querida. A very good thing. The British could learn a thing or two from the Caribbean cultures and from Latin American cultures. For want of a better word, the British tend to be emotionally constipated. Lol.

People should not drink to excess. But nothing wrong with having a beer or two and stopping or a cocktail or two and stopping. Along with a meal or snacks.

I agree, querida. Alcohol is a drug, and should only be taken in small quantities and only socially.

I love this city. Full of great things to eat and drink. Look at this video Pote....it is an English guy who is vegan and he says that the best day in his life so far was spent in the Yucatan in this town doing a tour of an organic garden.

We want to stay in that hotel and are planning a day trip and overnight trip there soon. It is two hours from our home.

That looks awesome querida! I’d love to visit that place some day. Maybe some day soon…. :)
I know it is a necropost but its funny

UK is now 52% for stay out and 48% to join even under the condition if UK HAS TO adopt the Euro :lol:


https://www.whatukthinks.org/eu/questio ... u/?removed

Just to remind people:

2012 support for adopting the Euro was like 8% for vs 81% against and in 2020 it was like 12% vs 64%

https://web.archive.org/web/20110815070 ... ul2011.pdf

https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/c ... public.pdf

This must sting :lol:
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